

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    They just took the officer into custody hopefully that will be enough to stop this. Plan to see son at 2.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Katla to be honest I haven't had the opportunity to partake in the nudist life for years now, 4 as I recall. That lifestyle really depends on your sun sensitivity. Yes there are 50+ sunscreens, and for our sons, if we could've just dipped them in a sunscreen lotion bath, we totally would've! We would buy the highest for kids and husband, then like 20+ for me, and towards the end of each summer my middle son was so tan like me! Once, when I was waiting for the middle son to get done with his orthodontist appointment, the receptionist told me I had such a nice tan and asked me what nationality I was!!! Haahaa! I answered Lutheran? We both had a good laugh!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited May 2020
    (((HUGS))) for Sharon. You are such a strong person I am sure you will get through this blip. <3
    For the IP there are LOADS of videos on Utube, including total beginners, an app, and many trustworthy bloggers who have terrific recipes. There are also many Facebook groups for all kinds of eating needs. I used to use the Instant Pot public group and I sometimes call in there still. I learnt a lot, but I think it's fallen off recently. Try Pressureluck, This Old Gal, Two sleevers, Amy and Jackie etc. It's a learning curve. Basically use as little liquid as you can get away with. :D I use mine almost every day. The best thing about it is you don't have to watch it.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Margaret- Prayers with you. With the light of 3 cops killed him not one it might but might not stop it since the other too are loose.
    Will see. Stay safe let us know when you make it home.

    Making strawberry cheesecake muffin mix with sour cherries 🍒 y unsweetened almond milk says makes 6 but it made 9 so was supposed to be 140cal each but probably less since I got 3 extra. One of those how many calories is this exactly moment guess 1 1/2 is 1 serving.

    Amber Tx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    edited May 2020
    Heather: I had to chuckle when I read about you asking for things. My girls used to refuse to go to the checkout in stores with me, as I always asked for discount, and frequently got it! 😂
    We garden organically. Our yellow courgette are already tiny little fingers. Everything else is coming along nicely. Michael has about 20 different feeders for wildlife. We have a resident hedgehog that he feeds with cat food, and our greenhouse has a resident frog. The pond is full of tadpoles at the minute.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Rebecca))): I sympathize with your worries about your younger son. It is a shame that you don’t have easy opportunities to talk or even txt. :ohwell: I like your answer to the person asking questions about your nationality. Lutheran was an excellent response. You have a fine sense of humor. :smiley:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Lisa, i had been snowed under last weeks and missed the details. I'm sorry about your work situation. i know you'll find something that suits you better.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Viv i love the rainbow pic
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited May 2020
    Terri - I haven't seen a hedgehog here yet. We leave piles of brushwood for insects. We don't have a pond, but we found a huge toad sitting under the lid of the coal store by the front wall. :D Gave DH a shock as he was looking to see if Amazon had left something in there. We have foxes and squirrels. Not bad for a city garden. :D

    Here has been the sunniest spring on record and the driest May going back 124 years. It has certainly lifted the spirits during the crisis, but it also encourages people to gather on the beaches. Our weather in Brighton and Hove has been perfect as the sea breezes have kept the temperature down. Northern Scotland was 86° today! :o I don't like the heat, but it's been perfectly ok for me at 74° in the shade. The sun is hot, but I keep out of it. Did rowing today for my bonus.

    The paneer curry turned out a triumph! Thank you Kim!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    1 officer up on charges of 3rd degree murder . Their still reviewing the other 2 from all angles to determine if they were following restraint procedures or not correctly to if the 3 failure to help fault. hzunaxkbj5c9.jpeg

    Amber Tx

    With 2 guilty or 3 still not charged out of the 4 plan on this to continue In sure. Sounds like the hands on f justice are having to be forced. Let’s hope it gets better soon for everyone since firefighters are being blocked from entering burning areas.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    Rebecca: I would have no problem with nudism, except for the fact that the climate where I live would not make it a pleasant experience. I have happily gone on nudist beaches in France, but fear that the blue tinge on my skin at home would not be attractive at any age 😂 😂 😂 Sympathise with your worries about son. Both grandson and granddaughter are away from home fending for themselves. Both are very resourceful, but one does still worry. 🥰 Athena. 🤪Lutheran!!! 😂😂😂

    Margaret: From what I have seen in the news, all 3 officers are culpable, and have priors. I hope it gets sorted soon. Please be careful and stay safe.

    Amber: I’m all in favour of as little processed food as possible, and tend to cook meals from fresh whenever possible, with frozen produce as a good second choice, if fresh isn’t available. Like Heather we are fortunate to have ample access to artisan foods in our local supermarket.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Barbara, a good desk work day seems awesome to me!

    @Machka9 i'm so happy for you that you are in the last stretch, and a little jealous, but more happy for you! having no new big project is a great idea! 6 years is long for a masters. I'm guessing you must have done part of masters prep, and then masters, all at about half time? For my phd i gave myself a year before thinking about it and then it took another few months to find the right director (before she left the school and region :'( and i had to change directors). NO regrets about having taken that time off. Here studies are virtually free (about 400 euros per year registration fee), but the time certainly has a cost. now i'm 56! i'm not 100% sure if i made the right decision about Phd but as i've been teaching exclusively in higher ed for 11 years, it could help to maintain and eventually evolve professionally. I would not even have accepted to pay 30K dollars in the usa to to a year of masters, not in my field. (in Canada i imagine a phd can sometimes be MUCH less expensive right?) one can also get a research job or paid phd with no fees. I would imagine that might be possible in your field w the right subject and teacher. BUT much is to be said for not being a student. I think i was more joyful before my phd and i have definitely been depressed sometimes and sometimes due, i think to phd situation (hard, lonely, long, doubt, etc.) and depression and anxiety is VERY common for phd students.

    if not teaching in higher ed or in a situation where it's clearly of value (research) i would NOT recommend phd, personally. so much can be learned, researched, shared, written, created without the formal constraints of a diploma format. i have also heard several times that some frown upon PHd (too abstract, not practical enough)

    i used to go off on weekends, do dance classes and workshops galore, go for many long walks in the forest, paint the house, etc. none of which i can do now!

    @Barbara and Machka, i think here, in France, some people will from now on, like in Asia, wear masks when there's a virus or risk of virus about, and let it go when the virus abates. i usually wear a mask to go for a walk but occasionally i forget and it's no big deal. i had a drs appointment today and we both wore masks and kept a good 1.5 meter distance. the dr said they have less appointments soas to have time to wipe down my chair between appointments and have less people in the waiting room.

    @Lisa i'm catching up on your story little by little. i can relate some, from what i gather. they want to put you in a box and you are not the right person to be put in a box. i work for state schools (in france the best schools are state schools) in the arts. it's a wierd mix of having to be free, original and creative AND obedient. When working for the gov't (i'm not a civil servant but with some common points in contract) there is actually an obligation to be obediant to hierarchy if the instructions are not illegal or don't put into danger. it's a weird one to swallow in a place where many are hired for their originality, and even (for well known artist teachers, i am not well known) for their transgressions! (in art, often transgressions are related to recognition) it's challenging for me, and i have not always been, and am not really A+ in obediance, (it's been extremely rough at times) but i learn to work around the system " à la française". not perfect but this is my life and i embrace it when i can. i totally support you in your choice and position!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @The stories of exes can be so many things. in theory i would have liked to be friends with some, but in reality it's often too complicated (one is attracted, or one is slightly resentful or more). Good fodder for writing though.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Tracey wow for the deck!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited May 2020
    @Barbie you sound wise putting the relationship first. I stopped watching the news well over a month ago. no regrets!

    @Karen your past loves sound nice and interesting. so true: you love who you love.

    @Sharon i definitely relate better to people live than online.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Kate, i'm very sorry, all my condoleances.