Are you over 200pds, let's diet together



  • angeloup50
    angeloup50 Posts: 54 Member
    I am doing this for the long run this time and I am very excited about being a part of this group to keep me accountable.

    Hi, Jess; glad you're here!
  • angeloup50
    angeloup50 Posts: 54 Member
    tawtyping wrote: »
    my waist is 8cm less than 12 months ago!

    Good for you!
  • kmiller2350
    kmiller2350 Posts: 43 Member
    January starting weight: 210.8
    January end weight: 205.4
    February end weight: 200.2
    March 7: 198.8

    Twelve pounds lost so far.
  • Lazyboy653
    Lazyboy653 Posts: 5 Member
    January starting weight 220
    January end weight 218
    February end 203
    March 7th 196.2
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    Lazyboy653 wrote: »
    January starting weight 220
    January end weight 218
    February end 203
    March 7th 196.2

    You're doing great!
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,670 Member
  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    I am happy to welcome Lazyboy653 & jessisanson, we all give you both a huge hug and can't wait to get to know you.
  • Lazyboy653
    Lazyboy653 Posts: 5 Member
    You're doing great!

    Thanks 😊
  • riah31
    riah31 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi wondering if this chat is still active? If so I would love to join <3
  • kmiller2350
    kmiller2350 Posts: 43 Member
    Ladycopnh1, sending hugs your way. I don't know what I can say except I feel your pain and wish I could make it all better. I might have eaten a whole cheesecake topped with Chunky Monkey. Give yourself the right to have a bad week and then get back on when you can. We will be here for you.
  • Regine060888
    Regine060888 Posts: 6 Member
    edited March 2020
    I would like to join too. I was 320lbs now
  • celticck77
    celticck77 Posts: 113 Member
    edited March 2020
    Total February loss: 4 lbs (finished weight 246)

    Mar. 2: 243
    Mar. 9: 240
    Mar. 17:
    Mar. 24:
    Mar. 31:

    I was a little down this morning after my weight in. Until I entered it in. I realized at that point I have lost 6 pounds this month. So actually I have something to be happy about.
    I have been sick since Friday but am feeling a little better today.
  • Rhiwills76
    Rhiwills76 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi can I join,I'm 256lbs!! 5ft 6 and 43 years old.I struggle with depression and anxiety which causes me to emotionally and binge eat.I have 2 children aged 14 and 7 so would like to be fit and healthy to enjoy life more with them.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I don't know how to log carrying boxes of books and craft supplies down from the upstairs, but it will be cardio and weight work all in one, all this week! We cleared space to put it in the garage.
  • takera16
    takera16 Posts: 23 Member
    The past 2 weeks have been challenging mentally and physically. My diet has suffered. Scale is headed the wrong way, but finally feeling better, mostly.

    I was feeling really defeated about weigh in today. But then because of this thread I realized I'm still further down than I was in Jan... so I still had some progress despite the rough couple of weeks. That really helped :smiley:

    Feb loss: 7

    March 2 - 272.8
    3/9 - 274.4
    3/16 -
    3/23 -
    3/30 -

    ☘ 1500 to 1800 calories in.
    ☘ Swim at least once a week.
    ☘ Add more cardio (that doesn't irritate spine or active muscle issues) days I go to yoga. Open to suggestions.
    ☘ Research strengthening exercises that won't aggrevate spine.
    🍀 weigh 265 by first week of April.

    @ladycopnh1 So sorry to hear that, it's such a terrible feeling when you find that out. My heart goes out to you. I felt so helpless when my mom told me she had breast cancer. I am in the same boat scale wise...eating stress, fear and pain the last couple of weeks. Today is a new day though. :heart: :smile:
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    @ladycopnh1 I'm so sorry to hear about your brother's diagnosis and your previous losses. I would suggest trying to get in some workouts because it usually helps my mental health. When you're stressed and getting bad news, it's totally normal to give in to some cravings, so don't beat yourself up about it. I will be thinking of you! <3
  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi riah31, Regine060888 & Rhiwills76, welcome to the board/challenge.

    Challenge 1. Change your eating habits
    2. Get active
    3. Weigh in each week
    4. Be accountable for your actions
    5. Come back and let us know how your doing

    Soooo many people have joined and we've never heard from them again ???
    Maybe it's something I said ??
  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    Thank you all your hugs and concerns. I am putting myself back together.

    OK......LET'S TALK

    I was told by one of my Drs. that I had to start taking yoga classes to loosen up my muscles and tendons. So the only place near me to do this is the Senior center. Well, in the class room there is a squeaky chair. They have had this chair for some time and it was funny for them to see who would get the squeaky chair. Friday I got the chair, sat down and..........yup, broke it. I almost landed on the floor. I don't know how many people have sat in this chair but leave it to Marybell cowbutt to sit down and bust it.
  • Lazyboy653
    Lazyboy653 Posts: 5 Member
    March 9th Monday 2020 - Weight 194.2