

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lisa Feosol &/or children's chewables w/iron might be good iron sources for you to investigate. Less likely to stop up the works. Both OTC. I'm glad you are better on the antibiotics, but am really glad you are pursuing a diagnosis. Something just isn't quite right. (((Hugs)))

    Karen in Virginia
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited May 2019
    <3 Up to page 25 but need to get moving! Lovely weather we are having here, managed to get the grass cut at the back at the weekend and the front today.

    Dad not doing too well at the moment, taking each day at a time. :(

    Heather sorry for your loss 41 years ago, and glad that you have been blessed with 2 granddaughters. <3

    So much more to say to everyone, sorry for losses, good luck with interviews and people moving homes. <3

    Love to all
    Viv UK
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,362 Member
    So much going on here with everyone! Amazing the way everyone shares. Got to spend time with my eldest brother and SIL yesterday-they were in from Atlanta. We met for breakfast and did some shopping. Actually bought a pair of red pants (very different from my usual black, brown, navy), but I like the way they look and they will be good for summer to wear to work. Also got some compression type capris I wanted (had to spend time telling myself I don't look fat in them) and sports bras (for walking when it gets hot and humid here).

    In afternoon we went to brother's grandson's hs graduation party. They had it at a shelter house in a local state park. Luckily food was grilled burgers, salad, cole slaw so it was easy to make good choices and have room for a very small half of a twice baked potato (graduate made them and they were terrific). Had a small piece of his cake. We went for a walk beside the river and it was just wonderful being outside like that. Then went on to much needed haircut and church council. With the activity/walking/workout for the day was able to stay under net calories so that was good.

    Meeting brother and SIL and another brother and SIL for breakfast this morning--we don't get much chances to be together much anymore. Then this afternoon, since it is so beautiful out, I am planning on a nice long walk around the neighborhood. I rather like this taking a couple of days off work in the middle of the week!

    Hope everyone has a good day. Best wishes for those with struggles-unfortunately they are part of life,

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Felicia – I do believe that Pete’s dog would be fine around the baby, the problem is that he isn’t getting the attention he’s used to and deserves. Every time he goes around PJ he’s told “get away, leave him alone”. When I’m holding PJ, I try to pet him also. Yesterday they left about a quarter after 9 to take PJ to the doctor’s (totally understandable) and didn’t get home until almost 8:30. Then the poor dog was taken out and then shood away. My personal opinion is that they should have maybe forgone some of the other things they did and spent time with the dog. But that’s just me. Well, we’ll just see what unfolds. I’m not about to tell them to get rid of the dog. One of the errands they did yesterday was stopped at the daycare where Denise works and where PJ will go and Pete asked them all sorts of questions like do they have cameras, how many, how are they monitored, how many people are in the room, how long are they in there until someone relieves them and so on. I can understand that he’s a first time dad and I understand his wanting to know the answers. PJ is fine after the Gatorade bottle incident. Denise, natch, was concerned that he’d have a concussion. She called Vince and me and told us. When they got back Pete said “you told them!” I could tell it was his macho-ism, the “I can’t do anything wrong” feeling so I just told him “it’ll be fine, at one time or another all babies have some projectile vomiting, seriously, don’t worry. I know it’s hard, but remember that babies are made of steel with a rubber coating (that phrase will come in handy when he starts walking and is falling down a lot)”

    Allie – so happy for you and your FIL. Congrats to your gd

    Katla – I firmly agree with you, if the dog doesn’t see the baby as a total replacement for him but as an addition to the family, he will be a great “babysitter”. Jess was saying how pitbulls are called “nannys”. Last night he was laying down right next to PJ in his swing so I made sure to point this out to Pete and he said “good boy, you take care of your little brother”. But saying “good boy” one time isn’t going to do it. Hopefully, things will change

    You know, it’s just my habit, but I usually lay out things for the next day, the clothes, my breakfast, toiletries. Well, of course that’s what I do here. Well, this morning I got up, went to the bathroom and said “where’s my toothbrush and toothpaste”. Pete must have gotten up during the night and put them in the toothbrush holder. Oh well, no biggie. I understand that it’s just his OCD.

    I suggested to Denise that before I leave we maybe go shopping, just so she can get used to putting PJ in the cart, etc. She said she didn’t want to take him out until he’s had his immunizations. Yet, yesterday with Pete’s grandmother she took him to a restaurant which was OK since “there weren’t a lot of people there” <sigh>

    Well, that’s the news from here. I’ve started packing, putting away my dirty clothes. Today I’ll ask Denise if she wants the air fryer, if she thinks she’ll use it then she can keep it. I’m betting that she doesn’t. Well, I’ll take it home. I made baked potatoes in them the other day and were they gooooooddddd. Like you get in a restaurant, crunchy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. What I’d probably do the next time is put a little olive oil on the skins (I couldn’t find any here) and wrap them in aluminum foil

    Michele where it’s cold again, only supposed to get up to 70 today. This really isn’t for me. But it could be worse. It could be snowing
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Lunch Walk - 3.8 km. :)

    Machka in Oz

    And 14 flights of stairs, some of my physio exercises, and rowing!


    Machka in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,737 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    It's 12:11 am ... I usually start getting ready for bed at 12:30 am or 1 am or ...

    But I'm at the point where the next two things I could do are big things. One is for my cycling club and one is my main homework project. There isn't really much I could do in 20 minutes or even 50 minutes. I need a solid couple hours to make decent headway on them.

    So ... it's almost unheard of ... I think I'm going to get ready for bed now!

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,737 Member
    yesterdays stats

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.03min, 13.5amph, 129mhr, 1.58mi= 71c
    apple watch- 61c
    LATERAL MACHINE- 33min, lvl3-6, 10W, 56arpm, 57aw, 143mhr, 3.84mi= 293c
    apple watch- 239c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.06min, 17.3amph, 132mhr, 1.47mi= 72c
    apple watch- 50c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 14.22min, 12.7amph, 135mhr,3.03mi= 148c
    apple watch- 112c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.01min, 150mhr, 9.52min mi.50mi= 77c
    apple watch- 62c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.12min, 9.18min mi, .45mi= 68c
    apple watch- 57c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.40min, 8amph, 2.61mi= 212c
    apple watch- 139c

    total cal 941
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,435 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I seem to be having PC problems today.... able to read everyone's posts but unable to post (until now?) - kept saying I needed to be logged in.... I already was.

    And is anyone having problems with Facebook? I cannot access messages or notifications even though it shows I have some. On Sunday I was finally able to retrieve messages on an "all messages" selection... today that doesn't even work. And it won't even let me post.

    Which does NOT break my heart, lol. I have a friend who doesn't use email and only uses FB messaging to communicate with me. I told her we might have to start chatting on the phone - she only lives on the other side of town, lol.

    OK enough griping about technology.

    Have a great Wednesday, ladies! I will check in later!

    Cool and sunny and a little rainy SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Good morning ladies!

    I seem to be having PC problems today.... able to read everyone's posts but unable to post (until now?) - kept saying I needed to be logged in.... I already was.

    And is anyone having problems with Facebook? I cannot access messages or notifications even though it shows I have some. On Sunday I was finally able to retrieve messages on an "all messages" selection... today that doesn't even work. And it won't even let me post.

    Which does NOT break my heart, lol. I have a friend who doesn't use email and only uses FB messaging to communicate with me. I told her we might have to start chatting on the phone - she only lives on the other side of town, lol.

    OK enough griping about technology.

    Have a great Wednesday, ladies! I will check in later!

    Cool and sunny and a little rainy SW WA State

    Have you cleared your browsing history and cookies, run your virus and malware scan and rebooted?

    For me, a phone call would be the absolutely last resort!! Although I have gotten a bit better with them since my husband's accident. I almost have a fear of dialing and talking on the phone ... I actually get nightmares about it.

    M in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,435 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Good morning ladies!

    I seem to be having PC problems today.... able to read everyone's posts but unable to post (until now?) - kept saying I needed to be logged in.... I already was.

    And is anyone having problems with Facebook? I cannot access messages or notifications even though it shows I have some. On Sunday I was finally able to retrieve messages on an "all messages" selection... today that doesn't even work. And it won't even let me post.

    Which does NOT break my heart, lol. I have a friend who doesn't use email and only uses FB messaging to communicate with me. I told her we might have to start chatting on the phone - she only lives on the other side of town, lol.

    OK enough griping about technology.

    Have a great Wednesday, ladies! I will check in later!

    Cool and sunny and a little rainy SW WA State
    Have you cleared your browsing history and cookies, run your virus and malware scan and rebooted?

    For me, a phone call would be the absolutely last resort!! Although I have gotten a bit better with them since my husband's accident. I almost have a fear of dialing and talking on the phone ... I actually get nightmares about it.

    M in Oz

    Machka - yep, and it's no better. Seems to have gotten worse since last Windows update! I refuse to give up my Windows 7 so it's likely ticked at me, lol. Other than not being able to communicate with a few folks, I don't miss Facebook - I do like to check out gardening tips, dog pages and some of my friends tho.

    I feel the same way about talking on the phone. I get so tired of talking to folks on cellphones that buzz, spotty reception, you name it. That was one of the most frustrating parts of my job when I answered phones at work. Sometimes I'd tell them I just couldn't hear them at all and to try back later.

    I also prefer email since I can respond when I want to instead of having to stop what I'm doing and yak on the phone, but having the answering machine helps..... we almost NEVER pick up calls and have purposely put the phone at the back end of the house with ringer off so we don't hear it ring.

    I wonder if everyone who worked at emergency dispatch centers feels the same way, lol.

    SW WA State

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Mary ~ Prayers for Linda.

    Lanette ~ When it says I need to log in (and I know I already am logged in), I just go to the top and press "Log In." Then it takes me to the last page I left.

    I, too, love email for communicating! But, so many of my acquaintances communicate by texting. I hate doing that because I am so slow and make too many errors. Whereas, on my PC, I can quickly type out an email. I do message my sister a lot on Facebook as it is easier than actually phoning.

    Carol in GA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,737 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,737 Member
    I accidentally donated to myself, oh welll, oopsie. Good news, I now have $675!!!