
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Don’t ask me why, but I woke up early today so I did an extreme strength DVD. I honestly didn’t think I’d have time to exercise so this was a nice surprise. The plan for tomorrow is to do a yoga, pilates, cardio fusion DVD.

    M – you wanted to see my food diary for a day and I’m trying to post it here for you to see, but I can’t seem to get it in here. I enjoy using the bands since they work the muscles not only on the eccentric part of the move but also on the concentric part. How do you copy an item to a date a week away? When I go to “quick tools”, it’ll just let me copy something the next few days (2 or 3). I have used the “save meal” for just one item, like an apple. Then I have a list of one item that I use frequently. One of the things that I’m not happy about is it’ll put something in the list like “AllRecipes Pork Tenderloin”, I would rather it say “Pork Tenderloin, Allrecipes”. But, really, it’s not that big a deal. I see what you’re doing as far as copying. Sometimes I’ll eat something one day, not the next, but then have it the next. Well, like you say, MFP isn’t perfect.

    It looks like it really has cooled down. There are just so many things I’d like to get done now that it’s cooler. But I don’t know if we will, especially since Steve will be here on Wednesday (it’s supposed to be nice that day). But I couldn’t say “no” to him, it’s nice enough of him to come here.

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – you wanted to see my food diary for a day and I’m trying to post it here for you to see, but I can’t seem to get it in here.

    Use Snipping Tool to capture the image, copy and paste it here. As I have done with my examples.

    exermom wrote: »
    How do you copy an item to a date a week away? When I go to “quick tools”, it’ll just let me copy something the next few days (2 or 3).

    Copy it as far out as you can (I can copy things out to Tuesday 8 October, 3 days away). Then go to Tuesday 8 October, and copy it 3 more days into the future, etc.

    Or go to a date within a week in the future, click Quick Tools and select Copy From Date

    exermom wrote: »
    I have used the “save meal” for just one item, like an apple. Then I have a list of one item that I use frequently.

    Is that faster than just using Recent for single items?

    exermom wrote: »
    Sometimes I’ll eat something one day, not the next, but then have it the next.

    You can enter a meal, then copy it to a date 2 days in the future. Or as mentioned, go to the date 2 days in the future and use Copy From Date.

    M in Oz

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Been MIA first week of the month (and end of last). Catching up from being gone to conference. Busy week at work. Almost have a major plan revision finished. Have to get it finalized this weekend. Have a bunch of emails to work on.

    Caught up on reading through posts. This group is terrific for the variety of topics that get addressed-something for everything. In terms of spouses/partners-I found relationship with husband changed over the years0we went through different phases. I got to the point where I decided if I was going to stay, then I needed to find a way to take care of myself, which I did. I am glad I did. While it wasn't perfect marriage (what ones really are?), we built life together and had two wonderful sons. If I hadn't been in that relationship, I wouldn't have what I have now. I do think his emotional distance that I learned to cope with (and learned to read what he did that he thought was supportive), made transition to widow a bit easier, if that makes sense.

    One of my sons is currently in a relationship with a woman who is divorced from a woman. They seem to be getting along quite well. I think we will continue to see changes from the world I was brought up in (and on many of these things, it is just that they a publicly acknowledged now). All I want is for my sons (and everyone really) to be in relationship that meets their needs in a healthy way and brings them more joy than sorrow. Have no idea if I will every be in any sort of romantic relationship again, but not worrying about-if it happens it will.

    Well, my Saturday morning first treat of the day was to catch up on reading this thread. Going to get a quick breakfast and make grocery list-think I want to make some soup today since we have cooler weather finally. Need to get the house cleaned--with work this week everything is a mess--you'd think there was more than just me living here! Also taking a longer walk outside today since the temperatures are so nice.

    Hope everyone enjoys today. Good thoughts to those who are struggling. Hit one goal today and give yourself credit for it!

    Ginny in Ohio
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,576 Member
    It's Saturday!

    SuziQ - That letter writing to Charlie - what a great way to have the time to express thoughts and feelings to your partner. I'm sure you miss him terribly. Hope things go smoothly at work so you get a least a little of the weekend to yourself.

    Sharon near Seattle - yes, fall is really here, isn't it? You asked about the Trumpet vine - I received it in June as I recall, and knowing nothing about it other than it came from California, plopped it into a container to see how it behaved its first year. With the deer and bunnies we have, plus extremes in heat and cold, we have a lot of perennials in containers so we can move them if need be. Not sure Miss Trumpet will ever be in the ground here. Glad to hear yours is doing so well.

    Kathleen - what a cute dog and hiking companion - where did you say you were from again? Did you post the photos of the train tracks? The state and local groups have created "rails to trails" on an old railbed, either with pavement (great for hikers and bicycles) or crushed rock. I think the idea was to have the trail go from south of Olympia WA to the coast. It crosses several rivers.

    Tina in CA & Romwriter
    - I appreciate the conversation about snacks and workouts. Always looking for ideas!

    - I'm doing strength training a la "Strong Women Stay Young" (book by Miriam Nelson plus some online information on it) using light dumbbells and ankle weights. And yes, walking is always good. Fat grams - avocados are one of my favorites. Love your Sophie by the way. I can see the cocker and cavalier in her. Adorable! <3

    Connie in KY - I think you have the absolutely perfect situation for raising your daughter. She's an amazing young woman.

    Karen in VA
    - Thank you for the updates on Josephine. I sure hope her cancer is the more treatable kind.

    Love all the dog and cat pictures! Our fur babies are so important to us.

    Welcome new ladies! Please sign each post (at least for a while) with what you want to be called and a location - even state will do, especially if posting photos of your area. Helps us keep everyone straight. Thank you! ;)

    Looks like the battery in this PC is crapping out so will close for now. :s

    Make it a fabulous weekend, ladies. <3

    SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member

    Starting tomorrow ...

    Sunrise: 6:36 am
    Sunset: 7:22 pm
    Civil Twilight: 7:52 pm (that's when the last hint of light disappears).

    So good!! We'll have our evenings back. :):):)

    Walking, cycling, running and maybe eventually even a bit of canoeing!!!

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,775 Member
    edited October 2019
    Machka: The pre-log feature is the business. I found it quite early on MFP and have a whole raft of personal entries which I use often. Like you, I also eat the same for many meals and adapt on the day.

    On the way out for some retail therapy. I need new winter shoes etc.

    NewGals: Mille Failte. You are very welcome. Sit a spell, jump in when the spirit moves ya! We are a very active group, so don’t be spooked by the number of posts 😂 😂 😂 No one expects you to comment on all!

    Must dash. Back soonish mmm maybe not! Once I start shopping......

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited October 2019
    Meds makes me sicker lol of course. So playing the Trail Game app trying to stay in my calories with seafood y potatoes (fish y chips) with tea guess I’m craving my late mother’s British recipes. Making Hispanic foods for JR y hubby so imagine the smell of fish y gazpacho yuck need to make some cabbage will really have a stink lol. Nauseas terrible so these smells are magnified.Good news is loosing weight from being sick lol it’s the silver lining I guess.
    JR had another growth spurt he’s taller

    Amber Tx hill country SA

    Welcome more hill country folks a lot of us now
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited October 2019
    Happy Saturday! Back from the gym, rousting my "on his fifth cup of coffee, but still in bed playing games on his laptop" hubby out. Want to get a few things done this weekend, as the daughter/son-in-law and grandkids will be here next weekend, and we won't get anything done at all... :)

    For the gardener/country types:
    Plus, I've got a new toy - we do SO much tree trimming, and have so much more to do as we push the edges of the cleared space around the house back to the woods, that we broke down and bought an alligator lopper--pretty much a tiny little chainsaw that's my size, and runs on batteries. Supposedly, will take down branches or brush up to 4 inches in diameter. Should speed things up enormously. Plus, I had an idea--going to try to fasten a tarp onto the back of the riding mower to haul the brush over to the burn pit--when you're taking down small trees and trimming all trees up to head height, you build up a lot of brush REALLY quick. We've got a total of 11 acres, but only the couple acres around the house have thick underbrush at the edges - we've probably got ten feet more on two sides of the property to push back to get to forest that's thick enough that it naturally keeps the underbrush down to something reasonable. Basically, we want to get sight lines into the trees cleared. :)


    Welcome to all the new ones - we're glad you're here! Step into any conversation you choose.

    Time to get moving!
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather, so sophisticated and stunning in your beautiful dress. I hope you had a wonderful day. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Ah, Saturday. How I so look forward to you every week. It’s almost like you are my long-distance lover were I find the weeks are so long and the day together is so short.

    I am completely caught up with the group which will not last long. I love reading through everyone’s updates and am glad to have found such a supportive group. I just wish I had more time to catch up and join in to each conversation. :)

    Sharon – I am glad to hear you are back on track. I remember the weather changes and how they have an effect on our moods and bodies. Do you have a sun lamp? I hear the modern ones do not bake you and seem to help with weather fluctuation moods. Your breakfast sounded delicious. I love experimenting with different flavors, textures, and cultural cooking too.

    Michele – Hope you’re able to find a supplement that includes Silver and Fit. The post-work healthcare plans are mystifying to cull through. My good friend actually went through a consultant who reviewed all of his medical history, medications, current and possible future needs, etc. in order to select the best plan.

    Michele and Machka – If you become friends with someone on MFP and your settings are set to “share food diary” you can see other friend’s diaries. I have been looking at other’s diaries for inspiration when I am in a food rut (same thing over and over again).

    Lanette – Work was not as bad as expected. I do have to log in sometime this weekend to compile a few reports. I can let them go until Monday, if I want an early start to the day.

    NYKaren – Bummer! I hope the self-nursing helps. I always find soups and broths beneficial when feeling under the weather.

    Janetr – Happy anniversary! You look great.

    Newbies – Clair, Kelli, Romwriter57, Sherrie, and Wendy, and Those I May Have Missed – Welcome to the group. We are a very diverse and supportive group. There is something for everyone here. Wishing you all well on achieving your goals.

    Introduction – I joined MFP at the end of August. My starting weight was 195 pounds and the scale read 179.2 pounds this morning. My ultimate weight goal is to weigh 155 pounds. I have been a get healthy every 10 years type of gal (35, 45, and 55). Every decade I get down to my ideal weight only to have to creep back up at the end of the decade and am finding it gets harder to motivate myself back to getting healthy mode. Over the past trials I have found once I stop logging my daily intake the weight starts to come back. I want an active retirement and in order to maintain personal happiness it is time for me to get back on track.

    Yoga Update (one of October’s goals) – One of the gals in the office recently became a certified yoga instructor. My employer is allowing her to have an after-hours mat class the second Tuesday of every month. It’s at no cost to employees (they want to keep us healthy to keep those insurance costs down – not complaining but there is always a motive). So my first yoga class is on Tuesday – yeah!

    I hope everyone has/had a great day. SuziQ – Broward County, FL
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    JanetR - you look aMAYzing! Happy anniversary, glad you're getting over the sinus crud. Kinda lovin' the low-profile hairstyle. You certainly don't LOOK 70.

    Lisa in AR
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :)Janet, You look amazing in your anniversary outfit.

    :)Michele, take a few minutes to look through the lists of "Recent" and "Frequent" foods on your food diary. I think you will be amazed at how many of them are exactly the foods you are looking to post.

    :'( Jake was going to walk with the dogs and me this morning but then he decided to make bread instead and has everything laid out and he won't be ready when we are ready. He'll go with us tomorrow. Sasha is waiting by my feet and Bessie is under the table finishing her breakfast. I just finished my breakfast so we'll be out the door soon and will probably need a flashlight.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Happy Saturday y'all! I survived my day one of the music festival....logged my 2 beers and snuck in healthy food (Thunderbird fig carrot protein bar, some nuts and some olives). Actually had 28,000 steps on my fitbit. Think it was a win win. And I was motivated after seeing Axl Rose of Guns and Roses as the last band. He needs to join MFP and start logging lol....looked a little bloated : )

    Day 2....plan to walk a bunch, eat healthy and log those unnecessary yet delicious beers in 97 degree weather while waiting for the Cure!!!

    @Romwriter57: sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Cancer is a B***ch but you are on the right track with exercising and eating healthy. I hate the gym too as I live in Centex and love being outside. But to avoid the god awful heat, I have been going and riding the bike, treadmill and rowing to cross-train and listen to a good book or podcast to feed my brain so its a win-win. And there are lots of great videos on netflix with all kinds of exercises, from stretching to yoga, to beginner weight. Just body weight exercises are great. Wall sits, planks, bridges, pushups. Put on some good music and go for it.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    JanetR - you look aMAYzing! Happy anniversary, glad you're getting over the sinus crud. Kinda lovin' the low-profile hairstyle. You certainly don't LOOK 70.

    Lisa in AR

    THANK YOU, Lisa. <3