

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 30 min of Leslie Sansone’s Walk away the Pounds DVD. Leaving in a bit for my blood test. The plan for tomorrow is to take the water aerobics class.

    Speaking of water aerobics, I ordered a new chlorine resistant bathing suit for myself. I guess I’ve had the one I use at home for about 7 or 10 years. Boy, you’d think you’d get a longer life out of it…lol

    Called to find out what’s the earliest I can get there for the blood and that’s when they told me the soonest you can get the blood drawn is 5 days before your appointment. That’s the first time I ever heard this. Well, it’s more than 5 days until my regular appt but I’m just going to go in and take my chances. She said the reason is because they don’t keep the blood for more than 5 days and sometimes the doctor orders add’l tests. To me, this doesn’t make much sense. They already have the blood. So why can’t they use that? Anyway, I don’t foresee him asking for any add’l tests. Update: Just got back. They don’t ask the MD for the orders for the blood work before a person comes in for it because they have people who don’t come and then the orders expire. To them, it’s just more work.

    Last night I was eating an APPLE and then temporary bridge came out. An apple! I’ve been so, so careful to eat only on the other side of my mouth but a piece of apple drifted over. I didn’t even bite down. I guess the apple got under the bridge and pulled it away. Update: I go this afternoon for them to put it back in

    Evelyn – I wonder how M even finds the time to eat much less have to lose weight!

    Allie – crepini with cauliflower! Gotta check that out. Never heard of it. Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll certainly look for it. Yea for the weight loss!

    SuziQ – do you get Prevention magazine? I just cancelled my subscription but I told the girl that I wanted to receive it until the end of my year. She said she would do that. When did you get your magazine? I honestly don’t care for all the ads. I realize that they need ads for income, but it was so nice when they didn’t have them and they also had the letters to the editor

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,214 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Evelyn – I wonder how M even finds the time to eat much less have to lose weight!

    Michele in NC

    I multitask when I eat. :)

    I eat dinner with my husband at the table. We started doing that after he came home from the hospital. For years before that, we didn't do that, we just ate while doing whatever we were doing, but he wanted to eat together when he came home. So for dinner, I pause what I'm doing and eat.

    But the rest of my day, eating happens while I'm doing 101 other things. I can type one-handed while shovelling food in my mouth with the other! :smiley: And practically nothing I eat takes more than a few minutes to prepare. Lunch is probably the longest at about 5 minutes.

    Machka in Oz
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    SuziQ – do you get Prevention magazine? I just cancelled my subscription but I told the girl that I wanted to receive it until the end of my year. She said she would do that. When did you get your magazine? I honestly don’t care for all the ads. I realize that they need ads for income, but it was so nice when they didn’t have them and they also had the letters to the editor
    Michele in NC

    Yes, this year I have a subscription. I tend to subscribe for a year and then stop for a year or two (with any magazine) because all seem to repeat over and over again. It has been a few years so I started a subscription at the beginning of this year (which will expire soon). I got November's edition about two weeks ago. :smile:
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,433 Member
    Going to the hairdresser’s shortly, then off for a visit to Lyric Theatre in Belfast to see WB Yeats’ Playboy of the Western World

    Just had a lovely walk in the sunshine. Cold but very pleasant.

    ☘️ Terri
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    Neck still sore starting to think JR had another growth spurt hubby injured himself too lifting him! His backs hurting now terribly. Hard to get a 2yr old to stand still on a scale to check even then he wants to hold something so that lessens the actual amount.

    JR has started the sneaking toys 🧸 into the trash can 🗑 phase so in the pantry it goes.
    JR tall enough to reach water faucets we own the tallest sinks on the market so now wet teddy bear to arm sleeves when he finds something to stand on. Climbing 🧗‍♀️ on everything he can even No-No things so I’ve been busy. His new favorite thing to say every second...”Don’t FALL!!!!”
    Lol 😂 shows how much we have said it he even says it to the tv 📺 y cats 🐈 outside the window.

    Didn’t weight myself sometimes got to skip a day when I fill like the numbers would stress me out.
    Brunch- 1 slice pizza 🍕,1 Apple 🍎 peeked y sliced, Diet Coke even tho it’s bad for my stomach y teeth 🦷 enamel 8oz.
    Dinner - maybe chicken chili or chicken cheese quesadilla not sure yet but I want chicken y Crystal light peach 🍑 teas. If not then leftovers
    Snack - cereal in unsweetened almond milk 🥛 or toast with egg whites or so will see just not sure yet.

    Hard to cook with a hyper 2yr old dead set on causing chaos lol 😂. Good thing it will end by age 4 .

    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Amber Tx

    5seconds with JR trying to get comfy lol 😂
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Allie ~ Big Congrats on your weight loss...Fantastic. Hope the dr. will be agreeable to your extra hours and raise. I’m going to look for that low cal crepini. Supposedly they sell it at Sprouts.

    Michele ~ So sorry about the bridge coming out!

    Katla ~ Bleeding sinuses...Oh No! So sorry for you.

    DrKatie ~ Your dad’s fall reminded me of the time when I was growing up and my dad got kicked in the mouth while milking a cow. He could not brush his teeth for almost 6 months until the teeth healed.

    Lisa ~ I probably get plenty of sleep but it is very fitful and I toss and turn all night.

    Amber ~ You do have a handful with JR.

    Naps ~ I am not a napper! Like someone else said, when I try to nap my mind mulls over so many things that there is no way I can sleep.

    Carol in GA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
    Yvonne in TX

    There is only 1 UFO museum in town. There are many other ‘normal’ museums like art and history museums. I’ve not been to the UFO museum but have gone to the Goddard art and history one. I’ve also never been to Valley of Fire though that is one I’ve been wanting to go to.


  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    edited October 2019
    :) I got up at 4 this morning so I'd have enough time for dog walking, breakfast for the pets and me, and my morning spiritual practices and still be showered and dressed to go with Jake to the eye doctor at 8. 11 000 steps and 2 and half hours of walking . <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    back from running errands,my car is almost done.. GM was on strike so they are waiting for the front bumper to my car..should be done within a couple days,
    Dogs are good and i took a trip to Costco.. thats a dangerous place but got keto stuff, and a winter jacket for my DGD.now for a rest and then into cleaning mode..
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is National Oatmeal Day!

    "Hearts get healthy on National Oatmeal Day! ... A warm bowl of oatmeal starts a day off right. Add spices, fruit, nuts, or nut butters to add flavor. It’s also a versatile ingredient. Add oatmeal to baked goods to create a delicious crumble. We use it to make granola, cookies, and bars. Sometimes, recipes for soups call for oatmeal, adding thicker texture and nutty flavor."

    Allie - Ooh, crepini sound like a yummy snack! I don't shop at Walmart and our local grocery store doesn't carry them but it looks like Costco does and we go there fairly often. Thank you for telling us about them.

    Michele - So sorry to hear about your crown. What a pain! Were you able to pop the temporary crown back in until you could get in to have them reglue it?

    Carol - I can't even imagine not brushing my teeth for six months! Your poor dad must have been so uncomfortable! I can nap, but only if I set an alarm so prevent me from sleeping for more than 30 minutes.

    Rita - To be honest the UFO museum is kind of tacky but I love it anyway. I also love Cline's Corners. I have kind of a soft spot for tourist traps!

    I see we've been talking about oatmeal - how timely! I eat it nearly every day. I make hot oatmeal when the weather is cool and refrigerator oats during the summer. I never knew it had a day of its own though. Every now and then in the winter I'll make Malt-o-Meal instead.

    Well, my friends, I have to vent just a little. I adore my husband, but... I suggested that he make sure and eat before our workout this afternoon, and he informed me that he already had: A bowl of oatmeal with blueberries (because I cooked it for both of us for breakfast, cookies, and a stroopwafel. And now he is nuking a burrito for lunch. Oh, the challenges of being married to a skinny man! Seriously, if I ate as many cookies as this man does I wouldn't be able to get out of bed.

    Time to get ready for the gym.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Oatmeal and fruit is my usual breakfast. Sometimes I add peanut butter. I would much prefer fruit and yogurt, but I can’t consume anything high in calcium within 4 hours of my thyroid medication. Yogurt usually becomes an evening snack.

    I’ve been dealing with sinus issues too. I was hopeful it would resolve on its own, but apparently I have managed to infect a cut on my hand. The doctor thinks it is from the sinus infection, so now I’m on Augmentin. Waiting for my daughter’s meeting to finish so I can take her to get her teeth cleaned. It’s a run-around day.

    Connie in KY
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Blessings from Vicki GI NE <3
  • knitski2002
    knitski2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Amber!!! I thought my 2 year old grandson was busy. Wow!!