Time for us Moms! Group



  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm glad you're still here, Amanda! Didn't mean to offend you, if I did :o) Nice job on the soda. I always feel better when I'm not drinking it. Finally got my husband off the soda wagon, and he feels a lot better for it too.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I'm glad you're still here, Amanda! Didn't mean to offend you, if I did :o) Nice job on the soda. I always feel better when I'm not drinking it. Finally got my husband off the soda wagon, and he feels a lot better for it too.

    Oh heck, it takes a lot more than that to offend me! :laugh: I just wanted to let you all know I am still around and still trucking on! :flowerforyou:
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Amanda - I'm happy to see you posting. :) Nice job getting rid of the soda. That is awesome.

    Kaitlyn - sometimes! But, I love you gals and it doesn't matter to me at all.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    I would love to join your group! I am a mom of a 9 yr old whom I home school and 4yr old twins. they attend a preschool a few hours per day, as they were very premature and are speech delayed. (i hope to home school them for kindergarten onward!)
    I am married to a wonderful man! we have been married for 22 years! I have been through a lot of personal ups and downs with health, work, family etc. I had to stop working last year as it was too much for me to do with health issues, three kids....etc. etc. I am feeling a lot better and am DONE putting myself on the back burner. As an mom of twins, I was using that excuse as a reason to not take care of myself...too busy, too tired, they need me...etc. I have just started reading the book "Never Say Diet" by Chantel Hobbs. It matches where my mind is right now....yes, I have to change my mind FIRST and be willing to make the right choices.
    I don't have a scale right now because the last two I bought,the twins took turns jumping UP AND DOWN on which totally whacks out a digital scale! I know I have at least 50lbs. to lose.

    As you see I am rambling because I have moved to a new area and haven't made many friends. When you don't go the office, making friends takes a bit more work.

    So, I look forward to seeing all of you as progress. I only on my second day...so I am in the "sugar detox" mode...but it's OK I can do anything I set my mind to!

    Welcome! Like Cori said, we both have twins and understand that aspect. How preemie were your twins? Mine dealt with speech delays as well when they were younger. You would never know it now though. Mine just turned 9 and will talk anyone's ear off if given the chance. I haven't had the problem of jumping on the scale. My twins have loved to weight themselves and see the number (LOL they are at about 44 lbs and 52 lbs) and my 3 year old likes to stand on it throughout the day to see the number and try to say it (the decimal point messes him up, hahaha).

    Oh, goodness I know the feeling of having a hard time making friends when you are a stay-at-home mom. What homeschool curriculum do you use? I've even had a hard time finding other moms in the area to connect with who homeschool. LOL I have my time with other moms when they do gymnastics. Other than that, I am running errands or stuck in the house. We do have some pretty good neighbors though. :)

    I hope you continue to pop in and let us know how you are doing. Take care of yourself. Your kiddos do need you.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kaitlyn - yay for the bikes! I know October 31st has passed, did you hear anything about your program?

    Cori - the Fall Festival is this Sunday. I just went today and paid for the booth. I also printed off some pictures and mounted them on foamcore. I did our day 1 pics and then month 4 and month 5 pics and wow! It really is eye-opening. Hubby asked if he can take it to display at his fit club. I'm happy that our birthdays aren't that close to Christmas. It sure does add up, I know. Changing up your carbs might work. I know that I was about 3-4 pounds heavier this week and I just felt bloated. I went and bought some more apple cider vinegar since I was out of it and hadn't had it for about a week and I took it yesterday. I woke up this morning and I was back where I should be. I don't know if it was just the vinegar, but it was making me feel better when I was taking it a few weeks ago too. I use a tablespoon of vinegar in 4 oz of Juicy Juice (it's what we have!).

    More evening workouts this week. Last night I didn't even get to bed until midnight, which is really late for me. It was so hard to wake up this morning. We'll see if things change next week when the sun is actually coming up at 6 instead of 7. Eating is going all right, though I haven't been having a whole lot of time or good internet connectivity (urgh!) to enter it in.

    Have a good weekend! I'm dreading the rain in the schedule for Sunday....
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Went for a 86 minute hike today, 5 mile, 2.5 miles up hill and then back down. Burnt 747calories. It was amazing when it was over! :laugh: I know I didn't make the challenge but will post the numbers later tonight.

    Have a great week-end everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Lisa - sounds like you're all over the prep for your booth, hope everything goes smoothly for you guys. I'm looking forward to the time change too, won't have to wake up in the dark and workout in the dark.

    Amanda - Nice hike! I love hiking, it's one of those exercises that doesn't feel like as much "work" to me. Luckily we live close to the mountains so when we get time we're right there.

    We went to an anniversary party today for a friend of mine at work. They had a whole lot of food, not the mention cake! I did pretty well, stayed away from all the snacks (okay, I had 1 slice of kiwi, lol) - but we did have some champagne for the toast and hubby and I split a small piece of cake. Since my mom was watching the kids we went to find some shirts for family pictures tomorrow - lucked out and found all of them on our first stop. My success of the weekend - I got to shop in the women's section - no plus size, woohoo. I know it's a little thing but it felt so nice!! When we went to get the kids they had decided they wanted to sleep over at grandma's house, so we get a whole night off.

    Hope you ladies are having a great weekend!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Last Week's Weight: 203.2
    Calories to Burn: 4,064
    Actual Calories Burned: 4,914

    Current Week's Weight: 205.4 (grrrr)
    Calories to Burn: 4,108

    Not happy with the gain - but I kicked butt on the calorie burn this week! Today is my rest day, and my body is ready for it. We're doing family pictures though which always feels like a workout trying to get all the kids to cooperate :laugh:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Last Week's Weight: 203.2
    Calories to Burn: 4,064
    Actual Calories Burned: 4,914

    Current Week's Weight: 205.4 (grrrr)
    Calories to Burn: 4,108

    Not happy with the gain - but I kicked butt on the calorie burn this week! Today is my rest day, and my body is ready for it. We're doing family pictures though which always feels like a workout trying to get all the kids to cooperate :laugh:

    Awesome job on the calories burnt!!!!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Last week weight - 161.5
    Calories to Burn - 3230
    Actual Calories Burnt - 1514

    This week's weight - 161.5
    Calories to Burn -3230

    Didn't even come close, will try to work harder this week!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I was suppose to get up at 6 am but instead woke up at 4 and couldn't go back to sleep. I am doing laundry, did sit-ups and a plank (yeah, just one :laugh: ) and am just doing odds and ends around here. Today I go to work for my scheduled 5 hours except I am getting off early because I was suppose to take dh to the doctor for a minor thing and he was going to need a driver but he cancelled it.

    I have a loss this morning in the scale department so I am back to 160 lbs. That makes me happy but I always get hung up right around here and quit. I am really going to stay on track this time.

    I have an appt for my IUD to be removed on the 1st of December but am going to see if I can get in earlier. I swear that thing plays crazy with my hormones. This is my 2nd one and the first one wasn't like this.

    It finally quit raining here at least for a little while, hopefully long enoung for me to go feed the animals. Have a terrific day everyone!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Not even sure right now about my calorie burn last week. Grrr. I did finally get back down to 159 so that was a yay.

    The booth was ok. Except that it was raining the entire time. Not many people showed up, but I did get some good interest from the people there. The firefighters were particularly nice to talk to about it. :) I didn't have an E-Z UP, so I had to borrow one from my father-in-law. It was that bad.

    Amanda, I kept waking up through the night and looking at the clock to see if it was time to get up. Hubby and I are committed to working out in the morning again, so we did it today. Yay! It was so much nicer to do so and be done by 7.

    It has been a weekend.... Gabriel has been pooping like 5 times a day. Yuck! It's been over everywhere! Then last night when I got to the building that we work out in at church, there were puddles on the floor (thank goodness it was just around the perimeter) from the rain leaking in. And then this morning, to top it off, hubby found out that one of his good friends died last night in a motorcycle accident. :( He was just 31 and it's the 3rd friend that my husband has lost in the past few years (2 of them were motorcycle accidents, grrrr).

    Hope you guys are having a better start of the week.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Amanda - you might not have hit the goal, but anything is better than nothing, so nice work!! At least you were productive with your extra time, usually when I get up too early by mistake I sit around and grumble about it and am still running late when it's time to leave :laugh:

    Lisa - That sucks the weather wasn't nicer for you guys! Thats sounds like one heck of a weekend, it can only get better from here, right? Sorry about your hubby's friend :flowerforyou:

    Not bad for a Monday here, but fall has decided to finally arrive. We were in the 60's-70's over the weekend and now it's cold (40's) and raining. There was some snow earlier in the day, but it's turned to rain now. Supposed to stay wet through Wednesday but the cold will be here to stay. Luckily we got our family pictures done yesterday - now I just hope they all turn out!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey! I'm back...

    Amanda - Nice hike! We're lucky to live so close to places like Zion where we can see increadible views and try different trails. Hey, planks are hard! I can't even do one!

    Cori - Glad your pictures turned out. I'd love to get some taken of our family, but they're so expensive!

    Lisa - Journey's been a pooping machine lately too. Hubby's kind of worried about her. She had like five in one day, and two last night that I had to change at 1am and 4am. That's crazy for her! I'm sorry about your husband's friends. That's never an easy thing to deal with. Frustrating, too, in some ways. I did hear from the nursing program. All of the applicants that were given first pick turned in their commitment papers. There's still a chance that someone might drop out last minute, or not turn their paperwork in by the due date in December, but the odds of having five people do that is slim. So far, no one has moved up on the alternate list, and I doubt enough will to get me in. Next semester I'll retake physiology (my lowest grade) to boost my GPA and apply again for Fall.

    I had a few days where I was eating really poorly and going over my calories pretty consistently, but I'm back on track now. I'm considering skipping my chemistry lab tonight so I can go home and have some "me" time. Or study for my chemistry lecture exam! It's on Friday and I'm not even close to being ready.

    I am kicking *kitten* on the water front, though. I've been getting my eight glasses a day this week!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Where or where has this group gone??

    I have been having an awful week, have to get back on it starting right now!!!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    I'm here - it's been a crazy week, everything coming up all at once. Will check in tomorrow!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Feeling much better today - my food choices have been good and got a 3 mile walk in with my mom. I pushed the youngest in her big stroller. I am feeling much more confident today.

    Hope everybody is having a great Saturday!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Nice work Amanda!

    Well, here's my weekly check-in:

    Last Week Weight: 205.4
    Calories to Burn: 4,108
    Actual Calories Burned: 2,406

    Current Week Weight: 203.2
    Calories to Burn: 4,064

    I didn't hit my goal this week, but I think I've figured out I need to start eating some of my exercise calories. Because of schedule I didn't get to workout a couple days last week and the next mornings I would be down a little. On most of the days I did workout, the next morning I was usually even or down a very small amount. I knew at some point I'd ave to start eating them - guess I'll start adding some in slowly so my body doesn't freak out!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    LISA!!! I got a Body Bugg and it won't flipping register! I can't activate it if I can't register it, and I can't use it until it's activated! Did you have any trouble with yours? I'm so frustrated!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Wow - our little group has gotten quiet. Hope everything is okay with all you ladies!

    Kaitlyn - Did you get your BodyBugg registered? How frustrating to have it but not be able to use it.

    It's been a hectic couple weeks here. Tests at school, budgets due at work, my youngest 2 had a birthday yesterday - whew! I'm on vacation the 23rd-30th and I'm really looking forward to it! My weight loss had stalled a little for a couple weeks, but I think my body is getting a second wind. I've got my fingers crossed, I may actually be in the 100's for this weeks weigh in. I can't remember the last time I could say that - but it's been awhile!