Can I add a link to YouTube video on here.
Kate1 -
Kate I do it all the time. When you post the link, the video actually appears, so there isn't a link in your post.1
Not sure if this works found it very interesting and thought provoking it is a bit long
Kate UK
3 -
Kate Yep! It posted just fine.1
Those guys might be worried about the bottom line of the urgent care they own…
.2 -
Good morning!
My final word on masks (just kidding)
SW WA State
8 -
Very interesting Kate UK. Not a lot of compassion for the vulnerable, (every death is someone's loved one) but I have been saying something similar to them since the beginning. We oldies and vulnerable should have been shut away for months in total isolation and let everyone else get on with it. Actually I am pretty sure I would survive. I wanted to get it early on, but was worried about DH. I'm a great believer in dirt and germs. Most of them are our friends. I think though, that we as a population would not have complied with singling out people for complete isolation at the beginning, it makes a lot of sense now we know more about the virus. The care home figures are very bad.
I do think that we have to proceed very carefully in loosening the restrictions to avoid a surge in deaths among the old and vulnerable.
Let's hope we can manage it well as we proceed towards coming out of lockdown.
I am reading a very good book at the moment on our immune systems. So much we can do to increase our immunity, but, unfortunately, there is not much we can do about extreme old age.
But we all have to die, that is for sure.
Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx6 -
Did anybody else read the Nat Geo article about face mites? I can't stop scratching now!
Annie in Delaware2 -
"Get to do"s and "chose well"sChose well: Got down on that mat for knee exercises yay!, two strolls in the mist and rain with Joe and the dogsCoping Calendar Day 29: connect with nature, notice life continuing
Bonus: delivered cookies, transplanted parsley, two basils, StinkyIII, prepped egg cartons for snow peas.
Get to do: mat work, Bethany council zoom, firehouse mtg minutes, invest 10 mins cleaning Living Rm, carry over 10 mins cleaning Kitchen/Laundry, Guest Bth, finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed, prep potato bed for snow peas, dig up snow pea bed for potatoes and greens, prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes, transplant herbs, finish cleaning and start de-rusting Aunt Elsie’s stove, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine.
Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments.gotta get outside tomorrow, rain or shine.A few nostalgic tunes to bring a smilehttps://youtu.be/nmUXntGlqFIJulie alas I do not keep up on my cleaning, that’s why there are so many “carry over”s :}
Tea, strong, sweet, 2 cups every morning. And almost every morning I inhale and say “Ahh that first sip of tea!!!” Coffee with sweetened creamer once a week at fellowship, now on hiatus.
Welcome @Mawindey0522
Lisa wish you’d reconsider and repost the work rant. How could I have forgotten Heinlein’s juveniles? Thanks!
Rita that looks almost like a white “evening primrose” Oenothera macrocarpa http://thesprucery.com/flowers/perennials/d-f/evening-primrose/ Don’t recognize the others.
Carol, YES to the Secret Garden.
Julie, Sharon et al: Conspiracy theories, drones in China ordering people to put on their masks and go home, all very Big Brotherish. Was it Benjamin Franklin that cautioned us that sacrificing liberty for security leaves us with neither?
Lanette “home made mask ideas”
The dogs, Joe and I were so antsy yesterday that despite the rain we all piled into the van and went out. First we strolled on the sidewalk along the closed community college. Next we dropped off the gluten free cookies at my friend’s doorstep. She came to the doorway and we chatted. I confessed to breaking my “only into town once a week” rule, and was feeling gleefully guilty. Then we drove to the post office to drop an envelope in the drop box on the way to the port. Found a beach that isn’t closed, but it’s a small beach with limited access and might be hard to maintain social distance if the weather were nice. By the time we got home we were soaked so Joe built a fire in the wood stove and we all snoozed the rest of the day away.
Lighter, lovelies!
Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMODApril: better than March.
daily: steps=4282, vits=26.5 log=27 CI<CO=20 CI<250<CO=11 Tumble & Shadow 5=21 mfp=27 clean 10 mins=28 outside=20 up hill=25
wkly: BB&B x3=0 rx=3 dance=4.75
mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=0 review 20for20=0
bonus: AF=17 play=0 sew=0
6 -
SophieRosieMom wrote: »Good morning!
My final word on masks (just kidding)
SW WA State
>>>1 -
Lisa I second what Barbara said. I love your work rants. You can always put it in a spoiler if it makes you feel better.1
Sharon I am totally ready to give up the hectic pace. I've been saying goodbye to people for a year. It's time to stop working at the brick & mortar urgent care place. I'm not sad.
Karen in Virginia
.6 -
Today I am headed for Costco. It will be my first time going somewhere in 12 days. I wouldn't be going today if I had been able to buy more than one case of dog food last time. I have taken the direction to stay home except for essentials to mean exactly that.
It seems to me that if people followed directions, there wouldn't be a need for police and drone surveillance to enforce.
Luckee me You dogs are great. Thanks for posting the pictures.
Barbie in NW WA5 -
SueBDew - always good to see your face.
Barbara AHMOD ( @auntiebk ) just for you...
Work rant - restored (ish) feel free to skip:So, Thursday last, big virtual meeting with entire fund development department, including grants (me), individual giving/annual giving (my boss), major gifts people (one manager and one director), the chief in charge of our department, and the CEO. The intent was to put in place a reasonable revenue prediction for the remainder of our fiscal year.
Grants was, as usual, last, and was, as usual, already the largest percentage of revenue received year to date for the department. But, after going through my entire list of $3.3 million in outstanding grants (grants which have been applied for, but have not yet given their decision), my bosses boss and the CEO decided together that only one grant out of the 15 of them would actually be likely to come in, diminishing that list to $30,000. And, after looking at what I have to accomplish for the next few months, told me none of those would be likely to come in either.
Not sure they really hear themselves when they talk. They just told me that 99% (literally) of what I've done for the last six months was not worth doing, and my entire plan for the next few months isn't worth doing either. Without, I might note, any suggestion or hint as to what I should be going instead. My brain keeps hammering at me that this has all been, and will continue to be completely futile.
I do not do well with futility as a driving factor (not sure anyone does).
Look, I get realism, I genuinely do. I understand that the history they know of these grantors is what they're basing their projections on, and I know that basing revenue projections on grants is always a crapshoot. Foundations, governments and United Way grant committees are fickle beasts, to the largest extent.
However, there are ways they could have said this that would have at least made me feel that my job is worth doing. I'm not saying I need to have my hand held, but at least have the decency to LIE, and tell me I haven't wasted my time and their money for this entire year.
For those who tend to think the worst, no I don't think they're going to lay me off, as they achieved their paycheck protection loan, and if they did, would have to rehire me at end of June anyway. Not worth the paperwork. And bluntly, if they did lay me off, I would actually make more on unemployment (the dole) through the months of June than my current paycheck, due to the federal $600 per week addition to the state's 55% of my pay.
Time for me to go find my poor trampled ego. Last I saw, it was in the fetal position under the couch.
Work rant over. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.
Am feeling slightly more philosophical about the whole thing this morning, and it diminished my tension and dismay, writing it out again. I'll be fine...
Later, y'all,
Love, Lisa9 -
Morning Ladies~
nothing new ...3 -
Lisa I so so so hope your pessimistic boss's boss and your CEO are WRONG and that the grantors will come through. The victory will be ever the sweeter for their dour predictions.
Karen in Virginia
.5 -
We had a wonderful Zoom this morning with the grandchildren 's answers to DH'S quizzes. They do love them and this lot were quite challenging. We and Max got an answer wrong that my son got right. He had to explain it to us. It's all about fractions.
Bea came on at the end and spent the whole time bouncing on the sofa while telling us her life. We said we were sorry we couldn't share our cup of tea with her as we usually do, and she said, 'Yes, because of Corona'. They all seem happy enough.
I didn't get any writing done this morning because of watching Kate's video. Oh well.
Then I went round to the deli for fresh fruit and veg. And milk. Came back with LOADS. No one in there but me and plexiglas up. Just got to worry about glitter, so did a complicated thing with gloves, hand washing, swabbing, putting out in the air and washing again. Got enough now for a while. Today I'm cooking a big chilli. Broccoli.
The best thing you can do for your immune system is eat lots of veggies etc. etc. And maintain a healthy weight. Lose fat. Stomach fat especially. Very bad. But don't get too thin. And exercise a lot and build muscle. Simple really. Exercise is the best immunity pill there is. We all know that. Nearly everyone knows it, and most people, especially older people don't do it. Except for the great women on this thread who are toiling away at their exercises most days. Your immune system will thank you!
Now to get on that rower!
Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
8 -
Hello everyone.
Late start due to early conference calls. I am so looking forward to the time off I scheduled this week. I had a nice conversation with my boss yesterday. They are still not sure when the office will be fully opened, but it will open in phases and with a rotating remote schedule.
For what am I grateful for in this moment.- Awakening to another healthy day.
- The sun shining in to my at home work area.
- Friendships both old and new.
Hugs to all and prayers for those in need.
SuziQ - SFL4 -
Machka & Bananas: A friend bought a drone as a toy, but he turned it into a profit-making item. One of the pot growers in town leased an old paper mill for their indoor farm. They hired our friend and his drone to monitor growing operations high up in the building’s structure. The toy became a tool and our friend is making some money with it.
Karen: I like your movie list, too. :bigsmile:
Kate UK: Thank you for your post!!! This is the most sensible information I’ve seen.
Our governor recently visited CA and met with other governors. She seems to be ready to ease restrictions. That will be good. I hope my beautician will be able to open her doors and make a living once again. I hope the theater and restraunts can open soon, too.
In our household, I am healthy. My husband has a compromised immune system. He has diabetes and MS. I go and do, and he stays away from germs. I hope he will be able to go and do in the near future, too.
Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
4 -
Karen your pups are so cute, I wish I could add a few, but our cry says three dogs to a home and my mother in law has a small dog and she lives with us full time.
Glenda4 -
Hormones relaxing my leg muscles so muscle pull in my left leg (my left leg has been broken y stuff a lot so it’s raining might be what I’m feeling too). So today exercising break! Got a nice leg brace I found in the store years ago someone abandoned washed it in bleach y detergent well can wear it now. Got my ankle brace from childhood I have weak ankles always have.
Eating vegan spaghetti recipe so JR will eat it. I record it as the only sauce I found that had the correct calories so name in my journal 📓 here doesn’t match what I’m eating lol . It’s like my wryler lemonade wasn’t even in the search so oh well hit crystal light since I had it saved for when I make crystal light teas. Groceries on the way that I ordered. Rigged the shower rod to stay put JRs liner on Hubby’s shower. JR won’t eat snacks all of a sudden so more meals .
Rainy day tv, got nice brownies now that I finally have a lot of ingredients. Running out of supplies off y on is turning my kitchen into a scientific experiment 🧪 🧫 . Lots of fails y successes y well aghh good enough lol 😂.
Amber Tx
JRs cuddling up a storm so a couch cuddle movie day sounds just right. It is funny how him y sissy are opposites, but love similar toys. He has his NASA shirt on y military camp shorts on he’s ready to be huggy. He saw a fly today ran off screaming Beeeeee 🐝 so had to get it out of the house. Daughter would have caught it stuck it in a jar to watch it.3 -
Athena likes smoothies!
Received my first Friendship flip book from a very creative pen pal yesterday!! The thing cost $5 to send to me! I felt so blessed and special she would make this for me! Its made from a file folder folded, then cut, so it can flip over. Each part had envelopes and presents for me! Mostly stickers, sayings, little cute cards, and blank tags to make my own ones. Also a tic/tac/toe card we've been passing back and forth in our letters! I am hooked and want to make some of these books for her and others.😁 If any of you have scrapbooking supplies and you don't scrapbook anymore, I will take it! Haahaa!
Well grocery shopping time!💖
💖Rebecca8 -
Hey Glenda! ... welcome!
I've been skimming through the pages ... love the humor and the photos ... must confess I'm glazing over on Coronavirus comments. Praying for those who have serious issues to deal with in the midst of all of this.
Absolutely nothing new to add ...
Beth near Buffalo
4 -
Perhaps there is some entertainment I am missing- do you all play games on your phones? I was thinking of downloading solitaire but there might be something better. What do you play?
Annie in Delaware1 -
Was doing wash yesterday when I got a call from our rental unit owner. Our unit was broken into over the weekend. They broke into 4 different random units and for some reason took the locks with them. They stole around $2,000 worth of stuff from us. Filed a police report and trying to see if insurance will cover any of it. No cameras, only on entrance gate. So I have little hope of getting anything back nor insurance coverage. Pretty upset right now. Feel violated. We can live without what was taken, it’s just the fact that we feel like we were targeted.
RV Rita12 -
Hoping Rori is ok.
Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx3
This discussion has been closed.
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