WLS support and inspirational information



  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    JoAnne I just don't eat them but don't make a habit of it. I had to learn to plan better to get the calories in earlier in the day.

    Molly I have 23 to go to Twoderville :)
  • TrudyLea
    Ok - first I love the little ... if you continue like this you will weight ... (when I've done well anyway!) It is inspiring particularly when it is in the 230's for me.

    Honestly if I get 1100 calories - I don't sweat about not getting any more. I think our bodies are different after the WLS - If I were doing it every day and not loosing - maybe I'd try to add in an extra protein drink or something but if it isn't having a negative effect and you are taking your vits. the way you are supposed to and getting in enough protein..I honestly wouldn't sweat it. That said. Peanut butter is dense and high calorie and can be eaten with an apple, banana, cracker, by itself, celery has good fat and protein so it might be an option.
  • TrudyLea
    Ok - first I love the little ... if you continue like this you will weight ... (when I've done well anyway!) It is inspiring particularly when it is in the 230's for me.

    Honestly if I get 1100 calories - I don't sweat about not getting any more. I think our bodies are different after the WLS - If I were doing it every day and not loosing - maybe I'd try to add in an extra protein drink or something but if it isn't having a negative effect and you are taking your vits. the way you are supposed to and getting in enough protein..I honestly wouldn't sweat it. That said. Peanut butter is dense and high calorie and can be eaten with an apple, banana, cracker, by itself, celery has good fat and protein so it might be an option.
  • Happy_JoJo
    Happy_JoJo Posts: 49 Member
    thanks everyone!!! Its hard finding people that understand what our bodies go thru, I love this group!!!

    I am going out tonight to celebrate a friend's birthday and my new job....so I'm going to splurge a bit tonight and have scallops and bacon mac and cheese. You all know I won't eat it all but it sounds delish I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My losses have been consistent but not what I feel like they should be with my activity...so I am definately going to start trying to get a few more calories in each day and see if that helps!!!


  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    Molly I have 23 to go to Twoderville :)

    Right around the corner for you, Amy!! Congrats!
  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    thanks everyone!!! Its hard finding people that understand what our bodies go thru, I love this group!!!

    I am going out tonight to celebrate a friend's birthday and my new job....so I'm going to splurge a bit tonight and have scallops and bacon mac and cheese. You all know I won't eat it all but it sounds delish I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My losses have been consistent but not what I feel like they should be with my activity...so I am definately going to start trying to get a few more calories in each day and see if that helps!!!


    OMGosh you got the job??!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I know that is a big relief to you! You made me hungry thinking about your celebratory meal ... I miss seafood!!! Texas has HORRIBLE seafood in my opinion. LOL!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,362 Member
    Congratulations Mollie! You're work is stupendous and your consistency is clearly showing up in the results! Truly inspirational! What challenges are you participating in that is helping you achieve your success? I apologize if you've mentioned it before and I'm asking you to repeat yourself. :blushing:
    Thanks Angel!!

    Both of the weight loss challenges I am in this month are closed. But I am in 2 exercise challenges also if you are interested. One is to try to get 20 to 22 workouts per month. The leader decides and challenges us. I been in her challenges for about 4 months I think. And then the other one is challenging us to do 360 min of exercise each month OR to burn 2500 to 3500 calories each week with a heart rate montior.

    I hope you can join us. They have kept me mindful and it is usually about the specific goals involved. Everyone does not like them but I love them because I am credit analyst by profession and numbers are my thing. They drive me, that is why in school I always excelled! See the links below:



    Mollie, you are doing terrific! Congratulations! We will be here cheering you on to your goal for this year.:smile:
    Thanks Frogmama!!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,362 Member
    Hey guys.... I guess I'm just going to vent and get it out my system b/c I know you all will understand. It's 7pm where I live and I've eaten all my meals, and tracked my evening snacks...totals 1134....that's beore my 300 exercise calories... I don't think I can stuff anything else in my stomach tonight, and I feel like this alot ...how do you guys handle it??? any suggestions would be appreciated ty ty ...

    Congrats on new job!!:flowerforyou:

    My general motto is unless you are at a REAL stall meaning 3 to 6 weeks at the same weight and you are doing everything right then don't eat more if you are not hungry. The less the better. Starvation mode is not for us because that is why we all had the surgries we had is to starve our bodies into letting go of the weight. Anyways that is my 2 cents with no details or background information on when you had surgery.
    Molly I have 23 to go to Twoderville :)
    You will be there soon Amy!! I don't think I can catch up with you at this rate......:-) I am getting excited for you and I hope to be right behind you!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Just checking in... Hi, everyone!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,362 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for February 12, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Step out of your comfort zone.

    There comes a time when what you are doing stops working well. Then, it's time to try something new--whether you need to change your exercise routine, avoid a food that has become a trigger for overeating, or ask for support.

    Unfortunately, most people get very comfortable with their routines and habits. Too comfortable. Maybe the thought of changing makes you angry or afraid. Some change is healthy. It helps you grow (or shrink as the case may be). You may need to get a personal trainer to help you learn how to boost your metabolism, or see a nutritionist about adjusting your menu. As the saying goes, feel your fear and make the change anyway. Long-term WLS success requires you to step out of your comfort zone.

    Action for the day: When the tried and true stops working, it's time to try something new. Be honest with yourself. What do you need to change? Get out of your comfort zone and try something new today.

    © 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,362 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for February 13, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Appreciate imperfection.

    Some of the most precious gems in the world have flaws that do not diminish their worth. When a diamond is a deep yellow or brown, it is considered more valuable. So, what you might assume is a serious flaw is really a great strength.

    Do you judge yourself by impossible standards? Do you berate yourself for lack of perfection? Your flaws make you unique and precious. Your sensitivity means you are compassionate. Not looking perfect makes you approachable. Surviving pain brings others hope. You are not a worthless rock; you are a precious gem.

    Action for the day: Think of three people you admire. In your journal, describe their flaws. How do their flaws make them unique and precious? What flaws might people appreciate in you?

    © 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,362 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for February 14, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Drop some rocks.

    We live in a busy world. Often success is measured by how much we do, how busy we are, and how heavy the load is that we carry. Imagine that your job in life is to swim across a fast-moving river carrying a bag of rocks. People often fill their bags with too many rocks, including rocks that don't belong to them.

    Are you carrying other people's rocks? Are you doing all the work for the team at your job? Are you volunteering again because no other parent stepped up? Carrying more rocks than you need is risky. Carrying your rocks and everyone else's will sabotage your WLS recovery.

    Action for the day: In your journal today, make a list of the rocks in your bag -- your various responsibilities. Drop at least one of the rocks that doesn't belong to you.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Mollie I love these last two entries you posted, I think I do have impossible standards for myself and I definitely carry lots of rocks my own and other peoples. Thanks for the tidbit!
  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    Howdy all!! Just wanted to post a little hooray for me today LOL. I surpassed my all-time record time on the elliptical last night -- 22 minutes was my highest ever, and I did 30 minutes last night!!! YIPPPEEEEE!! I am pretty proud of that accomplishment since, when I first started working out back in early October, 2 minutes on that machine was all I could do and at that I thought I was dying. LOL!! Now, I'm able to do 30 minutes! YAY!! :bigsmile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,362 Member
    Howdy all!! Just wanted to post a little hooray for me today LOL. I surpassed my all-time record time on the elliptical last night -- 22 minutes was my highest ever, and I did 30 minutes last night!!! YIPPPEEEEE!! I am pretty proud of that accomplishment since, when I first started working out back in early October, 2 minutes on that machine was all I could do and at that I thought I was dying. LOL!! Now, I'm able to do 30 minutes! YAY!! :bigsmile:

    Awesome!! Keep up the good work!
  • tippi4406
    tippi4406 Posts: 31 Member
    That is really great. I've tried the Elliptical only a couple of times...it was a bit much for me. That is going to be my next conquest, working out on that machine. I have the Elliptical Bike but its not as brutal.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,362 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for February 15, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Resolve to stop "escape eating."

    Many WLS patients have overeaten for years, in part, to escape certain feelings. You might have eaten to escape feelings of anxiety, depression, sadness, boredom, or being overwhelmed. After WLS, many people continue to engage in escape eating.

    It's time to ask yourself, "How well is escape eating working for me?" Is it moving you toward your long-term WLS goals? Is it a nagging problem that you're managing, but that could get out of control over time? Changing this pattern means identifying your feelings and choosing a new response to those feelings. You do have a choice.

    Action for the day: Record what you eat for three days. Beside each entry, write down how you were feeling when you ate. Were you hungry? Were you lonely, angry, or tired? This activity will help you identify and curb your emotional triggers.

    © 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks Tippi and Mollie! Exercise has never been my strong suit, but it is empowering to know that I CAN do some things now and it makes me feel better about myself.

    Great article on "escape eating" Mollie! That was really the topic at my last support group meeting and I am definitely becoming more aware of when I'm eating for the wrong reasons.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,362 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for February 16, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Focus on today.

    Time spent thinking about regrets and past hurts is time wasted. You cannot go back and make different decisions, better choices. You cannot change the past hurts others have caused you. By dwelling on them today, you are hurting yourself all over again.

    You only have today. Today is an opportunity to take actions and make choices that will cause you no regrets tomorrow. Today, if you feel wronged, you can express your feelings in the moment, forgive, and move on. Today is the day to do well the things you can do, and let go of the rest. Your yesterdays are only experiences you will use to help you make healthier choices today.

    Action for the day: Whenever a regret comes up, or a resentment, acknowledge it and then turn your thoughts to the present. What can you do to make it a healthy and peaceful day today?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,362 Member
    Do You Know the Best Remedy for Regain?
    by Katie Jay, MSW, Certified Wellness Coach

    Fleas love me. When they are nearby, I always come down
    with a case of "flea-bite-us"...

    The red welts and itching are annoying during the day,
    but life keeps me somewhat distracted. The itching gets
    much worse at night.

    Sometimes a food craving is that way. Hard to get rid of
    and worse at night.

    With the fleas, the short-term answer is to use topical
    anti-itch creams, but getting rid of the source of the
    problem -- the actual fleas -- is much more of a challenge.
    One that requires a good bit of effort.

    When a food craving hits, there is no fast-acting,
    anti-hunger cream we can rub on. But, most of us employ
    various tactics to help us avoid eating on a whim.

    I've heard many: distracting yourself with a good book,
    putting a stop sign in your kitchen doorway between meal
    times, making a phone call, getting engaged in a hobby
    you enjoy... I could go on and on.

    These short-term tactics can help immensely, but getting
    rid of the source of the problem is much more challenging.

    Some of my coaching clients have agreed to become scientists
    rather than critics. What I mean by that is instead of
    fighting the cravings, giving in, and beating themselves up
    -- over and over again, they have undertaken an effort to
    get a better understanding of themselves and their

    The number one tool they used is a "Food/Hunger/Mood/
    Activity/Sleep Log." I know that some people hate to keep
    a log, but your beliefs about logs are worth challenging,
    especially considering the major benefits (Did you know
    studies show that keeping a food log practically doubles
    your weight loss?).

    Honestly, when I started to regain, I decided I was willing
    to do anything to keep the weight off, and I embraced my log
    as the number one tool to help me.

    Through logging I discovered an association between my
    low-grade depression and certain foods I was eating (donuts).
    I also learned I am hungrier during my PMS week (chocolate).
    I realized I was snacking at the same time every day
    (popcorn or cheese, or both), when I wasn't hungry. I made a
    connection between a stressful day at work and a midnight
    snack (toast with peanut butter). I even noticed that I
    consistently craved certain foods at certain times of day,
    probably due to a daily pattern of feelings I was attempting
    to manage with food.

    While using my log, I took the role of a scientist observing
    herself, not a critic judging herself. Once I had a better
    understanding of my feelings and behavior I began to
    experiment with small changes and I saw the pounds I had
    regained begin to slip away.

    I made the following changes, one at a time:

    *Go back to therapy with someone who understands eating and weight issues.
    *Fill out my food log.
    *Go to bed one hour earlier.
    *Get trigger foods out of sight -- or out of the house altogether.
    *Each morning, or the night before, plan and pack my food for the day.
    *Eat dense protein first at each meal.
    *Walk an extra 10 minutes per exercise session.
    *Measure the foods I tend to overdo (cheese, fats, carbs).
    *ry a new vegetable each week.
    *Nap once a week.
    *Sit still and breathe for 5 minutes every day.
    *Limit my exposure to negative people and to bad news in the world.
    *Stop using the telephone, TV, or internet one hour before bedtime and for one hour after awakening each morning (except when I use my yoga DVD).

    Seeing the scale go down gave me motivation to try some of
    the more difficult changes. Over time, I lost all the weight
    I regained.

    Fleas are much easier to get rid of when you catch the
    infestation in its early stages. At the first sign of fleas,
    I take action. It's that way with my weight and cravings,

    Now, at the first sign of weight gain, or of sliding into
    old unhealthy behavior, I take action. I get my log book out
    and observe, non-judgmentally, what's going on.

    Then, I experiment some more -- making the easiest changes

    I don't know why fleas love me so much. That is their
    secret. But the way for me to combat food cravings and
    regain is not a secret.


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