

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Speaking of typing ... here's a bit of fun! Try a typing test. :)


    M in Oz
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    …aaand a fine art museum for a guinea pig: this is hilarious, this little piggie seems to really enjoy it's Gallery


  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Ennio Morricone conducting his own composition (The Mission Main Theme):


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Oh the gorgeous children!!! <3<3<3 Scrumptious. :D

    It's not a maths puzzle. The clue is in our exercise room.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    edited April 2020
    @exermom "It was interesting. All the stores tell you to stay 6 feet away from another person (that’s fine) but then they have such narrow aisles that there is no way you can be 6 feet from the person next to you"

    Most stores here have now got one way systems, where you only go in one direction down particular aisles, and each aisle is marked out in 2 metre blocks.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: invested 5 mins vacuuming Office, Kitchen/Laundry, carry over 5 mins ea Bedrooms, Living Rm, Master Bth, Guest Bth, Dining Rm.
    Bonus: installed amazon prime music app on laptop and iphone, created line dancing playlist, one load laundry, veg prep
    Get to do: BB&B, mtg minutes, invest 5 mins cleaning Kitchen Laundry, carry over cleaning 5 mins Office, Bedrooms, Guest Bth + Dining Rm, finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed, prep potato bed for snow peas, dig up snow pea bed for potatoes and greens, prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes, transplant herbs, call Lee, bake cookies for Joe, call Carolyn, finish cleaning and start de-rusting Aunt Elsie’s stove, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine.
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments.
    Coping Calendar Day 22: find positive news and share
    stuck on this one. Does sharing Pluto living on FB count? :heart: her Plutoisms…“Easter is the arch enemy of button pants” “Keep your nose on your own face.” “Don’t be a Gladys Kravitz” and “… use your cookie voice”
    Barbie something off kilter with that test. The wisdom and compassion you choose to share demonstrates your social intelligence. What Kay said.
    Machka that hair “mask” :laugh: Social connection is now routinely used as an indicator of health, good thing we can connect through our computers and the internet ;) Thanks for the typing test!
    Rita “everything you need to know” made me :lol: then sad.
    Michele does your “cheese” slicer have serrated blades? Then it might well be a tomato slicer. You kind of have to saw a bit, but it makes lovely even slices for BLTs ;) My guess is you found a knife sharpener among your father’s things. Are there stone discs inside?
    Heather ooh those waitrose walnut choc chip brownies look fudgy! Who’d’ve thunk they could help your DS land his spouse?
    Julie brava for maintaining your sanity under such stringent restrictions. Hmm. Maybe if I was only allowed outside to move 1 hr a day, my contrary nature would cause me to WANT to be more active. ;) The vocabulary that leapt to my mind was all negative: solitary confinement, house arrest. Flipping it to a more contemplative: cloistered, hermit, retreat, sabbatical. Maybe not the idiomatic suggestions you wanted.
    Carol ((hugs)) for you and your DH. Hard not to have cabin fever or be depressed now.
    KJ :love: those “bunnies”!
    Karen in VA the piggenheim museum was funny and cute (especially ce n’est pas une carotte and the Rodent Lisa) but I really :love: the guinea pig itself, from nose to bum! And Phoenix’s grin! Hope mama has a big baseball bat ;)
    Welcome back Nancy from TX!

    Remembering Machka’s introvert cartoon that culminated with “Just phone them!” I pulled up my big girl panties and phoned the church secretary Friday. The clarification she offered saved me time and much unneeded stress. Go figure.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    April: better than March.
    daily: steps=3262 vits=16.5 log=17 CI<CO=13 CI<250<CO=8 Tumble & Shadow 5=10 mfp=17 clean 10 mins=12 outside=14 up hill=19
    wkly: BB&B x3=0 rx=2 dance=4 
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=0 review 20for20=0
    bonus: AF=11 play=0 sew=0
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    edited April 2020

    Oh my giddy aunt!!! 😂 😂 😂

    💕💖💕 Kiddy pics 😍

    🎻 Beautiful music 🎼🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵

    Welcome to the new folk.
    Prayers and hugs for those who need them.
    Felicitations to everyone.

    A little graveyard humour from Monty Python.

    Altogether now! ......


    ☘️ Terri
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @BARBARA cloistered is a good word.

    @MICHELE I admire your energy.

    TYPING: Machka i took the test and I'm at 58 words per minute. I hesitatingly took a typing class 1 semester (probably 1-3 x a week) in highschool and was very slow. Back then it was changing from the notion of secretary as fallback or temp or stopgap job for women (thus the hestitatingly). I very rarely typed from graduation in 85 til 1st computer about 10 years later. Unlike many (guys at least or maybe young people) I used my 10 fingers, eventually without looking, and little by little i guess that works out.
    I think it's a big mistake that most people don't take a typing class. I don't see them offered much anywhere. Am i mistaken? They would all save so much time. I have a 50+ year old guy friend who's a professional writer and he uses his 2 fingers.

    I think my brain is going numb.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    @BARBARA cloistered is a good word.

    @MICHELE I admire your energy.

    TYPING: Machka i took the test and I'm at 58 words per minute. I hesitatingly took a typing class 1 semester (probably 1-3 x a week) in highschool and was very slow. Back then it was changing from the notion of secretary as fallback or temp or stopgap job for women (thus the hestitatingly). I very rarely typed from graduation in 85 til 1st computer about 10 years later. Unlike many (guys at least or maybe young people) I used my 10 fingers, eventually without looking, and little by little i guess that works out.
    I think it's a big mistake that most people don't take a typing class. I don't see them offered much anywhere. Am i mistaken? They would all save so much time. I have a 50+ year old guy friend who's a professional writer and he uses his 2 fingers.

    I think my brain is going numb.

    Interestingly enough I took typing one and two in High School just in case I ever had to be a "secretary". It was one of the best decisions of my life given the way technology has moved forward.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Sunday -- 

    Cycling with Zwift
    Distance: 11.92km
    Elevation: 154m 
    Moving Time: 43:13
    Elapsed Time:  43:13 

     ........................ Avg ............    Max
    Speed ..........    16.6km/h ....    55.8km/h
    Heart Rate ...    134bpm ......   155bpm
    Cadence .......    73 ..............    99
    Power ...........    71W ...........    117W

    Plus a brisk 16 min walk on the treadmill.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    TYPING: Machka i took the test and I'm at 58 words per minute. I hesitatingly took a typing class 1 semester (probably 1-3 x a week) in highschool and was very slow. Back then it was changing from the notion of secretary as fallback or temp or stopgap job for women (thus the hestitatingly). I very rarely typed from graduation in 85 til 1st computer about 10 years later. Unlike many (guys at least or maybe young people) I used my 10 fingers, eventually without looking, and little by little i guess that works out.
    I think it's a big mistake that most people don't take a typing class. I don't see them offered much anywhere. Am i mistaken? They would all save so much time. I have a 50+ year old guy friend who's a professional writer and he uses his 2 fingers.

    I took typing in high school and worked my way up to -8 words per minute. That's minus 8 ... because of my errors. And that was the best I could do. My fingers and brain just did not connect.

    During the 1990s recession, I varied between unemployed and underemployed. I knew I needed to do something to get some skills to gain employment, and so I found a community course for $25 that taught typing. I had to scrape together the money because I was so poor, but I took the course and worked my way up to 25 words per minute.

    That actually did help me as we came out of the recession, I got better jobs and I went back to school to get my Engineering Technology and then my Business Administration.

    In order to graduate from the Business Administration diploma, I needed to prove that I could type 50 words per minute. We had a typing class in about the second month, and then had the rest of the year to get up to 50 wpm. Some students achieved it during the class ... I didn't. I crept up to 30 wpm and then worked and worked and worked at getting my speed up. Finally, with about 2 weeks to go, I hit 50 wpm.

    But then I got it ... my brain and fingers connected!

    At one point I was up to 70 wpm, but I've kind of gotten out of practice a little bit. When I did the test earlier today, I got 61, 61 and 62.

    Machka in Oz