

  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    GingerBeer, my late DH rode the rails a lot as aa kid (14 or so) this was during WWII, and folks like his family didn’t have cars. He was told to go fend for himself at 14 - not as uncommon as you might think among the logging and cowboy towns of the west. And he did until his mom signed for him to enlist at 17 in late 1945 after the Armistice was signed but before the Peace was signed, so he had wartime service on his record and was eligible for 1-1/2 years of GI Bill. He was the first ever in his family to go to college. He got hooked on education and scrambled to get a Bachelor of Humanities.

    My dad also lived railroads and we went down to watch the roundhouse in action with my dad, and welcome my grandparents at our Union Station un Columbus OH. to great billowing clouds of steam and smoke.

    Sharon In the Past and 2000 Miles Away
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    <3Carol in GA, sorry to hear that your husband is smoking again. Smoking is hard to give up, maybe even harder to control than food or alcohol.
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    📙October Goals Progress Update
    — Saturday, 5th Oct.
    ✔️1. Lose weight.
    ✔️2. Track every bite in MFP and complete the entry daily.
    ✔️3. Participate daily in a 30-Day Digital Detox Program.

    • Overall Feeling. Sluggish. Dragged my behind all day today.
    • Lose weight. Yes. 0.4 lbs.
    • MFP - completed entry. Yes. Cal.1575, Carbs 66g. Fiber 30g. Water 90oz.
    • Digital Detox Day 5 - Screen time 12 hours with 14 pickups. . My task today is to not use my tech devices during the last hour before bed. This one will be tough. I fall asleep every night listening to something on my Kindle Fire. I usually start off watching something until I get relaxed, then I turn it over so the light is blocked and I listen to it. This has been my habit for the past 14 years. Since Hurricane Ike. I’ll give it a try. Long soaking Epsom Salt bath - with no tech device by the tub - then straight to bed.
    • Bright Spot today. Watching the little mini goats play in the yard. They head butt each other and jump and kick in the air. So cute.
    • Today I’m grateful for:
    1. Onions. Have you ever had a nice onion? I love raw onion in my salads. It adds a nice something to my salads. Sharp and slightly pungent taste. Crisp and crunchy texture.
    2. My new little password book. I wish I’d bought one sooner. Nice to have them organized. Note: I tend to use phrases as passwords and use hints in my book.
    3. Having our papers under control and organized. Peace of mind since 2016.
    4. Books to read. I hope to get back to reading real books before bed.
    5. Coffee. Always coffee.
    -- Ginger in Texas
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Thanks ladies! I will do my homework.👍💖
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Its not all about the picking and choosing, it is more about wishing I was a smaller size, and all the stress that comes with that. That is the bare bones facts of the issue. Once I face facts I can more forward. Today I was just in a situation I didn't want to be in. Have I said again how much I hate stores in general. Oh um, maybe I have...💖
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    teklawa1 wrote: »
    I think quitting smoking was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It sounds crazy but smoking was a reward for me. I’d finish a big job or get all the kids to sleep and I’d reward myself with a sit down and a cigarette. I don’t know how many times I quit,just to fall off the program and smoke again. Finally I was successful ...... but what a hard habit it was to break. It’s been twenty years but I remember the wanting like it was yesterday. I’ll never smoke again. I’m past the desire but the addiction was strong.
    Betsy in NW Wa

    Hi Betsy. 20 years is cool. I quit 6 years ago. My 6th smoberversary is Oct 27th. After a 34 year habit of a pack a day. I found it much easier to quit than I anticipated. I found the LIVESTRONG Quit community and those folks were great support. I still check-in with them occasionally. I learned a lot from them. I found a book by Charles Duhigg “The Power of Habit” and it was a turning point for me. I learned about the Habit Cycle and suddenly everything about smoking and addiction in general - made sense to me.
    Smoking was a reward. Nicotine hijacks dopamine and gives the smoker a little pleasurable sensation. A little high. It also relieves the withdrawal from nicotine since the last cigarette. The smoker starts jonesing for the next hit of nicotine. And when a smoker associates smoking with any activity - the habit cycle is created. Whenever I finish a task (trigger) I smoke a cigarette (behavior) and feel a sense of Ahhh! Relief from nicotine withdrawal (reward). I made a list of all my triggers and created new behaviors and rewards for each. I had tough moments - but I had a counteraction and it worked.
    I found this so interesting. The same could be said about sugar. And many other things.
    — Ginger in Texas
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,152 Member
    OK, I don't know if this is going to work, but I'm going to try.

    I've created a short survey about Fitness Apps for the course I'm in. If you feel so inclined, I think you can go in and complete the survey. No pressure!!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Oh our sweet Rebecca, don't be so hard on yourself. A quote my daughter sent me the other day, "Our lives move in the direction of our strongest thought". Just take another !ook at that gorgeous picture of baby Athena, now follow those thoughts, my dear. <3

    Thank you for sharing her with us, she is so beautiful. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,152 Member
    edited October 2019
    Machka9 wrote: »
    OK, I don't know if this is going to work, but I'm going to try.

    I've created a short survey about Fitness Apps for the course I'm in. If you feel so inclined, I think you can go in and complete the survey. No pressure!!


    A little background ...

    My course is Human Computer Interaction. Or in other words, all about user interfaces.

    Our assignments throughout the year are to come up with something based on the theme Get Moving at Work.

    I have chosen a Fitness App ... a Workplace-Related Fitness App.

    For the third and last assignment, we have to do some sort of "user needs" discovery process. So I thought I'd throw in a survey. Hence, the survey above. :)

    If you're uncomfortable with a survey link, these are the questions ... it's my first time using Survey Monkey so I could have probably done that better ... but anyway ...

    Fitness Apps

    1. About how many times in the average week do you engage in 30 minutes of light activity (i.e. leisurely walking, gardening, cleaning around the house)?
    Scale: 0 10 20+

    2. About how many times in the average week do you engage in 30 minutes of moderate activity (i.e. brisk walking, light bicycling)?
    Scale: 0 10 20+

    3. About how many times in the average week do you engage in 30 minutes of strenuous activity (i.e. running or jogging)?
    Scale: 0 10 20+

    4. Do you use any of the following fitness apps?
    • Strava
    • Runtastic
    • My Fitness Pal
    • MapMyFitness (MapMyWalk, MapMyRun, MapMyRide, etc.)
    • Endomondo
    • Training Peaks
    • Ritualize
    • ErgData
    • Wahoo
    • Other (please specify)

    5. How comfortable are you with technology such as laptops, mobile phones and similar?
    • Not comfortable
    • Little bit comfortable
    • Comfortable
    • Quite comfortable
    • Very comfortable!

    6. Would you be interested in a fitness app designed for the workplace?
    • No - Not Applicable
    • No - Already Using Fitness Apps
    • Maybe - Would Consider It
    • Yes - If It Could Connect To Other Fitness Apps
    • Yes - A Workplace Fitness App Would Be Good
    • Other (please specify)

    7. If your workplace were to get a Workplace Fitness App, would you prefer the app be completely separate from other apps?
    • No
    • Maybe
    • Yes

    8. If your workplace were to get a Workplace Fitness App, would you prefer the app have the option of being connected to other apps?
    • No
    • Maybe
    • Yes

    9. In a Fitness App, do you like to be able to enter your own information?
    • No
    • Maybe
    • Yes

    10. What are some features you like in a Fitness App
    • Reports & Charts
    • Challenges
    • Customisation
    • Ability to Track Additional Things (sleep, emotional status, weather, etc.)
    • Ability to Work as a Team
    • Other (please specify)

    And generally ... for my own curiosity as well as the assignment ...
    • If you use Fitness Apps, what do you like about them or dislike about them?
    • Do you find them motivational?
    • If you don't use Fitness Apps (aside from MFP of course because we're here!), is there something that puts you off ...

    Don't worry, I'm not going to use names or anything in my assignment. :)

    Machka in Oz :heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited October 2019

    Still lurking and catching up.

    Had a costly day yesterday, first the car needed a new tyre (went halves with DD) then we had to take Maggie to the vet,somehow she had grazed her eye. (Emergency appointment of course!) Now she has antibiotic drops for her eye and also drops to stop it getting too dry as well as anti biotics and painkillers from her dental work.

    What with Leah cutting her paw and Maggie's dental last week and now her eye - I don't want to see the vet again any time soon (my debit card can't stand another hit lol)

    It never rains but it pours.

    Hope everyone is doing okay. I will try to catch up with you all.

    Viv UK
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,354 Member
    Ginger-thanks for the quitting smoking tips. I am still a victim of that habit. My husband quit after he had a heart stent and never picked them back up but he still said got the urge for them occasionally and would even have dreams where he smoked. I have cut back significantly on how much I smoke. I also don't smoke in house, vehicle, etc. I am at the point of of thinking about quitting. I haven't drank alcohol for years, have pretty healthy eating but that last thing is tough.

    Rebecca-I know what you mean about the sizes with underwear. They are the one clothing item I don't mind being loose. Perhaps they are the one clothing item that is not subject to vanity sizing.

    Machka-completed survey-hope it went through. I had to do a few of those back in the old days when they were on paper and you had to go around asking people directly. We use survey monkey for things at work a lot. Good luck!

    Connie in Ky-sounds like your daughter has some good choices with colleges. Don't blame you for wanting in state tuition. College costs are astronomical today. I totally understand why many are opting to get general eductation courses at community college and then then transfer to four year to finish. Hope mom has more energy today.

    Raining here today. We have a joint church service with two other congregations today. The original plan was to be outside, but looks like that is off the schedule-will go inside and be dry. Having a group brunch afterwards. I'm just putting together a salad I like to take and share, that way there is one thing I know how to log. Church potlucks can be very good but high in calories. After that, home to get some various tasks done.

    Happy Sunday all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello one and all.

    October Goal Update:
    • The plank challenge is really tough. Due to my lack of any form of exercise over the past 2 years or so I decided to modify it. I will do 3, 30-second planks each day until I am not struggling. Planks look so easy until one attempts to do one. I have had several conversations with co-workers who exercise regularly and one PT and all have said planks are tough for them too and not to over do it.
    • I am down one pound since last Sunday. My goal was 1.5 pounds per week which may have been a little over the top. It is all good. Down or the same means I am either losing or maintaining.
    • First yoga class is scheduled for Tuesday. I am really looking forward to getting back in balance. Yoga, for me, is not only physical; it is also helps keep me grounded.

    Rebecca - I think all of us can appreciate the undergarment challenge. There is nothing like the feeling of new under one's clothes. The struggle is real. I also find the same size and style can vary greatly even if they are the same brand. I have also found the bulk packages (one has 4 at $xyz and the other has 10 at $abc) vary in both quality and sizing.

    Machka - Survey submitted.

    Sharon - It seems like you are struggling. Sending positive thoughts to you. Maybe sitting down and penning a letter to yourself will help you figure out what is really going on? Or, maybe you need to get out of your routine and do something outside of your norm like getting a pedicure, seeing a movie, or going to an event?

    Sending hugs to all.
    SuziQ - Broward County, FL