

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Ginger: I am so impressed with your accountability accomplishments. WTG!!! :star:

    Yvonne: I have a dear friend who has had guide dogs for many years. They are such a blessing. She has had a series of Golden Retrievers. :heart:

    Allie: If your DFIL is still eating he is probably holding his own. I suspect your attention has made a huge difference for his happiness and continued survival. :flowerforyou:

    Machka: Lovely photo of the beach and clouds. I’m glad you were able to consolidate your days off into a good amount of rest and recreation. I’m looking at the Windy.com link and it appears you’re having quite a bit of wind. I hope it doesn’t cause damage to your home. :star:

    Lisa: I hope you are able to get in to see your health team and they give you the support you need. :smiley:

    I plan to go to yoga today. I look forward to it. I’m also planning to go to a local nursery to get some herbs that will replace things that died over the winter. I need chive plants and lemon thyme.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Pip that trip/cruise sounds 😎
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Machka- - Beautiful picture. We are very fortunate in Canada with our healthcare system and I have had no issues with it at all, but I have been reading articles and such lately that prove it's certainly not a perfect system. I just love all of the pictures you are posting. It makes me a little homesick to go walking in the woods. I grew up in NB on close to 800 acres of forestland. I was never allowed to walk alone in the woods, but if I was back home now I surely would. I think Rodger and I need to plan a trip to Jasper soon. It always refreshes me being back in nature.

    Sharon - It is so nice to see you back.

    Barbara - I was happy to read Scooter did well with his dental. In another couple of weeks he should be all done his check ups for a bit.

    Lisa - It is hard for me to believe that it is a year for you at this organization. It seems to have flown by! I was just starting to reply and comment on this group at the time you were starting your new job.

    Kelly - Good idea on the book for my Mom, I think I will get it for her. If she doesn't use it, maybe another resident will. I love how you enjoy every bite of your chocolate. I am not a big chocolate fan, but when I decide to have some I too eat it slowly.

    Pip - Enjoy that cruise, it is my dream cruise. Rodger is not at all interested in it though.

    Today I am rearranging some furniture and having a twin bed delivered that I need to figure out how to fit in here somehow. I need the bed for when guests come from NB for Kaitlyn's wedding and really I should have it for when the grands are here too, but we really do not have room for it without losing some of my craftroom. I guess I'll see how it fits until after July and make a decision on it's permanency then.

    My Dad built me a hope chest when I was 16 for Christmas and I use that as my coffee table, have for years. I am moving it to our bedroom to try to make more room in the living room. I bought two little shelves yesterday for 7.00 each that I will use as end tables and use the storage foot stools I have been using as end tables as a coffee table. This should free up a few inches in there. For cleaning I love our little trailer, but I wish it was about 6 feet wider than it is.

    Well off to get some work done, I want time to go for a walk and to do some more studying today. I should also look at the job boards to see if there is anything else to apply for. I am so hopeful for this one job that I haven't been looking as hard.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Pip that trip/cruise sounds 😎

    my 1st! not counting an overnight one i was on when i was 17
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Machka- - Beautiful picture. We are very fortunate in Canada with our healthcare system and I have had no issues with it at all, but I have been reading articles and such lately that prove it's certainly not a perfect system. I just love all of the pictures you are posting. It makes me a little homesick to go walking in the woods. I grew up in NB on close to 800 acres of forestland. I was never allowed to walk alone in the woods, but if I was back home now I surely would. I think Rodger and I need to plan a trip to Jasper soon. It always refreshes me being back in nature.

    Sharon - It is so nice to see you back.

    Barbara - I was happy to read Scooter did well with his dental. In another couple of weeks he should be all done his check ups for a bit.

    Lisa - It is hard for me to believe that it is a year for you at this organization. It seems to have flown by! I was just starting to reply and comment on this group at the time you were starting your new job.

    Kelly - Good idea on the book for my Mom, I think I will get it for her. If she doesn't use it, maybe another resident will. I love how you enjoy every bite of your chocolate. I am not a big chocolate fan, but when I decide to have some I too eat it slowly.

    Pip - Enjoy that cruise, it is my dream cruise. Rodger is not at all interested in it though.

    Today I am rearranging some furniture and having a twin bed delivered that I need to figure out how to fit in here somehow. I need the bed for when guests come from NB for Kaitlyn's wedding and really I should have it for when the grands are here too, but we really do not have room for it without losing some of my craftroom. I guess I'll see how it fits until after July and make a decision on it's permanency then.

    My Dad built me a hope chest when I was 16 for Christmas and I use that as my coffee table, have for years. I am moving it to our bedroom to try to make more room in the living room. I bought two little shelves yesterday for 7.00 each that I will use as end tables and use the storage foot stools I have been using as end tables as a coffee table. This should free up a few inches in there. For cleaning I love our little trailer, but I wish it was about 6 feet wider than it is.

    Well off to get some work done, I want time to go for a walk and to do some more studying today. I should also look at the job boards to see if there is anything else to apply for. I am so hopeful for this one job that I haven't been looking as hard.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    he gave me a choice of vegas or alaska.. i took alaska cuz we both had never been
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    So sore today from driving 4+ hours in the car. Mind you, I wasn't the actual driver but I stress out enough! My body goes into tense mode, and I'm a bit white knuckled! We went to pick up son from Sea-Tac airport. He and a bunch of his airdales were down in San Diego, taking apart some helicopters. It was nice seeing his smiling face, but a bit chaotic as to where to meet at the airport. We had gotten there early, so we relaxed upstairs at the USO. Airports used to be such fun places. When you could meet someone as they exited the plane. Or sit with someone until they got on. 9-11 changed all that😔.

    So on the way home we stopped for lunch at this great Mexican restaurant. Too much food, and salt! I'm paying for it today, feeling awful. Rebecca doesn't travel well!
    I'm sitting in my workout clothes and already thinking to scrap all leg workouts because my knees are talking to me. Maybe just arms and sauna. Drink mega water.

    So sorry for the ladies that have fallen! TLC for you!
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    I feel like such a slacker. I've been away from the computer all week. This week is theater week for my daughter. I'm chaperoning again tonight. Haven't been to the gym for 3 days, but I've run all over a 100 year old theater with its steep steps. Some of our dressing rooms are on the 4th floor. It's crazy. I'm hoping my daughter can get some pictures tonight. I'll share if she does.

    Allie - prayers to you and the wonderful things you are doing. I just went through this with my uncle. So incredibly difficult especially since my aunt didn't really understand what hospice care would be. My uncle's daughter from his first marriage arranged everything and just didn't consider my aunt in any of it. Hang in there! You have tons of cybersupport here.

    Connie in KY
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • rubyslipperss1
    rubyslipperss1 Posts: 31 Member
    Guess I qualify since I am 71. LOL
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy National Zucchini Bread Day!

    Evelyn - Dad was too shaky to sign his name by the time the paperwork came around so my sister had to sign the hospice papers for him. (My sister had medical power of attorney and my brother had power over everything else since they were local to Dad, and I was the executor for his will.) Even though we knew it was what he wanted, something about being the one to sign really devastated her. You're right, though, it was a kind choice in our case too. Dad was done with this life and ready to go.

    Allie - Hey, that's a pretty good meal you got him to eat! If he's eating like that, he's not quite ready to go yet.

    ingridkenobi - Welcome! I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

    Tracey - Our system is really simple: If we don't have the money for medical bills here and we don't qualify for some kind of public assistance, we defer care until we die. Even if we do qualify for public assistance, if we don't have the money to pay for the part they won't cover, we die.

    Sharon - It sounds like you're working hard, and PT will take it out of you. No wonder you're tired!

    Kelly - Beets do have kind of an earthy flavor that isn't for everybody. You should definitely try them again if your only childhood experience with them was the canned variety, though. Starting with fresh beets makes a huge difference.

    Michele - Will you share the recipe for your chocolate bran muffins? Pretty please? Sounds like that could be a nice option for breakfast now and then. I've been eating mostly oatmeal, but with temperatures starting to rise I'll be adding hot-weather alternatives back into the rotation soon.

    I have to tell a story in honor of Zucchini Bread Day. On the day Philip and I moved from Austin, Texas to Tijeras, New Mexico, my best friend and her husband presented us with the largest zucchini I've ever seen. It had hidden away under the leaves and they hadn't found it until it was at least two feet long. They said we should take it with us and tell everybody, "See, everything really is bigger in Texas!" Anyhow, I turned it all into zucchini bread and we ate it for weeks. It's a nice memory of my friend.

    Philip and I are off to the Blanco River this afternoon. Our twenty-eighth wedding anniversary is Saturday and we're going to spend some relaxing time with another couple whose anniversary is close to the same day. Looking forward to some wine and hot tub time!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • rvfamilyfour
    rvfamilyfour Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Just found this group. I'm Lisa and I am 52. I was just recently diagnosed with diabetes so I am back to FitnessPal to help me journal my food intake.
    Once I was diagnosed, I met with a dietitian to figure out a diet and exercise plan. I was shocked to learn that I can only have 1/2 cup of rice, noodles, quinoa, etc. I think that was the hardest thing to adjust too while figuring out my meal plan. Of course I am a carb addict- pizza, pasta and chips so not eating these anymore (or lowering my portions) has been difficult. Though I have noticed the longer I am on my diet the less cravings I seem to have.
    So to get things going my goal for April is to:
    • Continue to work on my meal plans to lower my carbs (though I an happy to say I have only made a few mistakes so far)
    • Start exercising again (I hurt my knee and broke two toes around the holidays so I was couch bound but in April I got off the couch).
      I am trying to exercise at least 5 times a week and just started a water aerobics class once a week.
    • My main goal is to focus on myself and concentrate on my well being. I have told the family that I will make dinner but otherwise they will have to fend for themselves. I will also not have my trigger foods in the house for awhile.
    • To accomplish my goal I will need to spend less time at work so that I can get my exercise in each day.

      I have also decided to work on my attitude about my food intake. In general I eat pretty healthy, I cook most of our meals (meaning I don't eat out that much) and I try to have at least 50% of our meals vegetarian. I have family who eat terribly and yet they don't have weight or health problems. It just infuriates me-IT'S NOT FAIR. In the past, I have to admit, this depressed me. But now I am focusing on the fact that it is what it is. My body was made this way. I have to stop looking at others, just concentrate on myself and what I need to do to become healthy. I have had weight issues, off and on, since I was in middle school. The only way this is going to change is if my attitude changes. It has taken all these years to figure this out.

      I look forward to reading everyone's stories. I offer my support and strength when I can and will take yours when I need them as well.

      We all know how difficult this journey will be but we can take comfort in knowing that we are not alone.

      For Fun: the weather has been getting nicer so I have been working on my garden. f724r9jat9zw.jpg

      Cheers for now,
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Heather ~ Poor Dolly! Are those the arms the doll hospital put on. They certainly don't go with the rest of the doll's body. :'(

    Yvonne ~ Do you not have any health insurance? It sounds really bad when you say you must die if you don't have the money to pay for treatment.

    Machka ~ Love the pic of the pathway through the rain forest. I would love to walk that path.

    Rebecca ~ So sorry you are sore from your car trip. My husband gets so mad at me when we are in traffic and I stick my arms out to "brake" because the car in front is braking. It's just a natural reflex for me.

    Megamom ~ Great progress! You look good.

    RV Lisa ~ Welcome! Tell us what we can call you as there is another Lisa in this chat group. She signs off as "Lisa in Arkansas."

    I have 70 calories left for today as we ate lunch at Burger King and I had a Whopper and Fries. Delicious!

    Talked to the BnL in ICU and finally found out what bank he uses to pay bills. My DH is now out trying to get the bank to authorize him to be able to write checks. At the moment, the BnL owes over $900 in utility bills, etc. There will be an upcoming hospital and rehab bill. The dr's say that he will not be able to return home, so we must find a suitable place in which he can be transferred to after the hospital releases him.

    Carol in GA