WLS support and inspirational information



  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Angel- YAY!!!:drinker: Wow 30 minutes that's fantastic! I can't wait to try the elliptical I joined a new gym that is opening near me but they are still waiting for the fire marshall to come inspect so they can open. I'll let you know how it goes.:smile:

    I am seeing a hematologist today since my last CBC came back all abnormally low. It has been creeping down but this is the worse it has been. I think the dry climate here is responsible even though I drink a lot of water I guess my body has been used to the humidity all my life. I also blame finding out I have an allergy to most iron containing foods like beef, spinach, nuts, and broccoli. I am trying to get my doctor to retest me for the food allergies by blood because one of the teachers I work with told me you can get false positives with skin tests if you have eczema which I have in my left ear(I know weird). I take iron supplements but I am not sure my body is using them. I know I absorb other vitamins and minerals because I was able to improve my Vit. D level through OTC supplements.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Just got home from hematologist I have to have intravenous (sp?) iron treatments starting next Friday one a week for four weeks. My ferratin was 6 and should be at least 13 and my iron was down to 25 should be 35 and serum iron was 7 and should be at least 15. UGH not the way I wanted to spend my Friday afternoons. On a good note:drinker: I finally weighed 325 on the doctor's scale (I was 323 on my own this morning).
  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    Just got home from hematologist I have to have intravenous (sp?) iron treatments starting next Friday one a week for four weeks. My ferratin was 6 and should be at least 13 and my iron was down to 25 should be 35 and serum iron was 7 and should be at least 15. UGH not the way I wanted to spend my Friday afternoons. On a good note:drinker: I finally weighed 325 on the doctor's scale (I was 323 on my own this morning).
    I'm sorry to hear you need injections to fix the iron deficiency. ohwell: Does your doctor have an understanding what is causing it so you won't have to continue injections for a longer time frame? Hang in there!! I am anemic also, but I haven't been back to see if the OTC supplements is doing the trick or not. Congrats on the doctor's scale showing your success!!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Hello All,

    Well Friday I made my 40 pounds and to celebrate this loss I had a eat feast for 4 days. This is what I do and I have to turn it around some how and I don't know how because celebrating with food is what I like and I feel is a true reward to me because that is what I like to do. Needless to say I when I weighed in on Tuesday I was up 11 pounds at 359 and today back at 355 which is probably more like it. I am not even say what I had but it was technically bad and I could not stop myself. My 1st mistake was to stop getting on the scale daily while I was having my food feast.

    Do any of you have this issue of eating to celebrate a loss or milstone and if so, how do you reward yourself? I have to stop this food reward issue that I have. I normally stop at one day but once it started on Friday I kept right on going for 4 days.

    The good thing is I did not beat myself up or dwell on it that long because I know I am still working on this and I am just glad I got right back on it and every since Tuesday I have stepped on the scale daily. Since I am a food addict and binge eater I have to step on that scale every day because that is the one thing that will stop me from binge eating.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Just got home from hematologist I have to have intravenous (sp?) iron treatments starting next Friday one a week for four weeks. My ferratin was 6 and should be at least 13 and my iron was down to 25 should be 35 and serum iron was 7 and should be at least 15. UGH not the way I wanted to spend my Friday afternoons. On a good note:drinker: I finally weighed 325 on the doctor's scale (I was 323 on my own this morning).

    All the blood stuff is over my head for sure. What is OTC. I still get my blood drawn annually and have not had a iron problem since I was 2 years post op. Now I just buy the vititams with extra iron in them.

    Congrats on doctors scale!! :bigsmile:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Molly-OTC= over the counter -not prescription, this is the first time my iron/blood has been this low. My sis had bypass 6 weeks after me and started IV iron 2 yrs or so ago. I asked my hematologist why I absorbed the Vit. D and not the iron supplements and he said that the part of the intestine that absorbs Vit. D was still there for bypass patients and the iron absorbing part is almost always bypassed so we cannot absorb it even if we take supplements. I just hope I do not have a reaction to the IV iron, I really want my energy back! On the 4 days of celebratory eating I used to do that too but then I now have gotten to the point where I only do it for one meal. I tell myself I get that one meal whatever I want but after that I just keep repeating to myself that I am killing myself and defeating myself if it goes past that you have to convince yourself that you are better and are more worthy of loving yourself more than the food. I still have bad times where I have a hard time keeping it in check but I have learned to exchange the activity of eating for something else when I have a urge to eat when I know it is destructive. {{HUGS}} Here's to getting back on track!:flowerforyou:

    Angel- people who have had the complete bypass have issues with iron absorption after surgery so I will probably have to have them again. My biggest problem is I cannot get enough through diet because I am allergic to most of the iron rich foods like spinach, beef and nuts.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    On the 4 days of celebratory eating I used to do that too but then I now have gotten to the point where I only do it for one meal. I tell myself I get that one meal whatever I want but after that I just keep repeating to myself that I am killing myself and defeating myself if it goes past that you have to convince yourself that you are better and are more worthy of loving yourself more than the food. I still have bad times where I have a hard time keeping it in check but I have learned to exchange the activity of eating for something else when I have a urge to eat when I know it is destructive. {{HUGS}} Here's to getting back on track!:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Amy. I will do this and I have did this also and it has worked too but this weekend I went beserk! I know me and I have to weigh daily no matter what. The good, bad and ugly. If I had done that I would have stopped.:grumble: But we live and learn.:happy:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Mollie- your 4 day feast is now behind you. I also like to reward myself with food, but can usually manage to keepit to one really special treat. Being addicted to food is tough-- you can't just quit cold turkey. I mean, you have to eat. I quit smoking several years ago and that's how I did it. I know that if I lit just one cigarette that it would be all over and I would be back to smoking again. I am the same with a bag of miniature chocolate candy bars, I can't eat just one. I have one, then another, then another until the whole bag is gone. I guess the best way that I have found to help this is to keep all junk food or bad food out of the house.

    You have worked so hard. I have been watching your daily exercise, and you rock! Now just get back on track with the eating. Maybe next time you reach a goal, celebrate with a pedicure!

  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am so having a down in the dumps day! Must be the lack of sunshine or the no loss this week or the hip pain or feeling like I could just curl up in a ball and sleep all day ugh! I hate days like this it's hard to break out of the funk. Good thing is I have off Monday so it's a 3 day weekend for me- Thanks go out to our founding fathers!:laugh: :drinker:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    A great piece from Tyler over at 344pounds.com just after he pigged out for superbowl sunday, that I thought I would share:

    "One meal doesn’t derail a weight loss journey and neither does a Super Bowl. You don’t want to look for excuses to pig out and to eat whatever you want, but again, this is a lifestyle, not a diet. The free birthday cake at your office for the co-worker you’ve never liked isn’t an excuse to pig out, but the Super Bowl can be, if you’d like. So can the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and out on the lake on Memorial Day.

    There are over 52 weeks in a year and Super Bowl Sunday is one day out of those 52 weeks. Even if you stop counting calories on every post office holiday throughout the year (what I mentioned above, plus some), plus 30 more random days (a whole month!) throughout the year, you’d be “cheating” 41 days a year.

    That still means by any standards you’d be eating and living “well,” healthy, whatever you want to call it, most of the time — about 325 days a year. If you could manage to do this, you’d slowly lose weight and improve your health. And, if you could manage to count our calories even more days, you’d lose even more weight.

    Unfortunately, most people don’t try to be healthy 325 days. Instead, we all try to make a commitment to be healthy and lose weight 365 days a year by being perfect boys and girls with our grilled chicken and salads, then when the Super Bowl comes around we think we failed when we have some hot wings.

    Super Bowl Sunday isn’t a failure. It’s just the first day out of 41. Just make sure that you don’t make today day number two and you’ll be just fine."
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    I am so having a down in the dumps day! Must be the lack of sunshine or the no loss this week or the hip pain or feeling like I could just curl up in a ball and sleep all day ugh! I hate days like this it's hard to break out of the funk. Good thing is I have off Monday so it's a 3 day weekend for me- Thanks go out to our founding fathers!:laugh: :drinker:

    Sorry to hear you are in a funk Amy. This happens. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you dear!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Enjoy your 3 day weekend!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Mollie- your 4 day feast is now behind you. I also like to reward myself with food, but can usually manage to keepit to one really special treat. Being addicted to food is tough-- you can't just quit cold turkey. I mean, you have to eat. I quit smoking several years ago and that's how I did it. I know that if I lit just one cigarette that it would be all over and I would be back to smoking again. I am the same with a bag of miniature chocolate candy bars, I can't eat just one. I have one, then another, then another until the whole bag is gone. I guess the best way that I have found to help this is to keep all junk food or bad food out of the house.

    You have worked so hard. I have been watching your daily exercise, and you rock! Now just get back on track with the eating. Maybe next time you reach a goal, celebrate with a pedicure!


    Thanks so much Lynn!! Your support means the world to me! Have a wonderful weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for February 17, 2011
    Katie Jay,MSW

    Own your truth.

    The truth may be you are not drinking all your water, or you may be skipping your morning protein supplement because you don't want to take the time. The truth may be you don't take your multi-vitamin because you don't like it. You may be too tired and want to give up, so you tell yourself you're just backing off a little. You let yourself off the hook and decide you'll recommit next week when you are not so tired (or busy, or sad, or stressed).

    These choices are a red flag that you are slipping away from your commitment to overcome obesity. If you are finding more and more that you don't want to do the things that make and keep you healthy, you should consider getting back to basics and seeking help. Waiting will only make your situation worse.

    Action for the day: Is there something you know you need to be doing that you have been avoiding? Make a plan to get yourself back on track. Own your truth today.

    © 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
  • lightersteps
    lightersteps Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, Wanted to introduce myself. My name is Angela and I had gastric bypass Jan2011 and down 47 lbs so far. I have an another 63 to go. I'm so excited about everything that is happening in my life. Just wanted to say hi..
    Angela:love::flowerforyou: :glasses:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Just checking in... I am logging my food on the BodyMedia site so I'm not here much. I didn't want to just disappear never to be heard from again...
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Just checking in... I am logging my food on the BodyMedia site so I'm not here much. I didn't want to just disappear never to be heard from again...

    Is that with the BodyBugg HRM? Thanks for checking in.....:-) I just figured you were busy training, running or just plain old living life!!! Have a good weekend!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    :flowerforyou: ~ SELF KNOWLEDGE ~:flowerforyou:
    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:
    We're our own dragons as well as our own
    heroes and we have to rescue ourselves
    from ourselves. by Tom Robbins
    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:
    ONE DAY AT A TIME . . .
    I realize that if I want to see myself
    as I really am, I cannot stand in my own
    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    Have a good weekend everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Have a good week everyone!!:flowerforyou: Something I found today and wanted to share. If you don't like quotes, etc, then don't read.....:-) Hugs!!:heart::heart:

    If you're not getting what you want from life, chances are it's because you have not defined your objectives clearly enough. When you can clearly and precisely articulate what you seek to create, you're well on your way to creating it and it will indeed come to be.

    Whatever advantages or disadvantages you may have, you absolutely have the means and the ability to experience the life you wish to experience. To utilize the power of that ability, though, you must be completely clear about where to direct it.

    Think about it, and you'll realize that you are extremely well equipped and intended for achievement. Since the moment you were born, you have found a way to get your way.

    However, when you're vague or inconsistent about where you want to go, you won't go much of anywhere. An absolutely essential part of success is precisely defining what that success is.

    Go beyond merely wishing for something better. Figure out exactly what that something looks like, what it feels like, and how it will impact your life.

    Forget about what you don't want, and get completely clear about what you do want. Then you'll discover that you are indeed able to make it happen.
    " Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step". Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery Support:
    Daily Inspiration for February 21, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Believe you can overcome obesity.

    To succeed at anything you first must have the belief that it can be accomplished. Even though it is imperfect, WLS can be a phenomenal tool in your battle with obesity. But, you must believe and accept that YOU can make this tool work for you. You can do this.

    When you had your surgery, you looked inside yourself and found the strength to mold your own destiny. You have turned yourself around in what seemed a dark tunnel of impossibility, and you have faced the light. Surgery is the beginning of believing that you will lose weight and keep it off. It is up to you to keep this faith alive. Feed your faith as you find a healthier way to feed your body.

    Action for the day: Today, write a letter to yourself, assuring yourself you are in control. This is just one way to nurture the new faith that is taking root in your life. You have the ability to succeed with WLS.

    © 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    Hi everyone, Wanted to introduce myself. My name is Angela and I had gastric bypass Jan2011 and down 47 lbs so far. I have an another 63 to go. I'm so excited about everything that is happening in my life. Just wanted to say hi..
    Angela:love::flowerforyou: :glasses:
    Congratulations Angela and welcome to the team! :bigsmile: