You guys really like to over complicate things.



  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Yes. Yes, I do. I L:love:VE to overcomplicate things. Especially if cool techie gadgets are involved. That is all.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    O_O is it an excuse that i fractured my leg had two surgeries to fix it and I couldn't walk for a year an a half?
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member

    a horse and kitty for you :3
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    I didn't make this thread to be a ****. I made this thread so that it could help people understand that for the majority of us, losing weight(or gaining) isn't that complicated. It was more to motivate than put you down, but if you have a medical condition or are taking meds, then you really don't apply to this thread and you know that.

    And all I was saying was you made it all sound so simple, so easy. No problems. Life looks simple and easy when you are 21 as you are. I used to think like that when I was your age. But when you are my age you know it isn't. There is no one way to lose weight. No one diet plan for everyone. No one exercise plan for everyone. It isn't simple. Nothing in life is. Especially if it is worthwhile. And that is all I'm saying. You'll find that out in a few decades. Trust me on that.

    Losing weight is simple math. You need to have deficit of x amount of calories to lose weight. Period. Yes there is 100's of ways to get you to a formula that works but the end result is still the same. Eat less, Move more. When there is a post everyday about carbs, clean eating and other "fads" that's when complications arise. I would really like to think the weight I lost was more than me being young, but because I worked hard.
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    Écrasez l’infâme!

    Plus I heard there were cats
    I thought there would be cats.....

    Thank you!!!
    And yes with age comes wisdom!
  • DaveS_63
    DaveS_63 Posts: 50
    Welcome to the internet. There are also cats.

    funny cay video's are the best!
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Also for anyone claiming that this won't work.

    This was me when I started tracking my calories.

    And this was just 3 months later after eating only 300 calories under my maintenance a day and continuing to lift weights the way I always had.

    It really is simple guys, I only did cardio 3 times between those pictures on days I went over my calories.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Ah, the arrogance of youth having all the answers. Like we haven't seen this many times before. Like we weren't in your shoes many years ago when we were the ones with all the answers. And in 30-40 years when you in our shoes and you know you won't have all the answers.

    Time is the great equalizer. We've seen this play before.

    I love this. So true.

    u jelly?

    Please explain why you think I am "jelly?" I'm guessing you think that I am jealous of your age. Far from it, dude. I wouldn't go back in time if I could. Been there and done that. Compared to where I was when I was younger, I am quite content where I am at now.

    "Youth is wasted on the young"
    George Bernard Shaw
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Also for anyone claiming that this won't work.

    This was me when I started tracking my calories.

    And this was just 3 months later after eating only 300 calories under my maintenance a day and continuing to lift weights the way I always had.

    It really is simple guys, I only did cardio 3 times between those pictures on days I went over my calories.

    Excellent job! It worked nicely for you.

    Too bad I'm not a dude with lots of testosterone.

    I was going to lecture you about some stuff, but I'm starting to believe you cannot possibly put yourself in someone else's shoes for even a moment.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Ah, the arrogance of youth having all the answers. Like we haven't seen this many times before. Like we weren't in your shoes many years ago when we were the ones with all the answers. And in 30-40 years when you in our shoes and you know you won't have all the answers.

    Time is the great equalizer. We've seen this play before.

    Don't be hatin, OP is speaking the truth.

    While everything is technically correct, there are a lot of nuances missing.

    "Just eat under maintenance" would be a whole lot easier if we had a little plug we could attach to the nearest analysis machine and get the correct maintenance calories. A lot of thing affect the human metabolism. Quitting smoking could cause one's metabolism to slow down, as could hormonal imbalances, age, nutrition (or lack) or a myriad of other factors.

    And, in reality, if all it took was a bit of education to lose weight, we wouldn't be in such a pickle as a nation. The diet industry wouldn't be a million dollar market. Dr. Oz would still be performing heart surgery. :laugh: There's so much emotion and motivation tied up into what we eat and how much we exercise that it's easy to plug a quick fix and have tons of followers flock to you…

    And then to get shamed when you ask a "simple" or even "stupid" question … well, no wonder some people quit before they've begun.

    Your metabolism doesn't change all that much unless you go through some crazy eating disorders like anorexia. It's actually quite simple to calculate a range of your maintenance calories and I'd be willing to do it for anyone in this thread. Just PM me. Takes about 5 minutes lol.

    And your second paragraph is actually what's wrong with this nation. It really does only take a little bit of education to lose weight unless you have some medical disorders, but we've already established that this thread isn't about them. People want a quick solution so they follow these gurus that spit the stupidest advice at people, and when it doesn't work they give up and say it's impossible for them to lose weight. If people actually learned about nutrition or how the body works these stupid gurus would disappear and people would actually see progress.

    Yeah, I think we're actually in agreement about the 2nd paragraph. That is the problem with America. It's too bad we can't just teach everyone how to eat healthy, how to calculate their BMR and TDEE and eat within that, and watch the obesity problem disappear. But that is why people tend to overcomplicate things (we are, by nature, complex, emotional beings) and telling them it's really simple isn't going to help … they need to address the other issues.

    As far as metabolism, even the best online calculators are only estimates. And then people disagree with those, too. And metabolism isn't a constant throughout one's life, or even adult life. It's a lot harder for me to lose weight now, on the same calorie intake, as it was 10 years ago. I have the skills to ramp up my exercise and play with my calories until I find the right combination, but many people who ask those questions are asking because they legitimately don't know.

    In essence, I agree with most of what the OP said. But I'm afraid that the delivery came across as abrasive and judgmental. That's the hazard of the internet - you miss all those non-verbal nuances that in face-to-face interactions tell us more about the message. I'm sorry if I misinterpreted!!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Also for anyone claiming that this won't work.

    This was me when I started tracking my calories.

    And this was just 3 months later after eating only 300 calories under my maintenance a day and continuing to lift weights the way I always had.

    It really is simple guys, I only did cardio 3 times between those pictures on days I went over my calories.

    Excellent job! It worked nicely for you.

    Too bad I'm not a dude with lots of testosterone.

    I was going to lecture you about some stuff, but I'm starting to believe you cannot possibly put yourself in someone else's shoes for even a moment.

    So his hard work can't be comparable to other's hard that what you are saying? :huh:
  • DaveS_63
    DaveS_63 Posts: 50
    More funny cat videos please?
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Simple yes, easy, no. The OP knows exactly what he's talking about. Solid post bro.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Also for anyone claiming that this won't work.

    This was me when I started tracking my calories.

    And this was just 3 months later after eating only 300 calories under my maintenance a day and continuing to lift weights the way I always had.

    It really is simple guys, I only did cardio 3 times between those pictures on days I went over my calories.

    Excellent job! It worked nicely for you.

    Too bad I'm not a dude with lots of testosterone.

    I was going to lecture you about some stuff, but I'm starting to believe you cannot possibly put yourself in someone else's shoes for even a moment.

    I'm not a dude with lots of testosterone. I've been lifting about 3.5 months, doing cardio only occasionally and eating between a 15-20% cut from my TDEE (so around 1700, sometimes more sometimes less.). My results are inline with his. Would you find those more valid or...?
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Also for anyone claiming that this won't work.

    This was me when I started tracking my calories.

    And this was just 3 months later after eating only 300 calories under my maintenance a day and continuing to lift weights the way I always had.

    It really is simple guys, I only did cardio 3 times between those pictures on days I went over my calories.

    Oh and there was only about a 5lb weight difference between those pictures, maybe even less.
  • jenna311
    jenna311 Posts: 24 Member
    I friend requested some of you that posted things I agree with on here...just in case you see it in your requests and wonder who the hell I am.

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Also for anyone claiming that this won't work.

    This was me when I started tracking my calories.

    And this was just 3 months later after eating only 300 calories under my maintenance a day and continuing to lift weights the way I always had.

    It really is simple guys, I only did cardio 3 times between those pictures on days I went over my calories.

    Excellent job! It worked nicely for you.

    Too bad I'm not a dude with lots of testosterone.

    I was going to lecture you about some stuff, but I'm starting to believe you cannot possibly put yourself in someone else's shoes for even a moment.

    I'm not a dude with lots of testosterone. I've been lifting about 3.5 months, doing cardio only occasionally and eating between a 15-20% cut from my TDEE (so around 1700, sometimes more sometimes less.). My results are inline with his. Would you find those more valid or...?

    My wife is 40, a cancer survivor and has undergone chemotherapy. If you know anything about chem then you know it will destroy your body composition and metabolism. She's had amazing success while simply eating at a small deficit, and strength training with some cardio. Again, either do or don't. The process is quite simple. It's motivation and determination that are difficult.
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Also for anyone claiming that this won't work.

    This was me when I started tracking my calories.

    And this was just 3 months later after eating only 300 calories under my maintenance a day and continuing to lift weights the way I always had.

    It really is simple guys, I only did cardio 3 times between those pictures on days I went over my calories.

    Excellent job! It worked nicely for you.

    Too bad I'm not a dude with lots of testosterone.

    I was going to lecture you about some stuff, but I'm starting to believe you cannot possibly put yourself in someone else's shoes for even a moment.

    I'm not a dude with lots of testosterone. I've been lifting about 3.5 months, doing cardio only occasionally and eating between a 15-20% cut from my TDEE (so around 1700, sometimes more sometimes less.). My results are inline with his. Would you find those more valid or...?

    My wife is 40, a cancer survivor and has undergone chemotherapy. If you know anything about chem then you know it will destroy your body composition and metabolism. She's had amazing success while simply eating at a small deficit, and strength training with some cardio. Again, either do or don't. The process is quite simple. It's motivation and determination that are difficult.

    we're all gonna make it