

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    edited October 2019
    You know, I told them not to bother with the blood test for the phenobarbital since it’s such a low dose, the neurologist doesn’t even want it. I don’t ever remember having a blood test for the Lamictal but when I go to the neurologist I’ll ask him. I suspect he’s going to say that he doesn’t want it. At least, that’s what I hope he says.

    Got a replacement temp. bridge. I told the gal that from now on, if I eat an apple, I’ll first use the apple corer

    We cut the cover for the spa. Friday (since they’re calling for rain tomorrow) we’ll cut the cover for the pool. Looks like we need to regrout part of the spillover. I want to get that done before next year so I’m really going to push to do it Sat.

    Someone (I don’t remember who) said they don’t eat their exercise calories back. Very seldom do I do that, either.

    Found out that I need a new pair of crummy pants to wear outside. The knees totally ripped. Fortunately, I had a pair which are too big for me. I wouldn't be caught dead in them. But to work around the house? They’ll do. In the meantime I may look for something cheap at the Salvation Army since these might only last another 12 years, too. Boy, they sure don’t make things like they used to….lol First the bathing suit, now the pants! :)

    Katla – have fun with your company

    Teri - enjoy the show!

    Yvonne – fortunately, it didn’t hurt when the bridge came out. Now there’s a temp. one in. The gal apologized to me that it wasn’t the same shade as my teeth. I just told her “hey, it’s only a temporary”

    Was it you, Allie, who recommended a burrito for breakfast? You had, I believe, some cheese and bacon with it. What was the name of that burrito?

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Connie in KY: I hope you feel better soon. :star:

    Michelle: Was the burrito a “Breakfast Burrito” with eggs and such inside? I think TACO Bell offers them in the mornings. :flowerforyou:

    I had a rotten day yesterday. Somewhere I lost the key to DH’s car. These “keyless” keys are not cheap. I can’t find the missing one anywhere and will have to buy a new one for the second time. The first time was a couple of years ago. :embarassed:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Katla - so happy that your family is coming. <3

    Yesterday went very well and we all enjoyed ourselves. My friend held up very well, although the cancer has affected his voice. DH and I drank too much, but we managed our usual workout this morning. Much better day today, calorie wise.

    We caught a bus to the Swing Dancing and it was huge fun. All the regulars were there and they had a Halloween theme. On the way home we called in to a micro brewery and had a small glass of stout. There is parking at the venue, so if the weather is terrible we can go by car.

    It was The Great British Bake Off final tonight, which I had recorded, so we watched it when we got home. :D

    Tomorrow the tree surgeon is coming to trim our shrubs and trees. It is expensive, but they take all the debris away, which is the biggest problem for us. Smoke free zone here. Our bay tree is huge and I do not want DH balancing on ladders at 74.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    Had a nice little nap ,and Lil is home from the hospital . She looks good and is feeling good. Brought her up a bunch of magazines ,and brought Alfie for a visit and brought treats for her to give him,she thanked me again for calling the medics and getting her help.
    Tomorrow will be finish cleaning and getting Alfie a mess harness that fits
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Pip - Sorry for Floyd. I was about to say he might need a 'cone of shame) but see he is already in one. I hope he gets well, completely and soon. When Cracker was little she ran into Will's tire and it messed up her nails. They have grown wonky, so we end up having to cut them about every 2 weeks. I sort of wished the Vet ha put her foot into a cast. It was almost impossible to keep her crated when he had already been taught that her rate was for when we were leaving her for the day. She learned early to 'go' outside. Vet discouraged a cast because he said if she got it damp or wet it would have to be changed every few days. When she starts picking up her leg, we know she is ready to have her nails clipped. One grows down the 2 middle ones grow into each pad, the last one grows up.

    Margaret - I have PM for you!

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    Well injured now so no exercise for a week I bet so having to fight winter munchies twice as hard. JR decided to jump from furniture in an attempt to fly I caught all 40+ lbs if him so only a small carpet burn luckily. Bad news my sore neck is now hurt back,neck,arm,y breast muscle,y ankle. Hubby cancelled meetings y work staying home today to watch JR you thing 2 adults this would be easier but nope he still managing to get into stuff. Hubby finally has him resting on his stomach in an attempt to get him wound down. JR keeps blurting out so silly things every so often hubby surprised at how many words he knows. “RUN!!!” “I’m Funny!!!” Every saying is yelled we have no indoor voice anymore.
    Hubby went got JR a new winter shirt as you can see it says “Can’t Catch Me” never seem a shirt with such a true statement.

    Amber Tx
    Exhausted 😩
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    edited October 2019
    I often make "taco" eggs for breakfast. They're a big hit in this house. If we make carne asada (or even burgers) the night before, that goes in the eggs along with avocado, tomatoes, salsa, etc. It's delish and filling and if you skip the tortilla and cheese and use egg whites, low calorie.

    Interviewed a property management team today. I like them. I hope to get them hired by early next week. This week, my nephew is coming for a week and we are just going to have some fun at amusement parks. I'll get a lot of walking in for sure.

    Katla - If you didn't know, you can get a non-electronic one made for a lot less. Key makers can sometimes make those for a lot less than the dealer too, if the car is older. I think they told me our car had to be 10 years old before they could do it.

    Tina in CA
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
    Hi Gals,

    I can’t remember who said it but the solar lights inside is brilliant! I will be buying a few, I hate creating the waste with traditional batteries, and you just never know when you will need the light. I bet a solar light would be a good way to go when camping too! Charge it outside, bring it in to the tent at bedtime, read and then put it back outside and it could be carried to the “facilities” if needed in the night.

    Katla - glad to hear you’ll be seeing more family. I know you miss them

    Lisa – One step at a time, that is the system that works for me too.

    I do have a question, my book club does a Christmas gathering where we each buy a book wrap it and then a game where the first person gets and gift and the next can steal it or take one out of the pile… We are a really mixed group, male/female, gay/straight, age range is 31-76, single/widowed/divorced/married; and have 4 different ethnicities represented so we just buy a book we have read and loved to share – I haven’t read anything that stood out this year as “the book” Any one have a suggestion? I have time to read a couple before I need to wrap one up.

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym, WINDY!- 9.24min, 143mhr, 10amph, 1.57mi= 102c
    apple watch- 65c
    treadmill jog- 18.52min, 138ahr, 151mhr, 9.26min mi, 6.2-7.5sp, 2mi= 213c
    apple watch- 219c
    bike ride gym 2 dome, WINDY!- 6.29min, 143mhr, 14amph, 1.51mi= 79c
    apple watch- 66c
    jog sta 2 wrk, WINDY!- 5.35min, 149mhr, 9.36min mi, .58mi= 72c
    apple watch- 60c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.23 min, 9.37min mi, 149mhr, .45mi= didn’t record
    apple watch- 60c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 13.33min, 11.2amph, 144mhr, 2.52mi= 224c
    apple watch- 119c

    total cal 750
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I don’t know what it is, but Loki has recently taken to peeing on the floor outside one of the bedrooms. The floor (wooden) is getting discolored at that site. Well, Jess had this large cage from when she was training the service dog. So what we did was put the bottom of the cage down where he’s been going and a piece of aluminum foil up the baseboard. Our only fear is that he’ll start peeing right outside the bottom of the cage but we shall see.

    Tina CA – I like the idea of the “tacos”. I’m wondering if you can make them the night before and then just warm them up the next day. Have you ever done this? The only thing negative I can think of is that the avocado will turn brown. Which reminds me, Aldi is going to have avocado on sale starting tomorrow

    Kim – I’m not a reader, but I really like “Women Rowing North”. There was just so much that I could relate to

    Made brownies for Vince to have later in the week. I’ll probably make a chocolate cake for him and then the brownies. I put them in the freezer.

    Michele in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Carol, being kicked in the face sounds really painful.

    Kim, are you looking for fiction or non-fiction? I enjoyed Where the Crawdads Sing, which was new this year, I think. If you’re looking for non-fiction, self-help kind of thing, I like Decluttering at the Speed of Life. It’s a couple of years old.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    I can’t remember who said it but the solar lights inside is brilliant! I will be buying a few, I hate creating the waste with traditional batteries, and you just never know when you will need the light. I bet a solar light would be a good way to go when camping too! Charge it outside, bring it in to the tent at bedtime, read and then put it back outside and it could be carried to the “facilities” if needed in the night.
    Kim from N. California

    Hi Kim.
    That was me. I actually started using them to mark the tent lines at the front of my tent. Sure helps when one has to use the facilities in the middle of the night, not only so one does not trip, but also to find tent. LOL! Although I do find the dollar store ones not super bright so I still have to have a traditional flashlight to wonder around. Costco sells the lights on a headband (or can be attached to a hat). Traditional batteries, but they throw a ton of light and the batteries do not burn out so quickly.

    Hope you're making out with the wildfires. The news here just throws out the homes down numbers and not any details.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello all.
    Up early today and attempting to get food log completed. MFP, regardless of clearing cookies, history, logging off and back on continues to frustrate. I could not complete my food log yesterday and now cannot go back or forward a day to pre-log and/or complete yesterday's log. It's a good thing I pre-log everything I just keep current day's food log open to record water intake and make adjustments, if needed.

    Due to MFP's continued issues I refuse to pay for the upgraded version. It has also stopped supporting the Windows version (I have a Windows phone). I wish the developers would get on the ball.

    Sorry about the rant. I love this tool and the community I found. It's just completely frustrating to me when sites are up and down over periods of longer than a few hours. Yes, all SW publishers need to upgrade and/or update. Just seems beta testing isn't where it should be when they roll out changes.

    Thanks for listening/reading.

    I hope everyone has a positive journey today/tomorrow. I am going to walk off my frustration. :smile:
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    Allie - congrats on the 51 pounds lost, dear heart! And super glad to hear your friend Lil is doing well.

    SuziQ - we all get frustrated when MFP doesn't work for us, as we come to depend on it to tell us how we're doing... and I'm a late adopter of almost everything because I hate it when things don't work well. Of course, that habit also saved me from buying a Betamax VCR and a video disc player, among other things... :wink:

    Kim - while I do read a lot, I seldom read anything new, so not a lot of input from me. I'm binging on Charles de Lint's urban fantasies at the moment.

    There's my husband's alarm clock going off. Egg, the cat, woke me at 3 a.m. pushing something off some flat surface in the house, couldn't go back to sleep. She's been inside for days as the rain is still peeing down outside. She's in the bathroom complaining to Corey now about the rain outside her kitty door. Now that he's up, I'll head for the gym. Don't like going without saying goodbye... just one of my odd little superstitions.

    Later y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone. I was finally able to log a ticket. I think if more of us submitted them something would be done. I refuse to pay for the Premium version when this one is so unstable. I use the web version which should not have any issues because there is no additional interface between the software and the user.
    Via discussions within this group and other groups everyone has the same issues.

    Lisa - I am a late adopter too. And, it has saved me a ton of money as it has with you. :smiley: I wish I did not enjoy the MFP features so much and I think that's what they are banking on (versus fixing the repeating issues).

    It's off to work. Yeah, it's my Friday and I can cry if I want to! LOL.........I am actually so excited for the long weekend.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,433 Member
    It's Wednesday ladies!

    - Hope you are feeling better and enjoy your visitors. <3

    - Hope MFP can figure out why the site is unstable. They are generally pretty good at getting everything fixed up. I'm fighting with it on my laptop that's running Windows 7. We too have several of the outdoor solar lights charging all of the time, ready for bringing inside the house if need be. I've been thinking about the strings of plain solar lights too - might be a way to wind them around something and bring them indoors too. We have them on a couple trees outside that we turn on during the Christmas season. (Which reminds me, they need to be replaced!)

    - good luck with your boss and your proposal to him. I've been looking all over for Crepini and it seems they haven't hit our area yet. What a great idea. I'll ask the Walmart manager about them next time I see him.

    - apple a day keeps anyone away. Love it, lol. I saw a sign that I want to put on our front porch, something like "Schnauzers live here. Don't knock or we'll start yelling and all h*ll will break loose" lol. :D

    Welcome newbies and hugs all around to anyone who needs one!!

    Make it a wonderful day, ladies! <3

    SW WA State

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    Lanette did you look them up on internet? I did buy a bigger pack of them at costco and also folio it is cheese and it is thin round you can use for tacos ,wraps all sorts of stuff and very low carb, they had both of these at Costco..
    MFP says I have lost52 lbs,i lost some ounces yesterday, but hey its going down.. because of my age and having a hysterectomy im thinking hormones play with it alot and it takes awhile to get to where i lose the weight ,it plateaus for alot longer.,its been since Jan 1st and there have been bumps in the road. but im keeping going..
    Rainy day here , so will get the boys out and come back and do a major clean since I have the day off..
    my boss is cheap to a fault so I am sure he will not give me the 2.00 hr raise although he did to Aimee.
    I also will be doing my resume and really looking to start a vision board for what I really want in life.