Welcome to Fun and Games! Many of the discussions in this category are games based on responding to the most recent comment. Please take a moment to refresh the page and make sure you are replying to the most recent comment to keep the game going!

Wrong answers ONLY!



  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,319 Member
    edited February 2022
    Well there's your problem. The best way to peel a pomegranate is not to peel it at all, but to stomp on it - much like stomping grapes into wine. Here's a visual aid to help you out. However, unlike grape stomping, you'll need to wear baseball cleats, or perhaps golf shoes, so you don't hurt your feet on the tough outer skin of the pomegranate.
    I'm making a pork loin in my slow cooker for dinner. What sides go good with pork loin?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,319 Member
    edited February 2022
    Since no one helped me out last night, I decided to serve Belgian Sweet Mariners with my pork loin. (That's chocolate covered sea salt caramel Brussels sprouts, for those of you who haven't kept up.)

    I just learned about active working memory, so now I have an explanation as to why I'm forever misplacing my keys and phone. Other than always setting them down in the exact same place (hardly practical), does anyone here have any suggestions for how to remember where these items have been set down?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,440 Member
    edited February 2022
    First of all, your mistake is in setting them down. You should always have your keys and phone on your person at all times! Did you not know that? Well, now you know. So how do you do that? There are several ways, one of which should work:
    • hang one or the other around your neck on a necklace, or a big gold chain.
    • put one in one shoe, the other in the other.
    • tie a string around them and then tie the string around a finger.

    If none of these work, then the obvious place to put them, if you must put them down, is in the freezer.

    I don't want to charge my sport watch every night, because that's a hassle, and if I'm wearing it, I did data on my sleeping habits. But I don't always remember to check the charge at bed time to see if that's the night I need to charge it. Is this an active working memory problem?

    How do I remember to charge my sport watch at night, but only when I need to?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,559 Member
    The answer is quite simple, Frank. You charge it when you charge your car. Get all your chargeables on the same cycle.

    How do I avoid snacking while working from home?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,319 Member
    edited February 2022
    I'm surprised you haven't thought of this. Put padlocks on both your refrigerator and pantry. Give the key to your favourite teenager and let him be in charge of when you get snacks. Next, arbitrarily ground him for some perceived infraction of the family rules. I doubt you'll have to worry about filling up on snacks for a while.

    I billed a client an agreed upon fee for a cancelled January meeting. They've now scheduled and booked me for a meeting in August and are asking if they'll get some of their cancellation fee back. How do I explain to them that this is not how cancellation fees work?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    I suggest shipping them a copy of a Webster's dictionary, with a bookmark to the pages where the words "cancellation" and "fees" are highlighted. Then bill them for the dictionary.

    Because of a projected winter storm, work let out early yesterday, and we all expected to have a late start today, if not closed completely. But the 8 inches of snow turned out to be only 1 inch, and work is normal hours. Why is the weather forecast so often wrong?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,319 Member
    edited February 2022
    It has recently come to light that the majority of weather forecasters have started using the Magic 8 Ball - a slightly less reliable source than Punxsatawney Phil - for their weather predictions.

    Will we steer clear of the next storm?
    Also, welcome back @nossmf. Haven't seen you here for a couple of days.

    Since I'm not working this week, I'm currently doing a 16/8 fast (which is not as easy to do when I'm traveling for a job). Any suggestions from the peanut gallery to ensure I stick with it?

    ETA: I thought about enlisting the help of Cat's teenaged son, but he is busy keeping tabs on the fridge and pantry at his own house.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    There are two primary methods of sticking to a 16/8 fast schedule. The easiest is to sleep the entire 16 hours, but some people feel they actually have to be "useful" and "productive." To cater to these Type A personalities, we use plan B, which takes advantage of the little-known fact that during the 8-portion you can eat whatever you want, it's the TIME that makes fat melt away, not the CONTENT. So at the end of the 8-hr eating window, fill up to the point of bursting on your favorite treats...cake, pie, ice cream, etc. You'll be so full that you won't even be interested in eating for 16 hours, and during that fasting time all the food you just ate will magically digest away.

    My job often requires a change in daily routine, because I need to be in the office at different times of day. This disrupts sleep schedule, meal schedule, etc. My wife has a harder time adjusting to these often short-notice changes than I do. How can I help her through these disruptions to a normal, ordered day?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,319 Member
    edited February 2022
    In order to help her adapt to your flexible schedule, you'll have to disrupt the schedule at home. More, not less, disruption is the answer to helping her adjust more readily. I'll send some helpers your way to advance this new disruption model. You won't see it coming, but one day next week you can expect the following:
    • Just as you're sitting down to dinner the doorbell will ring and a Rainbow vacuum cleaner salesman will be on your doorstep. Invite him in, pull everyone from the table and sit through the 2-hour presentation. After you spend the $800 - $3,000 required to get the vacuum salesman to leave, continue on with dinner. You own a microwave, right?
    • Later that night, after you've all been asleep for a few hours, I've arranged to have your youngest son set off one of the smoke detectors. She'll never see that one coming. After the fire department leaves - oh, maybe an hour or two later - go back to sleep for what's left of the night.
    • In the morning, instead of leaving for work, tell her that you've decided on a camping trip for the family - one last hurrah before all the kids move out. You've already picked up the rental camper, and she has about 30 minutes to gather everything she'll need, including food for the family. She'll no doubt be excited to get on the road, but as you get to the bottom of the driveway, you'll see it's blocked by a hot air balloon.
    • They'll ask for help putting the balloon and basket back into the truck, which shouldn't take more than a couple of hours.
    • As you get back on the road, one of the tires will go flat on the camper you've rented. After you change the flat tire, let your wife know the wind has gone out of your sails for camping and enlist her help in returning the camper to the rental place.

      This small set of disruptions should be enough that your wife is willing to live with the much less disruptive work/sleep/meal schedule involved with your job routine. If not, I have the number of a moving company I can send to your house.

      I'm curious. Have your ever disliked something and then changed your mind?

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    (Editor's note: Surely you don't mean any of the advice posted in this thread, as all of it is worthy of not only being followed, but being forever among our favorite memories.)

    I would have to say eating solid foods. According to my mother, I simply refused to eat any solid foods for the first year of my life, adamantly insisting upon a liquid diet. Through her persistence, she gradually eroded my resistance to the idea, and now I must admit I am quite fond of eating solid foods as often as I can. There are days, however, when a liquid-only diet still has its place.

    Let's ask the reverse question: have you ever LIKED something, and then changed your mind?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,559 Member
    Sure, money. I liked it until I realized it involved so much work. Banking, taxes, counting it, throwing it in the air then rolling around in it, then counting it again. Argh, so must time wasted.

    I’m a creature of habit and routine. Besides having my schedule disrupted like poor Mrs. nosmmf, what small change could I make to add more excitement into my life? Must not include anything related to money because I don’t need another time waster in my life.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    Must not include anything related to money...

    Well you could...no, that includes money. How about...nope, that does, too. You can try...wow, this condition really makes answering your question hard.

    Let's agree to compromise here. My answer will involve money, but since you don't have to count it, it shouldn't take much time. In fact, I almost guarantee the results will be even greater if you DON'T count it as you go. See, my suggestion is to walk down a busy street and every time you meet somebody, reach into your pocket, grab a random amount of money, and hand it to them. The shock on their faces will provide an unlimited amount of excitement to your routine, at least as long as your money lasts. To maximize the excitement, first empty your bank account at an ATM, that way you can get as much excitement as possible. When you run out of money, you can continue the excitement by continuing to give whatever you can find in your pockets...car keys, lip balm, lint, the possibilities are endless!

    Have you ever done something wonderful, but somebody else got the credit? Alternatively, have you ever broken the law, but somebody else took the blame?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,319 Member
    edited February 2022
    nossmf wrote: »
    Have you ever done something wonderful, but somebody else got the credit?
    Finally, a chance to set the record straight. I invented the Internet. You're welcome. You all thought Al Gore invented it, didn't you?

    Since that got reported incorrectly, I wonder, where is the best place to find the most accurate news reporting?

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    According to Men in Black, the best source of investigative journalism is the tabloids section at the grocery store. A fictional movie identifying falsehood-centric magazines...that's a double negative. According to mathematical law, two minuses make a plus, so I believe this to be true. You can't argue with math.

    My old friend I've known for over thirty years is coming to visit from out of state, setting up a sleeping bag in our living room. My wife and daughter aren't thrilled with the idea. How can I help them see this visit as a good thing?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,319 Member
    edited February 2022
    Haven't @Cat0703a and I happened upon the solution to your problem? Oh look at that, I forgot what thread I was in and made that a question. In any event, in exchange for your wife cleaning Cat's bathroom, your longtime friend may set up camp in the evenings in Cat's living room. That way, you and your friend can visit during the day and when it's time to turn in, he just pops over to Canada. You may need to invest in a transporter to avoid the hassles of the long commute and getting through customs. Cat gets a clean bathroom and your wife and daughter are no longer put out about the living room sleeping arrangement. Win-win. By the way, does your wife like lattes?

    My extended family often gets together and plays euchre (a Midwest card game) and/or dominoes. Since both games are conducive to talking and visiting while one plays, sometimes our get-togethers go on for hours. What game have you spent the most hours playing?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,559 Member
    Did you forget that this is the thread for wrong answers?? Or does this mean I won’t get my bathroom cleaned after all? 😭

    The longest game is actually risk as it starts actual wars with family members and if yours are stubborn like mine, it goes on for days!!

    It’s a long weekend here in BC…family day weekend. How should we celebrate?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,319 Member
    edited February 2022
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    Did you forget that this is the thread for wrong answers?? Or does this mean I won’t get my bathroom cleaned after all? 😭
    Okay, okay. We don't really think Mrs. Nossmf is going to clean your bathroom, do we? If you throw in one more takeaway meal and go with me for lattes, I'll clean your bathroom in April when I do the kitchen.

    Somebody please answer this...
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    It's a long weekend here in BC…family day weekend. How should we celebrate?
  • sandejones
    sandejones Posts: 1,840 Member
    edited February 2022
    Because it is a family weekend it should go from Friday through to the following Friday . New Onesies, warm blankets and buckets of popcorn with a reliable movie channel. Pizza place on speed dial And a ticket system for the bathroom . Now your taken care of, I'm not sure what the rest of your family should do .

    My gardening people have been a way for 2 months but come back this week. Hubby has mowed the lawns every couple of weeks, but said it can wait for the gardener now. It is a jungle .How to I encourage him to do it one more time. (Edited to say its summer here)
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    When you say it's a jungle, he likely thinks you're exaggerating. Your job is to convince him you're serious. Start wearing a jungle explorer outfit...your choice whether you wear Angelina Jolie's outfit from Tomb Raider or Jack Black's outfit from Jumanji. Either way carry a machete in your hand every time you go out the back door, mutter loudly about quicksand and mosquitoes when you come back inside. Rent a tiger from the local zoo for a day to prowl around your yard. Every time you get ready to go outside, kiss your husband and say it's in case you don't make it back alive (do this at least 20 times per day). The day before the gardener's scheduled to return, go outside right before serving dinner and don't return until he comes to investigate why, only to discover your bloody body lying amongst the grass...I recommend getting costume makeup, but bonus points for realism if you actually go all the way. In his grief, your husband will undoubtedly mow the lawn again, rejoicing in your resurrection when he discovers your body "missing" after you sneak around to the front door, change into something revealing (costume makeup-free) and call out to him from the door that you are so proud he decided to mow the lawn without any prodding from you, and when he's done the two of you will celebrate his effort (after dinner and a shower, the savage).

    Both my son and my best friend have fallen asleep behind the wheel in the last month. Both are unharmed, only one resulted in an accident (son's car is totaled), but it got me thinking about how we can prevent anyone from falling asleep at the wheel ever again. Any suggestions?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,440 Member
    You've heard the phrase "Put a tiger in your tank!"? Well, take the tiger from the tank and put it in the back seat. No one is going to fall asleep with a tiger in the back seat.

    I mentioned elsewhere that my energy seems to ebb and flow. Currently, it seems to be ebbing, "the tide is out" so to speak. While ebb and flow is natural for the tides, I'd prefer to keep my energy flowing. How do I do that?