Starting 30 Day Shred today - 7/20 - anyone in?



  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    FINALLY!!!!! PROGRESS!!! I measured today and for the first time in 35 days saw some results!!! I have lost a total of 5" this past week (thighs, hips, waist). GOD that feels good!!!!
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    hey ladies! so, i'm 12 days in. i started level 2 yesterday, and completed day two today. i agree. it's not quite as fun. i do love the skaters and the oblique twists, though! maybe i'm a crazy person? lol!... and i find myself wanting to master the moves that i struggle with. especially keeping my body in line on those planks! overall, i'd say level 2 is challenging me enough to make me want to stick with it.

    one thing i'm struggling with since moving up to level 2 - my knees and ankles are killing! you'd think level 1 would be harder on the knees. wouldn't you? i think tomorrow i'm going to try to throw some knee circles into the warm up and see if that helps. i'm also still hitting the treadmill for 30 minutes after shredding. i don't want to wear out my knees and ankles, because i really need the time on the treadmill for exra cardio... anyone else's knees hating level 2?
    FINALLY!!!!! PROGRESS!!! I measured today and for the first time in 35 days saw some results!!! I have lost a total of 5" this past week (thighs, hips, waist). GOD that feels good!!!!

    flippy!! it is *so* good to hear you're starting to see some results! you should be very proud of yourself. no matter how much you wanted to quit, you stuck it out. i lost 3 or 4 pounds initially, but nothing since... and i'm too afraid to take any new measurements. you've given me a little more hope today, so thanks for sticking with us!
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    FINALLY!!!!! PROGRESS!!! I measured today and for the first time in 35 days saw some results!!! I have lost a total of 5" this past week (thighs, hips, waist). GOD that feels good!!!!

    Flippy, I am so glad you kept at it! Congrats! & keep at it!
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Today was D4L2(day 11 total) and because I havent shredded in 3 days it sucked once again but not as bad as the last time i went 3 days without working out. I still cant to the oblique twists at the end, i just do hard crunches.

    I realized that if I hadn't taken so many days off, i would almost be done with the shred. Well no more lolly gagging for me. I have to get serious.
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Yeah I took this weekend off as well. :blushing: So now its time to hop back to it!!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Went back at it - D2:L3 - tonight. Wasn't as bad as I expected after 3 days off. (shame) But I did put a crick in my neck. Ouchie. And now.... I want a donut. really. That's all I want right now. :frown: Thank God we don't have any in the house. :tongue:
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I did D2L2 today, which is day 10 altogether, and I have to say,its a great workout,has me sweating it up. The only thing I *hate* is the V raises, theyre actually quite hard....I didnt think using such light weights (2.5lbs) Id feel it as I usually use 2.5kg at the gym,but the exercises really dopush you :)
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Went back at it - D2:L3 - tonight. Wasn't as bad as I expected after 3 days off. (shame) But I did put a crick in my neck. Ouchie. And now.... I want a donut. really. That's all I want right now. :frown: Thank God we don't have any in the house. :tongue:

    i have been craving Krispy Kreme doughnuts like crazy *pauses & dabs drool from side of mouth* we have willpower girl!:tongue:
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    I'm back!

    Flippy, don't feel bad for missing 3 days, I missed 4 or 5!

    I wasn't home this weekend & since my family is on vacation I have to run home from work to let out the dog, so I wasn't able to go yesterday. However I was determined to do it today so I found some 5 lb weights (not even hand weights... theyre the kind you put on a benchpress haha) and did another day of level 2! I felt pretty good considering I'd taken so many days off.

    amy1612 - the V raises kill me too!

    well I hope today's workout went well for everyone and I'll check back tomorrow!
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    it's official! today, i am HALFWAY THROUGH the 30 day shred!! i don't know about you ladies, but I am feeling pretty bad *kitten* right now! :smokin: i remeasured on sunday, which was 2 weeks into the shred, and i had lost 4 inches from my waist alone. and so far, i've lost 7 pounds. !!
  • Raynedancer
    Raynedancer Posts: 96 Member
    Fantastic !!!!! Keep up the good work :drinker:
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Well I've been losing my luster. Its been well over 30 days with no weight loss and not moving down a pants size either. Had my thyroid checked and its fine. (damn it!) :laugh: So I haven't had a lot of motivation to keep going, kwim? I have been doing every other day on the Shred -- not sure how much longer I'll go or how much longer I'll track my food. :ohwell:
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    is everyone still hanging in there? I have 3 days left, and I have lost 7 lbs so far. i think after this i may try turbo jam, because i heard it was alot more fun than the shred.
  • What are the results for some of you for 30DS? I started a week ago. Would love to hear the weight lost.
  • most definetly! im starting today too!
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Awesome job leesey! that's great to hear, and especially awesome that you've been so consistent with it! I have not been as regular with the shred the past couple weeks... I know its only a 20 minute workout so I shouldn't be making excuses but I haven't had much motivation! I don't this week will be much different but I'm going to try to get at least a couple days in! I'm also buying a set of handweights so I can do this when I get back to school, where I'll definately have more time.

    2catowner - I've completed about 12 days of the shred (over about a 20-ish day period) and lost 3 or 4 lbs, as well as an inch from my waist (and I haven't checked the rest of my measurements recently). The shred isn't an enormous weight dropper since there isnt a ton of cardio, but I think it's great for toning. Looking at your ticker it seems like your goals are about the same as mine & since you're so close to your goal I think it will work great!

    Flippy - I'm sorry to hear about your frustrations. I've been getting really frustrated too recently, because while I lost about 10 lbs in 2 months at school, I have only lost about 4 in the 3 I've been home. I guess I should expect this since I'm pretty close to my goal but it was frustrating. I finally realized that I was not eating enough calories - I was so scared to go over my alloted about that I was often under. I'm trying not to freak out so much and just watch what I eat more. Do you have any clues about what might be the problem? Perhaps a good cardio routine would kick-start your weight loss. Try to remember how great it felt when you did see results!
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