

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,230 Member
    Very interesting article!

    What we can learn from the countries winning the coronavirus fight


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,230 Member
    My DSIL is on me to get tested because I was out of the country in February on a plane full of people.. I will call the dr tomorrow and ask ..she says I could be a carrier and not have symptoms.. and that I could be putting my granddaughter and son at risk....and because of the kidney disease I'm an at risk and should stay in.. so how is my son going to get to work and who is supposed to watch Taliah .. ugh

    If I recall correctly, your son is within walking distance of his work ... so he can walk.

    And yes, it would be a very good idea to get tested if you can.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    My DSIL is on me to get tested because I was out of the country in February on a plane full of people.. I will call the dr tomorrow and ask ..she says I could be a carrier and not have symptoms.. and that I could be putting my granddaughter and son at risk....and because of the kidney disease I'm an at risk and should stay in.. so how is my son going to get to work and who is supposed to watch Taliah .. ugh

    Let him walk. If you can't do that and you are going to be at home, let him use your car, you won't be using it. Your granddaughter is more problematic. Her parents will have to find another caretaker for her.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,230 Member
    edited March 2020
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I will meet one friend at 7 for a walk and another friend at 9:30. The streets in my neighborhood are so deserted and quiet that we can spread out across the street to keep far apart and still carry on a conversation. It appears that in our neighborhood many people are sheltering at home and not even going out to their yards.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    We're definitely still out walking. :) It's contact with other people which is dangerous ... not going outside and getting fresh air.

    But we're finding the same thing. The number of people still going outside to get some fresh air has diminished. In some ways, that's good because it means that we can walk and see very few people.

    And there's no reason why you can't go out into your own yard. Our yard is slowly but surely being transformed into a veggie garden. :) We picked up several small strawberry plants yesterday, so if all goes well, come spring, we might have strawberries. Plus I noticed that my three raspberry bushes are huge compared to when we got them almost a year ago. They didn't produce any raspberries this past summer but maybe next.

    One thing I'm looking forward to about working from home is that I might be able to spend some time in our garden in the middle of the day. DST ends very soon. :(:(:( which normally means that I no longer see our garden for several months. It's dark when I go to work and dark when I get home. But working from home means I can enjoy the outdoors and sunshine this winter!

    As for sports, a bus friend and I were commenting on a golf course as we went past today. Of course the club house will be closed, but people could continue to play golf. Any time I've played, I've hardly seen my fellow competitors. We gather at the start of a hole (but maintain social distancing because there's a swinging club going on) and from there to the green I'm right in the middle of the fairway nudging my ball a few metres forward, and a few metres forward with random clubs while who ever is playing with me is rummaging around in the rough for their ball!! :lol:

    And of course things like cycling, hiking, kayaking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, etc. etc. etc. can still take place. :)


    Machka in Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Michele NC- The golf course was the last straw for me lol 😂. Car y bike shops in case folks need transportation. Liquor store guess hand sanitizer?? Making that moon shine brand lol 😂

    One restaurant here has become a temporary grocery store. They asked city y code enforcers they okayed it.


    How they enforce it random 1-2K fines up to 6months in jail -they can ask you when pulling you over for speeding to running a red light or out y about if your in an area that’s closed or you look suspicious etc (later fines y jail time in the distant future the Sheriff said. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2020/03/24/saq-is-there-punishment-for-violation-of-san-anotnios-stay-at-home-order/

    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,230 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    So for my first day of working at home I only had to run into the office twice. Once was early this am for the mouse and keyboard. Then around lunch time I realized I had not scanned a file I need so I ran in and did that. Got quite a few emails tended to, some meeting on line, and started organizing the stuff from the office I brought home to sort. if I actually stay in for the duration it will be a miracle.

    Stay safe all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    I'm not even "home" yet and have already realised that I'm going to have to drop in a time or two next week. I'm transporting everything home by bus so I can only carry so much.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    stats for the day:

    no bike ride from home to sumner

    Bike ride home 2 dome, rain- 11.48min, 14.2amph, 142mhr, 2.79mi= 92c
    Apple Watch- 95c
    Bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 13.42min, 13.2amph, 145mhr, 3.01mi= 127c
    apple watch- 117c
    jog station - wrk- 5.21min, 9.07min mi, 146mhr, .58mi= 70c
    apple watch- .58mi= 60
    Jog wrk 2 sta- 4.18min, 9.33min mi, 154mhr, .45= 55c
    Apple Watch- 55c
    Bike ride dome 2 home- 18.01min, 148mhr, 8.6amph, 2.57mi= 170c
    Apple Watch- 143c

    total cal 514
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Asking for prayers and good thoughts. DD's best friend who works for United Airlines has tested positive for COVID 19 and is sick at home. She is having some difficulty breathing but is in SD where there are not too many cases and medical help is available. The worst part is that her brother has terminal cancer and she has spent time with him recently. Will be sending her a care package as she is unable to find Tylenol where she is.

    Thanks and take care everyone, Sue in WA

    Praying for your daughter's friend! No Tylenol?!!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hi, Heather! Yes, we do worry more about our babies than ourselves, many times. I do feel amused by the veggie one-upsmanship, however! Thank goodness for modern communication. I AM reminded of Isaac Asimov’s “Caves of Steel”, however. I enjoyed the “updated” Serenity Prayer! And deeming it “Inspiring” was NOT accidental, I assure you.

    Terri, im very fond of your art. The first and the last particularly speak to me.

    SuziQ, i don’t think my Siamese even sees my lap before she hits it, lol! She’s usually coming hell-bent-for-leather over the kitchen pass thtough onto my chair (and me!). I keep a pillow close to hand in the evening at bedtime, though.

    Amber, thanks for the Southern Humor film clip! That was funny! I love canned brown bread, but have to ration myself. I usually presume it, put waxed paper between slices, put it in a double ziplock bag. Stays fresh for ages.

    Machka, I too hope the leieu is given to allow outdoor exercise with appropriate distancing. Your winter is slowly headed your way, so hopefully you won’t be as tormented with perfect skies and stellar nights in another month or so when this thing touches you more heavily.

    Hi, Heather! Yes, we do worry more about our babies than ourselves, many times. I do feel amused by the veggie one-upsmanship, however! Thank goodness for modern communication. I AM reminded of Isaac Asimov’s “Caves of Steel”, however. I enjoyed the “updated” Serenity Prayer! And deeming it “Inspiring” was NOT accidental, I assure you.

    Terri, im very fond of your art. The first and the last particularly speak to me.

    SuziQ, i don’t think my Siamese even sees my lap before she hits it, lol! She’s usually coming hell-bent-for-leather over the kitchen pass thtough onto my chair (and me!). I keep a pillow close to hand in the evening at bedtime, though.

    Amber, thanks for the Southern Humor film clip! That was funny! I love canned brown bread, but have to ration myself. I usually presume it, put waxed paper between slices, put it in a double ziplock bag. Stays fresh for ages.

    Machka, I too hope the leieu is given to allow outdoor exercise with appropriate distancing. Your winter is slowly headed your way, so hopefully you won’t be as tormented with perfect skies and stellar nights in another month or so when this thing touches you more heavily.

    Ginny, i sure hope your grandson is ok!

    I am on day 9 with no results. I find it maddening, not in how it restricts me, or even regarding my daughter’s job, but in what little pre-planning and regard went into this when and even before this began. It seems our regard for lives and safety is pretty low.

    I’m slowly starting to gain back my losses that occurred after the surgery. I’ve dipped about 5# below the doctor’s preferred weight for me. I’m slowly increasing my calorie AND protein intake to get back to where I was. I’m feeling pretty well, but still don’t feel much inclination to exercise much yet.

    Stay well, everyone, please, and keep your spirits up. Feel free to search for trucker743 on Facebook. I try to pass along the most interesting or amusing things I see on there.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Allie – as far as your son, to get to work he may have to use shoeleather express. Maybe Talia can go to KJ’s? jk But seriously, I’m sure there are home caregivers in CT

    Amber – if you are asked where you are going and it’s someplace unnecessary, you would know it and I can see that person lying and saying something like they were on their way to the doctor’s or go food shopping or something like that. Well, then that would be on them

    Cheri – then TX is a lot like FL, no basements, attics get REALLY hot

    Michele NC