

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,343 Member
    edited January 2020
    Rebecca - Athena could be a baby model with that cheeky smile. So much character! Who takes the photos? They are very good.

    Today we have to pay the balance on our cruise to Norway in April. The money I retrieved from deep savings takes six days to appear in our joint account and, unfortunately, won't be there until tomorrow. DH is doing something with his money to enable me to pay it. :o Yesterday it didn't work, so I hope it will today. :#

    I also hope to unpack the mirror we ordered to go above the fireplace. It has been sitting in the hall in a big box for ages. Sometimes I get really anxious about doing things. I'm scared I won't like it, or it won't fit, or it'll be difficult to put up, or, or, or......
    I still haven't got my website up and running. :sBarbie - I wish I had Jake's attitude! New technology terrifies me!
    However, given that my word for this year is UNLEASH I am going to unleash my mirror. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,157 Member
    I still haven't got my website up and running. :sBarbie - I wish I had Jake's attitude! New technology terrifies me!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Check Meetup to see if there's a website development group in your area.

    If that doesn't work, see if there's a college, uni or even community courses on website development.

    In-person assistance can help!

    Machka in Oz

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    thanks for the explanation. Weight is up. :(
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    well I am waiting for my tea to steep and catching up with you all..went to sleep fairly early.. and I have to take tips from Trudy to pack she is a pro and I usually pack to much so going to par down and see what I can do, want to be able to have room to bring a few things home..and she said dont worry they have Walmarts down there ,, lol
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Also having a cup of coffee and checking in with you all! Allie I always get anxious about packing for a trip, but take Trudy's advice, pack less, wear things more than once (nobody will notice, trust me) and yes, you can always pick something up if you need to. I'm so excited for you taking this trip, wowza!

    Barbie my MIL is super excited about the Jeopardy tournament, I think we're all gonna watch together this week.

    Happy to be doing a lot of food prep today, oatmeal, applesauce and red lentil soup for the week of breakfast, snacks and lunch. For dinner we are going to try a new recipe book to prepare Thai food this week, Tom Kha soup (coconut milk soup with chicken) and vegetable curry stir fry, yum. Also on the menu this week Penne Ala Vodka - Rachel's favorite :) before she leaves for school.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    "Todo"s and "done"
    Done: carryover invest 10 mins MBR & Guest, start taking tree down, dog group.
    Bonus: 38 mins vac!!! 1 load laundry
    to do: church, make Rori’s maple bourbon chili, invest 10 mins cleaning kitchen/laundry, carryover invest 10 mins decluttering office, Dust LR, continue taking tree down, Patient Hist form to Dermatologist (also toward med history 20/20), comb Tumble, 5 mins engagement training Tumble and Shadow, call Carolyn, listen to SuziQ recommended podcast on habits https://www.npr.org/transcripts/787160734
    Shadow was ok loose leash walking last month but today pulled like a malamute. Time to nip THAT in the bud.

    Ginny in OH “…if they would just ask another to explain what they meant, there is no need for disagreement” true that in so many situations!
    NYKaren “two words…” :laugh:
    Heather it would take way more than 3 hours to deep clean our house… maybe 3 days?
    Sharon safe travels!
    Pip your certified organic, grown in the usa cat pic made me smile!

    Pouring down rain, if it's blustery when I get on the road will go south and visit St. Tim's instead.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    January: get up and go outside 10 mins EVERY day, even in the rain!
    daily: steps=4652, vits 9 log=11 CI<CO=11 CI<250<CO=5 Tumble 5/10=8 mfp=11
    wkly: BBBorTC x3=4, rx=2 dance=2.2 pack walk=1.5
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= outside=7
    Bonus AF=6 dog group email list= sew= play=
    2020 phrase: Pay attention! Open ears, eyes, heart.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Latest Stats.....
    WW = WeightWatchers (old program)

    Well, it seems my 36-year old self lost a little bit more than my not so young self for the past few weeks. Not too disappointed given the time of year. I feel like I am still keeping up with her. :smiley: But must keep my self in check and not get too cheeky. I had some Rocky Road ice cream yesterday as my lunch and dinner (oh, so bad, but oh so good). I ate so much I will certainly not be eating it any time in the near future! And, with meal planning back on track and no junk in the house I should be good for the next few weeks.


  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Rebecca- Time to invest time in teething toys y baby teething aids. She’s ready to start gnawing away so have one in a plastic baggy clean ready to go in the handbag Incase she looses hers or drops it in the store. MIL did that for me was something I wouldn’t have thought of boy it came in handy at oops SR appointment dirty floor a baby who decides to toss it for fun.Then cried because he wanted it back. She must have kept 10 in there I only carried 1 extra backup in the diaper bag not thinking.

    Amber Tx

    Ham strings are sore tossed y turned all night long. Did get the dining room rearranged to my liking tho.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :)Heather, setting up a website is way beyond our comfort level. When Jake chose his new computer, I discouraged him from getting Apple because we have had PC's for years. I told him that I wouldn't be able to help him if he got an Apple and he took me seriously.

    <3 Barbie
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    JanetR ~ at least she will be closer to you.. gosh it always hurts when one of your kids is hurting...
    Today is a lazy day for me . got the laundry done and will repack some of my stuff , and waiting on a duffel bag to take with...she showed me that I can take a personal item and a carry on, so we will be set..