Over 200 New Year New Me Part 28



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    cris - glad you're back! We missed ya! Vacation would be crap if you didn't come back with a few souvenir pounds, so don't sweat it, babe! :wink:

    Julie - WOOHOOO on the weight!!! I am soooo proud of you and so happy I could just yell! :flowerforyou: \

    On the Nancy front - still having major knee problems. It has escalated into barely walking. I go to the PT tomorrow so I hope he'll have some advice. I did drag out my arthritis medicine (voltaren gel) and that has helped a lot. I hate arthritis. :grumble:

    check in:
    calories - whew just made it (had brunch today so you know what I mean! LOL)
    water: working on 100
    exercise: not really, just pilates in bed and waiting in line for 70 minutes for the brunch. I tried to exercise in the line as much as I could!
    proud: I didn't go way overboard crazy at brunch. I am getting better and better at eating buffets! I am pretty stoked about that. :bigsmile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    My exercise today came from walking around a soup kitchen. Jonathan and I went to serve food there today and I was the water girl - walking around to all the tables and filling up glasses. I logged it as 45 min of 2 mph walking; I was up and moving for at least 80 min.

    Cals - Over, ate all my exercise + 210 = 1,563
    Water - 80 oz
    Exercise - Walking around the soup kitchen
    Proud - It was great doing community service stuff today. Really enjoyed being able to help out. One of the women said, "I love you Water Girl! Making sure we all get water." That was neat.

    Welcome back to everyone on vaca and at events.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I haven't read the posts from the weekend. I will catch up tomorrow. Been a crazy busy weekend. I never thought I would be so sore. 2 nights of dancing, Saturday morning yoga and swimming. I'm SORE. But it feels good to be active and have fun all at the same time. Great weekend! Hope everybody else had a good one! Gonna be a long week! Packing and downsizing starts tomorrow!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hope everyone has \had a good weekend.

    I am up this morning (like a lb), so figure not too bad from my sodium fest on saturday i am sure...I didn't log my cals i am sure i am soo over it isn't even funny...Yes we started off with kolaches and a few donut holes, lunch consisted of a 1/2 nasty subway (the bbq chicken is gross by the way, i did not like it), then dinner at applebeese (not hte light choices today), including appetizer, desert and soem licorice. But yesteray i ate good in my cals and did my spin class.

    TOday will be hetic i have to take serena for her pre-op appt and bloodwork, i am hoping i get her back to day care for their field trip or she won't be happy.

    Then tonight i have to go to a business dinner...there are probably 10 of us that work remote here in the dallas area, so my boss boss (who lives here) is taking us all to dinner, i really don't want to go , but if i don't i will get old on :grumble: It just is far and will be sitting in traffic for like an hr.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Wow, busy day LilDeb! I hope all goes well -- good luck!

    I started the week off right again. Gym first thing this morning. My goal this week is to gym it up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and to get up early to run at home Tuesday and Thursday. I'm hoping this can be my regular schedule. It's so hard for me to get up early.

    Yesterday I pretty much ate nothing but cake and quiche as I was making food for my supervisor's party (tomorrow). At least I didn't eat cake, quiche, and a whole bunch of other stuff? The 192 was short lived. I'm hoping the upward fluctuation is due to sodium but part of me thinks I was just a little dehydrated yesterday morning. I'm going to try my hardest to be back down there for Friday though.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning gals!
    Myworld, stop beating yourself over one bad day..we all have them. The good thing is you got back on and are making better food decisions. Remember it’s a lifestyle change not a diet.

    Blue, sorry, but I am not a compute geek. I know my way around a computer( took a intro. Computer course in college), however, not enough to help you with your problem :(

    I am sorry to hear you’re in a lot of pain..Hopefully your PT will give you good advice..it sucks to have arthritis ( or any kind of pain, for that matter). My mother in-law has arthritis in both knees, but doctor only gives her Tylenol with arthritis, but I am going to tell her doctor about the gel. Maybe that will help her even more; she says the Tylenol does nothing for her knees…

    Julie, congrats on your lowest weight ever..hope it sticks for Friday’s weigh in.

    Cris, welcome home! We missed you :)

    Raiderape, congrats on your weight loss for this week…you go girl!!!

    Way to go in starting Couch-2-5k =)

    Elmox, good for you getting your exercise and helping the unfortunate {{hugs}}

    Jess, wow, one busy weekend..I got tired reading your post..lol. Glad you had fun

    Litdeb, hope you make it in time for Serena’s field trip.

    I stated my day very hungry..not sure why. So I am eating my homemade cranberry chicken salad..ya, I am a weirdo.
    I have to do somekinda workout today..I was thinking of doing biggest loser yoga..with bob.

    have a great day gals!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    OMG you guys have no idea how beat I am. I dont know what did me in but we walked a lot through the parks (to be expected)..the heat totally threw me for a loop though. It was over 100 every day and it was miserable. My son (20 months) was pretty good considering the circumstances I was expecting him to be a lot worse. He HATES sitting still but he was a trooper. He sat in his stroller, but he did make me carry him around a lot. So there was a good amount of time that I had to carry him (30lbs) while we walked. My arm and back are destroyed from the weight. My entire body is sore and I have 2 blisters. I was sooo happy to get home. I need a vacation from my vacation.

    Anyways, there were a few proud moments during the trip- even though I ate bad stuff I couldnt eat nearly as much as I would have before. I stopped eating when my body told me it was full and saved the rest for another meal. The walking through the park didnt bother me much and I was usually leading the pack. I had enough energy to keep up with a toddler and a 8 year old...and the biggest one of all, at the water park I was not self concious at all. I by no means look "hot" in a bathing suit but 62lbs ago I would have been wearing shorts and a shirt to cover body up and I prob would have sat somewhere feeling sorry for myself and how huge I was. I felt comfortable enough to walk around in a bathing suit and thats HUGE for me!....so over all I do see a BIG difference both physical and mental on how this journey has impacted my life and I would not go back.

    I have tonz to catch up on at work so I better get to it. Hopefully Ill be back on later

    Missed you all so much!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Blue-Congrats on getting the computer up and running! Was the computer running slow before or is it the internet running slow? Hope your knee pain is getting better! Let us know what the PT says!

    Myworlds-Sorry to hear about the pain in your joints. I hope you are feeling better!

    Emox-Your spa trip sounds amazing! Glad you enjoyed it. Sory your body punished you for the hot dog and cheese fries. Hope you are feeling better.

    LittleSpy-Congrats on the 192!! That's awesome!!

    raider-Congrats on starting c25k! That's amazing! I made an exercise log for it. I have a HRM so I knew how many calories I burned. Maybe log is as running or fast paced walking.

    LilDebbie-Busy day for you! Hope all goes well!

    Cris-So glad you had a good time on your vacation! We missed you!! Get some rest. Sounds like you were a busy lady!

    I am utterly exhausted from my weekend! Our mantra for the weekend was "do less" and even though we did do that. There was still lots of dancing Friday and Saturday night. I'm still sore. It's insane!! Got such a busy week this week I'm already feeling overwhelmed. I'm going to try and hit the gym in the mornings for light cardio (Except for today). I don't want to do too much this week since I'm going to be pushing my body pretty much to the limit Friday and Saturady. Moving up and down 3 flights of stairs, good times! NOT! Oh well, gotta do what ya gotta do right? Hope everybody has a great Monday!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I forgot some exciteing news (well exciteing for me!). I tried on the dress again for my sisters wedding. Boy I must of been bloated or something last week because the dress looked WAY better! Like I remember trying it on in the store. I feel a lot less stressed about it fitting now. Doesn't mean I'm going to slack off but I'm not stressing about it like I was. WHEW~ :tongue:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    And I'm back!

    No weight loss reported last week... which isn't surprising. I had a rough week mentally and no workouts. But! I didn't gain anything, so I'm alright with that.

    If I hadn't mentioned it, I went to my 10 year high school reunion Friday night. It was surprisingly fun! (I wasn't a huge fan of high school) I didn't eat too badly this weekend, but I didn't eat too well either. I feel a bit more motivated today though! I've got everything unpacked and laundry started!

    Here's to letting last week go and starting up this week like new!