April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 - did you increase your runs after you were at maintenance and when you increased your runs did you increase your calories? You really need to make sure that you are eating enough to support your activities. I think @avidkeo mentioned this too but if you were maintaining and increased your activities without providing your body more fuel it will become way more efficient and not burn as much to protect your muscles as much as possible and then you start to gain.
    I actually did this (weight going up despite running and working out more and cutting back on calories even more) and ended up at a nutritionist who scared the crap out of me by having me increase my calories a lot (I was still only eating 1200-1400/day total). I was sure I was going to gain, gain, gain... Only, I didn't and have finally started to lose again.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Avidkeo Looks delicious so far!

    @rheddmobile I hope you don’t end up with poison ivy!

    Went hiking today for 4.4 miles. Beautiful weather and some animal friends (from a distance).

    WOW! looks like you found a den. The two look like rattle snakes. But the light brown one isn't obviously a pit viper, but is similar in marking. You know what kind they are? I'm incline to guess it's a copperhead in the mix.

    Hubby’s friend says they are midland water snakes, which are non-venemous but look very similar to cottonmouths in pattern, just different head shape. I don’t like snakes, so I took these photos from 10+ feet away.
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    Morning all! I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts - I was behind 186, so am not going to even attempt to respond to each of you - but of course a few things stand out.

    Firstly, @Avidkeo that CAKE! You are making my mouth water and my heart swell. I want it! I have never really make much of an effort to be a baker, but I have made a couple of nice cheesecakes before... But your cake! Oh my goodness! I am in awe!

    @hamsterwheel6 I have had the same problem - definitely weigh everything and try to eat back your calories. I am a giant hypocrite though, because I haven't been consistent with logging in ages. Like over a month. Maybe two. I don't know.

    What I have done is possibly signficantly more unwise, lol. Since I started running so many miles, I just quit logging. It wasn't intentional. It was just that I was so RAVENOUS the days after a long run (because I don't eat much before or after a run - I prefer to just have a protein drink and banana a couple hours before I run - or a boiled egg - and then after the run, I'm not hungry and eating feels like torture). I have just tried to be really mindful of what I am consuming - except that... if I'm not logging, it's harder to feel as though I am accountable to anything for the slip ups, like eight mini reese's cups. Or five reese's bunnies at easter. I always shrug it off "Well, I'm running forty miles this week so whatever." That's actually not very smart because while on one hand, sure I'll burn it off - on the other hand - it really, really matters to me whether or not my food is helping or hurting me. I can eat constantly. Seriously. So I too, really need to get back into the logging.

    Also - I hate the macros. How have I already eaten so many carbs? It is not even eight am, I've had black coffee and an Ezekiel cinnamon raisin english muffin with raw maple almond butter and now I can only have 127 more carbs today? Well guess what, that isn't going to happen because almost my whole lunch is roasted vegetables! What about all the carbs in that?!?!?!?! And where am I supposed to get all this sodium from? And how in the world can I possibly get enough protein and fat?!?!?!?!?!

    It stresses me out and my weight has seemed to have plateaued. Some would say that I've done well and it's healthy to loose eight pounds in sixth months and that may be true, but goodness. This is a lot of work and stuff to keep track of!

    On running this weekend: I got the thing done. And I ran up the big hill again because there's a fake rhino at the top and I had to pee so bad and I was sure nobody would be up there. Well I was right. So I have peed in the woods as an adult twice now and one of the times, it was next to a Rhinoceros. Not everyone can say that! I really wasn't sure I'd be able to do the whole thirteen miles because of my knee/leg/IT Band/quad situation, but I would hate myself if I didn't at least try. Once I started running, my left leg felt like lead and my right quad was hurting, like maybe a torn muscle is in there or something, but it wasn't too bad. So I just kept running. By the time I got home, I was beat. It turns out I actually ran almost 17 miles, not thirteen. I am pretty pleased with that.

    Yesterday, I didn't think I could get out of bed. I was afraid of how bad everything would hurt and I was so tired, but by the time I got up and moving, it wasn't too bad at all. I got the whole house clean (mostly), took the dog out to the trail, and clocked a 10K for all my efforts. So there's another race in the books. The legs are pretty sore this morning and I think it's because when I got home, I had 5.8 miles but really needed 6.2 for the bib, so I ran the rest of it through my house (it's very small so I'm sure I looked silly - flash from one short end to the other short end). I was barefoot and I don't really know how to properly run barefoot, so I was mostly on the balls of my feet and now my legs are REALLY sore. BUT I GOT THE BIB SO IT WAS WORTH IT!

    @PastorVincent That is really interesting about the heart rate. My twin brother in Portland says I need to take a break. He's an inactive smoker and loads of beer drinker (sometimes) so it is hard to take advice from him, but he may have a point. i'm going to check my heart rate now and see if it magically makes sense in my head without more reading, haha.

    Happy Monday, everyone!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    So there's another race in the books. The legs are pretty sore this morning and I think it's because when I got home, I had 5.8 miles but really needed 6.2 for the bib, so I ran the rest of it through my house (it's very small so I'm sure I looked silly - flash from one short end to the other short end). I was barefoot and I don't really know how to properly run barefoot, so I was mostly on the balls of my feet and now my legs are REALLY sore. BUT I GOT THE BIB SO IT WAS WORTH IT!

    Barefoot running can really help teach you better form. Your foot gets far more feedback from the ground without all the layers in between, and you really notice any heel strikes...but I suspect you spent so much time turning around on your run you really did not get a chance to learn from that. :smiley:

    Of course, you also need to be more careful of the surface you re running on when your feet are naked...
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Cake decorating day 2.
    Filled and crumb coat. I will do the final coat tomorrow, and mirror glaze on Wednesday. I've got the day off Wednesday so can spend the day with Jessica! She's getting so excited!


    Nothing like cake porn to start the day!!!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    It is right up there with "uh oh" and "that does not look good." But still better than "oops"
    Hahaha. That literally made me laugh out loud! Thanks. I needed that this morning.

  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Cake decorating day 2.
    Filled and crumb coat. I will do the final coat tomorrow, and mirror glaze on Wednesday. I've got the day off Wednesday so can spend the day with Jessica! She's getting so excited!


    Nothing like cake porn to start the day!!!

    @Tramboman no doubt! We have a really cool cupcake shop here called Bliss - everything is done in-house and is gluten free (maybe even dairy free but probably not) and I miss it so much. It's definitely not an essential business lol, but in my heart, it is essential. @Avidkeo's cake reminds me of this place. I can't wait to be able to take my kids there again!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    It is right up there with "uh oh" and "that does not look good." But still better than "oops"
    Hahaha. That literally made me laugh out loud! Thanks. I needed that this morning.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    @mbaker566 Nice trail to run on. I love the bluebells!

    @Camaramandy648 Great run!!!

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @mbaker566 Nice trail to run on. I love the bluebells!

    @Camaramandy648 Great run!!!

    they were wood violets were are wisconsin's state flower. the whole area was purple. and it was beautiful
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    All right. I need your insight and input.

    I should NOT run the marathon distance this weekend because

    1. I fell off the training wagon and have just been running virtual races since everything's been postponed
    2. The farthest I have ever run is 18 miles
    3. I have been struggling with pain SO much lately and I'm just getting back into the "no pain," zone. Still pretty sore today, but the knee isn't hurting - or at least, nothing is hurting as bad as it was.
    4. I have not properly tapered (see item 1)
    5. The marathon could just be postponed, in which case, I'll need to hop back onto the training wagon and get back into gear for that. Since I don't know when that might be, it would really suck to accidentally run two marathons very close together and risk further/ worse injury.

    So having said all that. I need to choose virtual race distances this week. On any given day I can easily knock out a 5k. For this weekend/ long run, though. Do I go for a half marathon or marathon. Or do I use it as rest and just do like maybe a 15k....

    decisions, decisions....
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    All right. I need your insight and input.

    I should NOT run the marathon distance this weekend because

    1. I fell off the training wagon and have just been running virtual races since everything's been postponed
    2. The farthest I have ever run is 18 miles
    3. I have been struggling with pain SO much lately and I'm just getting back into the "no pain," zone. Still pretty sore today, but the knee isn't hurting - or at least, nothing is hurting as bad as it was.
    4. I have not properly tapered (see item 1)
    5. The marathon could just be postponed, in which case, I'll need to hop back onto the training wagon and get back into gear for that. Since I don't know when that might be, it would really suck to accidentally run two marathons very close together and risk further/ worse injury.

    So having said all that. I need to choose virtual race distances this week. On any given day I can easily knock out a 5k. For this weekend/ long run, though. Do I go for a half marathon or marathon. Or do I use it as rest and just do like maybe a 15k....

    decisions, decisions....

    We HEAR our bodies every day. But when we LISTEN to our bodies, they can give us some insight on how best to proceed. I specialize in comic relief, so insight is pretty foreign to me.
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    edited April 2020
    @Elise4270 Yes it very well could be the increase in carb intake. And despite the increased running, other activity has decreased some what. I'm going to keep better track
    @shanaber That could be it. I have increased my running the past few months and I have increased my calories, but now that I look at it, you might be right that what I have increased in eating is not enough? I have high calorie days on my long run days, but apart from that I'm usually at 12-1500 depending on the day. Could it be I'm not eating enough? Oh yes I would be terrified to eat more and gain. Eek. But it worked for you...so maybe...
    @Camaramandy648 Seems like the consensus is to eat enough. I need to be more precise on logging. Good running!!!!! I would not run the marathon, but see how you feel Maybe try and get a HM pr? That could be a goal.

    @Avidkeo Love the cake!!

    Did go for a bike ride yesterday, which was good. Had a televisit with my sports doc. We decided another shot was in order - so Wed I'll go in for it.
    Today is scheduled rest day which I will do, and tomorrow probably bike again(don't know if I will be able to or should run) so I can at least get some exercise in.
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 oooooo I had not thought of that! I know I can finish a HM in about 2 and a half hours, but I have only done that one time. I could try for that!

    @janejellyroll You are killing it this month! Also - what you said about your legs being "no-go:" That's how my left leg feels right at the beginning of a long run. Just dead weight - does not want to move!

    @Tramboman I am definitely - or at least have been - more of a "hindsight's 20/20," kind of lady, but now that I am older and have kids, of course, as it goes, my perspective has changed. I think that my body has been screaming at the top of its lungs - REST! MORE REST! MORE STRENGTH TRAINING! REST! - But me listening is a totally different thing. I really don't want to run myself into a surgery or break or permanent problems... So maybe just a half this weekend with a goal of finishing in 2.5 hours or less.