Fit For Future Families



  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Hopeful - Good job! We do the same thing in my house. When my family started our lifestyle change we chose not to GIVE UP those things we love...just adjust them! We do eggwhite omelets with lots of veggies or whole wheat blueberry pancakes! This morning I too got up and chose a healthier options! i found a greek yogurt (normally i don't like te texture but i thought i'd try again) that was greek yogurt and honey and i added some was YUM! Hopefully it will keep me full until lunch!

    I have a cookout with the wives from my Hub's squadron. The hostess is from Lebonon and will be cooking authentic Medeterranian food for everyone...I'm a little nervous bc i have NO clue how i'm going to log that food, but i am hoping as long as i portion control i'll be alright...
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I have a cookout with the wives from my Hub's squadron. The hostess is from Lebonon and will be cooking authentic Medeterranian food for everyone...I'm a little nervous bc i have NO clue how i'm going to log that food, but i am hoping as long as i portion control i'll be alright...

    Yum - lucky you. A coworker of mine is from Lebanon and his wife is an excellent cook. Definitely go with the meats (try and stick with cut up vs. ground to make sure to stay away from any kind of fillers in the kebabs and stuff. Load up on the taboleh (it's parsley and herbs and stuff)...super flavourful - I probably ate like half a cup last time. This is of course if they serve the same stuff as I've had, I'm sure there are many other things too.

    As for logging it, it's definitely not impolite to say "Mmmmmm, this is really good. What is it called?" Then when you come home you google it :) I"m sure there are lots of recipes for the traditional dishes (it's when the chef is an experimenter, I have issues). You might not be dead on in terms of calories, because of course everyone's version is different for those things Grandma used to make, but you'll be darn close without asking outright for the recipe (which....if you REALLY like it is not impolite either). Have a great time at the cookout. I'm super jealous!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Hopeful – good for you!!! I had a healthy breakfast too, but then I went to my niece’s birthday party today and was not able to stay away from the popcorn.

    Alisa – I’m Arabic, and I have such a hard time logging in the foods. It’s not so bad when I make it, I’ll just add it under the recipe section. But when I’m at a family members house, all I can do it watch my portions and pray it’s not a as bad as I think it is. Have fun!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Funniest thing just happened.....LOL It`s my husband`s birthday today so we are having people over and he was messing with the camera while we`re waiting for everyone to come. Took a picture of me and my healthy banana (`nana) around the campfire. I just looked at the pic and the first thing I said was, wow, my neck looks skinny. He now thinks i`m stark raving mad, but I`m proud of my could see it without as many chins :)

    LOL It`s important to look at ourselves in pics I think. I would never have noticed and he doesn`t notice stuff like that. It`s just another way to give us perspective when the scales aren`t budging.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Funniest thing just happened.....LOL It`s my husband`s birthday today so we are having people over and he was messing with the camera while we`re waiting for everyone to come. Took a picture of me and my healthy banana (`nana) around the campfire. I just looked at the pic and the first thing I said was, wow, my neck looks skinny. He now thinks i`m stark raving mad, but I`m proud of my could see it without as many chins :)

    LOL It`s important to look at ourselves in pics I think. I would never have noticed and he doesn`t notice stuff like that. It`s just another way to give us perspective when the scales aren`t budging.

    I had to laugh when I read this. I had a similar moment last week. I was straightening my hair in front of the mirror and I yelled to DH: "Honey, I have collarbones!!" He looked at me like I had 3 heads. I tried to explain to him that I've never been able to see my collarbones before so I was excited. He just shook his head and told me he loved me. :laugh: :laugh:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Funniest thing just happened.....LOL It`s my husband`s birthday today so we are having people over and he was messing with the camera while we`re waiting for everyone to come. Took a picture of me and my healthy banana (`nana) around the campfire. I just looked at the pic and the first thing I said was, wow, my neck looks skinny. He now thinks i`m stark raving mad, but I`m proud of my could see it without as many chins :)

    LOL It`s important to look at ourselves in pics I think. I would never have noticed and he doesn`t notice stuff like that. It`s just another way to give us perspective when the scales aren`t budging.

    I had to laugh when I read this. I had a similar moment last week. I was straightening my hair in front of the mirror and I yelled to DH: "Honey, I have collarbones!!" He looked at me like I had 3 heads. I tried to explain to him that I've never been able to see my collarbones before so I was excited. He just shook his head and told me he loved me. :laugh: :laugh:

    Isn't it awesome??? LOL And tonight my sister who has been away from April and wanted to know "what pants are you wearing" because they are just too big (I bought them in May!!))
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Always a great feeling when you start to notice those subtle changes. It funny for me to read about your husbands thinking it's strange about your necks ets etc bc i married the ONE man who notices those things on his own! :-) He tells me all the time that i have sexy collerbones (now that you can see them). Another good thing about the military, he'll be gone for a month so that wll give me a chance to lose noticable weight. i SHOULD be down 5 lbs *fingers crossed* by his return so he'll REALLY notice a difference!
    The cook out yesterday worked out pretty well! She chose to do a bunch of finger foods, which was awesome bc i got to try one or two of everything (or 5-6 of the REALLY yummy stuff) but i don't feel like i was bad (I could be VERY VERY wrong but i don't feel like i over did it at all). I also only had one light beer and one small glass of wine so my alcohal consumtion was low as well! Plus 2 16 oz water bottles while i was there, so again...pretty proud of that as well!
    One of the women there was a i talked her ear off for a while and she gave me some GREAT tips! Some I already knew, but coming out of a professional's mouth it always seems a little more "true" or "do-able"
    This morning is a "lay in bed and study" morning and then I have plans to go to lunch at a french bakery (ugh again with the forign food!) and shopping with some friends...Turkey sliders and homemade potato wedges for dinner! :-) *sigh*
    Wish me luck, staying under calorie goals does not seem possible yet again today!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Good morning all!

    I'm opting not to weigh in this week - AF is here and not being kind, and while I know I gained on the honeymoon (hello room service!) I don't really want to know.

    Goals for this week: Starting Sept 1 - detox for 5 days. Make it to the gym 3 times, do 30DS twice, drink 60 - 80 oz water per day.

    It's good to be back! Hope everyone is well - hello to all the new faces - it's great to have you!

    Signed....the Mrs!!!!!!!
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    Good Monday Everyone!

    LW: 261.8
    CW: 260.0

    This is great news considering TOM is here! I have been working really hard and now it is time for me to go back to work for the first day. I am hoping that I am up for some exercise when I get home.
    One more thing I am excited about and this probably doesn't mean too much to most of you; however, with PCOS it is huge especially not being on BCP. I started TOM all on my own this month without the help of Provera, which I have had to take for the last 3 months when I started this TTC with an infertility doctor. So it was a happy weekend for me! TOM and lost weight!

    Goals this week are to keep up with 6-7 days of exercise and drinking at least 10 glasses of water per day. This could be tricky since I am readjusting to my school year schedule.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yup - between AF and many impromptu parties this weekend......I'm up this week. Yuck.

    SW = 268.6
    Week 1 Weight = 262.4 (- 6.2 lbs)
    Week 2 Weight = 260.1 (-2.3 lbs)
    Week 3 Weight = 257.5 (-2.6 lbs)
    Week 4 Weight = 255.1 (-2.4 lbs)
    Week 5 Weight = 255.1 (0.0 lbs)
    Week 6 Weight = 252.9 (-2.2 lbs)
    Week 7 Weight = 253.5 (+0.4 lbs)

    As for my goal this week, I want to make sure I'm drinking all my waters and doing my challenges from the 100lbs to lose group EVERY day. I also want to make sure that I am balancing my macronutrients properly and keeping to my sugar intake goals.

    Since I missed my minigoal deadline, time to enact my mitigation plan. I want to take what I gained back off and double that by the end of the week! I've updated my signature with the new plan (first to get past the plateau and then goals for continued weight loss). Let's see if I can kick the plateau in the derriere.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good Monday Everyone!

    LW: 261.8
    CW: 260.0

    This is great news considering TOM is here! I have been working really hard and now it is time for me to go back to work for the first day. I am hoping that I am up for some exercise when I get home.
    One more thing I am excited about and this probably doesn't mean too much to most of you; however, with PCOS it is huge especially not being on BCP. I started TOM all on my own this month without the help of Provera, which I have had to take for the last 3 months when I started this TTC with an infertility doctor. So it was a happy weekend for me! TOM and lost weight!

    Goals this week are to keep up with 6-7 days of exercise and drinking at least 10 glasses of water per day. This could be tricky since I am readjusting to my school year schedule.

    Have a great week everyone!

    I'm so happy for you. I needed it this month and know what a big deal it is not to need it. Maybe it means the hormones are starting to self regulate - which they can do with good diet and lots of exercise....that would mean all kinds of good things for you! All you need is one "happy" period (to quote that annoying commercial)!!! Good job on the weight loss too - have a good first day!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I hope you guys dont mind if I continue to hang around here a bit, as I don't want to loose touch with you!

    LW: 190.5
    CW: 190.0

    I am surprised I lost a bit, as I actually increased my calories, but I have been really careful of the calories I am eatting, and have done something "active" every day for the last 5 days. Also, my husband bought me an elliptical, so I can stay at home and work out, rather than going to the gym. We dont have it together yet, but hopefully by tomorrow we can get it assembled and I can start that routine!

    Hope you all have a good week.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    SW: 204
    LW: 166.5
    CW: 165

    Down 1.5 pounds this week, a nice change from the .5 I’ve been losing for a while. Only 15 more to go!!!!! :bigsmile:
    My goals for this week are to The 30 Day Shred five nights and try to walk with DH every night after dinner. I’m going to Olive Garden tonight to celebrate a friend’s birthday (this has been our birthday tradition since high school). I made sure I packed a really healthy breakfast, lunch and snack, but for dinner I’m just going to relax and enjoy myself. I figure one bad meal won’t kill me.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Wow, there are quite a few OH ladies here. I can't believe you have not been to CP. I had a blast, but it was SUPER HOT! But we did walk for close to 6 hours... So basically I burnt more cals than I took in for the whole day. I'm sure my body didn't like that!

    It's good to hear you're all doing pretty well. Stay focused and enjoy the changes! Way to go on the loses! And Fitter- stay positive!

    CW:148.6 (-0.4)
    I'll take any loss I can get at this point. :smile:
    Worked on the house again yesterday, got one room painted and half the drywall up in the bathroom :bigsmile: So glad it's starting to come together. The In-Laws are coming down to help us this weekend, so hopefully we make some great progress!
    Still no AF. Yay, more waiting and Dr appointment still 2 weeks away. O well...:ohwell:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    I’m going to Olive Garden tonight to celebrate a friend’s birthday (this has been our birthday tradition since high school). I made sure I packed a really healthy breakfast, lunch and snack, but for dinner I’m just going to relax and enjoy myself. I figure one bad meal won’t kill me.

    Good for you! I think that is very important when trying to lose weight...don't let it consume you and let go everynow and then! One thing that i do (specifically at olive garden bc i can and have made myself sick there eating too much bc it is ALL so good!) I almost always order soup, and then pick at my husband's salad (they always bring more than enough salad) then when i get my entree i immediately ask for a to-go box and split my meal in either half or 3rds depending on the calorie count (I decide what i want before i get there) and gauge my breadstick consumtion on how hungry i am. So I may end up going over on my calories for the day by a little, BUT i get to enjoy the meal for a second time the next day AND i'm not so full i'm uncomfortable. I'm one of those people that if it's there, i will eat it. So i have to take it out from in front of me as soon as i am full.

    I did weigh myself again today, JUST to see (I ended up being really good yesterday) and i'm exactly where i was Friday. Today starts my "snacking off my plateau" so we'll see how this effects my weight loss this week! Good luck ladies!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Oh I forgot to add the DH took me shopping last night and I bought two pair of size 12 jeans!! :bigsmile: Never in my life have I been able to get into a size 12. I decided to be daring and get a pair of skinny jeans - which I never would have considered 39 pounds ago - and they fit and look great! I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on my weight loss at work today, its amazing how much of a difference there is when I actually wear the correct size! :laugh:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Oh I forgot to add the DH took me shopping last night and I bought two pair of size 12 jeans!! :bigsmile: Never in my life have I been able to get into a size 12. I decided to be daring and get a pair of skinny jeans - which I never would have considered 39 pounds ago - and they fit and look great! I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on my weight loss at work today, its amazing how much of a difference there is when I actually wear the correct size! :laugh:
    ROn - that's really really great! You should post a new pic soon!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hi, I am Amanda and would love to have one more baby. My dh and I have three kids already, a 15 year old son, a 9 year old dd and a 6 year old dd. I wasn't done when we had the 6 year old but she was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome at 2 years of age and it threw us for a loop. She is very much like an infant herself but I am at the point where I have accept that and think I can handle have two babies to take care of for at least a couple of years. Rett Syndrome is a random thing so I am not worried about a future baby. I am 35 and would love to start trying in January. I want to lose 25 more pounds before though and would like to accomplish this by December. That is 5 pounds per month and I think it is doable. I am a homeschooling momma like somebody else mentioned on here and also trying to give up soda (Coke) again.

    Looking forward to this group!

    Starting weight 180 pounds
    Current weight 167 pounds
    Goal Weight 140 pounds

    HI, I was on here the end of June and then left when dh got very cold feet about trying for baby #4, He is slowly coming around and I have decided to join back up with this group. The only things that have changed are my children are all now enrolled in public edcuation and my current weight is 160. Looking forward to getting to know all of you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Has anyone started taking Prenatal Vitamins while they are TTC? I've read it's good to do so to build up the folic acid and iron etc in your system and this can help/increase your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy.
    I remember when i took them during my first pregnancy they made me really sick, but i know they have the gummy ones out now that are a little easier on your system and I just wanted to see what others are taking and which ones they prefer.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I never have TTC lol, just kinda got pregnant twice. With my first pregnancy the first few months I took those huge pills everday and was on top of it untill I got horrible heartburn and got a prescription for that and then I started to slack off a bit on the other ones. ANyways that pregnancy was horrible and I would laugh at moms who said they loved being pregnant and vowed to never be pregnant again. HA year and half later I was pregnant and tkae the pretnatals made me horribly constipated. I mean so bad I couldn't get outa bed so I got a script for prenatals that have stool softner in them and took those bad boys like crazy, I felt it if I missed one. I actually didnt take anything the two weeks or so it took to get the stoll softner ones. after a month of taking those I ended up forgetting all together and didnt take anything for the rest of that pregnancy and that pregnancy was soo easy. I lost almost 30 lbs while being pregnant with absoulutely no morning sickness at all. i had energy and I just felt great, I forgot I was pregnant some days untill he started moving around. SUch an easy pregnancy and I was sad that it was over 3 weeks before I was due and was not ready. With the first pregnancy I gained well over 60 lbs with her and was juts miserable all the time. ended up taking like 5 naps a day I was so tired. So I think prenatals are great and should be taken however I wouldnt expect to have more energy or feel any better taking them then not taking them. It depends on the pregnancy.
    I did however start thinking about taking them now since I would like tot ake some kind of vitamin and I wouldnt mind soething that would help my hair and nails like prenatals are suppose to.