

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
  • MariMcKeon
    MariMcKeon Posts: 46 Member
    I hate plateaus/unexplained weight jumps......
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,424 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited March 2019
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    I think the Dr Is trying to wait it out, and if he has to lose 2 of us to get a office manager that rakes in the money for him so be it, but this is a small town and Mary and I grew up here and know all the patients, we leave, and there will be alot leaving, and telling there friends and relatives.. so he better walk gingerly..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Connie in KY: Sending good thoughts for your sister. :heart:

    Snowflake: Sending good wishes for your job search. :star:

    Barbara: Thank you for the good thoughts for DH’s health situation. From your lips to God’s ears! :heart:

    Viv UK: Have a grand time with your mom. :flowerforyou:

    Allie: Good luck with the work situation. While I was reading it I got a txt from my dentist reminding me that I have an appointment this morning. Dandy coincidence. :smiley:

    Megamom: I applaud you for donating your old clothes to flood victims. :star:

    Machka: I’m glad that the appointment with your DH’s main doctor went well. It appears that the clueless back to work person has a better understanding of your DH’s situation. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that things go well. :heart:

    KJ: Congrats on the news that you’ll be a grandma again! :heart:

    Margaret: I hope you have a warm up that is slow enough to keep flood threats away. :flowerforyou:

    I have a dentist appointment this morning and need to get a move on. Have a great day, everyone.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Machka, Hallelujah! RTW-c appears to have seen the light! You are completely right in your thinking (you and hubby), going back to work would be great, but he does need to be safe. You've both been through a LOT this past year and a repeat is definitely NOT necessary!
    Pat, OH MY! Sorry to hear that you are in pain, but sure glad you didn't get stabbed with one of those shards! Also glad the chairs are gone....
    Kelly, so glad the surgery went well and CONGRATS on grandbaby #2!
    This is supposed to be a really quick post, so have to stop reading! lol
    Jumped on the scale yesterday a.m., was not happy with the number, so decided to make Tuesday my wi day. Glad I did! I'm down 1 lb since yesterday (can you say water retention????) and down .8 since last Monday, so I am a happy camper! Off to the gym shortly, then to start making the final list for what we need for our backyard project!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island, in an area where the chance of flooding is pretty much zero (so thankful for that!)

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    Rebecca - I am so incredibly happy for you that your son called! Is it hard finding rentals in your area?

    Evelyn - I agree wholeheartedly about the chat and going over an hour was a good thing. I have been on the other side of the table for years and those are the people I remembered best. I just hope a decision is made soon. You still can’t find dirt to play on here, enjoy it!

    Barbara - isn’t it a pain sharing your house sometimes. There is so much I want to do but can’t do without bothering hubby. In some ways I wish I didn’t get a job until after he was back at work, but I need the money sooner than that.

    Viv - is there a way to move your Dad to the main floor so your Mom doesn’t have to go up and down. We set my Dad up in the living room so he could feel part of things and make it easier on my Mom. Can the carers time be changed a bit? I think it’s lovely you are taking your Mom out for a break, sometimes people forget how much the caretakers need a break too.

    Allie - I feel so bad for you, I have been in that situation and it’s not pleasant. I hope things resolve soon in whatever way is best for you. Good luck on your interview!

    Megamom - that must be so devastating with all of the flooding. I am from a town that flooded every spring and I know the devastation it causes. As to your hairdresser, do you find that people really don’t know what a healthy weight is? I have had that conversation with people before and they truly don’t understand or believe how healthy weight looks.

    Machka - I think it probably ended up being a good idea to have the RTW - c (chickie or coordinator), I personally like chickie, meet with the doctor. You are probably right and she is used to dealing with broken bones, cuts and such nothing as serious as what your husband has.

    Pat - so sorry to hear about your tailbone. I severely bruised mine one time, it is a terrible pain. Hope you heal fast. I have those same chairs, I have been wanting to change them for a while now.

    Kelly - it seems your talk with your husband a few weeks ago has really made him step up to help. Now to rein him in o do it in a logical manner. Hope your surgery helps your issues. Congratulations on Grandbaby #2 so exciting!

    Lisa - interesting reading that excerpt. I have often thought that we become who we hang with. I know I personally pick up traits from several different people. Too bad my husband couldn’t pick up some of my weight goals.

    I am going to do something today, I don’t know what but I have sat and did very little for too many days now. I have a lot of projects I want to do, but I wish I was in the house alone to do it. I like cranking the music and going at it. Hubby is sitting here watching tv though so I guess I’ll start in the back rooms.

    Tracey In Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Allie! ... saying a prayer right now!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Machka, Hallelujah! RTW-c appears to have seen the light! You are completely right in your thinking (you and hubby), going back to work would be great, but he does need to be safe. You've both been through a LOT this past year and a repeat is definitely NOT necessary!
    Pat, OH MY! Sorry to hear that you are in pain, but sure glad you didn't get stabbed with one of those shards! Also glad the chairs are gone....
    Kelly, so glad the surgery went well and CONGRATS on grandbaby #2!
    This is supposed to be a really quick post, so have to stop reading! lol
    Jumped on the scale yesterday a.m., was not happy with the number, so decided to make Tuesday my wi day. Glad I did! I'm down 1 lb since yesterday (can you say water retention????) and down .8 since last Monday, so I am a happy camper! Off to the gym shortly, then to start making the final list for what we need for our backyard project!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island, in an area where the chance of flooding is pretty much zero (so thankful for that!)

    Machka, Pat and Kelly ... I concur with everything Evelyn said!

    Evelyn ... Yay for the weight loss!

    Lisa ... interesting reading. And I agree that we get "comfortable" with certain groups of people. If I'm with a group of larger women friends, we tend to be ok with overeating ... not the case when I join another group of friends who are thinner/health conscious. And this group, of course, keeps me on track with goals and accountability.

    Elaine ... Welcome!

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Allie: Hope it goes the way you want. You've had enough drama at the other job. Fresh start may be the ticket to a whole new, fun chapter. Ditto what Trudy advised. ((Hugs.))

    Pat: Yikes. Take care of that tailbone. Yes, ice is your friend.

    Heard secondhand that another cyclone weather system is due in about a week and a half. Think that's my cue to start looking at last minute fares to Mexico. B) All of you in flood plains, please be careful! Meg, you okay?

    Saw the orthopedic surgeon this A.M. and my pinkie is still fractured. :'( She can't believe I don't have pain; and is pretty much leaving it to me to decide if/when I can resume regular activities. Never thought I would miss planking, but will start slowing testing the strength of the outer hand. It's been over 3 months since injury, but I apparently am one of those people with slow healing bones. Yes, I do take calcium with D. Other suggestions welcome!

    Literally watching paint dry
    Colorado Foothills