

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,418 Member
    Good morning ladies! B)

    Karen in VA - that time lapse of the gal growing up is fabulous!

    Has anyone heard from NYKaren? I think she was taking some time off from us? Hope her Rachel is home and everyone doing well in her family. I made a big pot of lentil soup a few days ago and dumped some curry paste into it, thought of her.

    Carol - have you heard anything re Lenora? I think of her and her family too - her own fragile health.

    New ladies - as you can see, once we get to know you, you become a part of our "family" ;-). <3

    Typing - I used to type around 60 WPM. I was born with oddly short pinky fingers, so have learned to substitute ring fingers for some of the keys depending on the keyboard. Glad I learned it!

    Kim - do you know what kind of snake that is? I could use him in our garage: I've caught 5 mice traps out there in the past week. :#

    We're supposed to have a sunny, warm day. The plan is to attack more of the garden and flower bed area - get the tomato holes dug while the dirt is still damp, before the clay soil sets up.

    Wishing you all a good week. B)

    SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,164 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    I hate group projects and even chose my master's degree program because the university promised no group projects. Like Machka, I usually ended up doing most of the work and got frustrated by my groupmates' lack of effort. I was beyond furious when one of my instructors in that program made us do a group project. The good news is that my 2 partners actually stepped up and one of them is now a very dear friend. I even still keep in touch with that instructor.

    However, I still hate group things and I hate talking on the phone, but much prefer that over a Zoom call. The appeal of Zoom happy hours escapes me.

    Tina in CA

    I was hoping that a Masters in IT would involve us each working on our own projects on our own computers ... but when the number of students in the program increased from about 100 to about 500, the teachers started wanting group work. :angry:

    I've had a few group projects that have been successes. Of all the group projects I've done over the years, they probably amount to about 10%.

    In one, each group had to present a topic each week for 5 weeks ... something like a 5 minute powerpoint. There were 5 of us in each group and we were told that we could arrange the workload however we wanted. Most groups stood at the front in their group of 5 and each did a small section of the topic. Our group looked at the number of topics and looked at the number in our group ... and decided to each take one topic. That worked really well and we got a great mark.

    And that is, I think, how group work should be tackled. Divide it up and each work on your own section. After all, in business, no employer hires 5 people to do one job. 5 people might be on one project, but you're each working on your own section.

    In another, complete opposite, story ... I was in a group where we had all sat down and divided the project. We agreed we would each work on our own sections, and on a certain date, we would share them to see if other group members had feedback. Then we would put it all together. 3 members of the 4 were really good. 1 kept emailing us, wanting to meet so that we could all tell her what to write. I kept offering her suggestions but told her that we were each doing our own sections Finally right near the end she came up with about a paragraph combined with a long whiny email saying we had excluded her. The other 3 of us ended up doing her section and it was a mad scramble to get it in on time. We didn't get a great mark ............ and she wanted to complain to the teacher that she had put in all this work and didn't get the mark she expected!!!

    But probably the worst one was another group of 4 where one would not participate in anything at all ... and then near the end, he started sabotaging our work! We were all supposed to be working in one particular shared drive ... and after we discovered what he was doing, we moved it all to another one without telling him.

    Personally, I like to work at my own pace on my own stuff, and I will take whatever mark I'm given. Most of the time I think it's a fair mark given how much effort I put into it. :)

    Fortunately the two papers I'm working on now are individual. :)

    M in Oz
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    LANETTE ~ Lenora has just recently begun emailing again. We will see if she will check in with us here.

    KIM ~ That snake looks scary but I guess it isn't poisonous or you wouldn't be holding it. I like your sun hat. :)

    MACHKA ~ Love the flowers. Oh, how I wish I was able to get out in the yard and work again.

    Carol in GA

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,164 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Yesterday I figured out just how shallow I am. The only thing I'm looking forward to when the virus measures are over is the opportunity to buy grind it yourself peanut butter.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    We were going to take a trip to our fairly remote hide-away sometime in June/July but it looks like that won't be happening. I think that's the only thing in the next 6 months I feel like I might miss.

    I might miss even greater solitude!

    Machka in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    It's super easy to make nut butters at home.

    Machka You are brilliant to crack Heather's riddle. Well done!


    I finished week 4 of the Yale Happiness Course. Avoiding hedonic adaptation was a fascinating discussion. Explains why the first bite always tastes the best. And why we get burned out if we work on one repetitive task too long. Different people have different thresholds for hedonic adaptation. Some can eat the same foods and not alter their routines, and still find pleasure and thrive in their routine. I need a bit more variety.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,108 Member
    I am into week 5 of the course. I tried to watch the video and text a friend at the same time. Had tech trouble and totally missed the point of the video. You would think I know better at this age! Lol

    Annie in Delaware
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Machka-your cosmos are beautiful!!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Barbara, there is definitely a part of physical in the tired. it's hard to say for the rest. it's such a weird period.

    my collegue asked to call at 12 but i didn't see her sms. then she suggested 5 but said she's busy. annoying. going out now. she'll probably call when i'm out.

    assembled fan and it seems to work well, yay. the last one barely made it through the summer.

    This one is a floor fan, taller. definitely a plus.
    going out to pharmacy finally to get antihistamines.
    fascinating, huh?

    spend hrs sending emails to prep classes and didn't get much else done but that. weird.
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Penny-your table is pretty and that last picture is amazing.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Pam Welcome! You joined by posting. At the top right of the page are 2 stars; one is grey - below the grey star/above the magnifying glass icon, you will see an outline of a star. Click on that to bookmark this page so you can find us again. <3