

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Karen, My black iris was a gift. I know it came from Breck's. Be careful if you look at their website because you'll want to spend all your money on bulbs.

    :) I just got an e mail from a friend I keep in touch with regularly. I know that she has been concerned about getting her hair cut and also about getting her miniature poodles groomed. We have been concerned about getting our dogs groomed, too. I told her that we had the great fortune to have had a regular appointment scheduled for Tuesday which is the first day the groomer has been able to open since early March. She told me that she has taken her poodles twice since March for grooming to their regular groomer and talked about how they drop the dogs off in a special fenced yard and then the groomer gets them out of the yard, so people don't interact with each other. It seems to me that what they are doing is against all the guidelines that have been in place in our county (and probably everywhere else).

    :) Our neighbors who decided to sell their house and moved to Ecuador have sold their house and most of their belongings and will be moving by the end of the month. They are very excited. I am impressed that they have accomplished so much so quickly.

    :) Wow, I love the quarantine theme Barbie's. What a great imagination and skill to put all that together.

    :) After my big shopping day at Costco yesterday, I have been so happy today staying home, dancing, walking dogs, listening to a good book.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

    And this is the view from one of my Nebraska friends window - I took this photo of her barn at sunrise one morning while visiting her a few years ago…


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    @Machka9 i'm so happy for you that you are in the last stretch, and a little jealous, but more happy for you! having no new big project is a great idea! 6 years is long for a masters. I'm guessing you must have done part of masters prep, and then masters, all at about half time? For my phd i gave myself a year before thinking about it and then it took another few months to find the right director (before she left the school and region :'( and i had to change directors). NO regrets about having taken that time off. Here studies are virtually free (about 400 euros per year registration fee), but the time certainly has a cost. now i'm 56! i'm not 100% sure if i made the right decision about Phd but as i've been teaching exclusively in higher ed for 11 years, it could help to maintain and eventually evolve professionally. I would not even have accepted to pay 30K dollars in the usa to to a year of masters, not in my field. (in Canada i imagine a phd can sometimes be MUCH less expensive right?) one can also get a research job or paid phd with no fees. I would imagine that might be possible in your field w the right subject and teacher. BUT much is to be said for not being a student. I think i was more joyful before my phd and i have definitely been depressed sometimes and sometimes due, i think to phd situation (hard, lonely, long, doubt, etc.) and depression and anxiety is VERY common for phd students.

    if not teaching in higher ed or in a situation where it's clearly of value (research) i would NOT recommend phd, personally. so much can be learned, researched, shared, written, created without the formal constraints of a diploma format. i have also heard several times that some frown upon PHd (too abstract, not practical enough)

    The Grad Certificate was the Masters Prep ... I had to take a 4 course Grad Certificate because my Bachelor's degree is in Education and my Masters is in IT. So I had to take transitional courses between the two. That took me 2 years because I started with 2 courses per year.

    The next 12 courses were the Masters courses. In 2017 I took 2 as I had been doing, but by the end of 2017, I realised that pace was going to take absolutely forever and would drive me crazy. So I took 4 in 2018, one in each semester/term, 3 in 2019, and now I'm in the midst of 3 in 2020.

    The cost in Canada looks to be about the same as Australia ... the two countries are quite comparable in many ways. But yes, there are ways to mitigate the cost. Grants, teaching while doing the PhD, etc.

    If I were to go for a PhD it would likely be something in Knowledge Management that would tie in Education and IT. With a PhD, I could conceivably go for a management position in a government department. Knowledge Management would allow me to be in a higher level library management position. I could also teach within the university system.

    On the other hand, taking short courses in things like SQL, Power BI, etc. and becoming more proficient in them could also go a long way to nudging me up the ladder and would be a lot less stressful.

    Meanwhile, first I want to finish this Masters. Then I have quite a few things I need to deal with which I've shoved to the bottom of the list. Then I can think about what I want to do next. :)

    M in Oz

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Margaret- Oh that’s terrible will pray for you as you travel so far for essentials. The others will have to call family,order online,or walk for days or hitch hike. I’ve been in those situations Before y helped others like that.

    Amber Tx

    JR ate happily his pizza y calls cinnamon buns chicken not sure why guess since he doesn’t eat meat he’s confused on what is chicken what’s not. Lol poor hubby stood their confused as he cried begging for chicken..I walked over grabbed cinnamon buns he happily ran off with them. Hubby said but he said chicken??? I said yup cinnamon buns is chicken in Emilio JRs world lol.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Karen in Virginia wholly crapolla! (Pun intended).😁 Sorbitol is scary stuff! Most definitely putting that on da BACK shelf! Only if I am truly constipated will I ever take those, and 1/2 tablet.
    Thanks for the warning!💖

    - not sure if this will help you, but I take the generic equivalent of Metamucil. Whole psyllium husk. Nothing added, no sweeteners, no nothing. I got a gigantic container of it off Amazon. Stir a tablespoon into a big glass of water, let it "bloom" for a minute or two then all down the hatch. Tastes like nothing, lol. Metamucil's flavors and additives tasted yukky to me.

    Also when I first started IF I had some digestive issues = gas. I discovered Fennel tea helped a lot. You can buy a bottle of fennel seeds (like you use in cooking) on the spice shelf at the store, put a teaspoon of those little guys in a mug, pour boiling water over it, let it sit for 5 minutes, strain and sip. Diehards actually chew the seeds. I thought it worked better than Gas-X. But that's me.

    "Sittin' pretty" in SW WA State B)

    Thanks for the info friend💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Amber Tx, so cute JR calling cinnamon buns chicken! My son's all pretty much thought every light colored meat was chicken! So pork, some steak, ham, was all.chicken. But as long as they thought it was chicken and ate it, all was fine in the kitchen.👍. My eldest really ate most anything. We were stationed in Japan from the time he was 2 to almost 5 years old. He loved dried seaweed or Nori. A very timid Japanese mom approached us once at a restaurant on base. My son was going around to every one and giving them a piece of Nori, saying "Dozo", meaning please. The lady told us that her kids doctor said only 3 slices or small sheets a day. I guess it can gum up in the stomach, at least that was the game of Charades she conveyed to us. Son also loved the dried little fishies. Drove my husband nuts! The sound of a three yr old munching on fried little fishes was hysterical!😁
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sharon near Seattle: I’m happy to hear that your doctor’s appointment was productive. :star:

    RV Rita: I hope things go reasonably well as they open up. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: I am happy that you are free of a bad work situation. Paint, write, play and enjoy your life. :star:

    Allie: I love your quotation for Lisa: “Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty I’m free at last.. “ Good choice. :bigsmile:

    Cheri: You are looking great! :star:


    I did a bit of grocery shopping this morning but we spent most of the day at home. The weather was beautiful, the birds were busy fishing and hunting for their food, and we had a good time watching them. We used the new BBQ to make beer butt chicken. The chicken came out great, if a bit overdone. It tasted great and was enjoyed by us both. Allrecipes.com has a beer butt chicken recipe that is nearly identical to the one we used.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Day 4 is done and I am under calories for the day. Once again, cycling to and from work played a HUGE part in that, but that's okay. Windy today on the way home, made it a little harder to ride, but it did keep the bugs down! Yesterday riding home I had to be really careful to keep my mouth shut or I wouldn't have needed dinner, I'd have been full of bugs (Yuck!!). Driving tomorrow, have sore spots where no one should have sore spots! lol
    Lisa, I'm so happy for you that you are done with that council and all it's foibles. And yes, that supervisor and her kids are not your problem. She clearly did not parent them well to start with, so it's her own fault that they are annoying when she's trying to do her job. I do not envy any parent having to work from home while home-schooling kids tho! I really don't think that would have ended well for me or my kids.... :/
    Machka, "results over time not overnight", something I need to remind myself often!
    Margaret, so glad you were able to get to your son's place and back again with no problems. Sure hope the city can get a handle on things soon. So sad to see people behaving the way they do (I am including the police in that, they definitely need training on how to de-escalate!)
    I'm sure there was more I wanted to comment on, but the memory is just not there today! I am pooped so heading for shower and bed!
    Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies! (I know there is one for sure! lol)
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Lisa - Just for you I'm reposting my favourite screenshot. It has helped me many times.



    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Thank you for this, Heather. I'm keeping it. It speaks to me.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Curfew ineffective in Minneapolis. Numerous fires breaking out. We need help. Burning a bank and a post office. South Minneapolis is a war zone.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited May 2020
    Bit breezy here ... with more to come from the looks of things ...

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret, I am so sorry for the people of Mineapolis. It is a tragedy for all of the good citizens. I hope you and your family are away from the danger.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member

    What's interesting is so many people saying, "You'll find something else." We don't know how to stop working anymore I think. Those who have found out that I am simply stopping are taken aback. They honestly have no idea what to say.

    I know exactly what to say 😂
    👍🏻Good on ya!!! Welcome to Freedom City!!!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited May 2020
    2020 just keeps getting more interesting!

    Coronavirus India: Monkeys attack medical official, steal COVID-19 samples

    Also you might recall me mentioning the Ruby Princess cruise ship which brought a large percent of the COVID-19 cases to Australia ... currently going through a criminal investigation for the handling of the situation ...

    Coronavirus-hit Ruby Princess passengers contacted about crew member with tuberculosis

    "Passengers onboard the coronavirus-afflicted Ruby Princess have been issued another health warning after a crew member was diagnosed with tuberculosis this week.


    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tuberculosis killed about 1.5 million people worldwide in 2018 and is one of the top 10 causes of death.

    The disease most often affects the lungs and is spread when infected people cough, sneeze or spit."

    However, unlike COVID-19, it isn't usually spread through casual contact ... longer contact is usually required for tuberculosis to spread.

    And now back to my previously scheduled research plan for an 'error-free connectivity in a smart world' paper. :)

    M in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Wow! the old downtown Richmond Dominion Power building was just demolished (imploded) live on TV! We could hear the sound all the way out here in the suburbs. It was spectacular. It took a few seconds for the sound to get here. Amazing sight. It went out with both a Bang and a Whimper.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited May 2020
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all,

    Margaret - the news out of Minneapolis is so grim. Hope you and your family are OK. Thinking of you this morning.

    It was a restless night, odd dreams and still doesn't seem real that I've actually walked away. Mostly because I'm in the same place I was before. When you work at home and you quit your job, you're still in the same place! :smiley:

    One realization that hit me this morning that you'll appreciate, Heather - for the last four years, I've had to restrain my own personal truth in writing to fit my work life, first as managing editor of a small community newspaper and then with the Girl Scouts. I don't have to do that anymore, and I'm honestly not sure what I'm going to write first. It will probably have a cuss word or two, though.

    And... on this first morning of my sixth life**, Corey has to go into work, as a key piece of machinery is broken. He doesn't work many Saturdays, but fifty men using machinery that they don't own and don't have to fix is a recipe for lots of breakage. He is the "Asset Reliability Manager" for a large commercial grounds maintenance and irrigation company, fixing everything from the small leaf blowers up to the heavy equipment for ditch digging and the trucks and trailers used to move haul equipment, and anything in between.

    His job title is in quotes because he thinks it's funny--doublespeak for mechanic, basically. I think he's a mechanical freaking genius--he can and does take apart engines that he's never seen before, find out why they aren't working, fixes that, puts them back together, and then they work. I can't do any of that but the "take apart," portion, which leaves me constantly in awe of that man. 💔

    Terri - thank you for the thumbs up. This may have been the wrong audience to say that everyone thinks I should keep working. :blush:

    Cheri - LOVE the hair! Hope all is well with you, dear heart.

    **The sixth life thing is 1) childhood 2) military 3) 1st husband 4) back to school and post-ed work 5) 2nd and final husband 6) early retirement. Interestingly, the lives don't line up to decades beginning and ending (I was in the most boring life, number 3, for what seemed like forever, but it was only 28 years. :wink: ), but I've had as many lives as I've had decades. How many have you had so far? Lives, not decades. :smile:

    Love y'all,
    The unmanageable (and finally unmanaged) Lisa in AR