

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    KetoneKaren, congrats on the employment opportunity, how wonderful for you that it came about at the right time!
    SuziQ, OMG, the devil going to walmart would have made me snort any beverage out my nose had I been drinking anything at the time! LOL Also LOVE your basil! Looks so yummy! I think I need to make pizza soon, I had some fresh basil and I've tried freezing it. Going to try it on pizza and see how it works out, wish I could grow the stuff year round here, but it just doesn't last in pots in the house and I sometimes forget about stuff that I plant outside so everything has to be more forgiving....
    Penny, so good to hear from you, love the Iron Bedsteads! The photos of your area of the world are just so beautiful, stark yes, but so much beauty in the starkness (if that makes sense...)
    Kelly, glad to hear that things are going well for you and your new family!
    Michele, Jess is 36, she's not a child. She needs a serious reality check if she thinks you should do everything for her.
    Welcome to the newbies! I too used to hate exercise! Now that I can't go to the gym I find that I really miss it. I am trying to make sure to get out for a walk most days and have started riding my bike when I go to work, but it's just not the same! I definitely echo other ladies who say to start with walking or dancing to music you love. There is no "right" way to exercise, same as there is no "right" diet. What works for some won't necessarily work for all. It's important to find something you enjoy or you will find all kinds of excuses to avoid it.
    Got on the scale a few days ago and it was not pretty. I had been flirting casually with a lower decade, this was flirting with a higher decade. I gave myself a stern talking too and actually logged my food yesterday. I realized, at the end of the day, that it was a REALLY good thing that I had ridden my bike to work as that gave me an extra 844 calories to play with. I only logged 700 because I couldn't remember the exact numbers and it's more difficult to look things up when I'm on my tablet and I just needed to get something in there. Anyway, I ended up very close to running out of calories. I did have a snack when I got home, it was 170 calories worth of almonds (I did really enjoy them!) and my treat after dinner was 300 calories worth of cookies. I really enjoyed them too, but obviously need to dial that back as I'm not working today so will not have that huge calorie burn. I am going to drag hubby out for a walk this afternoon, the weather has been great for that! It's supposed to change a bit, but there's still only a small chance for any sort of rain.
    Well, I've been in front of the computer for far too long now, must get some stuff done. The list for today is dusting the baseboards, cleaning off the kitchen windowsill and cleaning the windows inside.
    Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to any newbies that I missed!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island who is finally caught up!
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited April 2020
    Evelyn- If you have to skip a post or skim read do it. We’ve all been there.

    Amber Tx

    Nice to talk with my good Aunt. She’s having terrible allergies this season. They been doing curb side delivery.

    Hopefully Australia test will have success https://youtu.be/QF_JIPfYLkY
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,437 Member
    Karen in VA - your story gave me happy goosebumps! So tickled for you!! Isn't it amazing the way things line up when we boldly put out feelers? <3 And to think, a few months ago this opportunity wasn't even on your radar. B)

    Barbara AHMOD - my Speed Queen washer has NEVER had an unbalanced load. And I have been known to stuff comforters and mattress covers in it, way beyond recommendations. I've noticed it has gentle agitation on both the regular and "eco" cycles. This SQ replaced our old Kenmore HE front loader which was the noisiest thing ever. Plus didn't do a good job. My DH has commented many times on how quiet the SQ is. The main noise we hear is water splashing into the laundry sink which it sits beside when it is emptying.

    Katla - (((HUGS))))

    About people eating pet food: In the late 70's I worked for New England Fish Company in Seattle which manufactured "kitty" brand pet food - from fish of course. It had to be up to human consumption standards for that reason, and canned pet food probably still does. Some of it looks unappetizing to most of us but won't make a person sick. :#

    We are having warm weather too, and my tomatoes are going crazy. Am going to have to pot them up into 1 gallon containers. As soon as I get some shade I'd better get going on it-will dig some dirt out of the compost pile.

    So I'd better move it. B)

    SW WA State
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Uplifting news
    Divorce rates down in some areas divorce attorney said the virus has bonded some together changing their views

    Pop up weddings are a new thing for some cities skipping the need for fancy just deciding their in it for the person it’s right for them.

    Funny music video from our new favorite musician lately lol the daycare close song lol


    Amber Tx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,551 Member
    Amber Tx, cute video!😁
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen in VA: Congratulations on a great job offer! You are clearly a person that they value. :flowerforyou:

    MauiiCinnamon: Welcome to a great group! I hope you’ll post often. Everyone seems to get stuck o a plateau along the way. You can weigh things on a food scale or use measuring cups to control portion sizes. You’ll get a better picture of how much you are eating either way. As to exercise, walking, riding a bike, and dancing are all examples of things you might like to add to your life. If it is fun and burns calories, you’ll enjoy it and want to continue. Stop by often for friendship and support. :star:

    Barbara: I have parsley in pots along my sidewalk. It self-seeds and can be found all over the neighborhood. I like to pick it and use a food dehydrator to dry it. Now I have dried parsley available for cooking in all seasons. I grow it in pots to keep it above the level of our boy dog’s watering habits. I also grow sage and rosemary in pots. :bigsmile: Regarding the “cancer trail” down the Mississippi, I wonder whether underground coal deposits might be a factor. I think Uranium is usually father west but I don’t know it for a fact. Perhaps it would be worth a little internet research. :flowerforyou:

    SuziQ: “The Devil Went Down to Walmart. He was looking for a roll to steal . . .” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks to all for the kind words about DDIL’s mothers passing. She was a wonderful woman and will be missed.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Karen in VA ... Congratulations!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :)Barbara, my recumbent exercise bike is meant for indoors and makes almost no sound. It sits next to Jake's recliner and a few feet away from the couch so I am next to him in either seat. We often watch several TV shows in a row and he loves having me next to him. When he lies down for his nap, I drag the bike across the carpet to the other end of the room where there is another (older) TV with cordless headphones so I can ride and watch stuff on that TV (stuff from the Hallmark Channel, figure skating, Greys' Anatomy, etc.). It's exercise plus stress reduction plus time with my husband all rolled into one.

    :)Karen, congrats on the new job. What a great example of speaking up for yourself and "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". They are so lucky to have you.

    <3 Barbie in surprisingly warm NW WA
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
    edited April 2020
    Karen: So pleased for you with the new job.

    ☘️ Terri
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,743 Member
    Auntiebk lmao!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,743 Member
    stats for the day:

    Bike ride home 2 sumner station- 56.11min, 148mhr, 14.1amph, 13.23mi= 495c
    apple watch- 503c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.06min, 9.10min mi, 149mhr, .55mi= 56c
    apple watch- 57c
    Jog wrk 2 sta- 4.35min, 9.47min mi, 148mhr, .46mi= 57c
    apple watch- 60c
    Bike ride dome 2 hm- 15.53min, 9.7amph, 151mhr, 2.56mi- 160c
    apple watch- 142c

    total cal 768
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,743 Member
    today dominos bought pizza for the entire hospital..
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Got out for a walk this afternoon and managed to burn a desperately needed 324 cal. Also got my fill of pollen.....yuck. I was riding home from work a few days ago and actually saw the pollen cloud coming my way! Shut my mouth, held my breath and hoped for the best! My eyes were very scratchy that night and after seeing the magnified piece of pollen (thanks Lanette) I understand why!
    Hubby has an indoor recumbent bike that is near soundness also. I remember having a bike inside several years ago, it was very noisy! Apparently great strides have been made in the technology!
    Guess that's it for me for today. Take care everyone!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,818 Member
    @Machka9 - we were talking about Consumers Distributing at work this week when we were talking about how people at places like Canadian Tire, Walmart and grocery stores with general merchandise are having an issue with browsers. I mentioned they should close those portions of the stores and someone could go get their need off of the shelf. It reminded us all of that store.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,591 Member
    Thank you for your support.

    I talked to her on the phone on Monday. They were going to be doing tuck pointing on her condo unit that week. They did try to take precautions but with her lungs problems I am wondering if that might have been a contributing factor. She was watering plants on Tuesday near the windows when it happened to her.

    It just makes me stop and realize how important it is to appreciate everyday!

    :heart: Margaret

    I'm so sorry, Margaret. It is always such a shock.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon