

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,229 Member
    edited October 2019
    Michele: 🦉Those cookies!!!

    Underwear: I’m like Bridget Jones. Love my big pants. Full briefs or nothing!!! I tried french knickers. They’re worse than g-strings. I like lacy white cotton. My new ones look tiny compared to my old ones. I now have loads of white cotton dusters.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth your nephew is very talented. I’ll bet he sells a lot of those sculptures. Love ‘em!

    Janet love your new hairstyle so flattering and modern.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,585 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,944 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – I’m trying this

    Your Food Diary For:

    Sunday, October 6, 2019
    All Foods Calories
    kcal Carbs
    g Fat
    g Protein
    g Sodium
    mg Fiber
    WW recipe from a friend - Chocolate Bran Muffin, 1 muffin
    58 16 2 4 3 4
    Homemade - Air Popped Popcorn, 0.25 cup (8g)
    8 2 0 0 0 0
    AllRecipes - Zucchini Cakess, 1 cake
    95 13 3 4 702 0
    Grapes - Raw, 0.5 cup
    31 8 0 0 1 0
    Quaker Oatmeal - Old Fashioned Oatmeal, 0.25 cup
    75 14 2 3 0 2
    tyson - Grilled and Ready Chicken, 3 oz
    100 1 2 21 470 0
    Add Food
    Quick Tools
    367 54 9 32 1,176 6
    Add Food
    Quick Tools

    Fit & Active - Cream of Mushroom, 0.5 cup
    60 9 2 1 410 1

    It doesn’t look like yours, tho. Wonder what I’m doing wrong???

    Michele in NC

    It appears that you've just selected and copied the text.

    What I was after was information to answer your question below ...

    Machka9 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    Does anyone know if there is a way to copy just one item from a meal?

    Michele NC

    Can you post a screen shot of "a meal" and the surrounding buttons/links?


    I wondered where your "meal" was located.

    Is it under My Meals or Meals or are you talking about the food in the Food Diary under Lunch or Dinner?

    And are there the little red dots with the minus signs behind the food items?

    If you use Snipping Tool, you do a screen shot (almost like a photograph) that will show what your page looks like.


    It's possible you might have Snip & Sketch instead of Snipping Tool on your system if your system is really new because Snipping Tool has started to show a message that it will be replaced by Snip & Sketch. Snipping Tool has been around for more than a decade, so I guess it's time for it to go. :( Hopefully Snip & Sketch will be as good or better.


    Machka in Oz
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,944 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Heather - thanks for the pics! Still living vicariously through you and your hubby! :smiley:

    Machka - according to what Microsoft Office version you're working with, you may have access to Microsoft Forms (https://forms.office.com/Pages/DesignPage.aspx#), which has what I think is a better interface than Survey Monkey, and fewer, but still good choices. Their branching function is much more intuitive (to me), and it can be shared with anyone you send the link to. I also like the way you get the results back better.

    For those who are interested, "branching" is when you can vary the next question the person sees according to how the person answers the current question. That way, the survey can be made to appear even shorter.

    Back from the gym, hubby's out watering his fruit trees, as he doesn't trust the forecast for rain.

    Later y'all,

    Thanks for that! Next time I have to create a survey ... which might be in my autumn course next March ... I might go that route. I do have access to Microsoft Forms. :)

    M in Oz
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2019
    NY Karen thank you so much. This comes from having an 18 year old granddaughter that just got her cosmetology license and thought grandma needed an update. :)

    Beth, I agree with Karen, I love the wood art. He is very talented. Thank you also for your kind words about my before and after pictures. I am humbled.

    Janetr OKC
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,340 Member
    LuciBThinner – still lots of football to be played, and I never take “The Game” for granted!

    Rhonda-no real man advice. However, I often thought with my husband I was raising another son. I wonder if men feel like they are raising daughter?

    Ginger – thanks so much for the encouragement. Will check those things out.

    Janet-hair looks great.

    Joint church service went well. Choirs sounded pretty good together. The shared meal was nice. I managed to eat sensibly and skipped the desserts. I find if I don’t spend much time looking at them, I am ok.

    Came home did treadmill and ironed during football game. Started feeling bad. This am I was stuffy and sneezing, thought maybe allergies so took a Zertek. While at the church and we were practicing before service, I got really hot (I mean sweating). Just thought it was warm in the choir loft. Midway through the afternoon I started feeling miserable with achy back and knees. Don’t know if I am trying to catch something or not. Took some advil and that seemed to help aches. Temp was up for me (I run 95-96). Took it easy rest of day, did a bit of computer stuff I needed to do. Have lunch packed. Am heading off to bed soon. Figure a good night’s rest won’t hurt. I've dodged all of the recent stuff going around so far.

    Have a good rest of your day and start to the week,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,944 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Rho97070 wrote: »
    Reinventing Rhonda - Oct 6, 2019 - End of first week
    The Good and The Bad

    First the good:
    I walked every day this past week and I'm feeling the benefits: I'm more inclined to "just do it" without an internal mental fight going on in my head and I feel a tinge of pride that I've done it when finished. I'm now just under 200lbs! Getting under 200 is great motivation for me to up my exercise, although I know there may be some variation in the days to come. Cleaning up/out my garage is nearly complete. My BF is a bit of a hoarder and his stuff was mixed with mine. Having to move his stuff (I'm taking kid stuff from the 1950's and 1960's!) to get to mine frustrated the heck out of me. Plus, I know I'll move in the next year, maybe two, and with advancing age I want to make the move as easy as possible. What's more, vowed I would not leave a mess for my children to clean up like both of my parents did. Yesterday, I gathered up BF's stuff. Today, I will move his stuff into his garage.

    Clean out clothes closet and complete scanning important papers - I carved out time this coming week to clean out my closet and feel that digitizing the papers will be completed by the end of the month. Logging foods, eating more veggies - Is going okay, but I need to improve doing both!

    Now for the bad:
    My boundaries are well established, and I'm a fairly self-directed, disciplined morning person that prefers somewhat regular times to sleep, shower, eat meals, exercise, etc. My BF is the opposite and we live in a 1-bedroom apt. He works from home. His clients contact him willy-nilly and he often works well after midnight. We've talked about my needing regular sleep, meals, and lights out in the bedroom after 10pm, etc. When we talk he's empathetic and adjusts his activities so we can enjoy meals together, sleep better, and do fun things together. But after a short while the cycle starts again. He'll claim no time to sit down for a meal together (after I've gone to the trouble); turns on bedroom lights upon going to bed and leaves his phone on/respond to clients late at night - urggh! One of my aims last month was to re-establish a regular sleep schedule and I was successful. But last week, well, I now feel it was practically all for naught and I'm grumpy.

    I really like Janet's quote: ""Our lives move in the direction of our strongest thought". I've ascribed to that motto for some time. It helped greatly in changing the trajectory my life could have gone towards with my ex-spouse. Right now, I could use some suggestions to replace the current thought in my head that says I'm raising another son - anyone?

    Can you move into a 2-bedroom place?

    My husband and I couldn't function in a 1-bedroom ... we can barely do it for a night or two on holidays.

    He's an early bird and I'm a night owl.

    M in Oz

    More on this ...

    As mentioned, we operate on different personal schedules, but even more so since his accident. He's always been an "early to bed" person, heading off to bed by about 10:30 pm while I will stay up to somewhere between midnight and 1 am. Since the accident, he will go to bed at 10:30 if he's feeling good, but often a slightly busier day will wear him out completely and he'll head to bed as early as 9 pm!!! :open_mouth:

    That actually suits me fine because it means I can turn the TV off and focus on my homework for 3 or 4 hours. :)

    But then he's up anywhere between about 6:30 and 7:30 am ... and the earliest I'll crawl out of bed is 8 am.

    So, what we've done is this ...

    Our bedroom is our BED room. It has our king-sized bed and night stands in it. That's it. That's where we sleep.

    Our second bedroom is our dressing room. It had a closet (where as our bedroom does not), and we've added another large wardrobe system plus all the dressers etc. with a storage bench in the middle to house the bed linens ... and which we can sit on when we put our socks on. Also where the laundry baskets end up sitting until I've got time to put away the laundry or I've worn everything in the basket!!

    Our third bedroom is quite small (none of our bedrooms are large) and is our office. Right now, it's actually more of a storage room because someone needs to get in there and file stuff and put stuff away and clear stuff out.

    Nevertheless, this setup means that my husband can get up at 6:30 am, close the BED room door, and go get dressed in the dressing room (and turn on all the lights he wants), make himself breakfast in the kitchen, and sit in the lounge room to eat it and browse the news on his computer.

    At the end of the day, he heads to bed and closes the BED room door. And I work on my homework in the office or in the dining room with soft music playing. Then I can set out my clothes for the next day in the dressing room and get ready for bed without disturbing him.

    In our BED room ... I mentioned we have a king-sized bed. King-sized beds are two twins hooked together. Since his accident, we've unhooked them and have arranged them so that our heads are at opposite ends of the room. He's a restless sleeper, which is apparently normal with a brain injury ... and I've always been a restless sleeper. My bedclothes look like there's been some kind of fight in the night. I've actually somehow turned my top sheet during the night so that the top of it (the embroidered bit) is at the bottom and the bottom is at the top. We're also both snoring a lot. So separating the beds has helped quite a bit.

    And then I use an eye mask to block out light and keep my eyes shut, a headband to help reduce noise, and ear plugs. My little cocoon of silence! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Allie So sorry you had an accident! Hope you don't get too sore. It can really set in over the first few days. I'm glad you felt relief from Tylenol, but if you are able to take ibuprofen it will help more since it reduces inflammation!

    Ginny I can't get my hopes up about The Game...I get physically ill over it after 50+ years (I started going to the games at 12). If I just assume we won't win, it will be a wonderful surprise if we do. Ha ha!

    Luci in WNC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,585 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,364 Member
    Luci – just let me know when you’re ready to meet, and I’ll be there! Now I prefer hi-cut undies too. And I usually get all cotton, mainly because it’s better at absorbing the sweat

    Got my cover for my tablet. Even tho twice the manufacturer said it would not fit, it does. Boy, did I slam the manufacturer in my review. You’d think he’d be familiar or at least willing to look into new technology but NOOOO

    Carol GA --- (((HUGS))))

    Beth – your son’s carvings of the bears are so cute. Personally, I’m not too crazy about the pumpkins. I bet his Christmas trees are adorable, too.

    Rebecca – you always have my mouth watering

    Allie – so glad no one was hurt, but it’s still a pain in the ……..

    M – yes, I must have the Snip and Sketch since that’s what I see (the stuff about it moving) What I was wondering is if I could copy JUST ONE of the foods in what is a meal (like just the veggies). I would like to be able to copy it from the diary (I think there’s a tab called “meals” or something like that). I’ve bookmarked the page about the Snipping tool since I don’t have time right now to really go thru it but I’d like to

    We just set up my new phone. I should be getting the case for it tomorrow.

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,944 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – yes, I must have the Snip and Sketch since that’s what I see (the stuff about it moving) What I was wondering is if I could copy JUST ONE of the foods in what is a meal (like just the veggies). I would like to be able to copy it from the diary (I think there’s a tab called “meals” or something like that). I’ve bookmarked the page about the Snipping tool since I don’t have time right now to really go thru it but I’d like to

    Michele in NC

    I don't think Snipping Tool has ended yet. If you see that message, you've opened Snipping Tool and can use it. :) Click New, draw a box around what you want to copy and there you are!

    Anyway, you're asking if you can copy one of the choices under Lunch (or Dinner or Breakfast or Snacks) to the next day? Is that right?

    In the example below (which I've captured with Snipping Tool), I've got three things under Lunch.

    The answer is ... "No". I cannot copy just one to tomorrow.

    However, I can copy all three, and then quickly delete the other two. For some reason my work computer does not show the little red delete dots, but they are there.

    I do that quite often with my dinner. Veggies are almost always the same, but the other portion of my dinner will change. So I'll copy both items, and then delete the one I don't want and replace it with something I do want.


    Machka in Oz

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • gingerbeericecold
    gingerbeericecold Posts: 23 Member
    Sharon in the Past Cool story. I have heard other stories from the time where boys left home at 14. I even knew a fellow who won a medal for courage in WWII who enlisted at 14. Lied about his age, obviously, but I don't know how he fooled them because he was a little guy even after he was a mature man! But, he was definitely emotionally mature far beyond his years.
  • gingerbeericecold
    gingerbeericecold Posts: 23 Member
    ihscapil I'm from Eastern Oregon, Wallowa County. I changed my id from GingerBeer to my name, Kathleen, but it doesn't seem to stick all the time. My puppy appreciates your admiration ;-)
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Undies - all I have ever worn are old lady cotton briefs! I’ve tried other styles, and I’m just not comfortable with the fit. I’ve lost 70 lbs and my underwear has only gone down one size. I can still keep the old ones on my hips, but they’re too long in the crotch and the legs are too big. I’m almost ready to go down another size, but not quite. I’m sure all that is TMI!

    My mom is doing well, but she didn’t seem very hungry this weekend. She ate well tonight to make up for it. Even my sister noticed how poor her appetite was this weekend.

    My daughter and I will visit University of Louisville Monday afternoon. I’d like for her to visit three or four more schools then narrow her choices.

    Rained all day...finally! First really good rain that we have had since June!

    Connie in KY
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,637 Member

    Hi Gals,

    I took the day off from work today, not something I do often – I did answer calls and texts but no gardening and no embroidery machines! I went apple picking with friends! Apples have been a wild thing at my house. A neighbor left about 30 lbs of Jonathon apples on my porch (in response to yes I’d love a few), another friend brought me 3 of a variety he is creating, my Mom is bringing 4 large shopping bags of granny smith apples next weekend. And I had this invite for today, I picked just ½ of a 5 gallon bucket of apples. It was at a heirloom orchard in a regional park, so 168 trees, 160 varieties of apples. I have 2-6 of each of 10-15 varieties, and I’ll NEVER be able to tell them apart. I picked mostly smallish apples so I can take one or two in my lunch each day. The Jonathan and the Granny Smith are great for cooking, apple sauce and for dehydrating.

    I felt like my kitchen was consumed with apples when I got home so went through the bag of Jonathan’s and took out the ones with a dent, hole or other yuckie… and made 2 apple cakes. It’s an easy moist cake that I make cut into squares and freeze in groups of 4-6 pieces – you pull it out of the freezer set on a plate before cooking dinner and by the time dinner is done it’s ready to serve. There is an icing, but after making it the first time I decided it was to sweet, so don’t make it anymore.

    Rebecca this might be an ok fill in for your dream cake.

    Apple Cake
    4 cups diced apples (I don’t peel mine, but you could – it’s about 4 big apples)
    3 cups all purpose flour
    1 ¾ cup sugar (white granulated or brown)
    2 teaspoons baking soda
    2 teaspoons cinnamon
    A dash of nutmeg
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 cup oil (a neutral oil)
    2 eggs

    Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl, add oil, then the eggs, then the apple beating after each addition ( I do this with my mixer) . Pour into a greased and floured 9”x13” pan, pat it down to have it spread out evenly in the pan. Bake at 325 for 1 hour 15 minutes.

    Icing if you want it…
    ¾ cube of butter (3 ounces)
    ½ teaspoon baking soda
    1 teaspoon corn syrup
    ½ cup buttermilk
    1 cup white granulated sugar
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    Cook over medium heat, stirring until the sugar is fully dissolved and there is no grainy or gritty feel to the icing if rubbed between your fingers.

    While the cake is still warm prick the cake all over then carefully pour the icing over the cake. It will soak in.

    Clothing Shopping – as far as I am concerned the thinner I am the less of a bummer shopping is but I don’t expect to ever enjoy it. But I love being outside not in a store.

    Machka – the survey was easy. The best kind.

    Michele – cute cookies

    I read everything and am cheering each of you on, sending hugs where needed!

    Kim from N. California