Hilarious or Inappropriate workout problems



  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member
    After a good long cardio session and the sweat on my pants makes it look like I peed :-( Not cool!
  • msjersey73
    msjersey73 Posts: 182 Member
    Also, having a big chest makes it difficult when running!
    This this this. I have to wear like two bras just to keep them girls down.

    And gosh I have this shirt that smells oh so nice at first, but really stinks up after an hour. Soaking it overnight didn't help. :(

    soak the shirt in white vinegar for a few hours, should take the smell out.
  • geetobethin
    Stretching in yoga and the person in front of you trumps...
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    I have been laughing so hard, my abs hurt even worse (thanks to a gnarley water aerobics class). I have some embarrasing gym moments. Let me see...... accidentaly hitting the stop button on the treadmill and nearly doing a face-plant into the controls, and my now too-big bathing suit showing people my goodies when I push off the wall or get out of the pool. I have sewed that suit up twice, but dos chichis keep trying to escape. SMH.