

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Lol we make homemade play doh same reason.

    Flour ,water,food coloring optional, y salt 🧂 mom did it for years. Can bake them to make ornaments to baby hand print keep sales 250* 2hours spray pan with Pam spray (to keep hand print paint after it cools to keep it hard y intact) (bigger ones sometimes 3hrs just check off y on) no right or wrong to mixing it can put the amount of salt 1/4cup ,1 cup of flour y add 3/4cup water can adjust as needed. To add scents don’t use anything other than some food seasoning like ginger or cinnamon! Safety first it’s so if they eat it their safe. Add a hole y ribbon paint it got a Christmas ornament for a few years. Reason for painting is so it doesn’t go moldy with age lol it is food.

    Amber Tx
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    edited April 2020
    Rita, what is the interesting middle plant? I love doing that with my celery, by the way.

    The only gardening I’ve had a chance to do is to decapitate the flower heads on the dandelions that are growing in my sidewalk. I have the kind of walkway that’s made of bricks and cement blocks. There’s ample sunshine to the point I wonder if I shouldn’t plant tomatoes there. If I didn’t need a handrail along my walk I’d plant them right alongside. As it is, I think I’ll try the upside down planter you can hang overhead. I have a beam at the end of my porch that’s made for hanging baskets, but I’m not fond of petunias and fuchsias need more shade. This is in full sun. Tomatoes would be ideal!

    As for my yard, I mainly just let things grow. Dandelions, buttercups, thistles. But I do draw the line at blackberries and English ivy, which becomes seriously invasive here.

    I’m having a very lazy day today, but will start a load of laundry later. It’s amazing how very little laundry one accumulates when one is a rule-abiding nudist who goes out twice a week when not working.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I want to get my garden spot ready to plant beans. DH has is car parked in such a way that I can't get in and clean things up for this year's planting. I've just checked my planting dates and it is clearly time to get ready. Time to speak up and get that car out of my way. I grow only a few things but we enjoy them all year: green beans, blueberries, and herbs that I grow in pots.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Sharon and Rebecca Do you have only cloth-upholstered furniture? I was looking around my house thinking about what it would be like to be a nudist, and all those wood and leather sitting surfaces gave me goose bumps. It would be like sitting on a cold toilet seat every time. Please enlighten.

    Karen in Virginia
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,934 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Sharon and Rebecca Do you have only cloth-upholstered furniture? I was looking around my house thinking about what it would be like to be a nudist, and all those wood and leather sitting surfaces gave me goose bumps. It would be like sitting on a cold toilet seat every time. Please enlighten.

    Karen in Virginia

    I picture sitting on a towel so personal bits aren’t on the furniture?

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    TIna, my comments were meant to address chronic pain where a diagnosis has been made. For those patients, there should be a pain management plan in place that addresses weekends, etc., and keeps chronic pain patients out of ERs. ERs should be reserved for emergencies and urgent issues. Your mister doesn't have a diagnosis. That's very different. Without a diagnosis and plan, no one is at the helm in managing or even understanding his pain.

    Chronic pain is life-sucking. It can take all the joy out of life.

    I am all for CBD products, and in states where THC is legal, it can be the difference between a decent quality of life and sheer misery. Creams may not deliver a high enough "dose" for more severe pain. It's really important to get a diagnosis and a plan, and I hope you are able to find the right specialist to pin it down for you.

    Karen in Virginia

    Well, he won't go to Urgent Care anyway. Thinks it'll be a huge waste of time. I can't drag him. Thanks for your comments. They are very insightful.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Tina So sorry. I hope he gets the help he needs.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Sharon and Rebecca Do you have only cloth-upholstered furniture? I was looking around my house thinking about what it would be like to be a nudist, and all those wood and leather sitting surfaces gave me goose bumps. It would be like sitting on a cold toilet seat every time. Please enlighten.

    Karen in Virginia
    Well when we lived in California, and I was sans clothed, a beach towel was used on any surface you sat on. Same with at the restaurant at the nudist resort. Putting a towel down, and a napkin on lap. If course 99% of an food drops landed on my chest. 😂😂😂

    David Sedaris wrote a funny book about his time in a nudist resort. I laughed out loud, hard, at several points. It was aptly called "Naked."
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,321 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member