

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lanette: We have a Thundershirt for our dog, too. It helps but not enough to cope with the 4th of July festivities across the river in Washington. That is why we left town for the whole week last year. We may be doing it again this year if we can’t follow our travel plans to see the kids. From the looks of roads across the country, it may be difficult to drive the RV and get there. :ohwell:

    Heather: I hope you enjoy your time with your old yoga friend. :smiley:

    Pip: Happy 2550! :bigsmile:

    Rori: I am glad that you are smiling. :flowerforyou:

    I was able to take yoga today! Yay!!! There should be a class on Thursday from the other teacher. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. After that we may be having some time off while our teacher travels. :star: DH had a difficult night last night and is sleeping right now. Our travel plans to see the kids are currently in llimbo. He has a colonoscopy scheduled in April. I hope it leads to eating strategies that are easier and more pleasant for him and don’t end in misery. o:)

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did one segment of 10MS Pilates DVD then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD on the bosu.

    Okie – I thought about what you said about “why drag out the Newcomer saga”. Well, I thought “why couldn’t I do it in an email?” So I’ve composed something that I’ll send to Adra (the current webmaster to my knowledge). I just want Vince to review it first. Then I have every intention of sending it out. Also, this is good for me because I am very passionate about what I do, and I’m the type who just might get choked up. So in an email I can say what I want. So it’s ready to go, just needs to be reviewed.

    Lisa – I never thought about how M’s husband’s seizure will affect the “back to work” gal, but you’re so right! Update: You’re kidding!!! That return-to-work gal is still being her usual pain!!! Does she plan to drive him to work??? I wouldn’t be surprised that she’s thinking that he can get a job at someplace within walking distance of your home, even if it’s just a fast food restaurant where he can clean the bathrooms. Like that should happen!

    Barbie and everyone else who commented on the shower favors: They’re probably not what Maria wants. But that’s too bad, now isn’t it? She doesn’t want something homemade, something that you put thought and caring into, she wants something that you buy. I tell you, for Denise’s wedding shower she bought these mirrors as a gift (even tho I was making them). Even Denise said “ma, they’re only mirrors”. You have no idea how many were left behind. I made 24 favors. All but 4 were taken home. I remember that for my wedding shower Helen bought these mirrors as a favor. I didn’t want a shower…she only gave it to me so that she could invite her friends hoping that I’d feel guilty enough to invite (and pay) for them to come to the wedding. It didn’t happen. Anyway, in over 40 years of marriage, I have never once used that mirror.

    I just realized that the reason she didn’t give me a baby shower was because of the “way I treated her at the wedding”. To me, she wasn’t my mother. My godmother (who is my mother’s only full sister) was more like a mother to me that she ever was. I only invited Helen because of my father. She felt that she should be treated like mother-of-the-bride. Well, that’s in the past. I found out that my father who was really, really religious (we’re talking going to mass every day) was actually thinking of divorcing her and the only reason he didn’t was because if he did, then she’d get half of everything. She was probably thinking that women outlive men and then she’d get everything. Ha Ha Ha…my father fooled her. He outlived two wives!!!

    In the words of The Who “I’m free, I am free”. I sent that email to Adra to say that I have enjoyed membership in the past but lately I have not so I think she needs to find someone else to do it. However, I will not leave her and the new president high and dry. I also sent Adra another email saying that it might be a good idea to meet with the new president (and perhaps the new vice-president) to explain the procedure for membership. Now we shall see. But “I’m free, I am free” Wouldn’t surprise me if Greg does it. But I don’t really care, as long as it isn’t me

    Allie – let’s hope that Mary does accept that position. That might make more work for you (I somehow don’t think so, tho. You’ve been doing everything as it is)

    Glad I made people smile with “how the Irish jig came to be”

    Janetr – water can be real bad. What pictures!

    Michele in NC
    Who wouldn’t be a bit surprised if she had Greg and herself (Adra) talk to the new Newcomer president. Well, not my problem. Poor woman won’t be getting the whole story
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited March 2019
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka - Oh no! I’m glad you knew what to do! I’m so sorry to hear seizures have appeared. I hope this does not set his recovery back.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    It will set his recovery back, in a way. We have a Dr's appointment tomorrow morning to find out more but my big concern now is what if this happens when he's by himself. So we've got to consider safety measures like, perhaps, getting a carer back or something.

    His medication may also present some issues ... side effects.

    So it is potentially a bit of a step back ... and to the side. An unexpected twist.

    I'm now looking at first aid courses specialising in epilepsy ... yes, there are some! I've got to renew my basic one first, and then I can go into the speciality courses. I may also see if he can attend the courses too. It might not hurt for him to have some awareness as well.

    Today, I went to my uni class first thing in the morning, and to work after ... thus walking 5.5 km. But by 4 pm, I was done ... just exhausted. So I came home early and slept for 1.5 hours. Hopefully that will give me a boost for the rest of the week.

    Machka in Oz

    Sorry to hear that about your husband. You may want to consider putting him on the keto diet. It was first used for people with epilepsy. My cousin has had epilepsy since birth and since he has been on the keto diet has not had an epileptic seizure for over a decade. There are also a couple other people I know that have epileptic seizures that run in their family and the keto diet has saved their lives! You might want to research it!


    Mary from Arizona
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Michele ~ Good for you in sending the email. You will enjoy New Comers so much more when you are not involved in the running of it. Also, your diaper kit for Pete sounds cute.

    Carol in GA
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Good job Michelle!

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Awkward Moments Day!

    "Awkward moments are those that cause embarrassment, and they pretty much happen every day. Maybe we forget what someone's name is after not seeing them for awhile. Maybe someone says something crazy at a large group meeting and no one knows how to respond. Maybe some awkward things were said after having a few too many Irish beers yesterday. Awkwardness abounds everywhere. Whatever the case, today is a day to embrace all the awkward moments that arise in life, and to just let them happen. By viewing them in this way, the awkwardness might even begin to dissipate as well. On this day people also share their awkward moments with others, which are sure to be a laugh." It's good to remember that everybody has those awkward moments now and then - I just wish I'd learn not to dwell on mine!

    Machka - Ooh, being a hockey mascot might have been a ton of fun! That's a lot of work for not much pay, though, and it's not like it has much career potential... So sorry to hear that seizures were added to the list of things you and your husband have to deal with. Do they think that's a lifelong side effect or just something that happens as the brain recovers from its injury? Hope the medical people are able to get that under control for him quickly. Also, I second the suggestion about asking your doc about keto. My Parkinson's friend is on a keto diet at the recommendation of his neurologist since it appears to be helpful for neurological disorders.

    Barbara - The punny Ides of March salad picture gave me a chuckle.

    Kelly - I love rowing too! I was so disappointed when I found out that what they call a "rowing machine" at my gym isn't what I was picturing. It's more of a weight machine that exercises the rowing muscles. Not the same thing at all.

    Barbie - Hurray for good blood test results!

    Katla - I had to google "parachute yoga." What an odd thing!

    Dana - Wow, it sounds like Dolly had a high old time when she got out of the yard!

    bwcetc - I'm sure it's a great way to hide kale from reluctant veggie eaters, but the very idea of "kale brownies" makes me sad! ;D

    Rebecca - Oh, I am so sorry you have to move again!

    Lisa - Your mug of daffodills is so cheery!

    Tracey - You look stunning in that dress!

    Pip - That is a heck of an anniversary. Your commitment to your health is an inspiration.

    I had a nice but quiet St. Patrick's Day. Philip works on Sundays but I listened to a lot of Irish music while working on little jobs around the house. I'm very proud of both my Irish heritage and my Texas roots.

    One of my jobs yesterday was to replace the screen on the back screened door and re-hang the door. So glad I did, because it's lovely here today and I'm enjoying the fresh air. I'll be listening to the birds outside while doing my workout on the ski machine!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,812 Member
    Janetr Awful! It makes our pot holes look like nothing.

    love it. I have a baby shower coming up for a neighbor's daughter and I will hope to use some of the ideas.

    I made it to paint class today. I added a vine to the top of the bag at the suggestion of some friends. I liked it already and I like it even more with the addition.

    Tracey I would send a hand written thank you. I would mention the high points of why you think it is great place to work and how your skills would add to there business. I would use a professional looking thank you card. One with a simple thank you on the front either in black or gold. Maybe close with something like it would be an honor to be part of your team.

    Whatever form of thank you you send e-mail or hand written make sure it is neat with no misspellings. I would always write a rough draft and then copy in my best handwriting if I sent a hand written one.

    Good luck,

    Thank you Margaret!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    Oh Lord today worse than last week..It is getting ridiculous...Michael couldnt handle when his computer went down here is a 59 yr old woman on the floor for an hour on the phone with tech support. Really this kid is 32.
    He,Mary and Dr P had a meeting and he raised his voice and called Mary a liar..and when he left he walked by me and our coworker he said I work with a bunch of babies.. rude and condescending..*kitten*..I'm scouring the internet tomorrow for a job ,I dont need the stress..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michelle: The email idea to the person in Newcomers is a good one. I’m glad you’re taking the precaution of having Vince read it before you send it. Good luck. :heart: I love your diaper duty kit for the new dad. Brilliant! :star:

    Tracy: A thank you for the interview note is a lovely idea. I agree with Margaret that hand written is best and keeping a copy for yourself is a good idea. :smiley:

    Mary from AZ: It was good seeing your post. I hope you are enjoying life these days. :star:

    JanetO in Eastern MO: Sending good thoughts for your Dad to kick the pneumonia. :heart:

    Good yoga class today with my favorite teacher. There is a new student who introduced herself to me and I am embarrassed to say I struggle to remember her name although she said it twice. I think that it is the same as the name of my difficult neighbor. Easy to remember. I hope I end up liking her better than i like the neighbor. :embarassed:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Now, as well as all the arrangements I've got in my diary, I had a text just now from my son asking us to watch the kids for an hour tomorrow evening while they go to the school for a parent's meeting. Fine, except we have Swing dancing at 7. So, he is going to pick us up and take us home. And we are going to take a picnic with us and eat it while we are watching TV with the kids. :D That will give us time to get changed afterwards and walk down to the dance venue. Phew!
    I am really glad to be of help and they are very grateful. <3 It will be a miracle if we can actually eat our food as usually the kids want a share of everything! :laugh:
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :)Tracey and Margaret,f good ideas for writing a thank you note.

    :)Michele, Free at last. Good for you.

    :) The internet was down for four hours this afternoon. I do so much using the internet--chores and business, not solitaire and YouTube videos. Our cable/wireless company has a system that when you call in, they can tell automatically who you are and tell you that the system is down in your area and how long it will take to get it back up again.

    <3 Barbie
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    I wasn't online much over the weekend. I'm basically in full out "mom mode" on the weekends since my kiddo can't drive yet. That, plus laundry and housework...it only happens on the weekend!

    To all with struggles, my prayers for all of you. I hope you find peace this week. The flooding in Nebraska and Virginia is scary. I'm afraid we will see similar in the coming weeks. We've already had the river way out of its banks once in February. Lots of rain in the forecast. I live in an area that won't experience flooding, but my drive to work may be impacted.

    My sister has had 3 good days in a row. Let's pray it continues.

    Connie in KY