May 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • robynmac5819
    robynmac5819 Posts: 161 Member
    5/1- 3.4 miles
    5/3-3.5 miles
    5/5-3.4 miles
    5/6-3.3 miles
    6/8-3 miles
    5/10- 3 miles

    5/11-4.25 miles treadmill run
    5/13-4.25 miles Treadmill Run

    5/15-3.0 miles treadmill run
    5/18-1.5 miles treadmill run 5min/2min (5.0mph/3.5mph)

    F****** damnit

    Current Total: 32.6 miles
    Goal:50 miles
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,449 Member
    Hope you had a happy birthday @bearly63!
    And happy birthday to @skippygirlsmom's Skip!

    Great long run @janejellyroll! I know what you mean, but my coach says no training goes to waste. You'll be stronger for it regardless of whether you get to race in the near future.

    Take it easy @brittanystebbins95! You're doing so great staying active but give yourself a break.

    @teresa502 great job taking advantage of the nice weather and doing an easy run.

    I don't know what to say about this spraying the streets and spraying cars craziness. Seems like a huge waste and potentially harmful as @T1DCarnivoreRunner said. This is the first I've heard of such a thing.

    @penko47 well done on your fastest 2 miles postpartum! Good for you!

    ALL OF THIS^^^^

    And yes @katharmonic those toe mobility exercises are very difficult for me too!

    @robynmac5819 so sorry about your calf injury. I know how crushing that feels. I've had all of the lower leg injuries imaginable. Maybe it just needs a few more days rest and rolling. 🙏🤞
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes! Feel good today after the run yesterday so I plan to run before my Fleet Feet appt.

    @skippygirlsmom Happy Birthday to Skip. I recall 20 being a pretty great year! I loved literally every single minute of college.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Hope you had a happy birthday @bearly63!
    And happy birthday to @skippygirlsmom's Skip!

    I missed these! Well happy birthday to both! You can have extra cake since I missed it, and you do not need to track the calories, cause we all know birthday cake has none.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all, skimmed posts again. Work is busy again, yay!

    Went for a walk this morning, but didn't strength train, I skipped strength on Sunday cause I needed the rest after Saturdays long run. And I slept in this morning so didn't have time to do strength this morning. May try do some tonight but it's not likely given kids...
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member

    Ikr? On the news last night, they were showing some town that has set up a 'disinfecting arch' over the main road into town so all cars coming from elsewhere get sprayed before they drive in. I mean wtf? They think the cars are going to bring a virus in, rather than the people inside them? It's like you see people driving about in their cars, alone, wearing masks. But then at the other end of the scale you have the people that pay no attention at all to any of the rules.

    So, I am routinely pointing out to the people saying how totally dumb the people are who do this are, and laughing at the rare person in my area being respectful and taking this, I’m saying it here, also.... some who are driving by themselves in their car with a mask on, may be truly dumb, I have know way to know this.... but some of us are just lazy and can not be arsed to screw with it. If I have 3 errands to run, and I get the darn mask situated so that it is comfortable, stays put, and most importantly doesn’t fog my darn glasses - I am NOT taking the thing off between stops, and starting over. Especially since I have no way to truly wash my hands between stops. So, you can think we are being ridiculous if you want... some of us are just lazy.

    @brittanystebbins95 color me best friend who I thought would run thru anything stopped fairly early in both her pregnancies... not because of any major issue, but because she had to pee about every mile, and got tired of loops and stops. Haha

    I did my forest service trail hike/run today. Plan was to take a turn and come up just short of 3 miles... but it’s been long enough since I ran them I took the wrong turn and had a route that was pushing towards 6+ miles, I went rogue and cut some corners, and ended up just short of 5.... not quite what I planned... little more intense than I expected today. And I was as even trying to run some bits in the beginning. I was soooo over it by the end.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @brittanystebbins95 Pregnancy aside, 20 lbs makes a significant difference to running. The rule of thumb is mile pace gets about twenty seconds faster per ten pounds, so very quickly gaining 20 should be expected to slow you down quite a bit. Not to mention your balance is changing, as well as the looseness of your tendons, which can impact your form.

    Just keep listening to your body and remember your real goal is to stay healthy, not to run any particular distance at any particular speed!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I try to be out the door by 7am to avoid the crowds of walkers and runners that have suddenly appeared but our local council seems to think the way to deal with the current situation is to spray all the streets with disinfectant every morning and I don't know what it is they're using but oh boy is it slippery!

    Spraying the streets? I mean unless you have a lot of people licking the streets or something, I am not sure what they think it will do?

    Ikr? On the news last night, they were showing some town that has set up a 'disinfecting arch' over the main road into town so all cars coming from elsewhere get sprayed before they drive in. I mean wtf? They think the cars are going to bring a virus in, rather than the people inside them? It's like you see people driving about in their cars, alone, wearing masks. But then at the other end of the scale you have the people that pay no attention at all to any of the rules. As of today we are allowed to visit relatives as long as more than 10 of us don't gather at once, we all stay 2 metres apart and wear masks. Sport is still strictly individual and we must keep at least 10m distance for running, 20m for cycling. Walking in pairs at the most and only people who live together, and at least 4m from other walkers. So 7.30am I found a group of like 15 teenaged girls out walking, no masks, arms linked, spread all the way across the street. The mind boggles, it really does. Is there no middle-ground or common sense left in this world?

    ETA on the spraying thing. My mother lives in a small rural village up in the mountains. They don't have street-cleaning vehicles there. So they've recruited a bunch of local farmers to use their tractors to pull tanks of disinfectant with hoses round the streets, with a council worker walking behind operating the hoses. Dunno what they're spraying, but dogs keep burning their paws on it afterwards :(

    Not only does it not sound very effective at limiting spread of the virus, but it also sounds harmful to wildlife and plant life (in addition to people and pets).

    I guess this would be a bad time to be on a motorcycle or drive a convertible!

    I looked this up and the people in Spain are spraying 2% bleach. It’s very destructive to the environment and does nothing whatsoever to prevent the spread of Coronavirus since most people don’t go around licking sidewalks or trees. They also sprayed a beach, destroying the shells that lived there. The article seemed to think this is not so much a national movement as a homegrown one, based on local people freaking out, not science.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    I try to be out the door by 7am to avoid the crowds of walkers and runners that have suddenly appeared but our local council seems to think the way to deal with the current situation is to spray all the streets with disinfectant every morning and I don't know what it is they're using but oh boy is it slippery!

    Spraying the streets? I mean unless you have a lot of people licking the streets or something, I am not sure what they think it will do?

    Ikr? On the news last night, they were showing some town that has set up a 'disinfecting arch' over the main road into town so all cars coming from elsewhere get sprayed before they drive in. I mean wtf? They think the cars are going to bring a virus in, rather than the people inside them? It's like you see people driving about in their cars, alone, wearing masks. But then at the other end of the scale you have the people that pay no attention at all to any of the rules. As of today we are allowed to visit relatives as long as more than 10 of us don't gather at once, we all stay 2 metres apart and wear masks. Sport is still strictly individual and we must keep at least 10m distance for running, 20m for cycling. Walking in pairs at the most and only people who live together, and at least 4m from other walkers. So 7.30am I found a group of like 15 teenaged girls out walking, no masks, arms linked, spread all the way across the street. The mind boggles, it really does. Is there no middle-ground or common sense left in this world?

    ETA on the spraying thing. My mother lives in a small rural village up in the mountains. They don't have street-cleaning vehicles there. So they've recruited a bunch of local farmers to use their tractors to pull tanks of disinfectant with hoses round the streets, with a council worker walking behind operating the hoses. Dunno what they're spraying, but dogs keep burning their paws on it afterwards :(

    Not only does it not sound very effective at limiting spread of the virus, but it also sounds harmful to wildlife and plant life (in addition to people and pets).

    I guess this would be a bad time to be on a motorcycle or drive a convertible!

    I looked this up and the people in Spain are spraying 2% bleach. It’s very destructive to the environment and does nothing whatsoever to prevent the spread of Coronavirus since most people don’t go around licking sidewalks or trees. They also sprayed a beach, destroying the shells that lived there. The article seemed to think this is not so much a national movement as a homegrown one, based on local people freaking out, not science.

    Yeah, the beach wasn't far from us. That was some dumb councillor thinking they were a scientist. At least (small consolation) these days people scream about it rather than taking no notice and they council in question has been called out about it. Baby steps, but progress.
    @hanlonsk good point, I hadn't thought about laziness. And as someone who has been locked in her own apartment for almost 10 weeks now, only venturing out 5 times to run or walk and that at dawn to avoid people, I really cannot call anyone ridiculous!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Happy birthday Skip @skippygirlsmom and @bearly63 !

    Knee was okay for walking but a little sore so walked Saturday, ran 5k and walked 2 miles Monday evening. The weather has cooled off to a pleasant temperature now.

    Covid talk below:
    A resolution requiring masks in public passed the second reading, then Shelby County told the city of Memphis that they don’t have the authority to require masks, so I guess that’s that. I can’t say I’m sorry not to have to run in a mask, and I don’t trust anyone else to wear one properly, so I stay distanced in any case. But it feels kind of inappropriate that the county literally won’t let us pass our own laws to protect ourselves if we want to.

    The county is moving to phase 2 of reopening despite not meeting any of the metrics for phase 1. However, what I’m seeing in public is even fewer cars than before and many restaurants refusing to open because they don’t feel safe. At the same time, when we were running we passed a giant street party with balloons and dozens of children running all over the place, and next door to our grocery is a hookah bar where people were shoulder-to-shoulder. I guess we will know in about six weeks whether this was a bad idea.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    In today's instalment of 'How crazy is your local council?' they just announced on Facebook that they spent this morning disinfecting the cemetery! Umm.....

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    In today's instalment of 'How crazy is your local council?' they just announced on Facebook that they spent this morning disinfecting the cemetery! Umm.....

    So, people in Spain lick streets AND tombstones? And y'all think the USA are crazy? :smiley:
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    In today's instalment of 'How crazy is your local council?' they just announced on Facebook that they spent this morning disinfecting the cemetery! Umm.....

    So, people in Spain lick streets AND tombstones? And y'all think the USA are crazy? :smiley:

    Could be worse.
    At least leaders in Spain are not suggesting that people inject Lysol.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    A lot of us use Strava, and if that is you, it sounds like they are in real financial trouble:

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,117 Member
    Happy Birthday to Skip @skippygirlsmom .

    My computer has died. Fortunately I have another one a friend gave me. They are both at the shop for a couple of days to get my personal data transferred over. It's hard for me to comment here from my phone, so will probably be mostly liking and hugging as appropriate. Keep up the great work everyone.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited May 2020
    5/1 – 3
    5/2 – 3
    5/3 – 3
    5/4 – 3
    5/5 – 0
    5/6 – 2
    5/7 – 4
    5/8 – 4
    5/9 – 3
    5/10 – 10K Mother’s Day virtual
    5/11 - 2
    5/12 – 3
    5/13 – 2
    5/14 – 5
    5/15 – 4
    5/16 – 5
    5/17 - 5
    5/18 - 2 - it's Skip's birthday so I ran 2.0 in honor of her turning 20
    5/19 - 4

    63 of 50 miles

    Skip said thank you for the birthday wishes!!

    @bearly63 happy belated birthday
    @T1DCarnivoreRunner ha ha on your spoiler
    @eleanorhawkins I got nothing to beat disinfecting the cemetery
    @rheddmobile I think you are right in 6 weeks more will be known. I wear a mask if I’m in the store, it doesn’t bother me either way to wear or not.
    @robynmac5819 sorry about the calf sounds painful
    @quilteryoyo I can’t comment much on my phone either it’s too much work ha ha

    Mother’s Day Virtual 5K – done
    Retro Run Virtual 5K – done
    Rona on the Run - Virtual for St. Jude benefit - done
    Keep Moving Huntsville - at least one mile a day 1 - 31 May
    Pirate Challenge – 10 weeks mile challenge June - Sept
    Flora-Bama 600K - Virtual race from Huntsville AL to the Florida Alabama state line in Orange Beach