

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,149 Member
    mcrait wrote: »
    Hi ladies, Is this a closed group? Don’t want to barge in. Your topic appealed to me. I am back after a long break. I am a Canadian grandma. Anyway, hope you are all able to stay safe and well.

    This is just a thread in a subforum of MFP's forum. :)

    Anyone can comment! But we especially like hearing from women over 50. :)

    Welcome here!

    Machka in Oz
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Oh, Faye! There’s my beloved mountain again at the last! I never tire of pictures or surprise glimpses of her.

    Suebdew! you’re the first people I actually know to have corona virus, and I have a wide circle of online and not acquaintances. I hope your progress continues good. It can be a tricky and deadly disease.

    Katla, when the very rare urge hits me for chips (usually tortilla chips), I look around for the lunch-size bag, indulge and log. Looking at the price tag on my little splurge also keeps me from over-indulging. I also get those tiny one-serving pots of ice cream. Again, only one and I only go to the store or order about once every three weeks. And only one indulgence per trip. It makes those things manageable without my feeling deprived.

    Beth, those flowers would be totally unacceptable to me at that price and looking at what was promised. Did you pay by credit card? I’d put a hold on that charge.

    Debbie and DLFK, you may have gone into starvation mode, with your body thinking it needs to hold onto every calorie because food is scarce. Try bumping it up to 12-1400 to see if you start losing again. And go crazy with fluids. That’s another key to good weight loss figures.

    Cleaning: I do fine for a month or so after my daughter or granddaughter get things shop-shape. Then an incident happens that’s overwhelming either because it’s beyond my abilities or I can’t figure out what the first step would be. I find myself paralyzed and can do almost nothing. Sometimes I try getting one small area done, but I have to stop. I’m overwhelmed. Finally I end up here.


    That’s where I am now. It affects my overall mood and I tell myself I’m lazy. I COULD do something and I’m not. I avoid looking too closely at my motives for fear of what I’ll find. I can’t afford a cleaner. My granddaughter drives 100 miles to help me and puts in a whole day. My daughter, who has the autistic son, has only weekends free, and she really wants time with Nick and her husband too, so I hate to even ask. Can any of you help me get a handle on this? My therapy at is only for med management at present. My 12-Step groups aren’t very helpful right now. Too few women. It’s mainly old guys who say they have trouble relating.

    Oh Faye! Oh Heather! How much I relate. Being in pain from this a good part of my 77 years is sad. I’m usually a happy person, and so I think I’ll avoid any more about this and move on to something I LOVE!

    Camping! Just as Ratty in Wund In the Williws” loved messing about in boats, I love messing around about a campfire. I’m a decent campfire cook, and have managed a full meal the time I forgot the pans. It involved lots of foil, ziplock bags and a buck knife. The only thing I need to feel secure camping now is something the right height and stable enough to lean on and leverage myself up off the floor. I particularly adore camping near the ocean where I can mindlessly listen to the waves come in- the waves come in- the waves come in for hours and think of almost nothing. That is true peace, especially if I have chai tea mix or sugar-free hot chocolate along.

    Wow! Dint know where all that came from. Being able to post in a non-judge mental yet interested forum can be powerful. I love the camping pictures of kiddos. My girls adore camping, and always have. Well…there was that period when middle daughter was an early teen and would NOT camp anywhere she couldn’t plug in a hairdryer.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,801 Member
    Sharon - my daughter suffers terribly from anxiety and a lot of it comes from mess and what people will think of her. I have gone several times over the years and helped her clean and organize and if one thing goes wrong she loses control and motivation. She decided this past winter that she needed at least one room that she could relax in without mess and chose her bedroom as that is what she had the most control over without the kids and husband messing it up. She went through all of her clothes and her husbands clothes, organized her books and decorated the room. She was able to keep it maintained for a month and then did her daughters room, kept both up for a few weeks and took care of her sons. She then moved to the main level and is struggling again because she is the only one to keep it up and she finds it so stressful again, but she’s done well at maintaining the upstairs. She says she has just made it a thing to do every morning, make the beds and tidy up. She also forces herself to put her laundry away immediately after it’s done. She does procrastinate in doing it though.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,149 Member

    I find I have to start by doing one thing. Pick up one thing and put it away. Make one appointment (which usually involves a phone call and I do not like using the phone). Write one paragraph/section/page. Tidy one shelf. Gather up all my "dirty" clothes and toss them in the washer. There is something about doing a load of laundry that makes me feel I've accomplished something today.

    And today ...

    I've taken my husband to his follow-up appointment.
    I've dropped off my computer equipment at work.
    My husband and I have gone over some documents we're working on for a personal project. I think one of those documents is ready to send. The other needs some more work.

    I do need to do that load of laundry.
    I need to make two appointments (two phone calls!!)
    And I should take a look at my homework.
    But I feel like napping right now.

    Machka in Oz
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    Oh, Faye! There’s my beloved mountain again at the last! I never tire of pictures or surprise glimpses of her.

    Suebdew! you’re the first people I actually know to have corona virus, and I have a wide circle of online and not acquaintances. I hope your progress continues good. It can be a tricky and deadly disease.

    Katla, when the very rare urge hits me for chips (usually tortilla chips), I look around for the lunch-size bag, indulge and log. Looking at the price tag on my little splurge also keeps me from over-indulging. I also get those tiny one-serving pots of ice cream. Again, only one and I only go to the store or order about once every three weeks. And only one indulgence per trip. It makes those things manageable without my feeling deprived.

    Beth, those flowers would be totally unacceptable to me at that price and looking at what was promised. Did you pay by credit card? I’d put a hold on that charge.

    Debbie and DLFK, you may have gone into starvation mode, with your body thinking it needs to hold onto every calorie because food is scarce. Try bumping it up to 12-1400 to see if you start losing again. And go crazy with fluids. That’s another key to good weight loss figures.

    Cleaning: I do fine for a month or so after my daughter or granddaughter get things shop-shape. Then an incident happens that’s overwhelming either because it’s beyond my abilities or I can’t figure out what the first step would be. I find myself paralyzed and can do almost nothing. Sometimes I try getting one small area done, but I have to stop. I’m overwhelmed. Finally I end up here.


    That’s where I am now. It affects my overall mood and I tell myself I’m lazy. I COULD do something and I’m not. I avoid looking too closely at my motives for fear of what I’ll find. I can’t afford a cleaner. My granddaughter drives 100 miles to help me and puts in a whole day. My daughter, who has the autistic son, has only weekends free, and she really wants time with Nick and her husband too, so I hate to even ask. Can any of you help me get a handle on this? My therapy at is only for med management at present. My 12-Step groups aren’t very helpful right now. Too few women. It’s mainly old guys who say they have trouble relating.

    Oh Faye! Oh Heather! How much I relate. Being in pain from this a good part of my 77 years is sad. I’m usually a happy person, and so I think I’ll avoid any more about this and move on to something I LOVE!

    Camping! Just as Ratty in Wund In the Williws” loved messing about in boats, I love messing around about a campfire. I’m a decent campfire cook, and have managed a full meal the time I forgot the pans. It involved lots of foil, ziplock bags and a buck knife. The only thing I need to feel secure camping now is something the right height and stable enough to lean on and leverage myself up off the floor. I particularly adore camping near the ocean where I can mindlessly listen to the waves come in- the waves come in- the waves come in for hours and think of almost nothing. That is true peace, especially if I have chai tea mix or sugar-free hot chocolate along.

    Wow! Dint know where all that came from. Being able to post in a non-judge mental yet interested forum can be powerful. I love the camping pictures of kiddos. My girls adore camping, and always have. Well…there was that period when middle daughter was an early teen and would NOT camp anywhere she couldn’t plug in a hairdryer.

    Sharon Near Seattle

    I keep planning on eating 1200 calories one day but just never seem to do it- can't get myself to eat just to get the calories- worry about going over and keep going over. I think I will actually plan the day- it will be Thursday- we are going to my parents and plan on bbq'ing for them(we will pick up stuff to grill on our way up) and plan on picking and eating a lot of black berries-

    First picture l1wdrwpifoan.png
    is part of the black berries- two 100ft rows of thornless berries for him and I to pick-
    the second is him last year next to the popcorn. My parents are amazing. Mom is 77 and dad is almost 84- they still plant a huge garden- this year it is smaller than before but still well over 1/2 acre and do most of it by themselves. I wish I lived closer so I could help more- hoping to totally retire soon so I can spend at least half my time up there. That is where I want to be all the time.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    It is the end of the day- you still have about 300 cal to use. What would you eat/drink???
    I am at 728 now and just finished dinner.
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    dlfk, beautiful pictures. Those plants look super healthy. I’ll bet your folks till that soul really well in the spring.

    Machka, I've had some success with your method. As long as it doesn’t pull me in so deep that I get frustrated, I do fine. It’s like a beach with a rip tide. As long as you stay away from where it begins, you’re fine. But one thoughtless step beyond, and I’m drowning, with no one to call on anymore. At least not here. Everyone else works.

    Snowflake, I’ve tried your daughter’s method, but let one cat barf on the bed, and after I’ve stripped off the dirty blanket and scraped off the mess and put it in the washer (the blanket, not the mess - lol!), I’m done. Anxiety can just flatten me. We’re working on adjusting my meds, but so far I don’t notice anything - yet. Med changes take time, I know.

    ’Night, Everyone! I’ve worn myself out thinking about it.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    dlfk, beautiful pictures. Those plants look super healthy. I’ll bet your folks till that soul really well in the spring.

    Machka, I've had some success with your method. As long as it doesn’t pull me in so deep that I get frustrated, I do fine. It’s like a beach with a rip tide. As long as you stay away from where it begins, you’re fine. But one thoughtless step beyond, and I’m drowning, with no one to call on anymore. At least not here. Everyone else works.

    Snowflake, I’ve tried your daughter’s method, but let one cat barf on the bed, and after I’ve stripped off the dirty blanket and scraped off the mess and put it in the washer (the blanket, not the mess - lol!), I’m done. Anxiety can just flatten me. We’re working on adjusting my meds, but so far I don’t notice anything - yet. Med changes take time, I know.

    ’Night, Everyone! I’ve worn myself out thinking about it.

    They have a neighbor that comes and works the ground- we moved out there 49 yrs ago- bought the land 50 yrs ago. Planted a garden before we even built the house.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,516 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: Gold Beach, H2O to soup kitchen,
    Bonus: fellowship
    Get to do: BB&B, report accident, call Surgery consultant and ask for emailed instrcutions, how long it will take and can I be there, quick vac house, email SDAO re meeting change notice requirements, practice new dances (Turning Tables, Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); transplant bean, make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments. Monday postpone Joe’s primary care followup to after eye sugery, firehall apologize to Aaron, make colelslaw.

    Note to self: When you step out of bed into a puddle of pee, wash your foot and go back to bed. It’s a sign.

    Jumpback July
    27: Write down 3 things you’re grateful for today, even if it was hard. Pastor’s wife’s ear, Joe’s calm response to the fender bender, another day of life.

    Rebecca could we have been at the Novato RenFaire at the same time? I visited frequently in the mid 70’s - 80’s. Your “science experiment” sounds yummy. Would love to see a pic of your son’s lit up Asian Lego city.
    Katla and Evelyn VERY belated VERY VERY happy birthday wishes to you both dear gals.
    Pip belated conVERYgratulations on retiring! Glad you got such gorgeous Rainer views on your victory lap. Sorry to hear about your phone. Wishing you every happiness in your new home and adventures. Salud!
    Kay ((hugs)) held extra long. Too many sudden losses too close together. :brokenheart:
    Lisa “enchilasagna” Brilliant!
    Sue in WA 4 stitches, ow! Holding good thoughts for the results of your mole”ectomy”.
    Michele your dishwasher confession made me smile!
    Tracey what beautiful pics, so glad your trip went so well.
    Heather Halelujah for your sharing Faye’s info with Johnny, and for his taking it “sitting down” 
    KJ thanks for your sons’ starry pics. Especially welcome as I missed the comet. Hope the “dizzy flu” is gone for good.
    Viv :cry: ((hugs)) :brokenheart:
    Barbie glad to hear you’re doing what you must to heal, no matter how hard it is for you to scale back your activities.
    Sharon sorry to hear of your Costco parking accident. I had a fender bender today too and am still shaken.
    Belated welcome @tripsmom3! Our Better Bones and Balance coach recommended resistance bands and they really help build strength, IF you use them. With the wide band above our knees we did sit to stands and all kinds of weird sideways or crescent walking. Really made the “bacon sizzle”. We used the narrow bands for presses, pushes, rows and (with a dowel) hip hinges. I sure miss that class!
    Belated welcome @josephinebowman Gwendolyn from VA

    Ants: when they appear, we “puff” food grade diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of the house and in any cracks between the deck and the outer walls. Wear a mask as you don’t want to inhale the dust when it’s clouding. Dogs don’t lick it nor do we put it out thick or wide enough from them to get on their paws, just a thin line at the base of the house does it.

    “only” 16+ pages to go ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    July: better than June.
    daily: steps>5491=2236 so far, time to get up and march! vits=22.5 log=25 CI<CO=20 CI<250<CO=17 Tumble & Shadow 5=16 mfp=14 clean 10 mins=15 outside=15 up hill=13
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=9 rx=3 dance=7
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=2 20for20=
    bonus: AF=9.75 play= sew=
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,881 Member
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    dlfk, if I had 300 calories left at the end of the day, I’d look for a full fat low sugar yogurt, ice cream, turkey and cheese rolled up together, a couple of scrambled eggs w cheese and/or some salsa - Heck, 300 calories is a lot to play with. Some bean soup or cottage cheese, Keep it higher in protein, lower in carbs, no more than 10g sugar if you can help it.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,349 Member
    Good day to y’all. Looks like an indoor sort of day.

    Céad míle fáilte to our new people. Feel free to jump in and comment or not. 😂 It’s a busy thread, but don’t stand on ceremony.

    Felicitous hugs to those who are are having a less than perfect day. Don’t let the b******s get you down.

    Planning to blitz the hobbies room clutter, but could easily be sidetracked 😜

    Pax vobiscum 🕊

    ☘️ Terri
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

    Cat barf clean up has its own category and qualifies for hazardous duty pay.

    I have found that setting a timer for 10-15 minutes and sticking with one category (clothes & shoes or recyclables or trash) helps keep anxiety at bay when I have to deal with stuff. Limiting the time and limiting the focus. That might not work for you; everyone is different.

    Karen in Virginia
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited July 2020
    @mcrait -
    You're welcome, and have joined simply by posting. We have a number of Canadians, Americans, a few Aussies, and folks in Ireland, Britain and France. Drop into a conversation anywhere you like.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    csofled wrote: »

    We camped growing up. From pop up camper to a large "real" camper.

    As an adult I went tent camping once with my son for Boy Scouts. It rained the entire time. Never again!


    Cheri - love, love, LOVE this picture. And I'm right there with you on the camping. :)
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK ❤️
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    Morning Ladies
    I went to bed early slept well for a couple hrs then awake for 2-3 hrs then back asleepand tossed and turned the rest of the night...
    Alfie has taken over my side of the bed lol ,got up to pee and come back and he is all snuggled under the covers.. oh well what can ya do...
    Will get in the shower and then go get Homer for the day,put some laundry in before i go.
    Doing another overnight thursday