Coronavirus prep



  • LemonMarmalade
    LemonMarmalade Posts: 227 Member
    Joe Biden said if you get the “vaccine” you won’t get covid. Fauci/Birx said the same.

    It HAS been said. Multiple times. Even when it obviously wasn’t true. Lots of people are disgruntled from getting “vaxxed” and still getting covid repeatedly.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,127 Member
    Ok - being pedantic then - a virus stops/ reduces your chances of getting disease from the virus.
    Not technically of getting the virus. :*

    No I never saw claims originally that the vaccine was perfect.

    Obviously this was meant to say the vaccine stops/reduces your chances....

    Just noticed my sentence doesnt make sense as is. :s

  • DiscoveringLisa
    DiscoveringLisa Posts: 112 Member
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    MsCzar wrote: »
    OMG! I finally opened my last case of TP - 2019 vintage. The stock up has nothing to do with Covid, but when the pandemic hit, I was happy to have a prepper's storage closet, full larder and a victory garden going. Looks like I'm finally going to have to buy some Charmin some time in 2023. :D

    On a more serious note, my entire reason for losing weight (6 stone) and exercising daily was because I feared obese out-of-shape me mightn't survive the virus. I finally did get Covid last month and thanks to Pfizer and a much healthier body, it was pretty much a two-day case of the sniffles.

    Good for you.

    I wish they would have emphasized the roll good health plays (normal weight and exercise) in fights this from day 1.

    Still not doing it :(.

    Of course they're not, the pharmaceutical companies are making an absolute fortune from flogging the vaccine to the panic stricken masses. It's been shown that vitamin d is highly protective, particularly against the worst effects of respiratory infections...but are we hearing about that? Or the fact that most people, at least in Europe and America, are deficient in vitamin d and should be supplementing? Nope. Vitamin D3, taken with K2 is highly beneficial to our immunity and general health but it's also very cheap and only benefits us....not
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,127 Member
    cant speak for the NHS - but there in Australia Vitamin D is a regular request in standard base line bloods and any patient could request it if Dr did not add already.

    Rest of your post didnt seem connected to Covid or to whether Vitamin D levels have any link to Covid immunity.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    cant speak for the NHS - but there in Australia Vitamin D is a regular request in standard base line bloods and any patient could request it if Dr did not add already.

    Rest of your post didnt seem connected to Covid or to whether Vitamin D levels have any link to Covid immunity.

    I'd bet the US varies in standard-ness, and a surprising (to me) number of people here don't seem to ask for specific blood tests or (among those I've discussed it with) necessarily had it occur to them that they could. My doctor's always added whatever I asked for, though I don't think I've asked for anything radical. (Have asked for D, B12, repeats of liver function . . . . don't remember what-all.)

    Where I am, D was an add-on, not basic.

    My current GP keeps a close eye on my vitamin D, but I've had 2 previous GPs tell me that testing it is a waste of money, most people are deficient and everyone should take 1000mg a day unless they have a job where they're outside all day. Didn't like that approach! But I have to admit, I never have a decent level and have had to supplement for years.