

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Rita: You are looking great! Congratulations!!! :flowerforyou:

    Barbara: I hope Scooter improves quickly. :star:

    Bevtay01: Welcome to a great group! :flowerforyou:

    Carol: I’m so sorry about the frustration with the BnL. I’m glad that your DH will not be stuck with responsibility in an impossible situation. :ohwell:

    Allie: I’m happy that Michael is gone and the work place has a chance to be more pleasant. I hope the next person is a huge improvement. :smiley:

    Rori: Decades ago we had a school shooting in Oregon in the Springfield area. Since there was a shooting at a Community College. Nothing has been that horrible in the past few years. Thank goodness. While I was still teaching we had fire drills and we also had emergency lockdown drills. :ohwell: As a kid in elementary school in the 1950’s I remember bomb/air-raid drills where we had to hide under our desks away from windows. :star:

    Pip: I love the photo of you and Kirby in your MS Ride Tshirts. Thank you for what you do for this cause. :heart:

    Carol: good luck with knee surgery. I’ve seen miracles in some of my neighbor’s lives who’ve had it done. :star:

    Dr Katie: Your living room is warm and inviting. Very nice! :heart:

    Thanks for your sympathies regarding our neighbor. His sudden death is a reminder to live life fully. He certainly did. :star:

    I have made my friend who owns the stable very angry & don’t know what to do about it. I was supposed to participate in a work party at a local park with her and others, but DH had a bad spell and begged me to say home with him. I felt as though I had an impossible situation and that DH had to come first. I’m sorry that I couldn’t attend, and sorrier that she is mad. Any advice on repairing the friendship would be welcome.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    We love doing it! Thx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Drumroll required! DH has bought a smartphone! It arrived today. Unfortunately he can't get a sim in it before next week as the O2 guru is on holiday, but he is trying to experiment with the Internet via wifi. It will be a steep learning curve and he doesn’t take well to advice. He really wants it so he can keep track of sports when he is away from home.
    I NEVER thought I would see the day! :D

    My cold is still a ×××××× nuisance and seems to get worse as the day progresses. I managed a very slow 5k after lunch, but went downhill from there. Did produce a Hairy Bikers chicken for dinner. Always delicious. Last night was a washout as far as sleep was concerned.

    Edie is coming for her one to one tomorrow. We hope to go out to the beach café for lunch, so I have requested that her mum brings a sunhat. I know she will keep me to the promise of a comic and a visit to the art shop. :o Looking forward to seeing her on her own.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Rebecca--That's how we moved the last 2 times. Just a car load at a time and put it away as we went. By the time we were done looked like we had lived there awhile.

    Margaret--Sorry to hear. I do hope you can do something Good to hear Michael is in the hospital and getting help.

    Barbie--How nice of you to make the daily calls.

    Allie--Happy to hear the problem is gone.

    Rori--I heard about that and think it is so sad that kids have to be afriad when at school. We had a car jacking just outside of town acouple days ago. A mom and baby. She was able to get the baby out and run. It was a van with the key bob deal and it was in the bag when she ran so he only got about a mile down the road when the van stopped because was out of range. He took selfie pictures with her cell phone while in the van and was caught quickly.

    Katiebug--I love the room with the rug. It looks like a good place to relax and enjoy life.

    Katla--I would just explain about DH needing you and if she is a good friend she will understand. Things do come up.

    Well turning out to be a nice day. Had some rain this morning, but sun is out now. I am hoping for a walk with the fur babies. Enjoy the day laides and we have this.

    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    <3 Hi Ladies,

    Just passing by quickly here....

    Rita and Allie
    , you are such wonderful inspirations!! Rita - I think there's green cheese on Mars.... is that what you've been eating? lol.

    Allie - so glad Michael is out the door. Whew. Would you want office manager job? Maybe more hours and responsibility than you want right now. Your DFIL has lived a long life, I'm amazed he's back eating after a several day lapse.

    Ginger - your accountability posts have inspired me and now I've created a spreadsheet to log everything. I had one 20 years ago when I lost a lot of weight on WW, and it really kept me going. I still go back and look at it from time to time, reminds me I can do it if I put my mind to it.

    Before I forget - I think my Fitbit One is on the way out. Hope not. I love it because I can hook it on my bra or jeans waistband. I don't do well with anything that goes around my wrist.... I wear a watch when I go to town then it comes right off when I get home. Looks like Fitbit makes a little one but has a battery that needs to be changed. Nope to that, lol. Does anyone have suggestions on good quality pedometers that have wifi?

    Margaret - I'll bet the police chief would welcome your suggestions on how to better handle what your son went through. If not, then maybe his boss would. ;) Your goal is to make it better next time if there is one, and for others who have similar situations.

    Barbara AHMOD - sorry to hear about Scooter! Hopefully he's on the mend! Seizures in pupsters are scary for sure.

    Barbie - you are such a sweetie to keep in contact with your mom's cousin. Reminds me of when I'd call my mom every Sunday morning, I knew she looked forward to it. Kind of broke my heart when she was unable to talk much and handed the phone to my dad, but it was good in that he and I developed a good relationship with weekly calls for a year or so before he passed.

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Allie, I am proud of you for speaking up. It speaks well of your employer for dealing with it quickly and appropriately.

    Thank you for the compliments on my living room. We are slowly working on our whole house making it a calm, inviting, comfortable space, one project at a time as we get the cash saved. Next will be a garage makeover. It hasn’t been painted since we moved here in 1994. The ceiling is textured the same as the house, but the dampness has caused it to flake off in places, big chunks at a time. We’re going to get that scraped off altogether and redone, and the walls painted. Of course we will do a massive declutter and organization of our tools at that time. It will probably take 3 to 4 months to save back up, maybe longer if we have more things break.

    I got my hair cut today. My hairdresser announced that she’s retiring in June to work with her husband. Man, I hate having to find a new one.

    We did legs and back at the gym today. It was a great workout. I’m short on steps but I’m not going to sweat it. Sometimes weights are enough!

    Heather, I got my husband a smart phone last year. I was explicitly told to get him a new flip phone but they were running a buy one get one free deal, so I disobeyed him. Now he loves it and wouldn’t want anything else.
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Checking in!

    Dana In Arkansas!
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Allie, good grief! A 30 year old man needs his daddy to call his former employer because he got fired??? So glad for you and everyone else in the office that he is gone. Nobody needs that much negativity in their life.
    Tracy in Edmonton, happy to hear that your hubby got called back to work earlier than expected! Still keeping good thoughts for you for a good job. Hopefully Jason Kenney will live up to his campaign promises of "jobs, jobs, jobs"! (my only political comment!)
    So sad about Notre Dame Cathedral fire, happy that many treasures appear to have been saved and that it will be rebuilt. Also happy that it was a construction/renovation incident and not something more sinister.
    Katie, the living room does look lovely, how nice that your hubby realized that you were sad about not having the money for the rug and opening up his savings to make the room complete. Chances are good he will also listen to you the next time you suggest the septic system is acting funny!
    Heather, hope you start to feel better soon, one on one with Bea sounds like fun! How lovely that you are nice and close to the family and have the opportunity to spend time with the kids!
    Lisa, can't remember if I said anything or not, but the quilt looks lovely. A lap quilt is just the right size too, nice to have something to throw over your legs on a cool afternoon or evening, I'm sure it will get a good price at your auction(sale?, sorry, the memory fails....)
    Rebecca, the new house looks lovely and I did giggle about you telling DS that you would box up his Lego creations for him! lol So glad you were able to find something so quickly and close!

    Official wi yesterday. Up the .2 of a pound that put me into a lower decade last week. I know exactly what happened, I fell face first into a bowl of easter chocolate. sigh. You'd think I'd know better by now, but, oh well, I did enjoy it! lol. I know I shouldn't buy it, but I am eating small amounts of it at one sitting, spreading it out over the week instead of inhaling it all at once, but still. Oh well, it will be gone soon enough and I will be eating normal again. I also have not made it to the gym yesterday or today. Yesterday I was kind of a slug, but did get some more plants for my garden, really didn't need anymore, but while I have lots of spring bulbs, I didn't have much in the way of summer flowers, so now I have lots of those too! Hubby and I were both surprised that I found space for them all, lol. At work today, so eating has to be relatively normal, although the boss does love to buy candies and cookies for the tenants and staff also. Trying to stay out of it.....
    That's it for me for now. Wishing everyone a great day!
    Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Ginger ~ Love those goats.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Carol - Glad things went well with the knee! I hope you are able to get some pain free rest this evening.

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Carol - Glad you're home and it went well! Ice will be your best friend for a while, and moving more every day, as much as you can. You'll do great!

    Katiebug - love that living room.

    Ginger - I now have goat envy...

    Bad sinus headache... Weather coming in, it will pass along with the storm.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Dr. said the knee replacement surgery went great. Went in for admissions at 5:30 and arrived home again at 3:30. Many hours of just plain waiting to be moved from one spot to another. I am icing and inclining the knee and using the walker. Biggest worry is potential blood clots and opening up the lungs for good breathing.

    Carol in GA

    Glad to hear it went well. From my own experience with blood clots, try to get up and move at least once an hour.

    Machka in Oz

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Ha ha.. no Dr P hired him because he talked a good game and blew smoke up Dr Ps butt..
    Good riddance to bad rubish.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Carol so glad you've got the surgery behind you, keep on icing, resting, and moving.

    Allie the grown up man who got fired had his father call the office ???? yeeeesh

    Katie love the rug, ties everything together. We're looking at a few small reno projects as well, our budget can only stretch so far, so we choose our projects like you, gotta prioritize and do as much DIY as we can.

    Tomorrow is my last day of work before a week off, phew am I happy about that. Today was a beautiful sunny day, I felt so happy to just feel the sun beaming down on my face. :)

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    I have made my friend who owns the stable very angry & don’t know what to do about it. I was supposed to participate in a work party at a local park with her and others, but DH had a bad spell and begged me to say home with him. I felt as though I had an impossible situation and that DH had to come first. I’m sorry that I couldn’t attend, and sorrier that she is mad. Any advice on repairing the friendship would be welcome.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    :) It's so hard to choose between your husband's needs and your commitment to your friend at the stable. Take time to tell her how sorry you are to have been unable to help her, but your husband's needs had to come first. Then let go of any expectations and be prepared for her to stay angry. Angry people often see only their own side of any situation.

    :)Carol Congrats on getting through the surgery and taking the first steps to follow directions for the recovery protocol.

    :)Ginger, I love the goats.

    :)Rebecca, Great list and great reminder for us all.

    :)Michele, Your ceramic painting is always beautiful. What a great hobby for you.

    <3 Barbie in beautiful NW WA
  • bevtay01
    bevtay01 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome. The turtle looks great "Ribbit." :)