

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Just read this description of co-vid19 restrictions summary. Long so in a spoiler. Food for thought.

    I saw this in my social feed today. I think it’s a totally accurate depiction of the noise we’re all facing.

    Well good news! A friend has broken down all the facts and everything we need to know about COVID-19!
    1. Basically, you can’t leave the house for any reason, but if you have to, then you can.
    2. Masks are useless, but maybe you have to wear one, it can save you, it is useless, but maybe it is mandatory as well.
    3. Stores are closed, except those that are open.
    4. You should not go to hospitals unless you have to go there. Same applies to doctors, you should only go there in case of emergency, provided you are not too sick.
    5. This virus is deadly but still not too scary, except that sometimes it actually leads to a global disaster.
    6. Gloves won’t help, but they can still help.
    7. Everyone needs to stay HOME, but it’s important to GO OUT.
    8. There is no shortage of groceries in the supermarket, but there are many things missing when you go there in the evening, but not in the morning. Sometimes.
    9. The virus has no effect on children except those it affects.
    10. Animals are not affected, but there is still a cat that tested positive in Belgium in February when no one had been tested, plus a few tigers here and there…
    11. You will have many symptoms when you are sick, but you can also get sick without symptoms, have symptoms without being sick, or be contagious without having symptoms.
    12. In order not to get sick, you have to eat well and exercise, but eat whatever you have on hand and it’s better not to go out, well, but no…
    13. It’s better to get some fresh air, but you get looked at very wrong when you get some fresh air, and most importantly, you don’t go to parks or walk. But don’t sit down, except that you can do that now if you are old, but not for too long or if you are pregnant (but not too old).
    14. You can’t go to retirement homes, but you have to take care of the elderly and bring food and medication.
    15. If you are sick, you can’t go out, but you can go to the pharmacy.
    16. You can get restaurant food delivered to the house, which may have been prepared by people who didn’t wear masks or gloves. But you have to have your groceries decontaminated outside for 3 hours. Pizza too?
    17. Every disturbing article or disturbing interview starts with “ I don’t want to trigger panic, but…”
    18. You can’t see your older mother or grandmother, but you can take a taxi and meet an older taxi driver.
    19. You can walk around with a friend but not with your family if they don’t live under the same roof.
    20. You are safe if you maintain the appropriate social distance, but you can’t go out with friends or strangers at the safe social distance.
    21. The virus remains active on different surfaces for two hours, no, four, no, six, no, we didn’t say hours, maybe days? But it takes a damp environment. Oh no, not necessarily.
    22. The virus stays in the air — well no, or yes, maybe, especially in a closed room, in one hour a sick person can infect ten, so if it falls, all our children were already infected at school before it was closed. But remember, if you stay at the recommended social distance, however in certain circumstances you should maintain a greater distance, which, studies show, the virus can travel further, maybe.
    23. We count the number of deaths but we don’t know how many people are infected as we have only tested so far those who were “almost dead” to find out if that’s what they will die of…
    24. We have no treatment, except that there may be one that apparently is not dangerous unless you take too much (which is the case with all medications). Orange man bad.
    25. We should stay locked up until the virus disappears, but it will only disappear if we achieve collective immunity, so when it circulates… but we must no longer be locked up for that?

    This depiction of the noise about COVID-19 is dead on. And people clamoring for the general population to restrict their sensemaking to only official channels: (A) Don’t seem to be aware of the tremendous fuckups that the official channels have already made on this, and, (B) Seem to be vehemently opposed to the most “official” channel in the country anyway.

    This is a morass of sensemaking failure that could lead to things far worse than the viral infection that caused it. Let’s move forward by extracting the signal, the actual facts, that we can hang our hat on at this time.

    RV Rita

    Very droll.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I went outside for the 1st time in 5 days. i went for an hour long walk in at 7ish. I got new sneaks and HR monitor and they are a boon. my worn out feet hurt w the old sneaks. the hr monitor helped me go from an amble to a good pace for a good half hour. then i let myself more stroll the second half hour or so. it was nice and the early am is the best time for me to walk. i get back in time to enjoy the hour or so of sun on the balcony. today: little sketch, little diary entry, reading several pages of "the plague" novel. it was lovely. then i felt soooo tired. now making veggie soup: remaning carrots, pototoes, onion, after small salad w remaining pepper, eggs, cuke. Almost out fresh veggies. i think i have a carrot or two left.

    Today after the sun left the balcony at about 9:50 am i stretched my left arm out for about 10 or 20 minutes to get more sun on it and wierdly having sun on just one part of body was not bad.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Stott Pilates for Weight Loss DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do an Abs Workout with Gilad DVD.

    Pip – how nice of dominoes. Subway gave everyone at the soup kitchen a $10 card yesterday. I’m sad that I didn’t get one. I bet the other workers did. Oh well….

    Flea – I’m with you. This group is the only group I belong to on any site. That and logging are the only things that I do. I really don’t like the fact that the meals are no longer alphabetized. It was so much easier to log something you haven’t had in a while when everything was alphabetized. But it’s alphabetized on my tablet…just not my desktop. Also, I can’t seem to add any foods from my phone, but I can from my tablet or desktop. Strange.

    You know what this group in a way reminds me of? That book “Women Rowing North” and the different ways of coping with aging parents, etc. But we aren’t young like the people in the book were.

    Heather – the only thing I do is a little Facebook and play Scrabble on Facebook. I don’t do Twitter or Instagram or any of those other things. I might check out Pinterest for ideas

    I don’t remember the strengths quiz, either. Is it possible for you to repost it?

    SuziQ – where do you come up with those great things? They always put a smile on my face. Florida opened its beaches???? Watch California next be complaining “why can they do it and us not”. What surprises me is how many cars are on the road lately. Surely, not everyone is going to the food store, hospital, doctors office.

    Went to Aldi. They have a limit on some things, some of them I can’t understand. Like I had to get confectioners sugar. There is a limit of 2. I decided to get one box of tissues, there is a limit of 1. I can’t see how the cashiers can keep track of things like that. Guess they’re just depending on the honesty of the people shopping. I understand that the first manned space mission is scheduled for May 26 (or is it 27?) Don’t know if we’ll be able to go down for it or not.

    Denise called yesterday. She said that she needs a forward facing car seat for PJ. I’m thinking that that’s something we’ll get him. I honestly would prefer to pick it out and then ask her if it’s ok because I know that if I ask her to pick it out, she’ll pick out the most expensive one. And many times the most expensive isn’t necessarily the best. But she’s so materialistic that she’ll want you to spend a lot of money, regardless.

    Barbara – THAT’S a tomato slicer??? I thought it was a cheese slicer. I do have one. Just didn’t know it was a tomato slicer.

    Does anyone know what this is? I found it amongst some of my father’s things. Is it maybe some sort of can opener? Or maybe a knife sharpener?

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Michele ... modern cash registers are computers and just like when I try to select 3 of something online when there is a 2 item limit it won't let me, if a cashier tried to put 3 items through it wouldn't let her either.

    Cashiers don't have to remember ... the computer does it for them.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @AMBER thanks for the icecream video. i can't drink much milk/cream but that's a reminder of how simple it can be to make something sweet creamy and frozen. I do soy yogurt with a T of tahini (makes it creamy and less hard when it freezes, and then whatever flavoring and sweetness one wants (bananas, bluebs, chocolate, m. syrup) yum.i like it better than most icecreams (not overly sweet) and much less expensive than the the healthy lowcal ones.

    @DRKATIEBUG i need to move once an hour or so. i get really sedantary in my little 2 rm apartment once i've gone for a nice walk. need balance. in a bigger house i used to potter more and just run up and down the stairs or out around the house to the shed etc, much more often.

    @BETH He can do the internship online? That would be great. Well it's understandable that you are concerned especially since you're living together.

    @KATLA i'm so sorry about your family's loss.
    about the cancer rate maybe farming and mining are involved. i used to live in wine country for 5 years and a woman nearby said the cancer rate was high and she thought clearly related to the pesticides that they had to spray with regularly, and which blew around even if one was protected with clothes goggles etc. I don't know.

    @KAREN wow that is great for the job.

    @BARBARA Restrictions: we can walk 1km radius from our home for exercise. we can get exercise outside 1h max. i think the clear section is plastic.

    @RITA eating definitely has an effect on emotions in many ways. Every "good" moment is a step in the right direction.

    @MICHELE personally i'd WAY prefer spaghetti and butter, oil, sauce than a can of spaghettios. you are preparing for xmas?

    @MACHKA yes i walk the full hour. 1 hour exercise is allowed and shopping etc, is in addition.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Michelle - Yes, it is a knife sharpener.

  • alabastermama
    alabastermama Posts: 45 Member
    @kevrit the description of the COVID-19 restrictions you posted is SO ON POINT! 😂
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    i find it not easy to be alone for various reasons but i hear the family across the way very well and the cute little kid (about 4 or 5) is very expressive and i can hear the mom and dad and kid often having a hard time. i feel sorry for them. i think some people with young kids and no break are among those who have it rough. Of course there are idylic families but not everyone is. i like looking at jimmy kimmel clips. he seems to have quite a happy marriage and family but he regularly says how he' stircrazy and how hard it is. i was thinking of vocab words for my students next monday on: stir-crazy, cabin fever, cooped up. Any other ideas?

    it was nice to walk again today. i don't think i've gone 5 days w/out going out the door since i had a major bug about 15 years ago.


    Pleasant weather
    Easychair and footstool on balcony in sun
    Clapping at 8pm everyday
    Looking onto trees and gardens
    Enjoying reading a novel
    Colorful vegetables
    Olive oil
    Comfy bed
    Pretty bowls
    Sound of birds
    Washing machine
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Michele - I’m pretty sure that’s a knife sharpener. My Grandmothwr has one in her knife drawer and I remember her using it.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited April 2020
    RITA ~ Thanks for sharing your friend's views about the virus. Spot on... :):#:'( We are getting cabin fever and it's raising it's ugly head as we ended up shouting at each other this morning. That has been happening a lot lately. Even DH thinks he is depressed. :'(

    Character Trait Quiz: I started to take it (hated to have to include my email address in order to do so). I ended up deleting the quiz because it is very difficult to be honest about how I feel. I asked myself do I feel this way all the time or just some of the time. Made me wonder what the results would be if someone else took it with me in mind.

    Carol in GA

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Rita- Lol dead on! Wear gloves but don’t to social distancing but not from family lol 😂. It’s exactly what we’re being told wear masks but don’t. They wonder why folks are confused.

    Yes opening windows help rid the home of the virus. I have been airing out the hone if anyone gets sick they will stay open with a posted sign on every window in case burglars want to break in lol 😂. Or close at night open early in the morning close late at night.

    Got food again!! Got a small order in by mail vegetable oil!! Guacamole seasonings! Cereal!!
    Went in store my 2nd time our Hubby stayed with JR. He the they don’t have my brand leaves without type he figured it be best if I went since I’d get the offbrands!!! I returned with bread to tortillas for JR, offbrands of his chips will see if JR accepts them or recognizes it’s not his bag (last time Cheetos changes the bag design took weeks to get him to eat it).

    Today soup last of it I had made. Boiled Egg y toast with jelly yummy.Indoor Exercise routine.

    Amber Tx

    Noticed in store their was mean/nice folks easier to tell who’s who the mean aren’t even pretending to be nice anymore. The Workers Walmart finally ate allowed to wear masks!! We danced together over it the pregnant worker 19yrs old was so happy too! Was a 6ft apart dance chanting masks masks masks !!! Lol 😂 they said it’s thanks to me for complaining last time. I did make a fuss but I think it’s because the grocery chain
    H-E-B had a huge outbreak the city changed the rules for stores. Seeing a pregnant young gal with no mask but had one they weren’t allowing her to wear was what set me off so glad she has one now. More folks had masks on. Only pork y bottom feeder fish/crustaceans products mainly (Jewish diet doesn’t allow so hubby won’t eat it/I will I have Jewish blood in me but my family hasn’t practiced the diet since we fled being in Hitlers Youth joining German/Native American farmers from our family tree here in their areas.) Some folks were so kind of me y me chatted 6ft apart while her hubby searched for meats. We were excited to see so many more with their fancy face masks. Saw ones with unique designs even. Ones with masks were nice y social distancing (except for parents with face masks but nothing on the kids they were quite rude even let a kid scream knocking stuff off shelves as he ran looked like he was tall 7yr old or short 9yr old ,but acted like a brat!) . Ones without masks ignored social distancing so the store had to repremand a lot. Fruit y veggies had barcodes I loved that!
    One kid yelled their taking all the food mommy!! She was agreeing pointed at anyone with more than a days worth in the basket (no mask on her kid yet she looked like a bee keeper). I told the older Woman ignore them less your out the better! She couldn’t get a spot for delivery was doing her best to navigate with her foggy mask on. Another father had a mask on him y son got into son every time he tried to remove it had him in the middle of the basket shielding him with his body few groceries for a quick in y out but was enough for awhile y cleaned the cart himself was polite to older man in front of him he even offered to pay what he was short,but the store manager covered it was less than a dollar. Saw a man reaching to get food off a shelf for others was a hot item had a line of short Gals y guys he was a giant of a man. Stickers on the floor,no cart cleaning machine but tons of cleaning stuff to hand sanitizers on a station for customers,Areas roped off to maintain distancing. 1 worker young gal had no mask was the only rude one out of the bunch... I asked where the limon juice was (my last item then I could run to the self checkout that had a hand gun even was very new). She snapped I speak English!! I tipped back don’t correct my English!! She passed me off to an off the clock male coworker with his mask on y wife in tow...He asked my name I told him she started apologizing. Yes light skin Hispanic /Native American name we exist it’s called mixed race. She tried to be nice then lol realized she was the racist oopsie (If I said it in Spanish it would have been jugo de limón not limon juice which IS English! Bad enough hubby y my kids correct me but a stranger!). I talk good enough! Her coworker lol 😂 found me 2 limon juices big bottles I was so happy excited I let out a squeal! He got me laughing he said don’t tell her but I look white but my name is Emilio Javier she thinks I’m white with a white name I just let her lol 😂! His wife I asked we’ll surely she knows your wife is Hispanic! He said nope she thinks she’s just a black girl . His wife Mariá rolled her eyes lol said a curse word in Spanish said how she wishes the girl wasn’t his coworker. I understand lol 😂. Brown skins not our only color! I felt like my Mom y God we’re with me as I shopped I wanted so badly craving my moms casserole wouldn’t you know next to the last 3 hamburger roll packs was 2 cans of Rotel tomatoes!! So grabbed a 1 lb roll of meat y the 2 cans of Rotel. Went there was cheese but a couple who obviously had COVID-19 or whooping cough no masks on looked like death warmed over was over the cheese! Hacking on it they looked so sick. 1 big bag of cheese far away 80cal per servings mozzarella was in the wrong place so I grabbed it kept my distance best I could. Glad I wore long clothes,hat,hair in bun,N95 mask,y construction gloves! Walked into another isle found JRs tortilla chips last 3 bags! (Stuff seemed to be left in 3’s lol 😆).Near it lime Tortilla chips so grabbed a bag!! I can make Moms casserole!! Rung up at self checkout bar codes in veggies y fruit I hope they keep those they were so nice!! The self checkout machines worked better than ever no need for a worker every second with a code! The weight areas wasn’t going off every time a bags removed.I paid with cash got crisp new clean bills back except for the ones that fell on the floor as it spit them out lol 😂. Took shower to disenfected everything as I got home. Hubby wanted me to learn the new ways y get what’s needed since we were almost out. Was a lot to learn but if something happens to him like a work injury I need to know how. Plus I grabbed what he won’t lol 😂.

    Moms Casserole
    The Bake casserole 350* for 40minutes- 1hour
    1.1 lb cooked hamburger meat drain it (save the drained stuff for cooking grease for later in the week )
    2. 2 cans Rotel tomatoes (don’t think you drain it but probably do to keep it from being soggy)
    3. Lime chips bottom of the pan sprayed with Pam or greased with the hamburger juice (Lime chips flavor it..can use tortilla chips sprinkle limon juice if can’t get)
    4. Top with cheese y rest of it (chips on bottom!)

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    My puzzle.

    How can 12 become 28, 11 become 30 and 10 become 52 ?

    Who gets it?

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited April 2020
    MACHKA ~ I sent the photo of the hair mask to my DnL. She has long dark hair and I thought she would get a kick out of it.

    HEATHER ~ There is no way I can figure out your puzzle. Can't wait to find the answer.

    If any of you like to play word games online, you might go to Pogo.com. They have a scrabble game that you can play with others. Always hoping to improve my memory. LOL

    CAROL in GA