
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Beth Healing thoughts for your son.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    last classes today and tomorrow. may not get much else done, spent 5 hours correcting papers and taking notes or noting for feedback...I'm tired now. glad I made it to the gym for 15 min at elliptical (+ walk there and back) I think I only produced 14 page yesterday not 20 and that there was a bug making extra big margins...
    still way behind-only at 38 pages and not 100 as I'd hoped to be.

    My classes wrap up at the end of May, and then my final exam is mid-June. I'm doing one class per semester, so my next class starts up mid-July.

    I've got one tiny assignment and one big assignment to do before the end of May ... and then it's all about studying for my final.

    You're working toward your PhD, right ... I'd like a PhD but I'm not sure I could handle the stress!

    I think I told you this, but it is my dream one day to move to the west coast of France for at least a summer, maybe longer. And especially to Royan for a while to go to Carel. I'll have to wait for those lottery tickets to pay out!

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Viv UK: I do all my logging on my phone as I am eating. That way I don’t forget or leave anything out. I visit here on my computer because I have the opportunity to create a word document and can fix mistakes before I post. I’m not 100% on that, but close. Once in a while I goof a post. :ohwell:

    Heather: I’m hoping to hear about your street party and whether you like it. We have concerts in the park on Thursday nights all summer. The park is about three blocks from our house. I’ve never been inconvenienced by it. The fourth of July is another matter altogether. We leave town for the whole week now because the fireworks upset our dog too much. The actual official fireworks aren’t too bad, but Washington and Oregon have different fireworks laws and right across the river from us is crazy loud noise that lasts every night for the whole week. We have to leave town to avoid our dog getting dangerously sick from the stress caused by the noise. :grumble:

    Machka: If the home worker’s report is unsatisfactory, what is the appeal process? :huh:

    Beth near Buffalo: I hope all goes well for your son. :flowerforyou:

    I have been struggling with getting adequate sleep for a long time due to the dog. The dog gets me up and wants to go out at any old hour of the night and I’m tired and occasionally suffer “brain fog” due to the lack of sleep. I’m thinking of some ways to reduce the problem and would like other dog owners to let me know if I’m on a reasonable track. The first thing I want to do is put his dinner down when we have dinner. If he doesn’t finish, I plan to pick up his dish and either toss what’s left or refrigerate it. I’m also considering picking up his water well before bedtime. I’m confident with the food portion of my plan, but unsure about whether to leave the water down. Advice wanted!!!

    Chronically tired Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    ✔️ 1. weighed in 59.1
    ✔️ 2. tracked
    ✔️3. 30 min exercise
    ✔️ 4. five minutes meditation
    ✔️5.Spend at least 2h on long term writing project
    x 6.produce at least 10-finished pages per day average long term yesterday(from May 13 to May19 )
    x 7. Take care of at least one shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count) yesterday
    ✔️ 8. At least 15 min cleaning
    x 9. At least 15 min filing/paperwork yesterday
    x10.average 1100 calories yesterday

    • Overall Feeling: not bad
    • Tracking : yes
    • Exercise : yes
    • 1100 calories net average : a little over so far
    • Long term writing 2h: not yet
    • produce at least 10-finished pages per day average long term project yesterday(from May 13 to May19 ) not yet
    • Short term writing/admin : no
    • Bright Spots : good last classes today
    Grateful :
    1. students
    2.attractive building I work in
    3. decent take away
    4. soy yogurt
    5.unsweetened non-fat cocoa powder
    6.possibility to rest this evening

    I'm so tired! ouf!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    My classes wrap up at the end of May, and then my final exam is mid-June. I'm doing one class per semester, so my next class starts up mid-July.

    I've got one tiny assignment and one big assignment to do before the end of May ... and then it's all about studying for my final.

    You're working toward your PhD, right ... I'd like a PhD but I'm not sure I could handle the stress!

    I think I told you this, but it is my dream one day to move to the west coast of France for at least a summer, maybe longer. And especially to Royan for a while to go to Carel. I'll have to wait for those lottery tickets to pay out!

    Machka in Oz

    woohoo for classes winding up. I might have missed a post about your wanting to move to France. are you in a place you could sublet to pay for renting or subletting a place in royan?

    I' am too stressed. I said the other day if I had to do over I wouldn't have done the thesis. I had some really difficult stuff to deal with in the middle and that threw a big wrench in my working on it.

    I'll be glad to be done with it however it works out.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Vicki - I had to step out of that role with my family, as well. They wanted someone to be Mama, and I wanted to be her, but in the end, there was no replacement for her, and our family fell apart as well. I think it's a natural progression that families make, but that there's no instruction book to tell you how to do it. Each subsequent generation needs to start their own traditions... Doesn't mean we can't mourn the loss, but I got wholly exhausted with being the only one who sent cards and made the effort to visit, and tried to keep us all connected. It's OK to step away from it. Out of nine brothers and sisters, I only regularly talk to one, and that's enough.

    Lisa in AR
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    LOL Machka and Barbara- I have the exact sign hanging in the corner of my bathroom mirror! lol I live an exciting life!
    Pip- Floyd having a day; watching a little tv while lounging in bed?
    Heather- My town has weekly "party in the park" events during the summer. Local bands play, people dance or bring their chairs and relax, listen to the music, the food trucks roll in for "easy" snacks/dinner. All family friendly. Then we also have movies at the beach on Saturday nights. They project a movie onto the side of the beach pavillion. I think the first movie on the list for this summer is Jaws! And they invite you to bring a floatie and watch it in the water. lol Can't wait to hear about your street dance! Should be fun!
    Katla- A lot of the locals in my town, head out of town for the fourth bc of all of the firework activity and the TONS of tourists. We have a week called Coast Guard Festival, it is a lot of fun but about 3/4 of a million people descend upon our town (normal pop. of about 35,000 city and township residents), as we celebrate all things Coast Guard. It is nuts. Many, many locals plan their main summer vacation for this week.
    Vicki- When my parents passed away in '93, my older sister became the "mom". She hosted all family get togethers, when my brothers were going through divorces etc. she took them in, she babysat my sister's kids and my brother's kids, she also became the touchstone for my six aunts (my mom's sisters), which was an entire drama fest in it's own right. After five years of this, my sister and her family moved to Florida to get away. Probably the best thing she could have done for herself, but also the worst, as she is so far away now that we are getting older. I miss her very much. But, our family hardly EVER gets together anymore. We were supposed to get together this Christmas, but it got cancelled due to someone being sick and never got rescheduled. I have offered to have it at my home, but my sibs don't want to make the drive "all of the way out here". (only a 45 minute drive for the furthest local living sib and I make the drive to his place every year). Whatever. We still talk via text and facebook, but not the same. It is a shame.

    Interview number two tonight! Fingers crossed my final spot is filled. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited May 2019
    Katla49 wrote: »

    I have been struggling with getting adequate sleep for a long time due to the dog. The dog gets me up and wants to go out at any old hour of the night and I’m tired and occasionally suffer “brain fog” due to the lack of sleep. I’m thinking of some ways to reduce the problem and would like other dog owners to let me know if I’m on a reasonable track. The first thing I want to do is put his dinner down when we have dinner. If he doesn’t finish, I plan to pick up his dish and either toss what’s left or refrigerate it. I’m also considering picking up his water well before bedtime. I’m confident with the food portion of my plan, but unsure about whether to leave the water down. Advice wanted!!!

    Chronically tired Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    My dog does the same thing. I hadn't really noticed it until we went camping a couple weeks ago, and didn't bring him. I actually slept through the night!

    So, since the weather is more favorable, we have been leaving him to sleep outside in his dog house. I mean, he could sleep anywhere in the backyard he can get to, but I put a bag of fresh cedar chips in his dog house, and it looks pretty comfy. I know he has been sleeping in it, because now I have cedar chips all over the house -- they hang on his coat and drop off as he ambles about. I am sleeping much, much better. That may not work for you -- I don't know your outdoor situation, or if your dog will sleep outside without whining about it (ours is fine with it) -- and this doesn't work when it gets really cold in the winter. But the weather right now is perfect for him.

    ETA -- I have to add that I don't mind getting up with him sometimes, so when my hubby is gone, I still like to have the dog sleeping near me. He won't sleep on the bed, but he does like to sleep on the floor on my side of the bed. He is such a mama's dog. <3

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Viv UK: I do all my logging on my phone as I am eating. That way I don’t forget or leave anything out. I visit here on my computer because I have the opportunity to create a word document and can fix mistakes before I post. I’m not 100% on that, but close. Once in a while I goof a post. :ohwell:

    Heather: I’m hoping to hear about your street party and whether you like it. We have concerts in the park on Thursday nights all summer. The park is about three blocks from our house. I’ve never been inconvenienced by it. The fourth of July is another matter altogether. We leave town for the whole week now because the fireworks upset our dog too much. The actual official fireworks aren’t too bad, but Washington and Oregon have different fireworks laws and right across the river from us is crazy loud noise that lasts every night for the whole week. We have to leave town to avoid our dog getting dangerously sick from the stress caused by the noise. :grumble:

    Machka: If the home worker’s report is unsatisfactory, what is the appeal process? :huh:

    Beth near Buffalo: I hope all goes well for your son. :flowerforyou:

    I have been struggling with getting adequate sleep for a long time due to the dog. The dog gets me up and wants to go out at any old hour of the night and I’m tired and occasionally suffer “brain fog” due to the lack of sleep. I’m thinking of some ways to reduce the problem and would like other dog owners to let me know if I’m on a reasonable track. The first thing I want to do is put his dinner down when we have dinner. If he doesn’t finish, I plan to pick up his dish and either toss what’s left or refrigerate it. I’m also considering picking up his water well before bedtime. I’m confident with the food portion of my plan, but unsure about whether to leave the water down. Advice wanted!!!

    Chronically tired Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    I'm no help. But I can offer empathy. My heart failure dog Bailey has me up at night, too...(((Hugs)))

    Karen in Virginia
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Viv UK: I do all my logging on my phone as I am eating. That way I don’t forget or leave anything out. I visit here on my computer because I have the opportunity to create a word document and can fix mistakes before I post. I’m not 100% on that, but close. Once in a while I goof a post. :ohwell:

    Heather: I’m hoping to hear about your street party and whether you like it. We have concerts in the park on Thursday nights all summer. The park is about three blocks from our house. I’ve never been inconvenienced by it. The fourth of July is another matter altogether. We leave town for the whole week now because the fireworks upset our dog too much. The actual official fireworks aren’t too bad, but Washington and Oregon have different fireworks laws and right across the river from us is crazy loud noise that lasts every night for the whole week. We have to leave town to avoid our dog getting dangerously sick from the stress caused by the noise. :grumble:

    Machka: If the home worker’s report is unsatisfactory, what is the appeal process? :huh:

    Beth near Buffalo: I hope all goes well for your son. :flowerforyou:

    I have been struggling with getting adequate sleep for a long time due to the dog. The dog gets me up and wants to go out at any old hour of the night and I’m tired and occasionally suffer “brain fog” due to the lack of sleep. I’m thinking of some ways to reduce the problem and would like other dog owners to let me know if I’m on a reasonable track. The first thing I want to do is put his dinner down when we have dinner. If he doesn’t finish, I plan to pick up his dish and either toss what’s left or refrigerate it. I’m also considering picking up his water well before bedtime. I’m confident with the food portion of my plan, but unsure about whether to leave the water down. Advice wanted!!!

    Chronically tired Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Does the pup really need to go out to potty or is it just seeing what it is missing out on? Sam used to want out during the night at my Dads. He wanted to see if the neighbors dog was out to play with. We would just tell him to lay back down. Eventually he got the message and stopped trying to get us up. You could also put them in a crate overnight outside of your bedroom so you don’t hear them cry as they get used to it.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    edited May 2019
    The 'Subversive' walk was fun and informative. I learnt some history of Brighton I didn't know.
    We came back so tired that we didn't know if we could manage the Swing, but we went and enjoyed it. DH still finds it hard to lead, but he's getting there.
    My son rang this morning to as if we could host the WHOLE family the night before they all fly to Majorca for an extended family holiday. Apparently they made a mistake with letting out their house while they are gone and have arranged for it to begin a day early. They've only just realised the mix up. ;):* It's in a week and a half's time.
    Oh well, that's what mother's are for. :sad:

    Off to my brother's tomorrow. Ooouuff!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michelle - Sorry the trip to see the baby and be with Denise did not go as well as you wished it had. As for pushing the dog away can be a real problem. I, personally, think if you let the dog be near the baby for a while; he'll get used to him and somewhat protective; which can also be an issue. The wife of my HS friend had a heart attack while out walking him (bulldog) and none of their neighbors could get to her to help her. Her MD said that her falling is probably what brought her to, she was able to give one of them their number and when he was called he ran all the way there and the EMTs had beat him there. When I was a baby the deaf/mute guy who delivered the paper came around the house, my parents had a German Sheppard who stood up as soon as he saw him. Mother made motions to let Sammy know to lay down the rolled up paper and back away. We had a beagle before we had Trey; but, they are good-natured whereas others can be mean and a one person dog. If the dog is Pet' and he keeps pushing him away chances are pretty high that he won't be trusted around each other. I had a friend who had a lab and a golden retriever; her youngest was sleeping on the couch and she woke up and stepped on his Johnson and like any dog, he went into attack mode and just about ripped her face off; by the time they could get to the baby, the dog realized what he had done and went over to the corner and had a seizure. Later on, she called the vet and told him to go over and put both of them down. He tried to get her to let him try to find an owner for the lab who had not done anything. She told him 'no, I want BOTH of them put down. I do not remember her ever having another pet. Several hundred stitches in her face that left bad scars, she had epilepsy since before she started school. She was going to have her pediatrician come talk to the kids in her class so that 'when' ... not 'if' she had a seizure they would not freak out. Trey raised his hand and said that Will had febrile seizures that stopped after he started school. I would go get him from school if his fever reached 100° or if he acted feverishly. Mother never had to take my temperature - as soon as it hit 101° I went into a seizure. Believe me, they are scary - even when you are an adult. I asked my Neurologist why everything is called a 'seizure disorder' ... he looked at me and said, 'It is the P.C. way of not admitting they had epilepsy, and you have epilepsy. About like 'essential tremors' ... if someone can tell me why tremors are 'essential'? I did not ask for them, I don't see any need for them; and, about all they do is make me have to cut my meat in small pieces or eat with a spoon. That is more embarrassing to me. Especially when I drop my food all over me. When I start dropping it on my napkin, I just ask for a 'doggy bag' and drink water while Louis finishes his meal.

    I feel like a 'newbie' because I don't recognize some of the names.

    Rebecca - Those are some trees. In the south, we plant azaleas or hydrangeas round them.
