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Wrong answers ONLY!



  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Why not take a trip to Vegas with all of your old friends who you know you can count on "borrowing" a "buck or two" from you, helping save you from losing all your money on the Blackjack table or better yet keep you from getting a gambling problem because you'll have nothing left to lose!

    Is it a gamble to invest in Real Estate in today's market?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,562 Member
    You mention gambling and therefore we go back to @cmsienk 's answer from last page:

    "My casino game of choice is Pin the Tail on the Donkey. This is best played with the blindfolded player (referred to as "It") encircled by a crowd of betting players. Once the blindfold is securely tied, "It" is then spun around 100 times. Once the spinning is finished, he is released to find the Donkey and pin the tail in the correct location."

    Replace "My casino game of choice is" with "Invest in real estate like you play" and the answer still applies. It is only wise to invest in the location that the tail ends up pinned as that becomes the "correct location". Hopefully, my referencing and quotations are correct so as not to incur any fines for plagiarism.

    I'm tired despite 2 cups of coffee and one caffeinated beverage. Since I am at work and therefore it is frowned upon to nap, how can I wake up for my next meetings?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,452 Member
    The solution there is simple, but it does require precise timing. Five minutes before your meeting, consume 3-4 servings of a drink such as 5-Hour Energy Extra Strength, Monster Energy Drink, Jolt Cola, etc. Make sure that the drink is loaded with caffeine, sugar and B vitamins. You'll need to plan for a place to recover after your meeting, preferably a quiet place where you'll be allowed to sleep in peace.

    Coincidentally, I too am feeling a bit tired. Yesterday, I bailed on a cardio class. This morning, I bailed on a water aerobics class. Since I'm still trying to hit 10,000 steps a day, would it be considered cheating if I just laid in bed and swung my arm back and forth until I hit 10,000 steps?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,357 Member
    edited March 2022
    @frankwbrown, you forgot to text that you were going next. Fortunately, I hadn't gotten too far in my recommendation to Cat that she start with a little workplace tomato soup.

    Swinging your arm back and forth would be considered cheating. However, bicycling your legs while you lay in bed would not.

    I had to have my phone pic-patched this morning... (see image below)
    ...because of the proprietary information being shown at this meeting. The scenery at this resort is quite beautiful and I wish I could take some pictures. Other than my cell phone camera, is there another way I can capture images to take home with me?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,452 Member
    I guess my text failed to send. I'll try again...

    There is a revolutionary camera that is capable of developing a photo while you wait. It takes only about 1 minute, and you have a photo in hand! Truly revolutionary, nothing else like it! The problem is in finding one. For some peculiar reason, these cameras have fallen out of favor. I'm speaking of course of the Polaroid Camera. See if you can't snag one of these.

    I just had a great idea to develop (no pun intended) dark room techniques for the Polaroid camera, though a workable method escapes me at the moment. Should I liquidate all of my personal assets and invest in developing (again no pun intended) such a methodology for the Polaroid, a methodology that has been painfully missing for decades (really since it's inception)?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,562 Member
    edited March 2022
    If Frank's suggestion of a Polaroid is too difficult to track down, perhaps you can rent some paparazzi for the week instead, @cmsienk ?

    Clearly the answer to your question, @frankwbrown, is yes. The reason that the Polaroid camera wasn't truly successful was that there were no dark room techniques, however now, I recommend you add cute filter options too. That's a must for this new generation of SnapTalkers and InstaCallers or whatever they are called.

    On that note, what are your favourite social media channels?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    CBS, NBC, ESPN, and the NFL Network are my media channels of choice, as they are where I can find my NFL games (for half the year). The other half of the year I unplug and just don't watch anything.

    Speaking of unplugging, I feel this current virus that has me down is making me unplug from life. (Nobody say Covid...I refuse to acknowledge the possibility!) Over the last 48 hours I've spent almost 2/3 of that time in bed sleeping off fever and lethargy, while my sore throat has limited me to roughly 1,000 calories in the last two days combined (for comparison, I normally eat 2200 per day). Don't any of y'all start mother henning me, my wife has been doing plenty of that already. Anyway, since I seem to be limited to a largely liquid diet for now, any suggestions on high-calorie drinks I can consume to keep my strength up?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    Cheese, left over cake, avacado, mixed nuts, and a cup each of cooked pasta and cooked rice - blend all together and voila! high calorie drink.
    Blend well or could be quite crunchy on your sore throat.

    how could you unplug from life - without actually no longer being alive?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,452 Member
    edited March 2022
    Not knowing your food preferences, I can only tell you what I'd be inclined to drink. I definitely wouldn't opt for milkshakes w/ protein powder added - that just sounds horrible. Instead, I'd drink a concoction of stuff that I always hear is good for avoiding and/or recovering from illness, so e.g. pureed garlic and onions, mustard, cod liver oil, vinegar, and of course lots of corn syrup to get the calorie count up. I must have missed your text.

    Invest in a good sensory deprivation chamber. Just be careful that you don't stay in it too long, or you might experience altered states of consciousness that could release the primitive beast that lurks in your DNA.

    Is today a good day to try to reach 25,000 steps?

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,357 Member
    edited March 2022
    Now who's popular @nossmf? Should we start referring to you as Homecoming Duke? πŸ˜‰
    Also, sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I hope the calorie laden drinks suggested to you are a help in your recovery.

    @frankwbrown, why are you slacking and only aiming for 25,000 steps when 50,000 is our baseline? So, of course the answer to your question is, 'no'. You should strive for the maximum number of steps achievable. Can you push yourself to do more than 50K? I think you should try.

    I finished work early and you might think I'd go for a hike, but no. I'm catching up on work for other clients...
    ... while sitting on my little patio. When I finish an RFQ (Request for Quote) and several emails, what resort activity should I try to squeeze in before it gets dark?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,452 Member
    edited March 2022
    I suggest a little lawn tennis, croquet, badminton, and some miniature golf (as all the best resorts have it these days), followed by a Hawaiian luau and hula dancing. This will prepare you for an evening of spa treatments: sauna, full-body mud mask, herbal body wrap, Burmese foot massage, Ashiatsu Japanese massage (where they walk on you), Ayurvedic massage, Turkish bath massage, and acupressure.

    Where can I go to have the above done? (I'm referring to the evening part, as I think I might need it after walking 50,000+ steps this afternoon)
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,357 Member
    What kind of wrong answer is that? (Especially the spa treatments.) 😍

    If you're looking for serious spa treatments, look no further than your nearest auto mechanic. I hear the one down the street from you has fallen on hard times and decided to branch out and offer various massages - mostly to walk-in clientele. They have a large stock of 5w30 motor oil, which is great, as this is the new, preferred oil to use for body and foot massages.

    One of my coworkers just texted and invited me to go for drinks with the group. (Badminton will have to wait.) What's a safe topic of discussion in a group with varied religious backgrounds and political leanings?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    When starting a conversation in a group setting, you should aim for a topic which is most likely to get the largest number of people involved. Not everybody is religious (heathens), nor cares about politics (yawn) or sports (inconceivable!). So I suggest going with the good old standby...COVID. Everybody has heard about it by now, with many people having a personal anecdote to relate to the group. Personalized stories are always a hit.

    I am feeling vastly better now than even this time yesterday. When will I know I'm ready to go back to work and my usual activities?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,452 Member
    edited March 2022
    I will have to give Bubba--the auto mechanic down the road--a call, and ask him if his pneumatic impact tools can be used for body massages.

    I missed your question yesterday. I hope you were able to come up with a safe topic. Perhaps you even ad the same idea as me. The best topic would be one that you'll get consensus no matter the religious or political leanings of the crowd. So, an ideal topic would be something like: "Why did the U.S. Government fake the moon landing, and wasn't it obviously fake because they showed "shots" of the earth where it appeared to be round and not flat?"

    When's the right time to switch brands of [whatever food you really love]? And what brand(s) should you switch to?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Soooooo...if I really love a food, why would I want to switch brands? πŸ€”πŸ’¬

    Y'all make me giggle with your imaginative, long answers which I love reading ☺️
    Am I considered lazy with my short responses on here? πŸ˜¬πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜‹
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    edited March 2022
    Abbreviated responses to online interrogations are not considered inherently lazy: they prove you are able to prioritize your thoughts into a logical train of thought which has analyzed all possible answers to a substantial degree of sufficient depth and abstract width to allow incorporation of a variety of potential permutations to influence your perspective away from the patently absurd, ridiculous, and whimsical and indubitably arrive consequently only at a fundamental universal conclusion which is colloquially referred to as "the truth."

    *pause while @cat0703a receives multiple papercuts flipping through her thesaurus trying to figure out what I actually said*

    Is there an acceptable methodology ok way to demonstrate advanced intellectual mastery of a language speak smart sans employing multisyllabic linguistic preferences with no big words?

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,357 Member
    edited March 2022
    No. (I analyzed all possible answers and prioritized my logical thoughts.) πŸ˜‰
    Also, we appeared to have skipped your last question...
    nossmf wrote: Β»
    I am feeling vastly better now than even this time yesterday. When will I know I'm ready to go back to work and my usual activities?
    Your dog will let you know when you're ready to resume your usual activities. Look for him to bring you his dog dish, leash and anything you can throw for him to fetch. Don't do anything until he's let you know your recuperation period is over.

    I'm not looking forward to today's long travel day. Any suggestions for occupying my time other than reading or watching movies?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    edited March 2022
    Might it might be a much safer trip if rather than reading or watching a movie, that you kept both eyes on the road while driving? Just saying πŸ€·πŸ˜‹

    I absolutely hate road trips and would rather fly and get it over with. How might I handle the move across country? as I will have to drive a truck towing a trailer.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,357 Member
    edited March 2022
    Drive your truck and trailer to the nearest military airbase and ask to hitch a ride on one of their transport planes. They'll be happy to give you a lift.

    @FabulousFantasticFifty hasn't been keeping up with the thread and I obviously wasn't specific enough in my last question.. I'm flying home from Palm Springs today. What else can I do on the plane to make the trip go by faster?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,562 Member
    Give the pilots energy drinks and a cash bonus for arriving hours early? Not the answer you were looking for?

    Any more suggestions for @cmsienk?

    (I apologize for my brevity but these paper cuts are making me bleed all over my phone)