

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Barbie - so neat you are easing back into strength training. I love reading your approach to life and exercise.

    Yesterday I resumed my SWSY. 3# dumbbells and 2 1/2# ankle weights. Yes, they were easy, but as the book recommends, start out with really light weights to get the form and breathing down, then increase weights and begin getting some resistance. Light and slow. My plan is to keep at those weights tomorrow then gradually increase, doing a workout every other day.

    SW WA State

    I'm working with 1.5 kg weights right now ... starting again.

    Oh more pictures

    Is your place (the place you work) year round, or just in autumn? Looks like a nice place.
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Worked in transportation since childhood (Papa was a Railway Express Agent who taught me the names of the states and thier capitals before I was in kindergarten). Back in the late 70's when the first "mini" computers came on board, I was the only one in the office who could make it do what I wanted it to, so slid by the seat of my pants into an IT career in the shipping industry. That career moved us from the SF Bay Area to Boise Idaho in '97.

    Interesting!! I can relate.

    I was introduced to Macs back in the 1980s in high school ... back when you had to use Basic to program the things to do anything. Then I kind of lost interest in them for a while. When early word processors appeared, I dabbled a bit with them occasionally for assignments, but wasn't all that interested. Then, in a history class in the mid-1990s, I was "forced" to learn and use the word processing program we had. I tried to hand in a hand-written paper!!

    Meanwhile I was kind of aiming for teaching or library or something like that ... and ended up in an Engineering Tech course which was a secondary interest because I didn't think I had the math/science skills. Turns out I didn't have good math/science teachers in high school and much better teachers in college. But I got onto computers for AutoCAD and an intro to MS Office. Then into Business Administration minoring in Accounting ... and learned a lot about the MS Office products and AccPac. Then into Software Development! And now tackling a Masters in IT.

    But I do recall getting a job in an Engineering/Manufacturing firm (farm equipment) and being one of the few people in the office who could make the one PC in the office do what I wanted it to do. :grin: That was what sent me into the Business Admin and Software Dev.

    I did eventually get a B-Ed but IT is where I've worked for the past 22 years. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Does anyone know if there is a way to copy just one item from a meal?

    Michele NC

    Can you post a screen shot of "a meal" and the surrounding buttons/links?

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Fun day in the glass studio yesterday. I'm busy making ornaments because I am taking off in the middle of November and won't be back until the end of the first week in December. That really cuts my ornament time down so I've got to make them now. Did I have my glass in an art gallery the last time I was around here? Well, I do now. I don't cover my expenses so I still consider it a hobby, but the gallery brings in what I spend on color a year so it's something in my pocket. The big plus as far as my husband is concerned is that I'm slowly getting rid of glass that has accumulated over the years.

    You'll have to post some photos! :)

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    Carol in GA I think the first post I made last month, I signed off with Tina in CA. That seems like so long ago. :smiley:

    On men: Mine is not empathetic toward me, at least not anymore. He was not like that before he got "burnout" from his last job. He stayed too long and he turned mean and nasty to everyone. He ultimately left and took a year off and did get better, but went back to a different company this summer. It was too early. He was so anxiety ridden about going back that he got shingles two days before his first day there. He needed more time, but he is paranoid about not having enough money for retirement. Perhaps he wants a huge yacht and hasn't told me. Otherwise, unless there is a major medical issue, we should be fine. But that's a big unknown and why we are both trying to keep ourselves healthy and fit. But the burnout is still there and it can be a big problem.

    However, he's not emotionally unavailable to me either. It's kind of strange. He will listen to me if I need to vent about something, but he doesn't really console either. I probably made him that way. I am too independent, if you ask some. I've always just assumed I'd have to take care of myself and I do. Maybe I need to let him do stuff just for the sake of doing it? It's something I struggle with.

    Anyway, I am trying to learn if he picks on me because he wants to hurt me or just to get my attention, so I can change the way I react. The problem is he chooses the wrong times to pick on me and I blow up...like when I have a migraine. We had a very difficult past year or two, but we keep moving forward.

    He is the best gift giver ever.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    oh Heather - those cinnamon buns look divine! But I think 3 or 4 of us should split one! (Although I bet with a cup of coffee I could eat it all - Now you all know why I am here!)
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    We are open from Easter til Christmas.It is a great place to work.I had been a stay at home mom(busting butt there)and hubby thought I needed to get out and get a job,be social.I applied at several stores and no response.Decided to stop by the farm,there was a tiny stand then.I have been here ever since.Met tons of sweet people and lost quite a few,since a lot of them were older.
    Debby In Va
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited October 2019
    Heather - Belated Happy Birthday, loved the dress and tiara. Sounds as if you are enjoying your cruise.

    Viv UK <3

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Debby – is the farm right there? Do you do any of the farming or just work in the stand… I have to say from your pictures the stand doesn’t look tiny. My closest farm stand is 40+ minute drive, but we do have a weekly farmers market.

    Machka – I just went ah ha! When you mentioned that one of the early carers for your DH was someone who clicked with your way of doing things… could you reach out to her about doing side work to help with your filing etc…

    Kim from N. California