Starting 30 Day Shred today - 7/20 - anyone in?



  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Flippy, normally i hear you lose mainly inches on the shred. i would love for a normal number on a scale but i would rather fit in my clothes better instead of thinking about a number. Did you measure yourself before the shred?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Just a bump to say I'm still following along. I haven't done any shredding madness in a few days - yesterday was a walk/run and I was really struggling to find my rhythm. Still ended up with nearly an hour long workout though, so I'm choosing to feel good about it.

    Tonight is zumba (class). Maybe I'll be doing some shredding magic tomorrow.

    Flippy - I just want to say, I hear you - it can be frustrating to really truly not be seeing results when you're putting sincere effort and busting your tail. Maybe you could mix it up - shred on certain days and focus more on cardio on other days? LIke i mentioned before, I really saw very little loss on the scale anytime I did anything by Jillian, which SUCKS but I swear the jiggly stuff is being replaced with more attractive, firmer stuff. Just a thought - have you given Zumba a try?
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Well I have not worked out since friday. I can't beleive I took 3 days off. Todays workout was D3L2 (day 9 total) and it sucked. I feel like by not working out for a few days it set me back a week. My endurance wasn't as high as last week. So ladies please, for your own sake if you want to contintue doing the shred dont take a break from it. Oh well tomorrow is another day.
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Well I have not worked out since friday. I can't beleive I took 3 days off. Todays workout was D3L2 (day 9 total) and it sucked. I feel like by not working out for a few days it set me back a week. My endurance wasn't as high as last week. So ladies please, for your own sake if you want to contintue doing the shred dont take a break from it. Oh well tomorrow is another day.
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Another day of level 2! The workout felt pretty good (besides the V raises!) and I think my stomach is looking less... lumpy? Haha and my pants felt loose today so I'm hoping I'm getting results.

    Flippy - I know how discouraging that is! I'm starting to feel kinda similar... I was down to 122 at one point but now am up more towards 125... & I don't know if it's because I'm putting on muscle or I'm gaining back fat :sad: But try try try to keep with it! Have you lost inches, or are you feeling more toned? You've been able to move up in levels so it must be making you stronger! However the shred seems like more of a strength/toning workout than a real weight dropper since there isnt a ton of cardio. Like someone else suggested, maybe you could alternate days between doing the shred and some other cardio activity. I'm sure you'll find something that works for you :smile:

    Kanakake - I know what you mean about taking days off! I didn't do the shred on Friday or Saturday, and ended up feeling like I was going to die on Sunday when I finally got off my butt. However I did it again yesterday and today and was feeling much better, so I think you'll bounce back quickly!

    Smiles - I hope zumba went well! They have a class at my work gym but it costs extra and is only once a week, and since I move back to school in a few weeks I decided not to do it, but I think there are some classes at school that are free that I may take. It looks like a ton of fun though!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    I did measure recently and nothing had changed. Nothing. I do have better endurance and am stronger during the workouts but my body just is not responding and I cannot for the life of me figure out why. I think I will start alternating Shred with days of pure cardio, but I can see from my HRM that Shred does plenty to keep my heart rate up. It never gets below 70% of max and is quite often up around 90%. Sorry to be Debbie Downer guys. I'm just frustrated!
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Just try to stick it out Flippy, i know some people who do not shed anything one day & the next a lot has dropped off. Keep it up please we need you in this thread ! :happy:

    I am sorry but i have 4 days left in level 2, and i cannot take another day, i hate it, so i am going to start level 3 today I know it is going to be harder, but level 2 just does not agree with me, and it is boring. :ohwell: i am still going to continue doing this for 30 days straight though.
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Okay shredders, I need some help! :flowerforyou:

    I have the shred workouts on my iPod, which allows me to take it to the gym and use the weights there and do the elliptical at the same time. Its a little more annoying than using the DVD since I can't always look at it but after the first day I pretty much can listen and remember the move. Anyway, I forgot my iPod today, but I don't want to miss today's workout since I may not be able to over the next couple days. I know the workout plan (3-2-1) well enough that I could probably do it myself but I want to make sure I'm doing the right workout. I outlined it below (excuse some of the names I described them the best I could) but please let me know if I mixed anything up?! :smile: I would really appreciate any help.

    Circuit 1 -
    Strength - walking plank pushups & static squat with hand weights
    Cardio - high knees & plank jumps
    Abs - 1 leg raises & double crunches

    Circuit 2 -
    Strength - static lunge hand weights & pendulum lunges with weights
    Cardio - skaters & oblique twists
    Abs - double leg raises with hand weights over chest

    Circut 3 -
    Strength - leg raise with military press & squat with V raises
    Cardio - double jump rope & plank jacks
    Abs - plank twists
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Okay shredders, I need some help! :flowerforyou:

    I have the shred workouts on my iPod, which allows me to take it to the gym and use the weights there and do the elliptical at the same time. Its a little more annoying than using the DVD since I can't always look at it but after the first day I pretty much can listen and remember the move. Anyway, I forgot my iPod today, but I don't want to miss today's workout since I may not be able to over the next couple days. I know the workout plan (3-2-1) well enough that I could probably do it myself but I want to make sure I'm doing the right workout. I outlined it below (excuse some of the names I described them the best I could) but please let me know if I mixed anything up?! :smile: I would really appreciate any help.

    Circuit 1 -
    Strength - walking plank pushups & static squat with hand weights
    Cardio - high knees & plank jumps
    Abs - 1 leg raises & double crunches

    Circuit 2 -
    Strength - static lunge hand weights & pendulum lunges with weights
    Cardio - skaters & oblique twists
    Abs - double leg raises with hand weights over chest

    Circut 3 -
    Strength - leg raise with military press & squat with V raises
    Cardio - double jump rope & plank jacks
    Abs - plank twists

    that looks about right, i reviewed level 2 just to make sure!
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Thanks leesey!
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Okay so after doing tonights workout I am officially 1/3 of the way done. YAY!! It's a milestone I wasn't sure I would get to considering I have never followed through with any of my workout plans in the past.

    I didn't do my second have of my normal daily routine but thats okay, I am happy I found the motivation to do anything tonight.

    on to tomorrow...............
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Okay so after doing tonights workout I am officially 1/3 of the way done. YAY!! It's a milestone I wasn't sure I would get to considering I have never followed through with any of my workout plans in the past.

    I didn't do my second have of my normal daily routine but thats okay, I am happy I found the motivation to do anything tonight.

    on to tomorrow...............

    Congrats & Keep it up! I am on Day 18 on the whole ordeal, and considering the first day of level one I did not think I would make it this far. I have never exercised 18 days in a row, this is my first time exercising on a regular basis. But keep it up you are doing great.
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Leesey - how is Level going????

    I took yesterday off from everything - diet, food tracking, working out... all of it. But I'm "back on the wagon" today. :)
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    So i did another day of level 2 yesterday and I felt pretty good :smile: Thanks again leesey for checking on my level 2 workout outline, I definately still got an intense workout so I think I did well!

    I will admit that I will not be working out today and probably not tomorrow. I usually go to the gym right after work, but I was invited out to happy hour with some coworkers :drinker: I know, I know, I'm going out instead of working out. But I just turned 21 a month ago so this is all new to me, and I will be leaving my job in 2 weeks when I go back to school. I don't want to miss out on spending time with new friends! I also feel like I may be developing shin splints. They aren't too bad now but I think my legs need a little rest.

    However for everyone that stuck with it and shredded today, great job! :flowerforyou:
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Hey everyone! I just ran across this today. I don't know what day you all are on, but I just finished day 8 today! I am really starting to like it surprisingly :) It is hard, but it makes me sweat and proud of myself. I calculate it as "circuit training" in my exercise log. Good luck to everyone that is sticking to the program!
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Leesey - how is Level going????

    I took yesterday off from everything - diet, food tracking, working out... all of it. But I'm "back on the wagon" today. :)

    level 3 is intense, but i personally like it waaaaaaay better than level 2. I am glad i skipped those last 4 days of level two. I am just going to do level 3 for 14 days. If i ever do the shred again i will do level 1 for 15 days and level 3 for 15 days. me & level two do not get along.
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Leesey - how is Level going????

    I took yesterday off from everything - diet, food tracking, working out... all of it. But I'm "back on the wagon" today. :)

    level 3 is intense, but i personally like it waaaaaaay better than level 2. I am glad i skipped those last 4 days of level two. I am just going to do level 3 for 14 days. If i ever do the shred again i will do level 1 for 15 days and level 3 for 15 days. me & level two do not get along.

    First off, look at that hot mama in her new photo!! :drinker:

    Second off, I could not agree with you more. I decided to do Level 3 today just as motivation for working out at all (was dreading Level 2). While its hard, and I was covered in sweat (and had to do most of the modified moves), it was MUCH more fun than Level 2. Dunno what it is about 2 but I just DID NOT like it at all. I am really liking Level 3 though so I'll prob do that for about 5 or 6 days then alternate Level 1 and 3 for the remainder of the 30 days. So I am at 12 days total now.
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Hey everyone! I just ran across this today. I don't know what day you all are on, but I just finished day 8 today! I am really starting to like it surprisingly :) It is hard, but it makes me sweat and proud of myself. I calculate it as "circuit training" in my exercise log. Good luck to everyone that is sticking to the program!

    Hi there! Welcome!!!! Sounds like you are well into your Shredding already! What level are you on?
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Leesey - how is Level going????

    I took yesterday off from everything - diet, food tracking, working out... all of it. But I'm "back on the wagon" today. :)

    level 3 is intense, but i personally like it waaaaaaay better than level 2. I am glad i skipped those last 4 days of level two. I am just going to do level 3 for 14 days. If i ever do the shred again i will do level 1 for 15 days and level 3 for 15 days. me & level two do not get along.

    First off, look at that hot mama in her new photo!! :drinker:

    Second off, I could not agree with you more. I decided to do Level 3 today just as motivation for working out at all (was dreading Level 2). While its hard, and I was covered in sweat (and had to do most of the modified moves), it was MUCH more fun than Level 2. Dunno what it is about 2 but I just DID NOT like it at all. I am really liking Level 3 though so I'll prob do that for about 5 or 6 days then alternate Level 1 and 3 for the remainder of the 30 days. So I am at 12 days total now.

    Thanks, I think I am losing in my face a little. :blushing: but I did the same thing. Since I has fours days of level 2 left, I do two days of 3 & then the next level 1. So I get all my days of level 3 without killing myself. & You are right it is more fun that Level 2, I would not crack one smile during level 2, and I was waiting for it to be over. Level 3 is less repetitive (less planks!) I feel like I get more out of it than level 2, because I am doing everything 100% and correctly. Keep it up, we are doing good!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    It's great to read that you all are still at it! Great job! Anyone starting to get toned muscles?

    I've been on a haitus from shredding. Went to Zumba class on Tuesday night, did a zumba dvd yesterday and going for a run today. Maybe, just maybe, I'll throw in the level 2 circuit. It's been a while since I've done it, but.... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....