You guys really like to over complicate things.



  • WisiPls
    WisiPls Posts: 359
    I didn't make this thread to be a ****. I made this thread so that it could help people understand that for the majority of us, losing weight(or gaining) isn't that complicated. It was more to motivate than put you down, but if you have a medical condition or are taking meds, then you really don't apply to this thread and you know that.
  • letmebangbro
    letmebangbro Posts: 213 Member
    Wisi, I am a Harvard Graduate in Broscience.
    Would you like to discuss sometime about your fitness goals?
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member

    JK Good thread.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I didn't make this thread to be a ****. I made this thread so that it could help people understand that for the majority of us, losing weight(or gaining) isn't that complicated. It was more to motivate than put you down, but if you have a medical condition or are taking meds, then you really don't apply to this thread and you know that.

    I get you, but weight loss is an emotional **** storm. It's all wrapped up in social anxiety and feelings of low self worth, with a strong slathering of humiliation and a dash of being hangry.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Smoking - You will not gain weight if you quit smoking unless you binge eat after quitting, that's all there is to it.

    Actually, the metabolism slows down after a person quits smoking.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    How I see it, we all have our own ways to do it and someone may think there's is better. In fact it could be for some, but not for all. I do Paleo and people freak saying what I am doing is retarded, in some cases I can say it is. But it WORKS FOR ME. So in saying that, take whatever from the post works for you and if it doesn't then take it with a grain of salt and be happy you are doing an amazing job and losing weight your way!!
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Ah, the arrogance of youth having all the answers. Like we haven't seen this many times before. Like we weren't in your shoes many years ago when we were the ones with all the answers. And in 30-40 years when you in our shoes and you know you won't have all the answers.

    Time is the great equalizer. We've seen this play before.

    Don't be hatin, OP is speaking the truth.

    While everything is technically correct, there are a lot of nuances missing.

    "Just eat under maintenance" would be a whole lot easier if we had a little plug we could attach to the nearest analysis machine and get the correct maintenance calories. A lot of thing affect the human metabolism. Quitting smoking could cause one's metabolism to slow down, as could hormonal imbalances, age, nutrition (or lack) or a myriad of other factors.

    And, in reality, if all it took was a bit of education to lose weight, we wouldn't be in such a pickle as a nation. The diet industry wouldn't be a million dollar market. Dr. Oz would still be performing heart surgery. :laugh: There's so much emotion and motivation tied up into what we eat and how much we exercise that it's easy to plug a quick fix and have tons of followers flock to you…

    And then to get shamed when you ask a "simple" or even "stupid" question … well, no wonder some people quit before they've begun.

    Your metabolism doesn't change all that much unless you go through some crazy eating disorders like anorexia. It's actually quite simple to calculate a range of your maintenance calories and I'd be willing to do it for anyone in this thread. Just PM me. Takes about 5 minutes lol.

    And your second paragraph is actually what's wrong with this nation. It really does only take a little bit of education to lose weight unless you have some medical disorders, but we've already established that this thread isn't about them. People want a quick solution so they follow these gurus that spit the stupidest advice at people, and when it doesn't work they give up and say it's impossible for them to lose weight. If people actually learned about nutrition or how the body works these stupid gurus would disappear and people would actually see progress.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Rock on OP, my chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and vanilla bean ice cream for dinner tonight thank you for you sanity.

  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Smoking - You will not gain weight if you quit smoking unless you binge eat after quitting, that's all there is to it.

    Actually, the metabolism slows down after a person quits smoking.

    Yeah, true, but not by a lot. Recently we had a post featuring over 20lbs gained over many months, accompanied by refusals to measure food, insistence on "I don't eat that much", and the usual incorrect focus on exercise. These posts can be frustrating because it is so damn obvious the problem is too much food, and some of us recognize the same patterns of denial that got us fat before we dealt with them.

    There really are two sides here, and both make valid points.

    1)weight loss is actually quite simple
    2)despite being simple, weight loss is really freaking hard
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Smoking - You will not gain weight if you quit smoking unless you binge eat after quitting, that's all there is to it.

    Actually, the metabolism slows down after a person quits smoking.

    Nicotine is a stimulant, bro.
  • Sweetnothing78
    Sweetnothing78 Posts: 86 Member
    I see threads all the time on here with some crazy nonsense like "eat 6 small meals a day" or here's a funny one "gaining weight after I quit smoking" the list goes on though.

    Smoking - You will not gain weight if you quit smoking unless you binge eat after quitting, that's all there is to it.

    Losing weight is very easy - Just eat under your maintenance and do cardio, hell you don't even need to do cardio to burn fat, you can do it all through diet. I recommend you do some type of cardio though for your heart.

    Gaining muscle - Eat over your maintenance by anywhere from 200-500 calories, while lifting 3-4x a week and you will gain muscle, unless you have super low testosterone levels.

    Losing fat and gaining muscle - Lift while you lose weight. If you feel like you don't have enough muscle when you lose the fat, then eat at a low surplus like 200-300 calories over maintenance for a few months. Then cut fat again, it's really that simple.(just posted this last part in another thread)

    You honestly don't even need to eat super clean foods like rice and chicken every meal to lose weight, Although it will probably make you feel better. I don't want people to be turned off from fitness and being healthy because of this stuff.

    inb4 people with PHD's in broscience post

    This is truth. To all of the people who have jumped in with excuses-this is a matter of reading comprehension. Some people are so hell bent on arguing they will argue with someone making the same point they are trying to make. After reading all of the excuses I had to go back and read the OP's post again. He specifically says "eat under YOUR MAINTENANCE". That's pretty clear. Whatever your maintenance is eat below it and weight will come off. If you want to improve your cardiovascular health, endurance, and physical fitness then workout.

    As a side note. I have hypothyroidism and an extremely poor metabolism from years of struggling with eating disorders. My maintenance is low. Someone else's may be high. What ever yours is eat below it and lose.

  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member

    Hmmm... Do you think it's possible he is joking?

    dang, I guess so. I was really hoping for free vacation and to stomp someone out.

    My bad whoha... I see what you up too :laugh:

    Carry on, sir.
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I see threads all the time on here with some crazy nonsense like "eat 6 small meals a day" or here's a funny one "gaining weight after I quit smoking" the list goes on though.

    Smoking - You will not gain weight if you quit smoking unless you binge eat after quitting, that's all there is to it.

    Losing weight is very easy - Just eat under your maintenance and do cardio, hell you don't even need to do cardio to burn fat, you can do it all through diet. I recommend you do some type of cardio though for your heart.

    Gaining muscle - Eat over your maintenance by anywhere from 200-500 calories, while lifting 3-4x a week and you will gain muscle, unless you have super low testosterone levels.

    Losing fat and gaining muscle - Lift while you lose weight. If you feel like you don't have enough muscle when you lose the fat, then eat at a low surplus like 200-300 calories over maintenance for a few months. Then cut fat again, it's really that simple.(just posted this last part in another thread)

    You honestly don't even need to eat super clean foods like rice and chicken every meal to lose weight, Although it will probably make you feel better. I don't want people to be turned off from fitness and being healthy because of this stuff.

    inb4 people with PHD's in broscience post

    This is truth. To all of the people who have jumped in with excuses-this is a matter of reading comprehension. Some people are so hell bent on arguing they will argue with someone making the same point they are trying to make. After reading all of the excuses I had to go back and read the OP's post again. He specifically says "eat under YOUR MAINTENANCE". That's pretty clear. Whatever your maintenance is eat below it and weight will come off. If you want to improve your cardiovascular health, endurance, and physical fitness then workout.

    As a side note. I have hypothyroidism and an extremely poor metabolism from years of struggling with eating disorders. My maintenance is low. Someone else's may be high. What ever yours is eat below it and lose.


    someone that has a medical problem and understands what OP was saying?
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    How I see it, we all have our own ways to do it and someone may think there's is better. In fact it could be for some, but not for all. I do Paleo and people freak saying what I am doing is retarded, in some cases I can say it is. But it WORKS FOR ME. So in saying that, take whatever from the post works for you and if it doesn't then take it with a grain of salt and be happy you are doing an amazing job and losing weight your way!!
    Salt makes me retain water. Are you trying to sabotage my diet?
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Op is right on. I lost weight through calorie deficit and cardio. Honestly, sometimes weight loss gets a little boring day in day out, so I like to complicate it (aka make it more interesting) by my own many extra rules. They are just for me, I don't impose them on others.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Nice thread.

  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I see threads all the time on here with some crazy nonsense like "eat 6 small meals a day" or here's a funny one "gaining weight after I quit smoking" the list goes on though.

    Smoking - You will not gain weight if you quit smoking unless you binge eat after quitting, that's all there is to it.

    Losing weight is very easy - Just eat under your maintenance and do cardio, hell you don't even need to do cardio to burn fat, you can do it all through diet. I recommend you do some type of cardio though for your heart.

    Gaining muscle - Eat over your maintenance by anywhere from 200-500 calories, while lifting 3-4x a week and you will gain muscle, unless you have super low testosterone levels.

    Losing fat and gaining muscle - Lift while you lose weight. If you feel like you don't have enough muscle when you lose the fat, then eat at a low surplus like 200-300 calories over maintenance for a few months. Then cut fat again, it's really that simple.(just posted this last part in another thread)

    You honestly don't even need to eat super clean foods like rice and chicken every meal to lose weight, Although it will probably make you feel better. I don't want people to be turned off from fitness and being healthy because of this stuff.

    inb4 people with PHD's in broscience post

    This is truth. To all of the people who have jumped in with excuses-this is a matter of reading comprehension. Some people are so hell bent on arguing they will argue with someone making the same point they are trying to make. After reading all of the excuses I had to go back and read the OP's post again. He specifically says "eat under YOUR MAINTENANCE". That's pretty clear. Whatever your maintenance is eat below it and weight will come off. If you want to improve your cardiovascular health, endurance, and physical fitness then workout.

    As a side note. I have hypothyroidism and an extremely poor metabolism from years of struggling with eating disorders. My maintenance is low. Someone else's may be high. What ever yours is eat below it and lose.


    someone that has a medical problem and understands what OP was saying?

    You mean actual maintenance and predicted maintenance can differ by a lot?
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Good post OP. The problem is that people will always find a way to make things too complicated so they have an excuse not to try.

    To the ones with excuses. Those excuses won't make you smaller, more muscular, or healthier. And they certainly won't garner more respect. The rest of us don't need to hear why you are not succeeding. We already know life isn't fair. Either do what needs to be done, or don't. It only affects you.
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I see threads all the time on here with some crazy nonsense like "eat 6 small meals a day" or here's a funny one "gaining weight after I quit smoking" the list goes on though.

    Smoking - You will not gain weight if you quit smoking unless you binge eat after quitting, that's all there is to it.

    Losing weight is very easy - Just eat under your maintenance and do cardio, hell you don't even need to do cardio to burn fat, you can do it all through diet. I recommend you do some type of cardio though for your heart.

    Gaining muscle - Eat over your maintenance by anywhere from 200-500 calories, while lifting 3-4x a week and you will gain muscle, unless you have super low testosterone levels.

    Losing fat and gaining muscle - Lift while you lose weight. If you feel like you don't have enough muscle when you lose the fat, then eat at a low surplus like 200-300 calories over maintenance for a few months. Then cut fat again, it's really that simple.(just posted this last part in another thread)

    You honestly don't even need to eat super clean foods like rice and chicken every meal to lose weight, Although it will probably make you feel better. I don't want people to be turned off from fitness and being healthy because of this stuff.

    inb4 people with PHD's in broscience post

    This is truth. To all of the people who have jumped in with excuses-this is a matter of reading comprehension. Some people are so hell bent on arguing they will argue with someone making the same point they are trying to make. After reading all of the excuses I had to go back and read the OP's post again. He specifically says "eat under YOUR MAINTENANCE". That's pretty clear. Whatever your maintenance is eat below it and weight will come off. If you want to improve your cardiovascular health, endurance, and physical fitness then workout.

    As a side note. I have hypothyroidism and an extremely poor metabolism from years of struggling with eating disorders. My maintenance is low. Someone else's may be high. What ever yours is eat below it and lose.


    someone that has a medical problem and understands what OP was saying?

    You mean actual maintenance and predicted maintenance can differ by a lot?

    not sure what you're saying but maintenance calories depend on the weight of the person, their activity level, and can be effected by age along with other factors but those are the main ones.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    So do we log housework or not?