Time for us Moms! Group



  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    MK - Welcome! Have fun at the zoo tonight! Did you say your little one is 3? My youngest is 3 as well, a crazy fun age for sure. :D You have done a great job already losing so much weight. Congrats!

    Yes, she turned 3 in August.

    I lost all of my weight back in 08-09 and then just kind of gave out on it. I let myself go from 154 back up to 165 and said enough is enough. I'm ready to actually make it to goal this time.

    Yours isn't much older than mine is. He turned 3 at the end of September. I, too, lost all of my weight then (joined Weight Watchers at 6 weeks postpartum and found out I was preg again when Gabriel was 15 months old) and then gained bunch of it back after a miscarriage and denial about my eating habits. Let's get to goal together! :)
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Amanda - I hope your youngest has a quick recovery. What was the dental surgery for?

    Cori - LOL at you going to the San Diego Zoo and thinking yours is sad. We'll take any zoo that we can get since all of them are so far away. Never thought about the fact that you would have to get Christmas lights up so early! Wow! Snow, already? That's insane (to me!). We're expecting rain this weekend, though I'm not sure how much. My husband's 2 dogs both died with us when the boys were really young. We couldn't have pets at our place and they were technically his mom's dogs, so they lived at her house. But, both times (about a year of so apart) she and my father-in-law went out of town and we had to watch the dogs for a little bit of time and they died in my husband's arms. That's one of the reasons I can't get a dog (besides being allergic!), it's just too sad. These dogs were about 12 - 14 years old when they died (one was the mama, the other was a daughter) so they lived a pretty long life.

    Well, the fish didn't make it. I didn't really think that it would. I'll leave the burial to my husband. The boys are sad, but not too much. The boys did bring up memories about all of the other fish that have died and where they were buried (which actually tells me that I don't remember too much!). Off to go finish cleaning and decluttering! I swear that stuff multiplies in the middle of the night.
  • mkcole
    mkcole Posts: 46
    CGerman - Sorry I will learn your name eventually. Is it Cori? Mine is Melissa. We did have fun at the zoo. Our zoo isn't great but not horrible. I've heard San Diego Zoo is one of the top zoos in the US so compared to it they all are probably pretty sad. haha

    BogMama - Lisa?? Sorry to hear about the fish. I had a fish once and it lived all of 1 day. :-P I certainly didn't get my fish raising skills from my dad who has had the same goldfish for years and has even raised baby goldfish from the ones he first got. He got maybe 4 several years ago and now he has 18. They are in a outdoor pond though. Apparently he is a fish whisperer. haha
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Lisa, I haven't had the best luck with fish either. My dd has a fish that she has had for over two years and I am pretty sure that sometimes she goes a week without feeding the thing although I do remind her every couple of days. I am sorry to hear about your fish dying though. I have no idea where we have animals buried outside and there are a ton of them. Chickens, hamsters, fish, two dogs and a cat. When you have as many animals as we do, death goes with out sadly.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Melissa - yup, I'm Lisa. :) Glad you had a good time at the zoo. Where do you live? LOL at your dad being the fish whisperer. I had fish when I was in high school, but I didn't know a thing about taking care of them and often killed them. I picked out Black Mollies too that give live birth and eat all the babies if you don't separate the babies. Most of them come home from Petsmart pregnant too. I've gotten a lot better at fishkeeping since then. Funny, as a Marine Biology major they never teach you to take care of an aquarium. ROFL I totally wish my education in the UC system would have included that!

    Amanda - Hubby is in charge of feeding them, and I think the fish are lucky to be fed every evening. I used to overfeed my fish when I was younger, so I am leery of feeding too much. I find that they will attack each other if not fed enough though. That is a lot of animals you have had!

    Well, it rained a little yesterday, and today. Should rain again tomorrow. Seems like we are back to our pattern of sun during the week and rain during the weekend like last year. :( Boo! I'm headed off to work for hopefully my last time. I have to go train the boss for an hour or so. I'm already tired (it's 6:30) so it should be a blast! LOL

    Have a great night.

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Melissa - yup, I'm Lisa. :) Glad you had a good time at the zoo. Where do you live? LOL at your dad being the fish whisperer. I had fish when I was in high school, but I didn't know a thing about taking care of them and often killed them. I picked out Black Mollies too that give live birth and eat all the babies if you don't separate the babies. Most of them come home from Petsmart pregnant too. I've gotten a lot better at fishkeeping since then. Funny, as a Marine Biology major they never teach you to take care of an aquarium. ROFL I totally wish my education in the UC system would have included that!

    Amanda - Hubby is in charge of feeding them, and I think the fish are lucky to be fed every evening. I used to overfeed my fish when I was younger, so I am leery of feeding too much. I find that they will attack each other if not fed enough though. That is a lot of animals you have had!

    Well, it rained a little yesterday, and today. Should rain again tomorrow. Seems like we are back to our pattern of sun during the week and rain during the weekend like last year. :( Boo! I'm headed off to work for hopefully my last time. I have to go train the boss for an hour or so. I'm already tired (it's 6:30) so it should be a blast! LOL

    Have a great night.


    Lisa, we still have lots of animals, 5 goats, 15 ducks, 2 geese, 5 turkeys, 1 pig, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and over 100 chickens. We raise alot of our own meat and the of course we have fresh eggs. We also have a huge garden and lots of fruit trees.

    It rained here today most of the day, great grand-parents came and took the youngest for a couple of hours and I got a wonderful nap. Heaven! And youngest's surgery was dental, she had one extraction, 4 fillings and 1 cap put on. Her seizure meds are destroying her teeth. I had no idea that she had an abcessed tooth at the age of 6 as she is non-verbal and has no hand function for sign language. I felt horrible when I found out. :cry:
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    This is an awesome Thread...mothers definitely need support. Our fitness lives are so different from the rest of the world.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hazel - you are welcome to join us!

    Amanda - I so wish that we could have animals like that. The property we have been looking at would allow us to have goats, chickens, and horses. I would love some fresh eggs! Poor baby. I hope she is feeling better. Was the extraction for the abscessed tooth?

    Got done at work. Big sigh of relief now. He even took my key away. :D I am done at least until the end of the year, when I may need to go back and help with the year-end process. I think I can breathe.

    Have a great night.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Lisa, I quit my 40+ plus hour a week job two years ago but have since went back to working for 5 1/2 hours on Monday. With my youngest's disability I was needed at home far more than I was needed at work. I have to be honest though I was so excited about quitting and had all these plans for when I quit and I even started homeschooling the kids but after about two weeks I felt so displaced. It took me about 6 months to realize that I was worth far more than the paycheck I brought home. I mean I knew I was important as a mother but so much of me was tied up in my job. Some days I would sit and cry and have no idea until my mother jerked my head around my telling me my self worth was not in what I accomplished but who I accomplished (meaning raising my children). I am rambling and probably putting you all too sleep. :yawn:

    Yes, the extraction was for the abcessed tooth. I took her to the dentish a week ago because she had been semi-fussy and he looked in her mouth for about two minutes and told the hygenist to schedule us for surgery. This is her 2nd dental surgery, 4th time going under for different procedures. She is far tougher than I ever hope to be. She burnt her hand last year and never cried. Didn't even know it until that night, it was burnt badly. She is who she is, made by God and a tremendous blessing.

    She is my biggest reason for getting into shape, she is now 40 pounds at the age of 6 and I have to provide 24 hour continous care for her. She can do really nothing by herself. I have to be able to take care of her for the rest of my or her life.

    Hope all is having a wonderful week-end! :flowerforyou:
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Melissa - yep, my name is Cori

    Amanda - Your poor daughter, that just sounds painful. I hope she has a quick, easy recovery. :flowerforyou: I don't know how you do it all girl - we're lucky to keep our lawn mowed and dogs and cat fed, you're got a full petting zoo there :wink: My dad raises cows and I love getting the meat from him - much cheaper and a lot better.

    Lisa - Glad you get a break, a least until the end of the year. One less thing to worry about is always good. I think we're supposed to get the rain you guys have had - we're going to be raining (snowing up higher) most of the next week. It's drizzly and cold here.

    Hazel - Feel free to jump right in!

    Well, I definitely didn't hit my burn goal for this week, this stupid cold is kicking my butt. Did great on the loss front though, hoping I can maintain that when I'm back to normal. Finally feel like I'm on the mend, got a good nights sleep last night and almost feel human today. :laugh: Only 5 lbs away from onderland - I can't believe it! When I started I didn't really think I'd ever be under 200 again. Sick or not I'm doing a little happy dance today :bigsmile:

    Last Week Weight: 209.6

    Current Week Weight: 204
    Calories to Burn: 4,080
  • mkcole
    mkcole Posts: 46
    Lisa - I live in Nashville, TN.

    Cori - Awesome that you are that close to onederland. :)
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Today's weight is 162.5 pounds - 3.5 lbs down from last week.

    Calories to burn this week - 3250

    I definitely didn't hit the calorie goal this week with sick kids, the surgery and sick me. Here is to a new week! :drinker:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Melissa - yep, my name is Cori

    Amanda - Your poor daughter, that just sounds painful. I hope she has a quick, easy recovery. :flowerforyou: I don't know how you do it all girl - we're lucky to keep our lawn mowed and dogs and cat fed, you're got a full petting zoo there :wink: My dad raises cows and I love getting the meat from him - much cheaper and a lot better.

    Lisa - Glad you get a break, a least until the end of the year. One less thing to worry about is always good. I think we're supposed to get the rain you guys have had - we're going to be raining (snowing up higher) most of the next week. It's drizzly and cold here.

    Hazel - Feel free to jump right in!

    Well, I definitely didn't hit my burn goal for this week, this stupid cold is kicking my butt. Did great on the loss front though, hoping I can maintain that when I'm back to normal. Finally feel like I'm on the mend, got a good nights sleep last night and almost feel human today. :laugh: Only 5 lbs away from onderland - I can't believe it! When I started I didn't really think I'd ever be under 200 again. Sick or not I'm doing a little happy dance today :bigsmile:

    Last Week Weight: 209.6

    Current Week Weight: 204
    Calories to Burn: 4,080

    Woo-Hoo - you are making great progress. Keep up the good work and before you know it there will be a "1" in the front number on that scale! :flowerforyou:
  • emmylou34
    HI! I stumbled upon this thread and it looks very inspiring! I am also a single mom, and am struggling with losing weight and keeping it off. Five years ago I could lose weight very easy, and these days it is not coming off as easy at all! Even if I do lose it, if I stop working out it comes right back! I am 28 years old and work full time and take college courses on line, and have three kids so yeah, time is very hard to find......
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Amanda - Your mom had some wise words. Your daughter has been through a lot, bless her little heart. Yes, I could see needing to get healthy to provide care for her. My good friends have a granddaughter who has Cerebral Palsy (her father shook her when she was a baby :( ) and is blind, she can't move, or talk, and she got so big that her mom really couldn't provide the care that she needs. She is at a care facility in Oregon and so happy now. A tough decision for sure, but her mom was getting physically hurt trying to care for her. So, I commend you in taking care of yourself now. Nice job with the weight loss!

    Cori - when I saw the update of 5 lbs lost, I was amazed. That is just awesome! You are rockin' it, even when you are sick. :) Great job and I know that you will Onederland very soon. So proud of you!

    Emmy - we're about the same age. :) Welcome and please feel free to make this a home for you on MFP. What exercise do you like to do? How old are your kiddos? What are you studying for?

    Last week weight: 160
    Calorie burn needed: 3200
    Actual calorie burn: 2050 (skipped a workout last week - oops - and recovery week is always less of a calorie burn)

    This week: 159
    Calorie burn needed: 3180

    It's Monday! I was so happy yesterday - yay! No dreading going to work. :) We didn't do our workout until late last night, after we had seen the Packers game. So, I did Cardio Intervals for an hour and then an hour and a half later did Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps and woke up 8 hours later and did 43 minutes of another cardio DVD. Phew! I am sore, but I feel so good. My goal this week is to get up and get a good workout in. Still kind of a battle since even this morning at 7 when we were done, it was a dark. 2 more weeks until those stinkin' clocks turn back.

    Kaitlyn - thought I would give an update on my Bodybugg. I actually haven't been as diligent wearing it as I should be. It's sitting on my couch right now waiting to be synced to my computer because it finally ran out of memory and battery power - I haven't synced it for a while and I've only been wearing it during my workouts. Not all day. I am about 16 lbs away from goal though and I need to get serious again. So, I am going to sync it and charge it today and then start wearing it again. It really did motivate me to move more when I wore it all day. :)

    Have a great day everyone! The rain is gone, so it looks to be a beautiful day. Plenty of errands and school to do.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Emmy - feel free to join in!

    Lisa - Gotta feel nice not having to stress about going in to work. I'm with you on the time change - it's been a challenge getting the kids up and ready, they refuse to believe it's morning when it's still dark. Can't say that I blame them :laugh:

    Well I finally broke down and went to the doctor today. Got some antibiotics, have a gnarly ear and sinus infection. Hoping to be bad to normal in a couple days so I can back to the workouts - I'm feeling blah from missing them, but I think if I push it I'll make myself worse.
    The weather has turned off cold - I don't think we got out of the 40's today. Just in time for trick-or-treating, of course. I think we've settled on costumes - it's a Batman theme at our house. We'll have Batman, Robin and Batgirl for the good guys and Cat Woman and Joker for the bad guys.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • mkcole
    mkcole Posts: 46
    Today's weight is 162.5 pounds - 3.5 lbs down from last week.

    Calories to burn this week - 3250

    I definitely didn't hit the calorie goal this week with sick kids, the surgery and sick me. Here is to a new week! :drinker:

  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Cori - yuck! That's a little too cold for me. Glad that you went to the doctor and got some meds. I hope you feel better soon. LOL at the Batman theme. That'll be cute. Where do you get your costumes from?

    We're only supposed to 64 as a high today and our house is only 67 degrees right now. I'm not ready to turn on the heater yet! It's back to raining this weekend. Sheesh. We're supposed to have a Fall Festival Block Party and a Fall Festival at church on Sunday! I'm hoping that it doesn't rain the weekend after since we have another Fall Festival to go to where we are going to have a booth as vendors. We need the rain, but I would prefer to have it during the week when we have to be inside doing school anyway.

    Have a great Tuesday! Stew is in the crockpot and the boys are at the table doing vocab. :)
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Lisa - vocab?! my favorite thing! Thanks for the update on the BodyBugg. I asked for one for Christmas, so here's hoping!

    Emmy - Welcome! I'm also about your age and going to school at night while working full time. We can comiserate.

    Cori - you're my inspiration! Look at you almost to the ones. I'm waiting to hit the twos! Oh, did I just admit my weight? Oops! :o)

    Amanda - your dedication is amazing. I commend you and your efforts to care for your family.

    I've been a little MIA this weekend. We (no, I) spent Saturday searching for a big girl bed for my daughter. I bought one from a friend and my mom had a coupon for one of the furniture stores in town. I found a mattress that was worth the amount of the coupon, so it ended up only costing the $6 of tax. Then I found some of my sister's old dorm sheets in my mom's linen closet and I had to buy a blanket for the bed... we got it all put together for under $100! We played in her room most of Saturday and she seemed SUPER excited about the new bed. At least, until it came time to sleep in it. Saturday night sucked. I got 3 hours of sleep. But every night since has gotten better. Last night, I had to walk her back to bed three times before she stayed, and another two times at 9.30, but only once when she woke up at 2.30 this morning. I think she was just cold that time, because I covered her up and then she was fine. This morning she slept closer to her normal wake up time, so I think we're progressing! It's been exhausting though.

    Calories are on track, and I'm finding little ways of being more active. Like going outside and walking up and down the parking lot with the baby, or walking down to the mailbox instead of pulling up in my car on the way home. My dedication to working out is awful.

    Hope everyone's having a great day!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kaitlyn - yes, vocab! I love it too. They have about 10-12 words they work on each week. They also have GUM (grammar, usage, mechanics) so right now they are working on direct objects and subjects. :) Nice job on the bed! I wish we could get a good mattress that cheap. Oh goodness, Gabriel is still horrible about staying in his bed. Our bedrooms are on the second floor and we don't normally close the gate at night so we actually switched the lock on the door around (we were also concerned about him locking himself in) so that we don't have to worry about him getting out and going downstairs. We'll switch it back soon so that he can get out and go potty in the night/morning, but I am not looking forward to it as he is frequently asleep on the floor by his door waiting to hear my creaky knees coming up the stairs so he can call out for me and get put back in bed. We tell him as we leave his room at nap and nighttime Stay in your bed, Close your eyes, Be quiet, Go to sleep, and Don't play. :) Great job getting the extra workouts in. Anything helps!