

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Speaking of confessions: how I’ve been stress eating! Do you know that for the first time in a long long time I went and had a Dairy Queen blizzard? Denise and pete had an appointment with the doctor at 9:15, it’s now 6:05. I can’t help worrying and worrying. Is PJ all right? Denise just called to say that Pete dropped a Gatorade bottle on his head when they went to get in the car. She fed him at the doctors and he had projectile vomed. They’re at Home Depot right now but she’s in the car having just refed him and waiting to see if it projects again. If so, he may have a concussion.

    Carol – I’m glad you got over your fear. Knowing that I’m not going to see him for a few months is going to be hard. Evidently Denise, Pete and his mother (since she’ll be around him a lot) need to get some sort of whooping cough immunization and they’re going to go Thurs to PA to get it. I told Denise that I’d watch the baby while they go, she didn’t seem very responsive. Selfish of me, I know it, but I need my PJ fix for the next few months.

    Connie – yes, we’re on a senior league. There is this lady who is 94, drives herself to the bowling alley twice a week, and she has the same handicap as me…lol But it’s fun. As a matter of fact, one guy told me that he requested I be on his team because he knows that I want to have a good time and want everyone else to. Vince will say to me things like “how many games did you win” “what’s your average” “what place is your team in”. My answer is always “I dunno”. To me, I’m there mainly to have fun, be with the people. I am anything but competitive.

    I’m having an apple right now. Now where did Pete put the napkins? Oh, there they are….under the sink. Don’t ask me to even start to explain it. That’s just him

    Vince started cutting the lawn today, he said he’d finish tomorrow. Did I tell you that jess is transferring to Iowa state? She’ll be home tomorrow night. She’s taking a flight that has a layover in Miami. The only time that they have non-stops are on Saturday. It’s a pain with the 3hr layover in Miami so I’m surprised she’s doing it.

    M – does your husband have epilepsy or did he just have a one-time (hopefully) seizure due to his accident?

    Beth – do you know that jess is 35 and she’s never had a cavity???? Not fair if you ask me….lol The reason was (this is what the dentist told us) because when they were babies I gave them fluoride tablets so he said that as their teeth were forming the fluoride was IN the teeth versus like us whose fluoride is ON the teeth when we go for a cleaning. Good luck to your son

    For some reason I just couldn’t get to sleep last night. I was wide awake at 3a.m. I must have fallen asleep around 4:30 but at 6 I was wide awake.

    I called Vince to ask him if my Actonel came from Aetna, not yet. So I may have to go to WalMart to get it. Then he told me he had trouble with the tractor, seems some sort of pulley under the mower deck wasn’t working. Sounds like what he fixed before. In some ways, I wish he would get someone totally qualified to fix it. But I know that you can never trust that the person working on your tractor knows what he’s doing.

    Denise and Pete SHOULD be home soon. I tell you, they’re going to have to work out their schedule with the dog. I let him out around 7 this morning, they were rushing to get to the doctors, I filled his food and water dishes, I took him out again around 5. I put out their garbage and recyclables. Not sure if both get picked up or not, but they’re both out there.

    Told Denise that I was planning to leave Sat. unless she wanted me to stay longer. I have enough clothes. I also told Pete. He’s so very macho. Told me how he wants to be sure that Denise can handle the dog and the baby. I honestly have a feeling he’s going to get rid of the dog eventually. I hope I’m wrong. As Pete was putting PJ in the carseat he was pushing the dog away. I felt sorry for the dog. I tried petting him, but it’s just not the same. Well, they’ll have to work this out. One thing we thought of was that they’re going to have to get a gate when the baby starts walking/crawling. He’s a strong dog, he’ll be able to push the gate away unless it’s bolted to the wall. I don’t know if Pete is going to want to drill holes in the walls.

    Michele who doesn’t even want to look at the scale for at least a week after she gets home.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    :yawn: Sleepy. May have to turn in early. Long day tomorrow.

    Night Night
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,588 Member
    Good afternoon (here), all.

    I had my doctor's appointment this morning. He was generally positive, but as he began looking through my kidney results over the last few years, he decided that he does want to run that test again in six months. I knew the results were a little off, so I felt somewhat vindicated. He said that being dehydrated could throw off the results a little (and mine are just a little off), so he does not want me fasting next time.

    He commented on my lovely heart murmur. (think -badump-shish; badump-shish, where a normal heart beat is badump, badump, badump). I've had it since I was born, so I try to reassure everyone who hears it. I did have my doctor in Kansas one time finally say, "but has anyone every really checked it out? Recently? Ever?" Well, no. So she had them run a battery of tests on me, including a sonogram/ultrasound to look at the valves, and since nothing was actually leaking, we didn't pursue anything. This doctor just asked me if I get winded easily when I exercise, but I don't, so he just shrugged.

    Other than that (and my high blood pressure, of course) everything is great. He looked puzzled as he looked through everything and reviewed my medical history, then he looked at me and asked, "So, why do you have high blood pressure??" Ha! I just told him I inherited it from my mother, because there really is no other explanation. Neither she nor I have any of the risk factors. But, shouldn't a doctor be able to tell me why I have an illness and not the other way around?? :lol: Good news is that I like this doctor. I hope he sticks around. I haven't had a lot of luck with doctors since I've been here (they keep leaving), although, I am really happy with the clinic and their staff.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,588 Member
    edited May 2019
    exermom wrote: »
    Told me how he wants to be sure that Denise can handle the dog and the baby. I honestly have a feeling he’s going to get rid of the dog eventually. I hope I’m wrong. As Pete was putting PJ in the carseat he was pushing the dog away. I felt sorry for the dog. I tried petting him, but it’s just not the same. Well, they’ll have to work this out. One thing we thought of was that they’re going to have to get a gate when the baby starts walking/crawling. He’s a strong dog, he’ll be able to push the gate away unless it’s bolted to the wall. I don’t know if Pete is going to want to drill holes in the walls.

    Michele who doesn’t even want to look at the scale for at least a week after she gets home.

    If there is any hint of trouble, I vote for getting rid of the dog, so I guess I'm with Pete on that one. I love my pets, don't get me wrong, but when we brought my first son home, our dog was not receptive. She started growling and snarling at my son before he even started moving. I mean, seriously, he wasn't bothering her a bit. We gave her a few days/couple weeks, but I knew there would be trouble once he became mobile. So, she was out of there. I was not going to give her an opportunity to bite him -- and she was not a large dog, like theirs, she was a small-ish beagle mix. A dog their size, if he has a mind to, could do a lot of damage to a baby. Just my 2 cents.

    And yes -- don't get on the scale for at least a week when you return! :wink:

    ETA -- and Pete dropped a gatorade bottle on PJ's head??? Poor Pete. Poor PJ. I hope he is fine.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,737 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    LOL Machka and Barbara- I have the exact sign hanging in the corner of my bathroom mirror! lol I live an exciting life!
    Pip- Floyd having a day; watching a little tv while lounging in bed?
    Heather- My town has weekly "party in the park" events during the summer. Local bands play, people dance or bring their chairs and relax, listen to the music, the food trucks roll in for "easy" snacks/dinner. All family friendly. Then we also have movies at the beach on Saturday nights. They project a movie onto the side of the beach pavillion. I think the first movie on the list for this summer is Jaws! And they invite you to bring a floatie and watch it in the water. lol Can't wait to hear about your street dance! Should be fun!
    Katla- A lot of the locals in my town, head out of town for the fourth bc of all of the firework activity and the TONS of tourists. We have a week called Coast Guard Festival, it is a lot of fun but about 3/4 of a million people descend upon our town (normal pop. of about 35,000 city and township residents), as we celebrate all things Coast Guard. It is nuts. Many, many locals plan their main summer vacation for this week.
    Vicki- When my parents passed away in '93, my older sister became the "mom". She hosted all family get togethers, when my brothers were going through divorces etc. she took them in, she babysat my sister's kids and my brother's kids, she also became the touchstone for my six aunts (my mom's sisters), which was an entire drama fest in it's own right. After five years of this, my sister and her family moved to Florida to get away. Probably the best thing she could have done for herself, but also the worst, as she is so far away now that we are getting older. I miss her very much. But, our family hardly EVER gets together anymore. We were supposed to get together this Christmas, but it got cancelled due to someone being sick and never got rescheduled. I have offered to have it at my home, but my sibs don't want to make the drive "all of the way out here". (only a 45 minute drive for the furthest local living sib and I make the drive to his place every year). Whatever. We still talk via text and facebook, but not the same. It is a shame.

    Interview number two tonight! Fingers crossed my final spot is filled. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Yup , cuz that’s how he rolls
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Okie: We have a crate in the garage attic from our previous dog, but I want to try to solve the problem with controlling the timing of giving this dog his food. I suspect he would just whine and keep us up if we locked him in the crate. At 12, he’s set in his ways. If putting the water bowl up before bedtime doesn’t work, the crate is an excellent next step. Thanks! :star:

    Lenora: I agree with your comments to Michelle about the dog. He needs to be supervised around the baby but his people can train him to be quiet and gentle. He will likely see the baby as “his” and will be gentle and protective when he learns how. Learning how to behave with the new baby is important. A new baby is an adjustment for everyone in a family, including pets. :smiley:

    (((Michelle))) :heart:

    I have a city meeting this evening. I’m as ready as I’m likely to be and will be on my way in a few minutes.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    He commented on my lovely heart murmur. (think -badump-shish; badump-shish, where a normal heart beat is badump, badump, badump). I've had it since I was born, so I try to reassure everyone who hears it. I did have my doctor in Kansas one time finally say, "but has anyone every really checked it out? Recently? Ever?" Well, no. So she had them run a battery of tests on me, including a sonogram/ultrasound to look at the valves, and since nothing was actually leaking, we didn't pursue anything. This doctor just asked me if I get winded easily when I exercise, but I don't, so he just shrugged.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    I also have a heart murmur. :) I got mine via Rheumatic Fever when I was 4 years old. Two leaky valves, apparently.

    Machka in Oz

  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Michele - big hugs for you!! What a stressful week so far! I hope the baby is OK. As for the dog, well, the baby has to come first. It seems to be a stressful time for all involved.

    The whooping cough vaccine requirement is fairly new. The vaccine doesn’t provide immunity for as long as they originally thought. A lot of pregnant moms are immunized again at the beginning of the third trimester.

    Stay away from the scale, but do something special for you. You deserve it after this!

    Connie in Ky
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Barbara, ooh son is gone. For the viewing pleasure!

    Some of the pics are of his room with the Lego shelf in between his two closets. Some are of the middle office that is his Legos room. Some are of the computer room, which my husband plays. I have the larger of the two computer desks because we were just tired I didn't want to lug the heavier desk upstairs. So he has mine, which is smaller. The bigger desk is in the lubrary. I have one pic of the closets off the master bath. I get the right side, husband gets the left. Yaay!

    Today we went to the gym, first time since before we moved. I did light weights, no machines involving leg though. I did walk for 30 minutes on like 1.9 mph. I'm recuperating well.👍
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    edited May 2019
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: If the home worker’s report is unsatisfactory, what is the appeal process? :huh:
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka SMH so hard it hurts my neck. RTW supervisor unaware of MedicAlert and not bothering to familiarize herself with your husband's case? No wonder the other gal is so clueless with that kind of management. Really, Machka with your intelligence, experience, scientific bent and organizational skills... YOU should be leading and training the TBI section of that department! "Excitement" now that's a KJ-worthy flip!

    I'm not sure. I guess it depends what approach they take ... do they just ban my husband from doing anything because it not safe ... do they insist on installing a bunch of stuff we don't need (and can't install anyway because we rent the house) ... do they give us what we've asked for. Or do they throw me a curve ball and do something completely unexpected!!

    BTW - the RTW organisation is working for the Insurance company. That might explain a few things. :)

    exermom wrote: »
    M – does your husband have epilepsy or did he just have a one-time (hopefully) seizure due to his accident?

    Although one seizure doesn't normally mean that a person has epilepsy, in his case they have diagnosed him with post-traumatic brain injury epilepsy. I'm guessing that's because the potential for more seizures is so high and because he'll have to be on medication for the rest of his life.

    M in Oz

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    ✔️ 1. weighed in 59.5 (weight back up!)
    ✔️ 2. tracked yesterday
    ✔️3. 30 min exercise yesterday
    ? 4. five minutes meditation yesterday
    x5.Spend at least 2h on long term writing project yesterday
    x 6.produce at least 10-finished pages per day average long term yesterday(from May 13 to May19 )
    x 7. Take care of at least one shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count) yesterday
    x8. At least 15 min cleaning yesterday
    ✔️ 9. At least 15 min filing/paperwork yesterday
    x10.average 1100 calories yesterday

    • Overall Feeling: ok with underlying worries
    • Tracking yesterday : went over by
    • Exercise : yes
    • 1100 calories net average : 160 in red
    • Long term writing 2h yesterday: no
    • produce at least 10-finished pages per day average long term project yesterday(from May 13 to May19 ) yesterday : no
    • Short term writing/admin yesterday : no
    • Bright Spots : very nice last classes yesterday with 2 groups, the student who plagiarised for her open book test (who's usually a good student) was very contrite

    Grateful :
    1. decent night's sleep
    2. classes worked well yesterday
    3. comfy bed
    4. sound of birds tweeting
    5. bright apartment

    I'm bummed that 2 days not tracking followed by a day of 500 over then 160 over lead to gain, but It does mean that 1100 net (which seemed to lead to slow SV) is pretty on the mark. I was at 60k at the beginning of the months, and my very modest goal was to lose at least a kilo, so that is still possible.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited May 2019
    I just checked my goals listed May 1 on this thread. here they are.

    Goals for May -check in mid may

    1. Lose at least a kilo (2.2 lbs) half way there :)
    2. Track all except 2 days :)
    3. Average 1100 calories net about 10 days around that and about 4 days 500 or so over :|
    4. At least 30 min exercise 6 days a week (can by gym, walking, steps or other) yes :)
    5. Five minutes meditation 6 days a week I think so, I'm glad I wrote 6 and not 7 days :)

    6. Average at least 30 min/day of filing/cleaning yes :)
    7. Make appointment with dentist 1. dentist 2 and acupuncturist not yet :|
    8. Consider doing art or music in evening or in break/downtime instead of going online/tv.
    I haven't much and it's a shame :/
    10. Post things I'm grateful here daily. yes :)

    10.a Spend at least 2h/day on long term writing project average yes, but not every day :)
    10b.produce at least 2 pages per day average possibly, :) but it's not enough :/
    10c. Send 20 pages a week to corrector. average yes, :) but not enough, :/ I need to send 25/week
    10d. 100 pages by end of month (on May 1 I had 17 pages quite finished plus parts elsewhere to consolidate, now I have 38 pages quite finished and other to consolidate). :/
    11a. Take care of at least one short term (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill. not every day :/
    [/b]11b. Make a list of short term tasks, etc and prioritise them, and do them. got sidetracked by long term-which is not necessarily ideal :/
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Allie, what thrilling news about DFIL and granddaughter! I know his rally is likely short term, but some people have just invincible bodies. And your granddaughter getting accepted by lottery! I'm sure lots of kids were qualified, but they don't want to dilute the quality of time those kids are getting, so they can't accept them all. I'd be thrilled too.

    Machka, if you can do all you do with two leaky valves then I guess I won't consider my one for an excuse. You'll laugh, but since my steps per day were usually around 750, I'm now thrilled to be doing over 1000 many days. I even hit 2000 not long ago. Better days are ahead!

    Rebecca, I love your spacious mullioned windows! If you're in the general area I think you are, I'll bet you see deer in that yard often. I also live the trees! Lots of perches for owls and lots of shrubs for the smaller birds!

    Grocery bag is done - including the cat food. It's only 13lbs, but it's so floppy and awkward. My DSiL brought it in for me. He's a real peach! I heard from all my DSILs as well as DDs on Mother's Day. I'm very lucky to have a good young friend or two who also call me "mom", and I heard from all of them! Makes my heart just swell with warmth for the world! Now if we could just fix s few problems with THAT, life would be perfect.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    edited May 2019
    Lunch Walk - 3.8 km. :)

    The photo is taken up at the Cenotaph looking toward the Royal Hobart Hospital.



    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    NYKaren~ I have seen it twice at the Bushnell in Hartford.. it is just amazing.. enjoy