WLS support and inspirational information



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Mollie, Congratz on the 16lb weight loss. That is fantastic. Keep it up

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Yeah, your tickers look great! :happy:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Thanks MacMadame!

    I get Barb newletter. Thanks. I also love Katie Jay's newletter. You can sign up for her newletter on NAWLS.com. I have taken back on track programs from both ladies and Katie's is better hands down. Both newsletters are great though!

    Hope all are doing well.

    We had 20 inches of snow in Chicago and I did well eating being at home while baracaded in my place. I had a bad day Tuesday but back on track yesterday.

    Have a good week everyone!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Thanks Mollie I will look up Katie's I didn't know about that one. I would like to do the back on track seminar but budget is an issue. I wish they would come to Las Vegas to do one.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Mollie, I checked out Katie's site and she is really about the money isn't she. $9.95 or more a month to just use the site is ridiculous. I have access to free recipes all over the internet and support forums too I really don't see why people would pay her to let them talk to each other and get recipes and help from other WLS patients. I signed up for the free newsletter but I think she is running a racket for the rest "members only" area, and taking advantage of people who have had WLS. But that's just my opinion. I'll stick to the free sites that use advertising to support themselves.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member

    The NAWLS.com site is the site I use for free daily inspirations I post here and I have posted many of her newletters here also. I only use the free things offered.

    Do you go to support groups locally. I try to go to at least one a month and I try to attend one telephone support group also which is also free of charge and they are really good too. One is the 1st Monday of each month at 7 pm CST and the other one is on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 1 pm CST. Both are free of charge and there are people on them from all over the country too. I love them.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for February 2, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Laugh to lighten your load.

    Laughing releases endorphins, those chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. Even if you don't feel like laughing, the act of laughing will make you feel better. If your goal is to feel better--healthier, happier, more relaxed--then adding laughter to your day makes sense.

    Exercising your mental happiness is as important as exercising your body. Think of it as internal aerobics. Strengthen your sense of humor so that when strain after strain is beating you down, you can fight back with laughter.

    Action for the day: No matter how silly you feel, set a timer and laugh for three minutes today--whether you feel happy or not. See what happens!

    © 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for February 3, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Dare to experiment.

    Life is brimming with experiences to be lived--and now you are physically able to experiment. After surgery, you certainly tried new foods; but now it is time to experiment in other areas.

    Try on a new style of clothes. Experiment with square dancing or a spirited aerobics class. How about learning a musical instrument now that you're breathing easier? Join a book club or a Bible study without fear of breaking a chair. Whatever looks interesting to you, try it. Imagine life is a buffet, and it's your mission to sample the many treats it has to offer.

    Action for the day: What new experience do you want to have? Take action toward that goal today.

    © 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, everyone! Angelintx invited me over here.

    I had the duodenal switch weight loss surgery in June 2010. (Go to www.DSFacts.com for more info.) So far, I've lost over 90% of my excess body weight.

    I've had some problems after surgery, including an intolerance for artificial sweeteners (so no protein shakes for me), and vomiting (a lot). I'm in treatment for protein malnutrition right now: I'm on TPN for 4 weeks (3 weeks to go).

    My main goal is to keep UP my protein intake and vitamin intake. I will have to be able to consume about 100-120 g of protein daily in order to stay nutritionally on track. Of course, most people drink 1/3 of that in protein shakes and don't have to eat so much, but lucky me, I have to eat it! It's hard work on a surgically-altered small tummy that's been tossin' itself on a regular for 7 months.

    The good news is that I know I've found the puking culprit: malnutrition! My body has been starving for a long time. Now that it's getting nutrition regularly, I haven't had one incident of puking at all. My upper GI tests have all been normal, no leaks and no strictures. It's all in the food I eat.

    The good news is that my weight is falling off fairly easily. I can't believe I wear a size 8. If I were a bit bolder in my style, I'd wear a size 6, but I'm not emotionally ready yet. :-)

    I'm here to support y'all in any way I can. I love this site, it's the best one of its kind by far.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Hi, everyone! Angelintx invited me over here.

    I had the duodenal switch weight loss surgery in June 2010. (Go to www.DSFacts.com for more info.) So far, I've lost over 90% of my excess body weight.

    I've had some problems after surgery, including an intolerance for artificial sweeteners (so no protein shakes for me), and vomiting (a lot). I'm in treatment for protein malnutrition right now: I'm on TPN for 4 weeks (3 weeks to go).

    My main goal is to keep UP my protein intake and vitamin intake. I will have to be able to consume about 100-120 g of protein daily in order to stay nutritionally on track. Of course, most people drink 1/3 of that in protein shakes and don't have to eat so much, but lucky me, I have to eat it! It's hard work on a surgically-altered small tummy that's been tossin' itself on a regular for 7 months.

    The good news is that I know I've found the puking culprit: malnutrition! My body has been starving for a long time. Now that it's getting nutrition regularly, I haven't had one incident of puking at all. My upper GI tests have all been normal, no leaks and no strictures. It's all in the food I eat.

    The good news is that my weight is falling off fairly easily. I can't believe I wear a size 8. If I were a bit bolder in my style, I'd wear a size 6, but I'm not emotionally ready yet. :-)

    I'm here to support y'all in any way I can. I love this site, it's the best one of its kind by far.

    Welcome Nicole! I am very familiar with DS! Sorry to hear about your complications. But just consider them bumps in the road. I think you are the 1st one I have met on this thread with DS. On ObesityHelp.com they have a forum for DS patients and they post to the over 50 BMI forum quite a bit recommending DS to new people considering WLS. Thanks for your support. Chime in anytime.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for February 4, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW


    Some days you wake up feeling tired or distracted. You just don't have the time or energy to follow your WLS regimen at that moment. So, you skip breakfast, or eat that slice of cold pizza that you righteously avoided the night before. Days of discouragement shouldn't surprise you. They are reminders that food will always be complicated -- either a comfort or a distraction.

    The key to real change is perseverance. When you take a misstep, for whatever reason, know that you will continue to persevere in your WLS recovery. You will start over at the next meal--you will overcome the temptation next time. That is how you'll succeed. Being perfect just isn't going to happen. So persevere.

    Action for the day: No matter where you are in your recovery, today you will persevere. Start over every time you stray from your plan. Start over as often as necessary.

    © 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Nicole- have you tried the new protein shake out by Jillian Michaels? It is sweetened with Stevia. The chocolate tastes like a chocolate dough nut to me. I also use Mt. Capra Double Bonded Goat Protein. Same thing sweetened with Stevia.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hey, Nicole, I have a sleeve so just the stomach part of your surgery but I also have protein issues. My serum protein levels have been as low as 5.8! I started losing my hair at 1.5 weeks out and it didn't stop until I was 17 months out. I still get issues if I have a few days in a row where my protein is under 120 g. I'm trying to get where I consume 150 g a day without thinking about it so a low day might be 120 and so I can get ahead of the curve.

    My PCP and bariatric surgeon aren't too concerned because the rest of my labs look good, but it really bothers me.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Hi, everyone! Angelintx invited me over here.

    I had the duodenal switch weight loss surgery in June 2010. (Go to www.DSFacts.com for more info.) So far, I've lost over 90% of my excess body weight.

    I've had some problems after surgery, including an intolerance for artificial sweeteners (so no protein shakes for me), and vomiting (a lot). I'm in treatment for protein malnutrition right now: I'm on TPN for 4 weeks (3 weeks to go).

    My main goal is to keep UP my protein intake and vitamin intake. I will have to be able to consume about 100-120 g of protein daily in order to stay nutritionally on track. Of course, most people drink 1/3 of that in protein shakes and don't have to eat so much, but lucky me, I have to eat it! It's hard work on a surgically-altered small tummy that's been tossin' itself on a regular for 7 months.

    The good news is that I know I've found the puking culprit: malnutrition! My body has been starving for a long time. Now that it's getting nutrition regularly, I haven't had one incident of puking at all. My upper GI tests have all been normal, no leaks and no strictures. It's all in the food I eat.

    The good news is that my weight is falling off fairly easily. I can't believe I wear a size 8. If I were a bit bolder in my style, I'd wear a size 6, but I'm not emotionally ready yet. :-)

    I'm here to support y'all in any way I can. I love this site, it's the best one of its kind by far.

    Welcome Nicole! I am very familiar with DS! Sorry to hear about your complications. But just consider them bumps in the road. I think you are the 1st one I have met on this thread with DS. On ObesityHelp.com they have a forum for DS patients and they post to the over 50 BMI forum quite a bit recommending DS to new people considering WLS. Thanks for your support. Chime in anytime.

    I made a terriable typo on this post. I meant to say, I am not very familar with DS.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Meals for the week are almost done I made green beans, kale, mashed cauliflower, spicy chicken burgers with cheddar, low carb lasagna, and crustless zucchini, bacon , and swiss quiche. I will probably do some taco salads later in the week but that is a quick meal from ground chicken.

    I was down another pound today so 5 this week. I think my metabolism is back in fat burning mode!:drinker: I weigh in and see the bariatric doctor tomorrow and I think he'll be pleased with my 9 pounds these past two weeks.

    Have a great week!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Meals for the week are almost done I made green beans, kale, mashed cauliflower, spicy chicken burgers with cheddar, low carb lasagna, and crustless zucchini, bacon , and swiss quiche. I will probably do some taco salads later in the week but that is a quick meal from ground chicken.

    I was down another pound today so 5 this week. I think my metabolism is back in fat burning mode!:drinker: I weigh in and see the bariatric doctor tomorrow and I think he'll be pleased with my 9 pounds these past two weeks.

    Have a great week!:flowerforyou:

    Congrats Amy on 9 pounds!! Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou:

    BTW - What is your recipe for mashed cauliflower?
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    About 2 oz of cream cheese to 1lb of cauliflower. Boil cauliflower until tender(mashable) and then drain and add seasoning and cream cheese. I usually do several heads or bags of frozen at a time so I have it on hand. I use Morton's Nature Seasoning in mine and some pepper and it's yummy. My older sis made some and didn't tell her hubby and he loved them.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    About 2 oz of cream cheese to 1lb of cauliflower. Boil cauliflower until tender(mashable) and then drain and add seasoning and cream cheese. I usually do several heads or bags of frozen at a time so I have it on hand. I use Morton's Nature Seasoning in mine and some pepper and it's yummy. My older sis made some and didn't tell her hubby and he loved them.

    Thanks!! I am going to try this over the weekend.....:-)
  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    I was down another pound today so 5 this week. I think my metabolism is back in fat burning mode!:drinker: I weigh in and see the bariatric doctor tomorrow and I think he'll be pleased with my 9 pounds these past two weeks.

    Way to go, Amy!!! Your meals sound wonderful and full of variety too! Congrats!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for February 5, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Believe you can.

    Believing the improbable can happen is the first step to making it happen. People can get mired down in believing that their current way of life will never change. They imagine they will be stuck in their rut forever and they stop trying.

    But, the truth is change rewards you when you work for it. You changed your life and your health with surgery. Now you can consider changing other parts of your life. You might want to make new friends, to stop obsessing about food, or to make a career change. Visualize where you want to be, and then work toward that goal. You'll be amazed at how the world opens before you.

    Action for the day: Find a quiet, private space where you can relax and breathe for five minutes. During your quiet time, visualize your life as you want it to be. Imagine as many details as you can. What are you wearing? Who is with you? What excites you? Allow yourself to feel the pleasure of that new life. Describe it in your journal.

    © 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.