

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,581 Member
    I'm so sorry, Pip. What a horrible shock.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi Gals,

    I caught up – good thoughts to everyone.

    Pip – I am sitting here crying, I am so sad for you, Kirby, Floyd and Yogi. Floyd will be hanging out with Bullwinkle! Take care and know we are sending you good thoughts, hugs, and a ton of support!

    Kim from N. California
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Pip, so sorry to hear about Floyd, such a shock. {{{HUGS}}}
    Lisa, I was thinking about your son wanting a quilt in blacks and greys, my friend just made one that has a lot of blacks and greys with some white as well. She appliqued some red flowers for a bit of added pop. It looks fabulous! Could you do something like that for him? Does he have a fave colour (other than black or grey! lol) that you could do a highlight with? Just a thought.
    Rori, so sorry to hear that your brother is drinking again.
    So many posts, so little time!
    The topic of the day seems to be holidays. I am in Canada, so we had our Thanksgiving last weekend. We also have a small family so we never have a huge dinner, but we still get together. LThe last few years I have done our family dinners on any Mondays that happen to be holidays as I was working weekends. Our DIL also has a large family and most of them work Mon-Fri so they like to do their "stuff" on the weekends. This has worked out fine for me! I'm no longer working Sundays, but I still like doing the dinner on the Monday, that way I have Sunday to clean house and do some meal prep, makes for a more relaxed me on "the day". A few years ago I bought a turkey breast and a couple of turkey legs (or thighs, can't remember) and just cooked them, the amount of leftovers was just right! Unfortunately, this has been harder to find, and it's a lot more expensive to buy turkey parts than it is to buy the whole darn bird, so whole darn bird it's been. I just made the last of it into soup today!
    I don't decorate for Halloween anymore, never really did too much, but have done nothing for the past two years, since we moved into our townhouse. I had stopped giving out candy at our old place also, the last year that I did it I only had about 10 kids come to the door. Sorry, but just not worth my time.
    Our DS and DIL decided when they had their first child that they would alternate Christmas Day and Boxing Day with us and her parents, which is fine with us. Last year, her parents realized we were all by ourselves on Christmas Day and invited us out to their place for dinner! It was quite nice, I do like a good family crowd! Hubby isn't as social, but he survived. This year we get them for Christmas Day, so will be quite happy to just veg out on Boxing Day, thank you very much! lol
    I have not been eating properly and the scale is reflecting that. I have been going to the gym tho, so that part is good at least. Started doing more strength training, upper body anyway, the legs are already pretty strong, upper body-not so much. I had already started working my core, so adding the upper body just seemed to be a natural next step.
    Okay, enough of my novel for tonight!
    Hugs to those who need them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Oh Pip!! I am so, so sorry!! Peace to you and Kirby.


    Connie in KY
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,807 Member
    Pip - I am so sorry.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Pip I am so sorry.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    Hallowe'en, since we live .5 mi up a dirt dead end lane we get no trick or treaters. Will have to come up with “something obvious you wouldn't ordinarily wear to Line Dance Class” for our end of season potluck and dance party Tuesday. Rationing out the candy (mostly to Joe) that I couldn't help but buy.
    Thanksgiving will roast a turkey breast, make dressing on the side, bake some sweet potatoes, serve with a salad, a store bought pie and some dry champagne if I can find it. Just the two of us, but I love the “day after” turkey sandwiches on balloon bread with Best foods mayo... ;)
    Will Amazon some Chanukah gifts to my Messianic god-daughter's children. Would love to get together with them for a cooky painting party, maybe next year.
    Christmas every year the decorating gets less, some years a tree, some not. No cards. No gifts except for Joe. Already ordered his slab bacon, will supplement with a bottle of very special cognac and a couple of new 100+ft drop cords. Sometimes I let Joe know what I want, others he has fun at Bi-Mart (but swears he hates it).

    Connie “hallowthanksmas” LOL!
    NYKaren :heart: the thankful people sign.
    Machka no checques in Australia? Ever? Or just since debit cards?
    pip (((heartbroken hugs and tears)))
    Michele thanks for the update.

    Sweeping (!) the hall yesterday morning noticed some water along the wall. Yup, the water heater was leaking. Emailed our H20 engineer neighbor for recommendations, he replied right back with he'd be here today. So thankful he's an early riser (replied at 5:47 am), an expert and a good neighbor. He investigated, brought a replacement, and spent the better part of the day pumping out the old and putting in the new. It was so rusted, the shut off valve couldn't work so turned off water to the whole house for most of the day. Trying not to stress over the expense and just be grateful it wasn't worse. We're hopeful the bubbled up subfloor will dry out and flatten down. Even if it doesn't we'll just have to live with it. No way can afford new flooring 'til the roof's paid off.
    Was a little down so used the “it will be too hot to walk Tumble on the asphalt” excuse to skip dog group and curl up in bed with a book. Better than hitting the beer, popcorn and Hallowe'en candy... but not much ;}

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for October: get up and do it!
    Steps=3244, vits=23 log=23 CI<CO=20 CI<250<CO=12 Tumble=14 mfp=23 AF=18
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Pip Crushed over the news about Floyd. Heartbroken for you & Kirby.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member

    I am so incredibly sorry for you and DH.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    SuziQ – lovely arrangement. You are so talented.
    Michele in NC

    I cannot take all of the credit because I take flower arranging classes. Can you believe the class is only $20 and includes everything (container, flowers, box for transportation, and live instruction)?! In the shop the arrangements we make cost anywhere from $50-65 dollars so I consider it a bargain (and, I have fresh flowers for 7-10 days). There are normally 20-30 of us attending the class and it's nice to see how each person's arrangement is slightly different. It's probably a lot like your ceramics classes (which I cannot find anywhere here in SFL at a reasonable price - it seems like a dying hobby).
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    ((( <3 ))) pip keeping you all in my thoughts today.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    Just saw this on facebook from pip. I don't remember reading anything about it in here:

    UPDATE ON FLOYD- looks like masses multiple masses on his liver, spleen and kidney. They also suspect on his heart. Low red blood cell count. So probably metastatic cancer. And he’s got liquid in his stomach. Unfortunately, we r leaving for a marathon run in California next Wednesday and will b gone for a week so they don’t think he will last until we get back. So we are making the dreaded decision to led our son go. I never thought we would loose 2 babies in one year. He is the last golem we have. yogi (black lab) will b the only son left. No more golden retriever forum. I just can’t believe it. Depending on his breathing, we may have to let him so sooner. For now, the plan is someone is coming to our home to let I’m go on Tuesday, the day before we leave

    Michele in NC

    Thanks for posting that for me. Update after that update:::::

    I got flowers personally delivered to me by a former coworker today. I lost it as was bawling like a baby and gave her a big hug. After that kirby (he was off today) called me hysterically crying saying the Floyd has was bleeding through his head bandage. I tried to calm him down. I got home, went to the store to get bandages needed to dress him up again. Floyd didn’t eat his supper. I got out of my bike clothes, and cleaned Floyd up again. We are moving the date up to Friday instead of next Tuesday. His bleeding won’t stop, due to the masses on his liver , that explains why his blood won’t clot.

    So very sorry. :(
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Sweeping (!) the hall yesterday morning noticed some water along the wall. Yup, the water heater was leaking. Emailed our H20 engineer neighbor for recommendations, he replied right back with he'd be here today. So thankful he's an early riser (replied at 5:47 am), an expert and a good neighbor. He investigated, brought a replacement, and spent the better part of the day pumping out the old and putting in the new. It was so rusted, the shut off valve couldn't work so turned off water to the whole house for most of the day. Trying not to stress over the expense and just be grateful it wasn't worse. We're hopeful the bubbled up subfloor will dry out and flatten down. Even if it doesn't we'll just have to live with it. No way can afford new flooring 'til the roof's paid off.

    Not good!

    High powered fans to dry it quickly. The last thing you need is mould.

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Pip - I am SOOO very sorry! I know the pain of losing a fur child, I can not comprehend losing two so close together! Know that I am praying for you, Kirby, Yogi and Floyd. Big hugs Pip!!!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,296 Member
    On Halloween Decorating - I put out Fall decorations (wreaths, flowers on my back porch, pillow covers on the back porch furniture, door mats, etc) at the beginning of September and they stay out until I put up Christmas decorations around Thanksgiving when I have the time and energy. I add a Halloween trick or treat sign in my front yard and a jack-o-lantern cut out on the side of the well house (that reverses to Give Thanks Pumpkins after Halloween) after my birthday. I refuse to have Halloween decorations out before my birthday, it's one of my little quirks, ha!

    Trick or Treaters - Our neighborhood does a hay ride through the neighborhood for the kids that want to participate so we pretty much get all the kids through at one time. There will be a few stragglers, but people don't come in from out of the area. I love to see the kids in their costumes having fun! I remember how much fun we had as kids trick or treating as a group through the neighborhood.

    Christmas Decorating - I have our handyman put up lights on the outside of the house/garage/shop/well house sometime in November and turn them on Thanksgiving night. I leave them lit through New Year's and then unplug them until he has time to take them down and store them in our shop again. I put a tree on my back porch that I can see from our den somewhere around Thanksgiving and switch out my wreaths, door mats, pillows and flowers on my back porch to Christmas themed. They generally stay until we get back from traveling at Christmas and I switch them all out to winter themed.

    Have a great day ladies!
    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am up fed the dog and having my tea..will wash my face and hair and get ready for work..
    I am going to either speak with the Dr or email him and tell him now that my DFIL has passed I would like more hours and he did hire Aimee to work Saterdays so to work it so I have weekends off..
    and she can have another day off during the week..
    somehow I lost my phone, i remembered where I had it last and went back to the bank, some good samaritan at the bank found it in the parking lot. . holy cow I thought I took it in with me
    God Bless them...
    Pip~ I cant even think about what you and Kirby are going through.
    Know that each and everyone us with you both as you go through this .. sending you all love and prayers xoxox
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Thursday!
    Pip- I am so sorry to hear about Floyd! My heart just aches for what you and Kirby are going through; and so soon after losing Bullwinkle. :( You are showing him the epitome of love to help him cross the bridge. No more pain for him. I am sure his lovely doggie heart loves you for that, as well. You will be in my thoughts and prayers! <3
    Holidays- lol you know me; I love my holidays. I miss the "big family" feel that comes with them, though. I decorate and celebrate all of them; with my daycare kids and with my own little family. I am not big with the outdoor deco, though. I do send out a Thanksgiving card to my siblings and Tim's siblings. Then the day after Thanksgiving I sit down and write/send Christmas cards. I send between 36-40 each year. Christmas deco goes up the weekend after Thanksgiving, but I wait on the tree until a little closer to the holiday. (Otherwise the little ones will break everything and have it down on them). My Christmas gift buying is minimal. I give my own kids something cozy (slippers, gloves, hats, etc), a treat they enjoy (nuts, chocolates, candies), and a book that I have read and liked that I think they would enjoy. They tease me about this endlessly, since the boys are not big readers and my daughter, in her words, "has no time to read". I just tell them that when I am gone, they will be glad they have those books because they will be a reminder of something I liked. lol With grandchildren so far away, Tim and I usually just order something online and have it sent to them. Last year it was a toddler art center. This year for Thanksgiving I am thinking seriously about renting a room in our local community center (it is centrally located in the downtown area) and hosting a community dinner, for those who don't have family near with whom to celebrate.
    Michele- I have a infant toddler sled with a back to it. Just make sure to find one with straps or a seat belt of sorts to hold the child (or if it fits a carseat; even better)! As Machka commented, some strollers will navigate pretty well on shoveled sidewalks, it does get pretty tough to push, though. I take my kids out until I can't push the stroller any longer. PJ is so small, maybe Denise or Pete will carry him in a front pack on their walks? Those are great in the winter! Then you can just button your coat over them or wear a poncho over the front pack to help keep him warm.

    I started two challenges in the beginning of October, recommended by Machka (thank you, M!); a walking challenge (I set a goal of 100 miles in October) and a 24 hours of exercise in a month (my walking doesn't count, so I have been doing strength training and yoga). My pants and tops are fitting me better, a bit looser in some areas (yea!); but I am going to put off weighing myself until Nov 1. Even if the scale doesn't move, I am liking the way my body feels. Not so achy and stronger!

    Kids arriving shortly, I better scoot! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)