Fit For Future Families



  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    tahmed- when you were complaining about not getting AF and cramping my first guess was that you were pregnant but you were so sure that I thought maybe you already where told no or something, seeing as I just started coming on this thread I wasnt sure. I had cramping like my period was coming wtih both my children. Congrats its exciting isnt it. The cramping (from my understanding) is from implantation.
  • Hopeful4757
    Oh my gosh - so much happened today!!!

    Tahmed - CONGRATS!!!! I am so happy for you. You probably already told your husband or are right now since it's later. :smile: What an exciting day for you. :flowerforyou:

    Mary the Ice Cube - I hope your appointment goes well. I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties but am inspired by how positive you are. Once your labs come back, at least you might have a better idea of what's going on.

    To all of our military or military wives - I give you all the credit in the world. You all give up and do so much for the rest of us and don't even get the credit for these things nobody even thinks about. Thank you for all you and your families do. :flowerforyou:
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    it may be that it was a false positive too right? I hear that happens sometimes.

    Not sure how often that happens, but I had all the signs & symptoms of being pregnant...
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Mary the Ice Cube - I hope your appointment goes well. I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties but am inspired by how positive you are. Once your labs come back, at least you might have a better idea of what's going on.

    Thank you! That's what we're hoping. We still very much want a child together. Keeping hope alive. :)
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Oh my gosh - so much happened today!!!

    Tahmed - CONGRATS!!!! I am so happy for you. You probably already told your husband or are right now since it's later. :smile: What an exciting day for you. :flowerforyou:

    Mary the Ice Cube - I hope your appointment goes well. I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties but am inspired by how positive you are. Once your labs come back, at least you might have a better idea of what's going on.

    To all of our military or military wives - I give you all the credit in the world. You all give up and do so much for the rest of us and don't even get the credit for these things nobody even thinks about. Thank you for all you and your families do. :flowerforyou:

    I second your comment about military wives. I am so thankful for all that you sacrifice for our freedom. I cant imagine how tough it must be.

    Yes, I told my husband. I actually left work at 1:30 and went to a jewelry store and bought a ring. Then I went to target, and got a really romantic card, and a second pregnancy test (just to be 100% sure). I came home and woke him up (he works nights, so he sleeps during the day). I gave him the card first, and then gave him the ring. He asked me what all this was about. I told him "every time you wear the ring, I want you to remember the moment you found out that you were going to be a dad"! He jumped up, gave me a huge hug, and we both cried for a while! Then we went to Olive Garden for dinner to celebrate.

    CudyBug - to be honest, I was really hoping that it was implantation cramping, but have gotten my hopes up several months now, and was just trying to be very realistic about it! My only concern is that I have been having them for over a week now, but the nurse I talked to today said not to worry!

    Thanks everyone for sharing in my special day:flowerforyou:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Tahmed: That is SUCH a sweet idea! Congrats again! I'm a little (a LOT) jealous :blushing:

    and as a military wife I appreciate the gratitude. It doesn't always occur to me what i "deal" with where the military is concerned bc my father was military for 27 years and JUST retired last year so it's the only lifestyle i've ever known. To me, what other's consider to be difficult or even unbearable is just a part of life. I am VERY independant and my husband can be pretty dependant at times, so we work well together bc my routine doesn't vary all that much when he's gone. It's just an added bonus when he's home! :love:
    It does get difficult at times. Specifically times like now are very frusterating when we're ready to start TTC but have to hold off bc of his schedule and knowing that we're taking a risk by TTC right before a deployment. If they get extended or i go into labor early (assuming i get preggo in January) he could miss it and the military won't fly him home early to be there...BUT I just try to remember this is all apart of God's plan. He's been pretty faithful thus far so we have no reason to doubt that He will continue to be and that it will all work out the way it is supposed to. So again, thank you for your gratitude and support.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Tahmed - congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! I am so so so VERY happy for you!
  • Hopeful4757
    That is such a sweet way to tell him, tahmed! I had tears in my eyes when I was reading your post. Congrats again.

    AlisaToth - you are also inspirational. It is very refreshing to hear everybody being so positive on this thread. I'm really happy there is this support here.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    tahmed- I wouldnt worry too much. With my son I actually didnt have any cramping untill after I foudn out I was pregnant (the day after i missed my period) and they lasted a few weeks, then came on the horrible constipation lol. My daughter my cramps just lasted a week if i remember right. It has been 5 years since she was born.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    ....and congratulations!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I will pray for all of us not to be anxious and stressed. It seems like we need it! :love:
    On a good note, that 4 lbs I gained didnt' stick around!!!! I weighed myself this morning and was 140.4, so only up .4 lb! :happy:
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Good Morning All:

    Marytheicecube: I'm sry to hear what you're going through but I will say a prayer for you.

    Mellie13: Waaaahooo! glad the weight didn't stick! I love when that happens. :)

    So, as you all may know my hubby and i have been TTC this past week. This is our first try but it's been two days since the last time we tried and I am experiencing small sharp pains in my lower abdomen (like small electrical shocks) which has never happened to me before. Has anyone else experienced this? They started yesterday evening and are lighter this morning. This is way too early to tell right??!
  • lessjess1
    lessjess1 Posts: 71 Member
    How do I join this group? Is it a group? Or just a thread? Confused, sorry.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    pmaria- It could be alota things. I have some pains like that right now but Im pretty sure its from constipation lol. If its close to TOM then it could be pms cramps or it could be implantation. I wouldnt worry too much about it unless it becomes unbearable. Wait it out till ur TOM and i know how hard that is but thats all you can do
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Had a bad day yesterday...was grumpy at my hubby for most of the day (was going to try to visit him over Labor day weekend but his squadron already made plans for him..BIG surprise) and i live in a very agricultural area of CA and they've started harvesting local stuff (corn, garlic etc) and it is stirring stuff up in the air (pollen, molds etc) so my allergies are flaring up so my throat is sore and my ears are draining. So, I pretty much drowned my sorrows in 2 (very large) sushi rolls, miso soup and half a pint of chocolate peanut butter ice cream and reality TV (Top Chef...guilty pleasure)...ended up making my tummy hurt the rest of the night. Even though while i was eating i was very much enjoying every bite, it was NOT worth it bc then i had a tummy ache ON TOP of sore throat/swollen glands. So, I'm sticking to soup and tea for today. Hopefully it won't effect my weight in tomorrow...
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    How do I join this group? Is it a group? Or just a thread? Confused, sorry.
    This is the only way to create a "group". So yes, it is a tread, but we call ourselves a group. By posting, you are "in", so welcome!!Tell us about yourself! :smile:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Wow a lot has happened! Welcome new comers!!

    Tahmed- CONGRATS!!! Nice way to tell him as well!

    Mallie- I second that! I will be praying for everyone. It really sounds like it is needed more than ever this week. And I'm Glad to hear those pesky lbs didn't stay!

    I would also like to thank the military and military wives! That scheduling sounds terrible!

    As for me.... we are still not preventing, but still haven't seen AF either. So I don't think the depo is gone yet. We have been working like crazy on the rental house. Yesterday we re-plumed the whole house with the help of my FIL. Things are coming along, slowly but surely. I will be washing walls and painting tonight. Yippee... :ohwell: I think the plateau is starting to let up a little. I haven't seen 150 on the scale for a while. I think I am officially staying in the 140s! :bigsmile: 10 more lbs till goal, but honestly I am pretty happy with where I am as well. Gotta keep going to look amazing in my bikini in December in Hawaii!! :glasses: TTFN!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Thanks CudyBug....I guess I'll just wait til TOM. Which I'm not expecting til Sept. 9th or 10th the wait begins....

    Alisatoth: I'm sorry to hear about your bad day...hope today is better for you. :)

    lessjess1: It's like a support group for women TTC and a GREAT one might i add. Everyone is on a different plan so weigh in days are different for everyone but we're here to support each other. Welcome!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    So, as you all may know my hubby and i have been TTC this past week. This is our first try but it's been two days since the last time we tried and I am experiencing small sharp pains in my lower abdomen (like small electrical shocks) which has never happened to me before. Has anyone else experienced this? They started yesterday evening and are lighter this morning. This is way too early to tell right??!

    My sources tell me (LOL, I feel like a spy), that implantation can happen anywhere from Day 5 to Day 10 (post ovulation) and symptoms range from cramping, spotting to none at all. The time between ovulation and AF showing her head is usually exactly the same month to month, average is 14 days. So if you're expecting it on Sept 9, today would be the 14 day mark so my guess would be way too early for a BFP.

    Those pains though could also indicate ovulation. I've heard that quite a bit too from "sources". Once they start looking for the signs of ovulation, they notice the twinges (the harder the twinges, the better the ovuation. I would say make sure to do lots of babydancing tonight and tomorrow to make sure you caught your window, especially if you've already waited 2 days!

    Good luck!!!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    fitterpam: You're right! I had forgotten about that better get to baby dancing lol Thanks!