

  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    📙Accountability post for Thursday, April 18th
    ✔1. Carbs 50g max with no more than 25g per meal. (44g)
    ✔️2. Fiber 25g. (26g)
    ✔️3. Track in MFP. Complete the entry daily.
    ✔4. Exercise - log 30 Fitbit minutes (36 Active minutes).
    ✖️5. No eating after 9pm.
    ✖️6. In bed by midnight.

    • Overall Feeling: Emotional roller coaster today.
    • Exercise: A short walk outdoors then a later session with Leslie Sansone.
    • Eating deadline. Had a late night snack of walnuts and a chocolate square.
    • Bedtime-Sleep Hygiene. Sleep cycle still off. It will be until I decide to make a real change with it.
    • Bright Spot today: A long FaceTime chat with my older brother tonight. I felt a lot better afterwards.
    • Today I’m grateful for:
    1. My brother. My whole life he's been my big brother. The one I looked to for his wisdom. He's the best. I'm 61 and still need my big brother. ❤
    2. Grilled squash and steamed cabbage. I love it. It nourishes my body.
    3. Bold black ink FUDE pens. Smooth medium blue ink Bic pens. Warm yellow hi-liters. And white Uniball Signo paint marker pens. Makes journaling my thoughts and feelings a simple and enjoyable process.
    4. My 30oz insulated drink cup. It helps me stay hydrated.
    5. My faith in God. Nourishment for my soul. ❤

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,491 Member
    edited April 2019
    Beth and Lanette and all who expressed concern, delighted to report that Scooter's recovery continues. It seems little short of miraculous to us. Ears and tail high, eyes bright, nose shining, champion p and pooper, he even sneaked up the stairs by himself twice.
    Tracey two upcoming interviews? Hooray! And a snap of the fingers to that discouraging career counselor. Take THAT! ;)
    Margaret "Maybe it is for the best I cannot bring forth a Civil Law suit. It puts me in a better position for advocating for a police program that First deescalates. Guns and tasers are only used as a last resort. Police officers must have PTSD too. They are more like soldiers than peace officers today." What a great way to turn the horrific experience to good. Well done!
    Suebdew, Sacramento instead of San Antonion, not so bad, but Guam instead of Alaska?!? WOW!
    Katla Why is she so very angry? Was the work party short handed? Are there skills that only you possess? What happened when you told her that your DH had a bad spell, that he has to come first and that you were sorry you couldn’t attend? If she's a real friend, she'll understand that your DH is your priority. It's not like you were trying to shirk the work. Barbie's "be prepared for her to stay angry" insight may be spot on.
    pip you are SUCH a hottie!

    Welcome Kim, let us know your general locale so we can keep you straight in our minds. ;)
    Welcome Marianne from Norway and Canada.
    Welcome Stephanie, I use a Wahoo HRM, and it's app on my iphone links with Apple's health app, and from there it feeds into mfp. Most of the gals here eat back some but not all of their exercise calories. Brava for teaching Zumba despite your fibromyalgic pain.

    Just skimmin and too sleepy to chat more or share the miracle of the bookshelves. Hugs to all (Thanks Rebecca!)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the

    Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 12/30, 60 g protein 16/30, rx/vits 15.5/30, meditate 5/30, knee exercises 5/30, SWSY 0/30, play with Tumble 11/30, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 12/30.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    04/16 LT:organize/dust/purge one bookshelf-Y did 8! MT:Line Dance-Y ST: CFRFPD meeting
    reminder email-Y
    04/17 LT:CFRFPD Board Mtg-Y MT:call Nat for estimate to take down Cedar-Y ST:make tuna salad-Y
    04/18 LT:transplant stinky-Y MT:Salal out of juniper-Y ST:Call Umpqua to confirm paid off-Y
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Sunny day here for Good Friday, still quite a cold wind though. I wouldn't mind going to the sea side this week end but as it is Easter the roads will be very busy with everyone in "holiday mode" , so might leave it a few weeks. B)

    I went to see Sound of Music last night at the Grand Opera House, the singing was beautiful (like being in church) the children were very talented, they remembered all the movements for the songs and didn't put a foot wrong. It was a lovely night. :)

    Not much planned for today, the usual tidy up etc. I might ask DS to take me to a garden centre to see if I can get some plants for the garden. We've had part of the front garden tarmaced to extend the driveway so DS and DD can get their cars off the street. It doesn't look good though, wish I'd held out and saved a bit more for either paving or the blocked brickwork drives, but it's done now. I'd like to add some plants or get some nice pots to put near the doorway and under the window to brighten it up a bit.

    I also need to pop over with dad's newspaper some time this morning and check on them both. Dad is looking very frail now, he's not eating or drinking much, I'm surprised he can still stand and get out of bed to use the bathroom, but so far he is managing.

    Better get a move on, I didn't exercise yesterday, so definitely need to do some today.

    Happy Easter to those who celebrate it.

    Love to all
    Viv UK <3

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,703 Member
    Good Morning ladies~ we used to have Good Friday off.. but the almighty dollar takes precidense(sp) for the good Drs.Anyway will go feed my DFIL dont have to walk the boys today as Elena has the day off from work.
    Tom safely got down to Florida and will be there for a week, closing it up for the summer.. even though he wasn't a fantastic husband.he is a hard worker like his father was..
    Well until they get someone else in I will be back working Saterdays boo... but alas its a job and he is upping my hours until they find someone.. and then even though I have been there longer he will cut my hours again..
    Like I said though everything happens for a reason and I believe that.. so for now I do what is needed ,and that is feeding my DFIL..he is basically down to eating one meal a day.. and not drinking much, sleeping all the time.such a sad quality of life...
    tomorrow is supposed to be really rainy but taking my DGD to my friends house to color Easter eggs and which means I have to pick up some eggs tonight and hard boil them...and then she does an easter egg hunt for the kids..and the teenagers get into it too..
    then home will feed DFIL in and and at Dinner then Easter Sunday will feed him all 3 meals , will end up having Easter dinner with him... hopefully something Keto friendly
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Morning ladies and hope everyone is doing great, Our weather is finally getting fairly decent so I walked the big dog down by the river, only to have another boxer get lose from him owner and charge my dog, They did the usual posturing and I though it would be ok since my dog is so mellow but the other dog decided to scuffle. My dog backed into me in a hurry and dumped me on my knees, so here I sit this morning, hour's away from our weekend get a way and my knee is swollen and painful. I am bummed since there was a hike we like to do.

    On another note I got my goal weight charm in the mail from Weight Watchers. I only do on line so I didn't think you got any charms so I was surprised and pleased. I have already set another goal of 20 pounds less then my original. I had doubts in the beginning I would make that goal and was happy it was fairly easy, although slow. Well, time to finish packing and hobble to the guest room where I think I have a brace stashed from one of my surgeries, have a great weekend everyone,
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,829 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Friday! Happy Good Friday for those who observe the holiday. I have Trentin this morning and then again after school until 9:30. Then I am off for the weekend! Yea! Today is our "take our grandparents/special person for a walk" day! I have kept this day quiet from the kids, because I was worried that some of the kids' wouldn't have a grandparent or special person able to come (due to work or distance). I am happy to say that each child will have a special person here! Yea! So I will get the kids ready for our walk at about 9:40 and the "specials" will begin arriving at about 9:50. I can't wait to see the kids faces as their person arrives! So there will be thirteen of us walking to our snack tree (about a mile away) and back. I will try to get some pictures. This is the first time I have ever invited grandparents to visit us during the day. I have been practicing pronouncing some of the last names. Szymczyk, being the trickiest.
    Machka-Hurrah for sleep! If you and DH both got 12 hours, I would say it was definitely needed!
    Carol- Glad to know your surgery went well and sending your healing thoughts, prayers, and vibes! <3
    Heather- I think both you and your DH look ravishing in the auburn wig! lol Truly, though, you could easily be a blond or a brunette; and a stunning one at that! I love your beach picture with Edie! I am sure she has lots of energy and can be a live wire, but in the photos she just looks like such a sweet and gentle soul! Hope you can shake the rest of the cold that seems to be hanging on!
    Allie- Glad to know the problem with the young office manager has been resolved. I got a chuckle out of his father calling to speak with the dentist! As a mama, I have felt the urge to go into mama bear mode for my 25 year old; thankfully I have stepped back and let him handle his own issues. (They don't learn if we keep interfering)
    Lisa- safe travels! I know how much you love to be in hotels! Hope your meetings go well!

    My daughter Lauren has been battling everything this spring. Strep, sinus infections and allergies. It has been miserable for her, as she is in her second trimester of her pregnancy and the doc's seem reluctant to give her strong enough meds to kick it out. She called me at about midnight last night, crying into the phone about her ears and throat. :( Her hubby was working the night shift last night, so she was home alone with Joaquin, who didn't want to sleep and was up playing and causing a ruckus until 11:00. *sigh* times like that really make me wish she weren't so far away. I had her list everything in her medicine cabinet and all I could advise was heat the corn bag and alternate it under her head/ears to help relieve the pressure or help drain if there is any fluid in there. Take acetomeniphen and/or sudafed decongestant with a pain reliever. Salt water gargle for the throat. She did and decided to wait until her hubby got home and go into the med center at that point. I am glad she has today off work.

    Wow! Lots of new ladies! Remember to bookmark our page and return often! A great group of ladies! Sending love, support, comfort to those who need it! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,703 Member
    Down with DFIL he is sleeping and will wait to see what I can get in him
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,104 Member
    Carol: Good to know that your surgery went well
    Allie: You are a godsend to your DFiL.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,878 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka-Hurrah for sleep! If you and DH both got 12 hours, I would say it was definitely needed!

    Wow! Lots of new ladies! Remember to bookmark our page and return often! A great group of ladies! Sending love, support, comfort to those who need it! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    My husband has a cold, and had a busy week, so I was glad he was able to sleep. He actually went back to bed and slept for another 2 hours!! His brain injury means that he can do stuff but if does more than he probably should one day, the next day, he's very tired. He has to pace himself.

    I might also be fighting a cold -- there is one going around work. And I've been running from one task to another and just getting more and more tired to the point, I've had a lot of trouble concentrating this week.

    I did get up at 8:30 am, after 8 hour's of sleep to use the toilet, and wondered if I'd sleep again. 4 hours later, I realised that sleeping again was no problem at all!

    And yes, to all the new ladies, just leap right in!! :)

    Machka in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,212 Member
    edited April 2019
    Hi all, still battling this horrible cold. Got about four and a half hours sleep last night. :s

    Went out to buy some lamb for a Goan sweetcorn curry and there was no lamb at all and only expensive cuts of beef. Well, it is Good Friday. ;) I bought meatballs instead. Should be ok in the same recipe. I've got to make something that I can leave to heat up for DH who is at the cricket. There will be enough to freeze for another day. :D

    I am all sinussy :'( and the weather is glorious, around 78°. I'm going to take a nap as I could hardly crawl up the stairs just now. I was hoping to do a Parkrun tomorrow, but I'll have to see.

    KJ - Edie is the one with the highest emotional intelligence. She is very empathetic and wise in some ways, but can also be very mischievous and cunning. She asks really insightful questions which show she can think inside someone else's head.But she loves to play jokes on people! She is physically daring, which is a bit of a challenge!
    I am missing them already and I'm going to see them on Sunday!

    Now to have a little snzzzzzzzzzz........

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx