

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Well stomach still nauseated so going to be careful. Ankle hurting so muscles must be lose so guess that time of the Peri surprise day or days or weeks is coming (That’s how regular my periods are their a surprise now).
    Maybe a few more days to be normal again on tummy troubles.

    Had something important to do but can’t remember at all...Might be important I remember thinking don’t forget this....but forgot the rest. Think it’s coming to me not sure tho if that’s something new or what it was . Lol I’m a mess today.

    Food unknown y exercise chasing a ball with JR to walking.

    Watched Chef Ramsey tell a restaurant he’s never heard of grilled lettuce 🥬. Out of curiosity googled it...New York Times y Food Network list it as their best recipes . Lol 😂 guess it’s like how you can fry anything...you can grill it all!

    Amber Tx
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Off to eye doctor appointment soon, I have to go every six months due to macular degeneration and Fuch's dystrophy, it gets to be a pain in the neck. I had completely forgotten this appointment even though I have it on my calendar, good thing they called yesterday to remind me. I'll run by Walmart afterwards to pick up a few items then home to work on laundry I've let it pile up longer than usual. Ugh!

    Love you ladies <3
    Janetr OKC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Katla, the bone density scan is the first in just over two years and the first since I started taking Alendronate just over a year ago. My doctor will get the result of the scan and let me know. My husband is like yours and wants me to go almost everywhere with him.

    <3 Barbie
  • sunflower2o
    sunflower2o Posts: 42 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    My Grands Thanksgiving Day

    @1948Peachy Cute grands, they look like you!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    HI Everyone! A 60+ wife, mom amd grandma. <3<3<3 Striving to loose pounds, get healthier, stronger and then be more comfortable in my day to day life.


    :) You have come to the right place. Where do you live? What sort of exercise do you do? Do you have hobbies? pets?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Rita: That is the boldest colored Appaloosa I’ve seen. I’ll bet the horse and rider get lots of attention when they’re out together. :smiley:

    Machka: Love the saying, “The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time. So true! :wink:

    Rebecca: I’d forgotten about Lipman’s Cinnamon Bear. Good memories there, too. Thanks for the reminder. :star:

    Allie: Congrats on your upcoming raise. It looks as though you’re finally getting a little bit of respect. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: 61 degrees seems almost balmy. We had our first hard frost yesterday and no frost this morning. For a while there it looked like we might have winter weather. :ohwell:

    Pip: We had a yellow lab while our kids were growing up. I was out walking with two women friends and there was a sweet little guy wandering the streets. I took him home. We looked for an owner but never found anyone, so he became our boy. Zack was “sweet but dumb.” He was a loving pet for many years. :heart:

    Heather: It appears that you’ve chosen a delightful new hometown. Yay! :bigsmile:

    Barbie: I’m sorry that your bone density scan showed you to be a little shorter. :cry: Are you still taking meds for this? The last time I was checked I was holding my own. That was a year or two ago. I am still taking alondrate once a week. I’m scheduled for an annual exam later this month. We’ll see what my doctor says then.

    Janet OKC: I hope your eye appointment goes well. :heart:

    I went to DH’s chair yoga class with him last evening. There was at least one other man there, and several women who seem to have an eye on my DH. It makes him uncomfortable. He wants me to make a practice of going with him. I went to my own class yesterday morning. My next class is Friday. Two yoga classes in one day is fine with me. I want to give him as much support as I can so that he gets stronger and feels better.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Still mapping out a holiday restaurant game plan but hard to guesstimate since I eat less on the go than at home . The rush feeling factor! Everyone done waiting on me looks. So I finish half take half home normally. Realizing some items are so high in Calories others lower than I thought. I love pumpkin pie it’s lower than most others but equal to meat Calories! Going to do my best hopefully it will even out in the end especially with skipping fries here but going ahead having pie there ...but no desert over there. This veggie instead of my usual to cut half calories on that side dish. Will see.

    Found out Luby’s my meat choices are the healthiest Fudruckers too on calories. But my fried okra (that GERDS repays after) y Fudruckers fries are high! So finagling it then remembering I eat half of it so if it’s 500-900cal I eat half normally. Haven’t even gotten to Starbucks to Golden Corral or McDonald’s. Keeping my stomach condition in mind in case it gets off track.

    Hubby always blames my stomach distress on the dieting...Then what caused it before dieting since birth? Wasn’t dieting then lol 😆. He worries his family feeds you even if your full type wants a plate finished. They like my Moms Vegan side with same rules also battle weight issues! My Dads side half relatives eat right half don’t the rest off y in between the 2 sides.

    Still want to enjoy myself not spend too much time not picking if they announce their out of..... I’ll just do my best since it happens especially at Luby’s to Golden Corral big crowds take the favorites quickly!
    Amber Tx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Barbie - I am one inch shorter than I thought I was, or used to be. I had to recalculate my BMI. :'(

    I HAVE DONE MY CHRISTMAS CARDS!!! Hooray! I like to get them off early as I like to get returns and updates on people's lives. The first ones to go off were a couple of old boyfriends. :o I am down to around 31 now. DH does around 20. Then we do near neighbours, but not posted.
    I love to get them, but I find it a chore to do them. Plus expensive.

    Feeling a bit apprehensive about my trip to Nottingham tomorrow. It's a five and a half hour journey door to door. I've got to do it though, despite the expense. :# I'm staying in a nice hotel that I've stayed in 4 times before. They usually upgrade me. I've decided to blow the expense and I've transferred money from savings to cover it. Don't want to be counting the pennies.
    My son is coming to meet me at the hotel and then we will get the tram to the house where he lives with his girlfriend and 'stepchildren '. I will meet his three greyhounds. Then we are all going out to a nice tapas place I have been to before. I was expecting them to feed me, so that's another expense. :o I've got cash for my contribution.
    For his Christmas present I have bought today a bottle of Sussex (our county) sparkling wine. He and his girlfriend can have it for Christmas dinner. It's very expensive.
    Oh well, I'm sure I will enjoy it. I'm giving myself over an hour for the train change in London. I will have a leisurely lunch. It will all be fine. B) I actually do really like a good hotel. The breakfast is good and you can order eggs the way you like them. I usually order poached to make the kitchen work. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I mailed cards, and my middle son's ( Athena's daddy) box. We bought a plaid shirt, fleece vest with hood, and soft corduroy pants for Athena. I hope they work out for the colder weather. Son is a plaid shirt wearer so I thought It'll be cute, then a gift card from Amazon for both of them. This past Monday husband and I went to do many places getting errands done! When we got back home I deducted $200+ from the checkbook. That by itself gave me a worry! But it was all Christmas related so I need to not fret about it. It was all things that I wanted done. I bought a roll of forever stamps which is $55, because writing to all my pen pals gives me joy. Plus I sent out 34+ Christmas cards. I typed up our yearly Gossett letter, so had to print copies of that. Husband and I bought underwear at Wal-Mart, just looove going into that madhouse....not. Went to Dollar store and got another box of Christmas cards, and closepins to hang up the cards I have gotten so far.
    Busy busy.💖
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2019
    Heather: Enjoy every moment of your trip. I love to hear your travel adventure stories. :heart: The last train ride we had was several years ago. We took the train to Seattle with a bunch of sailing friends and stayed in the same hotel. Our purpose was to attend the annual boat show at Shilshole and we really enjoyed ourselves. Those were good times. DH is now unable to go onto our boat due to his MS situation. He gets too motion sick and can't even go down on the docks. On the restaurant side of the travel equation—he has specific dietary challenges. It is possible to order a good breakfast and also to go to a Thai restaurant. We didn’t have the best luck with the last effort at a Mexican restaurant, but I think we can make it work if we study the menu in advance. The RV is a great way for us to travel these days. We have a home on wheels and a kitchen stocked with foods we can both enjoy. .:smiley:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,440 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did the water class today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Mix It Up DVD.

    After exercise, volunteered at a fundraiser for Connections. This is a group for the mentally disabled. You pay like $18 and get a bowl of chili and a piece of pottery. I wore my elf costume. Actually, people expect me to be in it. One lady said “where’s my elf”? I told her that I needed to make a big donation for the Salvation Army which was true.

    After the fundraiser went to Publix, then helped Vince put out some more Christmas decorations. While I was at the fundraiser he put the rope lights on the “fence”.

    Not going to go to ceramics tonight. Well, Monday it was really crowded, people who need to finish their pieces for Christmas gifts were there, people who usually only come during the day. So I don’t think much is being lost. Green Room tomorrow and then the eye md. It’s supposed to be real nice, wish I could help Vince with the decorating more. I know they’re going to dilate my eyes and it’s supposed to be sunny.

    I’m proud of myself. After the fundraiser I was starving hungry so I took a cookie since I had to leave asap to get to Publix. Well, I only wanted ½. Normally, I would have eaten the whole thing, but just ½ satisfied me

    Did most of my Christmas cards last night.

    We’re going to have flounder for Christmas Eve so I tried breading some and the next day frying it. It stuck to the pan an awful lot. A lady who does a lot of catering suggested to me that I freeze it. Since the fish is so thin, it’ll defrost once it hits the pan. So…I tried it out for us. You know something? I like it frozen best. It didn’t stick to the pan. Plus, I can probably bread the fish ahead of time and then just fry it that night. It’ll save me work the day

    Welcome everyone new!

    Michele in NC
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    We have decided artificial tree this year. All 4 Adults votes no one trusts JR with a real tree 🌲. So Hubby fighting the crowds in search for the easiest safest one he can. Going to be for the following years too.

    Dinner spinach y beans cheese quesadilla with crystal light sweet tea ☕️.
    Lunch was spinach cheese sandwich ,2 waffle fries ,Apple slices ,y crystal light sweet tea .
    Snack unknown still for later got 300cal left over.
    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    We went through these 30 Days of Gratitude in November last year. Feel free to join in whenever you'd like ...

    Machka in Oz

    All right ... it's mid November and this will take us through to mid December ... just in time for Christmas!! :)

    Day 1 - November 15 - Smell: My sense of smell is limited and my husband no longer has a sense of smell (or taste) since his accident. However, I can catch a faint scent from the roses and freesias he has grown, which are all coming into bloom.

    I'm thankful that he has been able to garden and that we have so many lovely flowers and veggies growing and blooming. :)

    Day 2 - November 16 - Technology: My laptop, my phone, email, facebook ... the fact that technology exists! :) It's what I do ... it's what I learn ... it's how I communicate with family and friends.

    Day 3 - November 17 - Colour: Well ... I'm thankful for the bright colours on my table. Especially since this spring has been quite gloomy. They make me smile. :)

    Day 4 - November 18 - Food: I'm thankful for my weekday lunches ... chicken, rice and veg. :)

    Day 5 - November 19 - Sound: How applicable! I just got my laptop connected to my stereo!! I am appreciating the nice soothing music in the evenings. :)

    Day 6 - November 20 - Nature: All of it! I am very thankful that there is nature ... animals and plants, water, rocks, mountains, hills, all of it. I'm glad I live in a place where I can see and experience nature. I couldn't live in the middle of a large city. My ideal would be in a small town or right on the edge of a larger one so I could be surrounded by countryside in seconds.

    Day 7 - November 21 - Memory: I'm thankful for memory. I'm thankful that my husband has some of his memory - he's pretty good at past memories and procedural memories. I'm glad he didn't lose that. I'm also thankful that, with a bit of effort, I've been able to improve my memory a bit. I've discovered that if I focus and work at it, I can remember people's names at least some of the time! I've had to be my husband's memory.

    Day 8 - November 22 - Book: Most grateful ... the Bible. It's been a comfort to me, especially in recent times.

    Also grateful for books in general.

    The last 18 months I've switched to reading "children's" books. I've also found them comforting.

    Day 9 - November 23 - Place: I'm thankful for my bed!! Although I'm not there nearly as much as I'd like to be, my bed has become one of my favourite places to be. There I can lose myself in books or sleep. :heart:

    That said, I need to get a new pillow. Might have to see about doing that tomorrow if possible.

    Day 10 - November 24 - Taste! Well, there are only 4 of them: salt, sweet, bitter, sour, and I've written them in order of preference. :)

    I am thankful I have all 4 but I wish my husband did again.

    Day 11 - November 25 - Holiday: How appropriate ... one month before Christmas. :) Christmas is my favourite public holiday. I'm love the music, the decorations, the food, the Christmas Carol evenings, the lights, and the celebration of Jesus birth. I'm thankful that we have a Christmas holiday.

    As for holidays in general, I enjoy any opportunity to a) take time off work, and b) travel. I'm very thankful I live and work in Australia where I get quite a decent amount of holiday time. :)

    Day 12 - November 26 - Texture: Smooth. Since the measles (?) in 2016, I need to wear very smooth clothes. I've been thankful to find such things at a good price.

    And the soft texture of the fur of kitties. :)

    Day 13 - November 27 - Abilities: I am very thankful for my organisational skills. I don't know how I would have survived with the past 20 months without them!!

    Deep breath ...

    Day 14 - November 28 - Sight: What sight am I grateful for?

    The sight of all the roses and other flowers in our garden. :)
    The view from our dining room window out over the water. :)
    The beach my bus goes by morning and evening ... sometimes there is sea wildlife out there. I've seen dolphins, a stingray and a whale! :)
    The mountain behind the city. :)

    Psalm 121
    A song of ascents.
    1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
    2 My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.


    Day 15 - November 29 - Season: Summer. I'm always thankful for summer! The warmth. The long daylight hours. I come alive in summer. :) One more day till summer!

    Day 16 - November 30 - My Body: I'm thankful for my brain and my legs. My brain, because it often has to be a brain for two of us now and although it fails me now and then, I'm so glad things like my memory seem to have improved. And my legs because they are what carry me around and allow me to do things like cycling and running.

    Day 17 - December 1 - Knowledge: Coincidentally, my current course is Knowledge Management. :) I appreciate everything I've learned through formal education, experience, and life in general. I'm especially thankful for being at a point where I feel reasonably comfortable around computers ... but can still learn more! Even just today, I learned how to add contacts into my phone.

    Day 18 - December 2 - Piece of Art: Hmmm ... I am thankful for my sister-in-law's art and gifts to us. :) She has given us paintings, wood carvings, and vases.

    One of her vases ...

    Day 19 - December 3 - Touch: My husband's hugs! There were a few months when I thought I'd never have his hugs again. His hugs were one thing I dreamt about during those months.

    Day 20 - December 4 - Who in my life am I grateful for? My parents ... who have been so supportive of me through all I've done and been through. I love them both and hope that one day, in a few years, we'll be able to live closer to them again. :heart:

    Day 21 - December 5 - What song am I grateful for? This is a really difficult one. I like music of all sorts!! And what I listen to on a particular day largely depends on my mood. I'm just generally thankful for music! :)

    Machka in Oz