

  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Janetr - I hope things improve for your family. That wreck looked awful!

    Allie - I hope things don’t totally explode at work. That stinks to find your job posted on zip recruiters!

    I talked to the radiologist who did my mom’s biopsy. We have a referral to the surgeon on August 13. Mom seems very at peace with this.

    Connie in KY
  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member
    edited August 2019
    Barbara - so sorry to hear about Scooter. thanks for giving him a wonderful life! *hugs*

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Everyone, thanks for your always compassionate understanding about both Scooter and Joe.
    Lanette the evidence keeps becoming plainer, your DH and mine are brothers from another mother.
    Heather :love: the sparkly dress, it just cries out for opera gloves and fascinator, or a picturebook hat and parasol, but I suppose a tiara and magic wand will have to do.
    Janetr ((hugs)) and prayers for you and your family.
    Katla sending good thoughts that the MRI finds the source of your DH's pain and that it's easily and quickly repaired.
    Yvonne so good to see you posting! You were missed.
    Welcome Elaine and Sharon in AZ.

    After another hour of prep (removing staples and protective mesh, and blowing yet again) finally got the goop on 3 experimental boards. Covered half with waxed paper and half with plastic wrap. So far, the prep has taken 9 times as long as the actual application. Dreading tomorrow's reveal as I expect the cleanup to be as bad as the prep.

    Kim you're right. At home is worth the $$. Vet will be here a week from Wednesday. Longer lead time than we thought, but will use it to cherish and enjoy Scooter's last days. And gives God more time to accede to my "please take him gently in his sleep" prayer request.

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for August: gratitude.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited August 2019
    August goals
    ✔️ = 1 day in the week
    HEALTH :

    1. Write what I'm grateful for daily, here or elsewhere
    2. Five minutes meditation 4 days a week
    3. Write feelings here or somewhere

    5. At least 30 min exercise 6 days a week
    6. Go to gym 2x a week
    7. Use city bike 1x

    8. Track all
    9. average less than 100 carbs per day
    10. Take measurements 1x
    11. Eat fresh leafy greens 2x a week

    Eating and movement
    13. Lose a kilo (from average 59.13 over past 7 days on Aug 1)

    12. 15 min a day
    13. Produce at least 1 rough page per day

    14. Average at least 15 min/day of cleaning ✔️

    15. 15 min/day paperwork most days

    17. taxes done
    18. pay 1 bill per week

    remaining from may see dentist 2

    slept ok
    physical health is ok
    mild weather at present
    fan is still working

    Challenges: low carbs, calories, exercise, moral

    Accomplishments or successes: ok appointment yesterday morning

    Feeling: could be better

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    Yesterday was very productive. Went out into the garden planning to do lots of little tidy up jobs. Ended up wrestling with and old rowan tree where one half had been strangled by ivy. Let a lot of lovely sunshine into our yard area. Clean up and disposal today. Too much for our chipper to deal with, so will take branches to recycle.

    Prayers and Hugs for Connie, Janetr, Kayla, Barbara, Allie, and anyone else facing challenging days ahead.
    Mielle Failte to our newbies. We're a chatty lot, so we don't expect people to comment on every post. Come often for support and encouragement.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather What is your husband's novel series about? I've forgotten. Can I find the entire series on Amazon?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    edited August 2019
    I've never used dropbox. My workplace used it for a bit but stopped. My university doesn't use it either.

    I asked someone in the know at work why they didn't use it and he wasn't specific but hinted that it wasn't very good or wasn't very secure.

    Instead, to transfer documents we use something much more secure. And for general document transfer, we use One Drive or Google Drive.

    As for laptops, I could not do what I do without my laptop. It's like my right hand! Sadly, it is 3 years old and I may have to consider a new one in the next couple years.

    I'm a touch typist with 60-70 wpm, so I can't imagine using a tablet. Do tablets let you touch type at speed?

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I've never used dropbox. My workplace used it for a bit but stopped. My university doesn't use it either.

    I asked someone in the know at work why they didn't use it and he wasn't specific but hinted that it wasn't very good or wasn't very secure.

    Instead, to transfer documents we use something much more secure. And for general document transfer, we use One Drive or Google Drive.

    As for laptops, I could not do what I do without my laptop. It's like my right hand! Sadly, it is 3 years old and I may have to consider a new one in the next couple years.

    I'm a touch typist with 60-70 wpm, so I can't imagine using a tablet. Do tablets let you touch type at speed?

    M in Oz

    This is an interesting article comparing the three (Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive)

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Machka - I think there are plug in keyboards you can use on a tablet. Also some combo ones. I am quite happy pecking away as I have to give myself enough time to think. I will be typing out my memoir all over again in Word on my laptop, which I use as a radical editing exercise. I treat the tablet version as I used to use my pencil scribbles. I have writers block and the 'scribble' helps me get over the fear of the blank page.
    Did around 600 words this morning. :drinker:

    Karen - It's the Winfreth series. His name is John Ward. The latest one is The Knotted Thread. They are all on Amazon. They are set in Anglo Saxon England around the time of King Alfred, 870 - 878 ish. Winfreth is a girl/woman who acts as a sort of detective when she discovers wrong doing. My favourite is the third one, because of the historical events. The names can create a bit of a barrier, but you soon get used to them.

    A run is in my future this afternoon.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Machka ... I hate today's keyboards. My laptop is not nearly as fast as my old electric typewriter. Add on keyboards feel junky to me. Back in the day I could type 120 wpm. No where close on today's keyboards. They just don't have the same "feel" to me.

    Went back to the dermatologist for a full skin check (they didn't have time at my last appointment). Hadn't done that for a couple of decades. The things that I thought might be problematic turned out to be nothing. But something I wasn't even considering has been removed for biopsy. Go figure.

    The skin rash IS rosacea. I only heard "chronic skin condition" when the PA called a couple of weeks ago. Rosacea is the skin condition she was referring to. Anyways, one of the medications is helping but will need another to reduce the redness. I'm looking into natural supports like an anti-inflammatory diet. Anyone have experience with this?

    Husband and I are emptying out the family room tonight. New carpet being installed tomorrow. It's a commercial grade carpet as our son in his motorized wheelchair spends a lot of time in the room. We considered hardwood but the room is cold in the winter and hard surfaced rooms are more difficult for me to hear in. So carpet it is. The family room is my husband's space for the most part. I'm trying to encourage him to pare down the "stuff" he has while he's at it but not getting very far in that endeavor. Sigh.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Janetr - wow, so sorry to hear about your future DGS's accident. As someone already said, he and your DGD are being booted into adulthood. Praying for a quick recovery for him, sounds like he's getting over the hump. The resilience of youth is in his favor, and the prospect of a little one on the way will give him a goal.

    - I think many have wished Bill Gates to burn in the flames. And the techies who work for him who make a fortune adding bells and whistles that make no sense and that the average person doesn't need. Windows 7 pro forever!!!!

    Machka - that darn tooth! Hope you can get it taken care of quickly once and for all. My last job, we used Dropbox and it seemed to work well.

    Connie - is your mom in good spirits over all this? My mom was in her late 70's when diagnosed with uterine cancer. She went thru the surgery and recovery quite easily. No chemo or radiation as I recall.

    Michele - I LOVE that green turtle. The red accents are a wonderful touch. If it's not green enough for Pete, have a raffle among us ladies. I'll buy a ticket. Maybe 2.

    Barbara - somewhere along the line I missed what the "goop" project is! Yikes! Are you re-plastering a wall?

    Cleaner coming this morning at 8 so need to pick up, straighten up, and clear the counters. She's a gem.

    Yesterday was day 7 of my low-carbing. I was HUNGRY! Added low carb/high fat foods and made it through just fine and within my calorie/carb goal. No desire to start on DH's cookies. Amazing how satisfying a tablespoon of sour cream is. :p The scale says I'm down 2 pounds in the last week. As long as I'm losing in the tummy area and not my face and neck, I'm happy.

    Have a good Tuesday, ladies. <3

    SW WA State

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Beth - I had rosacea for years, inherited it from both sides of my family - Germans with very fair complexions. Also took tetracycline for decades, which helped the breakouts. At the time I was drinking red wine and probably eating foods that triggered it like chocolate, caffeine, etc.

    Finally decided I'd had enough of antibiotics and just kind of became used to the redness - I found mineralized brush-on type makeup was my best friend. Clinique has some good products.

    What finally cured it was.... menopause! Now I rarely get flushing, my face is no longer red and seems to have been healed. It's taken a few years.

    Good luck on that skin biopsy. Bet it's a "just to be on the safe side" exercise, will come out OK and you won't have to see the Derm for many, many years.
