Canning Club!



  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i love tomatoes; it surprised me how much i liked the jam because it didn't really sound good to me. i was making it for a friend who lives in chile. it's sweet and clove-y. really, really good, but only if you like tomatoes, i would think. though, it doesn't taste very tomatoe-y.

    with the honey, i don't think you need to can it.

    and thanks for the tips re: peaches & plums. i don't really like jelly much, that's why i was thinking a jam. for me, it's a texture thing and jelly kind of creeps me out. i like all the bizness in jam.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    kayemme, I have tons of fun mixing fruit for jams!! My fav WAS pineapple plum with allspice... but then I made mango plum *drool* (I don't use pectine)

    2 cups mango, diced
    3 cups plum, diced (obviously all peeled and pitten as well, mango too)
    1 cup sugar
    1/2 lime, juiced
    1/4 ginger (ground.. fresh would have been preferred, I'd say a nice 1/4 to 1/2 inch piece, skin included, just pull it out)
    1/8t ground clove
    pinch salt

    bring to boil and simmer about 20-30 min til nice n thick (just like any jam) I process 10 min I believe it was lol I like to mash mine with a meat tenderizer lol, but if you have a flat potato masher even better!

    Yield 4- 1/2 pints

    the tomato jam sounds delicious!! I prefer jam too.

    Jessy- I would say that should work, I would actually sterilize the jars first, just to be on the safe side! I wonder if you can even buy some squeeze bottles? lol And how awesome about the honey! I buy mine local, just in smaller batches.. YUM

    Super excited, only 2 more days and I can open my SUPER SPICY PICKLES! lol I'll let yall know how spicy they are!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    kayemme & mama - my ball book has a thing about doing a gel test for jams. I *HIGHLY* suggest it as you go along in cooking. I let one of mine go too long and I ended up making a candy. Tasty, just not what I was going after. Unfortunately, I realized it was like a candy AFTER i canned the stuff, so now I have jars of hard plum candy - I can nuke it to get it out though. Anyway, just make sure you keep an eye on it and watch out for it going too long. (Note, I didn't use pectin either.)

    In case you don't have the info (or for anyone reading this thread who wants it):
    For the gel test, you can do a cold spoon in the jam, and you are looking for it to sheet, not drip off the spoon. There's also a temperature thing, too. Here are two links: or

    As for the huge lots of stuff, it's a bulk natural food thing I've come across. Ok well my chiropractor told me about it. Like I got my plums for $1/pound, instead of $3-4 in the store. And I just ordered a bushel of apples for $18. So I figure if I pay $12 for a pint of local honey at the farmer's market, why not get a gallon and never buy honey again in my life? hahaha
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Yea I do that test too.. well similar. I use my spoon (wooden usually), turn it sideways and swipe my finger horizontally on it.. if it either takes FOREVER or the top line doesn't go through my swipe.. it's good.

    Jessy-sorry bout the candy plum, lol.. that happened to me at a restaurant I worked at.. never leave anything for someone else to do! thank goodness they were all in individual containers,much easier to nuke.

    We're thinkin of going apple picking this weekend, woohoo! I did see one of the farms also has pears and plums.... so we'll see which we choose!

    1 more day to spicy pickles!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Apple picking is soooo much fun! The bf and I were just talking about doing that. I've never done pears. Have fun! You'll have plenty to can!
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I've canned for years, and FINALLY figured out a time-saving tip. The thing I hate about canning is peeling/cleaning the old labels off the jars from the previous year. Last year, I decided that since the lid gets used once and thrown away, that was the place to stick the label. This year? I just wrote the contents and date on each lid in sharpie marker. Stuff that I give as gifts might get the pretty label, but why bother for the stuff that I will use?
  • fudJy23
    fudJy23 Posts: 87 Member
    Oh! I want to play!

    I just experimented with some hot water bath canning this weekend and it was successful! I did some pickles and some tomato jam (the Food In Jars recipe). I didn't originally intend to make the tomato jam but when she mentioned in her blog that she uses it as a ketchup substitute, that inspired me since I don't keep ketchup in the house and have no intention of doing so since I really don't eat ketchup except on burgers and hot dogs and I never make that stuff at home.

    Apples are ripening so I'll be going apple picking in a couple of weeks and there will probably be some apple butter and maybe some apple pie filling in the works. I'm so excited!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    elaine - I agree with you about those silly stickers! The lid makes sense (especially for me since I have everything stored in drawers, it's easier to see the lid than the side)

    Welcome fudJy23! Guess that tomato jam thing is popular! Waterbath canning is a great way to get started. I got a pressure canner and it scares me with the noises it makes. haha
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Applesauce galore! I've made 6 quarts and 12 pints of it. SOOO YUMMY! All natural too! Instead of white processed sugar I did the all natural raw unrefined stuff. Best applesauce I've ever had. Nature ftw! Now to decide if I want to buy even more apples to make sauce with. Or maybe apple pie filling?

    I may give a try at grape jelly. The bulk food thing has concord grapes for cheap...

    Hope all is well with everyone!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Yay Jessy!! I may have to pick up some natural sugar, we have 23 pounds of apples... whoa boy lol. We're making an apple kugen tomorrow for hubs b-day, have been eating some of them.. Tomorrow I'm gonna make applesauce, probably not water bath 'em tho since it can last so long in the fridge... I don't wanna make a ton, a few quarts for fridge and a few quarts for apple butter.. and perhaps some apple pie filling, will come in handy since T-day and Xmas I'm in charge of dessert and always have requests for my caramel apple pie.

    It's gonna be so much work and I work tomorrow-Friday!! Think they'll last til Sunday?!?!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Apples can store fairly well if you do it right. Just keep them cool.

    What's apple kugen? (Or do you mean kuchen? Sorry I'm German...kuchen = cake) ;)

    I'm going to make several apple pies to put in the freezer to just thaw at Turkey Day. We might buy some more apples and make jars of apple pie filling...Or I may never want to eat another apple again. hahaha

    Well 23 lbs...thats about what I used for my first batch of applesauce (24 to be exact) and I got 4 quarts and 8 pints. Just to give you an idea of yield. (Yes I had 84 lbs of apples in my kitchen...hahaha) And I totally sugges the turbinado sugar!

    Good luck!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    haha yes, kuchen. Go with my wonderful spelling abilities!

    I just made applesauce yesterday, not enough that I canned it, it'll be gone with a week or 2 lol. Made yummy pork chops and applesauce last night. Today I'm gonna make an apple crumble... still have too many apples lol. Thankfully I have a coupon for some of that (really not good for you) caramel dip, I'll maybe have 1 apple with it but that'll help my hubs eat a bunch lol.

    I make a really good chicken and apple dish... maybe that's in order for later this week... otherwise baked apples is a favorite here.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    2 more bushels of apples coming in 2 or 3 weeks... And I decided to go for the gallon of honey!

    Guess this will definitely die down as the winter comes...

    I hope everyone did safe canning and we have no stories of sickness! :)
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    no canning but made some DELICIOUS Caramel Apple Bars with some of my apples.... that I STILL have... 4 left.. probably make this again.
  • SJSchwartz
    I'm going to make several apple pies to put in the freezer to just thaw at Turkey Day. We might buy some more apples and make jars of apple pie filling...Or I may never want to eat another apple again. hahaha

    You can make apple pies ahead of time.. but not bake them, and then freeze them. Then when you are ready to eat them, just pop them, still frozen, into the oven to bake. That way they taste like you just made them that day.. which you really did, at least half way! :)
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I'm going to make several apple pies to put in the freezer to just thaw at Turkey Day. We might buy some more apples and make jars of apple pie filling...Or I may never want to eat another apple again. hahaha

    You can make apple pies ahead of time.. but not bake them, and then freeze them. Then when you are ready to eat them, just pop them, still frozen, into the oven to bake. That way they taste like you just made them that day.. which you really did, at least half way! :)

    That was my plan, except I wasn't sure about thawing vs straight in oven. I'm glad you posted this! I've never tried it before, so I'm glad to get confirmation that my hard work wasn't going to go to goop. haha
  • SJSchwartz
    I'm going to make several apple pies to put in the freezer to just thaw at Turkey Day. We might buy some more apples and make jars of apple pie filling...Or I may never want to eat another apple again. hahaha

    You can make apple pies ahead of time.. but not bake them, and then freeze them. Then when you are ready to eat them, just pop them, still frozen, into the oven to bake. That way they taste like you just made them that day.. which you really did, at least half way! :)

    That was my plan, except I wasn't sure about thawing vs straight in oven. I'm glad you posted this! I've never tried it before, so I'm glad to get confirmation that my hard work wasn't going to go to goop. haha

    Yep, it will work great :) That's how I do mine. You'll just have to bake it a little longer than you normally would.. and if it starts to get too brown on top, just cover it in tin foil, that will keep it from burning. Just keep your eye on them and they'll be great. Enjoy!! By the way, I'd like to join your canning club. How do I join?
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    SJSchwartz-in a way you already have! Just c'mon and chit chat lol
  • mobymarsh
    mobymarsh Posts: 67 Member
    hi i have been doing preservatives for a while now thought i should join you all because i am just starting my marrow chutney this has been handed down to me from my father who got it from his mother if anyone wants to know how i do it then let me know. i have also done green tomatoe chutney, lemon marrow curd and orange marrow curd plum jam and ruhbarb and ginger jam along with other pickles. it may sound alot but i have an allotmen and don't want to waste anything.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    what is marrow chutney and the others? Do you use bone marrow in them? I'm intrigued!