Fit For Future Families



  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    pmaria10 I've read that when you're actively trying you should do the baby dance every-other day. Give's his little soldiers a chance to regain strength and mass.

    Just thought i'd share, and i'm sorry if this is a little I was kind of upset when my husband gave me the dates of his return bc he left while I AF was here and sure enough the friday that he returns AF will be here AGAIN! I feel bad bc he'll only be home for 2 weeks then leave again for another month! Well after much pondering on trying to make the most of the two weeks he'll be home (even though we aren't TTC just's still fun to practice!) i have decided to try to skip AF in september...I'm on the nueva ring, and rather than taking my ring out for a whole week, i'm just going to take the old one out and put a new one in. This should keep her at bay until October. Well, with that being said..i plugged all the new dates into an online ovulation calander (bc i am obsessive compulsive..:blushing: ) I am holding out hope that whatever my cycle is ON the ring, my body will continue it while off the ring. So, assuming this brazen move of sending AF packing for a month will completely re-calculate my cycle it makes my ovulation dates more ideal! I'll be taking the ring out for good in October and will no longer ovulate during the holidays (obviously I will still ovulate, just before/after the holidays) and i will be ovulating the week that he is scheduled to leave on cruise! So we'll have 2 good ovulation cycles to TTC before he leaves on cruise vs just the one!
    Has been on the Nueva ring and then come off of it? Any tips on how it effects your cycle post ring? Thanks for "listening" to me rant...I get REALLY excited about stuff like this! :-)
  • Hopeful4757
    AlisaToth - It sounds like you've got a good plan. I wish I could help, but have never been on that.

    I did have an IUD and got it out Aug. 6. The doctor said I should see AF within a week, but sometimes it's as long as 6-8 weeks!!! I am still waiting...

    lessjess -welcome to our "group"

    kcurtis - You really are getting quite a bit of exercise with all the work you're doing on the house - good for you.

    So, I was bad this past Saturday and Sunday. I pulled it together and have been eating under my calories this week to make up for my awful days. I weighed myself this morning (usu. day is Friday, but just wanted to see), and I was up 2 lbs from last Friday!!!! :mad: What the heck? I hope tomorrow morning is better.
  • Hopeful4757
    Yeah!!! Not sure what the difference was from yesterday, but I'll take it! I was down 2.2 pounds officially since last Friday. I am excited it didn't stick after my hard work and eating good this week.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Good job Hopeful!!! Isn't it nice to see hard work pay off?

    Alisa - Sounds like you have it all figured out. One thing I noticed was that it happened when I least expected it. Try not to get to stressed planning, and have some fun!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Blah - officially weighed in for the 6th time in 2 weeks and have called it......The plateau has hit. It's the same one that I hit every time (when I was doing LA Weightloss, they claimed I wasn't working hard enough and please stop weight training, muscle weighs more than fat and it's affecting your weigh in :noway: That was the day I stopped doing that, when I was going to a specialist doctor who gets great results, he called me a cheater at this point, when i.....well you get the point).

    Since I put this weight on 12 years ago, any attempt to get below 250 has thwarted me (hence my first goal of 249.9 - just wanted to be able to say it was done), I thought this year might be different....this try started so positively and the doctors told me the meds (Metformin) would help with the problem. There is something different this time though - me. I'm not frustrated (and I should be, I've been hovering for 3 weeks) - I'm optimistic and I'll find a way around it. I will be below 250 soon...not sure when, but soon!

    The one thing that I keep thinking about is AF *should* be here sometime soon. LOL Took 5 days of Provera starting Friday a week ago. I've been clear of them since this could just be pre-AF better be or i'm going to have to kick my own butt into gear!!!!!!

  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Okay, so maybe i was a little lazy this week...and even though i tracked everything that went into my mouth i didn't really care what it was and had a few REALLY bad here are the ugly stats from this week's weigh in:

    SW 144.6
    LW 139.8
    CW 139.2 <--- (-0.6 lbs...)
    GW 130

    I guess SOME movement is better than NO movement...still a little discouraging esp since i maintained my goal of drinking TONS of water and got 8+ glasses of water everyday (sometimes feeling like i was going to drowned in my own body).
    My goals for this week:
    -continue to drink lots of water (at the very least maybe i'll pee off a few lbs)
    -I'm going to start eating smaller meals and snacking in between to help boost my motabolizm
    -Get up EVERY morning and walk/jog with my hyper puppy (7 1/2 mo old Australian Shepherd)

    Tonight is date night with me and my kiddo...we're going to a movie (Dispicable me) I am going to give in (just one more time :smile: ) and buy him and I each our own piece of candy and we're going to share a small popcorn. It's date night! We gotta!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Fitter~ I am right there with you! I have been hovering for a few months... You've been doing great! And we both will get off this plateau soon!

    Hopefull~ Great Job!

    Yeah, I've been getting a workout, but eating horrible too! We really don't have time to prepair anything so it's crappy fast food or frozen meal... Ugh I know that isn't helping this plateau either! It will all be over soon... I hope. Going to Cedar Point tomorrow so lots of walking! Just have to stay focused and stay away from the junk food. Then its back to working on the rental. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    kcurtis- I had no idea you lived in ohio! Im in ohio too. I haven't been to cedar point in forever. To be exact my senior graduating class went the day after commencement. hehe anyways have fun and resist that lovely food they have there.

    edit- ok I looked at your profile and you dont live in ohio BUT I still love cedar point hhehehe ;)
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    CudyBug- LOL Detroit is close enough to CP to go at least once a year! Love it! I'll try!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Kcurtis & Cudybug - My husband is from OH and I've never been (we're going this thanksgiving). He always talks about how awesome Cedar Point is and what great childhood memories he has from going there. He always says he wants to take me and the kids (current 1 kid and future kids) there one day. So have fun Kcurtis! Ride a rollercoaster for me while you still can! (once you're preggo no more coasters!)
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Ok this is crazy, I am living in OH too. So how many of us are in OH????

    Fitterpam - I totally know what you are experiencing. I have a simmilar issue. I can get to 192, and have tried for years to get below it. I tried everything, and would always get stuck at it. I think we all have a weight that our bodies are "comfortable" at, and to get it below it is not easy, but I think it can be done. I was stuck for about 4-5 months before I was able to get below it, but it did happen. You are strong and can do it!!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Amanda - where in ohio are you. Im in northeast ohio.

    Alisatoth- Ehh all of ohio that ive seen (mostly northornparts) have never impressed me lol your not missing out on never being here BUT cedar point is awsome BUT super expensive which is why I havent been there in forever. We used to go to Geauga Lake alot when we were kids but they closed it the year before last
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    Im in Ohio too! Northwest Ohio actually. Last time I was at CP was when I took my physics kids there for physics day (im a teacher). I rode the millenium for the first time and it was insane (im also afraid of heights)

    I was a big CP fan when I was in high school not so much anymore.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Jessica - I've been told by other's i'm not missing much, but my husband doesn't think it's fair bc we met in my "hometown" and then got stationed in the same town i graduated HS from and i've never been where he's from. My husband is from NE Ohio too! I''m excited to visit, see someplace new. Also, since I make my MIL send me Harry London Buckeyes during football season I'm excited to go and stockup my inventory, I'm going to put them in our Christmas candy dishes this year :-)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Wow – a lot has happened!!

    tahmed – congratulations, I’m so happy for you!!! That was a really sweet way to tell your husband, I started to tear up when I read it. (And I LOVE you baby ticker)

    Mary – I hope everything went well at your doctor appointment. I’m sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

    To the military wives – I can’t imagine how hard it must be to be separated from your husbands. But I have nothing but respect and admiration for what they are doing.

    kcurtis – when you’re done with your house, feel free to come over to mine! :laugh:

    I’ve been eating horrible lately. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been sick, or because AF is here, but I’m been so hungry that nothing satisfies me. I’m trying to balance it out with exercise but I don’t how good of a job I’m doing. I guess I’ll find out Monday morning. :indifferent: Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just needed to vent because I came to a realization a few minutes ago. Stupid Provera hasn't done its thing yet AND there is no signs to indicate that it's working yet. I'm not irritated, sore, crampy, tired, craving funny things....NOTHING. I wish I'd figured this out earlier this morning, but I think I have to wait until Monday to call the doctors and find out what is going on. I only had a half prescription (5 days) Started them on Friday last week and finished them on Tuesday. I know it's still kind of early to be upset that they haven't worked yet, but it's now Friday again and it's always started within 2 days in the past of the last I shall be here this weekend twiddling my thumbs.

    The only good thing is that I'm not sitting and wondering if I'm pregnant - and planning said pregnancy. They did the test before they wrote the prescription and it's definitely negative. Unless it was early.....LOL, oh geez, here I go.....someone stop me before I'm decorating the nursery. :tongue:

    The only thing I keep telling myself is that maybe I'm just slightly bloated - but I haven't been the best about water the last two days and so it could be that....but still....GRRRRRR :huh:
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    man everyone ttc right now and getting pregnant makes me wanna ttc right now but for us the timing wouldnt be right. We have two end of the year babies and with xmas right there its too hard so we want a begining of the year baby
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    man everyone ttc right now and getting pregnant makes me wanna ttc right now but for us the timing wouldnt be right. We have two end of the year babies and with xmas right there its too hard so we want a begining of the year baby

    I'm right there with you! In my head I know it's better for us to wait until the end of the year to start TTC but I want to start now.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just needed to vent because I came to a realization a few minutes ago. Stupid Provera hasn't done its thing yet AND there is no signs to indicate that it's working yet. I'm not irritated, sore, crampy, tired, craving funny things....NOTHING. I wish I'd figured this out earlier this morning, but I think I have to wait until Monday to call the doctors and find out what is going on. I only had a half prescription (5 days) Started them on Friday last week and finished them on Tuesday. I know it's still kind of early to be upset that they haven't worked yet, but it's now Friday again and it's always started within 2 days in the past of the last I shall be here this weekend twiddling my thumbs.

    I have to laugh at myself - I do it every time, just as I start to think, but maybe.........LOL Yep - AF showed up this morning not long after I wrote this. I need to start thinking maybe a little sooner - maybe my mind is controlling my hormones.....

    @Ron & Cudy: I'm always TTC.....LOL the chances of it happening are so remote that we'll take any chance we get. We're actually not officially getting pregnant until probably January - it'll give our doctor a good baseline for my cycles and hormones and hubbie goes in for surgery in 2.5 weeks so it'll be a few months after that before we can get our procedure done. I'm kinda hoping it happens naturally before then (will save me $20K) but we'll definitely be preggers in Jan sometime. The key then is to be healthy enough - and have the hormones in check enough - to carry it to term. That's my biggest fear right now.
  • Hopeful4757
    fitterpam - I'm glad it all worked out.

    I am so excited because this morning I woke up hungry and really wanted a big omelet or pancakes and bacon or something I would usually eat on a Saturday morning (pre-life style change) and I opted for coffee, healthy cereal, and a banana. I call this progress. :smile: It's even more progress because my husband went to McDonalds to pick something up since I haven't grocery shopped and there's not a huge selection in the house and I didn't get anything.