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  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,415 Member
    Memento! That movie is just so predictable, totally lacking in any mystery or confusion, and the scenes proceed in such a simple linear fashion that it brings tears to your eyes. If you've seen it, you know exactly what I mean. It was one of Christopher Nolan's early movies, based on a story by his brother Jonathan Nolan, so perhaps we can forgive him for creating such a boring simplistic movie so early in his career.

    How many times do you need to watch a movie in order to understand it?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,294 Member
    edited February 2022
    Seven seems to be the optimal number, based on a study I read online. I can't remember the name or the author of the study. It looks like I'll have to find and read it six more times in order to retain this information.

    Anyway, some key takeaways of this study are:
    1. If you watch a movie the topic of which you are already familiar with, you may retain more information and thus avoid fewer than seven viewings
    2. If you immerse yourself in the movie (dress as your favorite character, eat the same snacks they're eating on screen, wear VR goggles while watching) you, again, may be able to avoid having to watch the movie seven times
    3. To avoid needing more viewings than seven, it is best to do so while simultaneously following along with the written script

    What's the biggest turn off when you're talking with someone new?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Turning off the TV...
    Turning off the car ignition...
    Turning off the room light...
    Turning off the interstate...

    Oh, I know! If you aren't sure how well a blind date is going to go, arrange for a "safety buddy." Some people when first learning this skill will sit on the far side of the room, looking up and ready to intervene at a predetermined hand signal to help the unfortunate blind dater escape with dignity still intact. But the truly inventive go a step beyond. Arrange for your buddy to infiltrate the local power station and stand by the kill switch. At a predetermined time he/she will call you and ask a passphrase, such as "is your refrigerator running?" If the date is going well, you answer, "it is indeed," and the friend knows to exit the station, confident you are having a good time. If your answer is, "no, that's just silly talk, of course it's not running," then your friend will flip the kill switch and darken the entire town. With this ultimate in turn offs, you can now safely extradite yourself from this unfortunate situation by letting your blind date know you need to rush home and check on your gold fish, who are scared of the dark. Pretend you don't hear your date calling after you that he/she will call to reschedule.

    How many successful dates do you need to go on with somebody to know they are the one to spend the rest of your life with?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,294 Member
    edited February 2022
    Zero. Have you watched the totally unscripted and fully believable reality series, Married At First Sight? (Neither have I - just go with it.) So how it works is that a team of professionals takes a look at your life, what you're looking for in a relationship, what you think you need, and what they think you need, and then hopefully pair you up with a significant other who is perfect for you. Perfect being in the long-term sense, of course — even if you kind of hate them on your wedding day. Once you've tied the knot with this stranger, then you give it all up to chance and try to go on a honeymoon, move in together, combine your lives (and maybe even your finances), and stay married for six full weeks.

    It takes the hassle and worries about dating completely out of the equation. (At the end of it, if it doesn't work out, you'll have to make sure to put the fact that you're a divorcé and a former reality TV show star in your bio.)

    What's the reason you have been banned from an establishment (store, restaurant, church, 😆 etc.)?

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    My old college is fully aware that I do, in fact, know everything they are trying to sell, and they are paranoid that I will start either giving the information away or selling it for a steep discount compared to the tuition they are charging. Either way, in order to preserve their niche in the information-dissemination industry, they make regular payments to me in the form of hush money. But because of inflation and complex tax legislation, the money doesn't go into any account to which I have access, but rather is earmarked for future generations of my family. My accountant assures me the money is all there, and that I don't have to pay him a retainer as he will just accept his commission directly from the account which he oversees on my behalf. (Come to think of it, I haven't seen him since we set up this arrangement...he must be spending all his time handling the finances.) Won't my great grandchildren be pleased to discover this unexpected windfall when they reach college age!

    Starting a new business can be expensive. If you had an unlimited amount of funds at your disposal, what business would you begin?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,415 Member
    I think an ideal new business would be a wakeup service. The development cost and overhead would be minimal, so I'd be able to spend most of those unlimited funds on fun activities instead of on the business.
    The overwhelming majority of people (I'm assuming) need to get up most mornings by a certain time, for one reason or another. What they need is a simple service they can subscribe to for a nominal monthly fee, say $30.00 (that's roughly only a dollar a day). They would log on to the service and specify when they wanted to be woken up. The app for the service, running on their phone, would set off an alarm at the specified time. I don't know of any other such service currently available, so the market is wide open and ready to be captured.

    Since I haven't unlimited funds, should I perhaps present this idea on Shark Tank? I can't imagine they wouldn't all want to jump at the opportunity to invest in such a sure thing.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    I have not heard of Shark Tank?

    I imagine it works like this: you present your idea and if the panel does not like it they feed you to a tank of sharks.

    On this premise, No, I dont think you should present your idea

    Do I have to go to work tomorrow?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,294 Member
    edited February 2022
    Haven't you heard? Tomorrow is Switch Jobs with Someone Else day. So while you have to go to work, you don't have to go to your work. Find a rocket scientist or surgeon to switch with; that should be fun. Don't we know a rocket scientist? 🤔

    If I get a day off while I'm in Orlando, what should I do?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,551 Member
    edited February 2022
    Are you working in Orlando tomorrow, by any chance? 😏

    You must go to the Tupperware Museum and this little place that makes furniture, Carmine’s Oddity Boutique.

    What goal should I set for myself today?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,294 Member
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    Are you working in Orlando tomorrow, by any chance? 😏

    You must go to the Tupperware Museum and this little place that makes furniture.

    That sounds like great fun! Do you have a question?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,551 Member
    cmsienk wrote: »
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    Are you working in Orlando tomorrow, by any chance? 😏

    You must go to the Tupperware Museum and this little place that makes furniture.

    That sounds like great fun! Do you have a question?

    Yes, I’ve revised once. Once I put the pics in I couldn’t scroll down on my phone. 😒 I’ve added another other than if you’ll be in Orlando tomorrow as I want to switch jobs with you on your free day. 😂😂😂
  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 30,020 Member
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    Are you working in Orlando tomorrow, by any chance? 😏

    You must go to the Tupperware Museum and this little place that makes furniture, Carmine’s Oddity Boutique.

    What goal should I set for myself today?

    Since today is Monday, the most useful goal would be to work all your projects as if today is Friday, and try to finish everything today, as if it's before you're leaving on the weekend. That way, even though you have to show up the rest of the days of the week, you can goof off on those days.

    I want to convert my grassy backyard into a vegetable garden. How should I start preparing for this?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,294 Member
    edited February 2022
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    Are you working in Orlando tomorrow, by any chance? 😏

    You must go to the Tupperware Museum and this little place that makes furniture, Carmine’s Oddity Boutique.

    What goal should I set for myself today?
    I should have realized you were just formulating your most excellent question and not been so quick to assume you forgot. ;)

    I think today's goal should be to see how many free things you can get. I suggest going to several eating/drinking establishments and telling them it's your birthday - Starbucks for free coffee, any number of restaurants for free dessert, etc. Stop at the library and get a book - it doesn't matter if you don't have a library card; just take a book. After all - they're free. Stop at a gas station and pump some petrol. Drive away without paying. If anyone (like the police) stops you and tells you that you forgot to pay - just let them know it's your day for free things and they'll let you be on your merry way. Start making your list now... see how many free things you can get before the day is over.

    Ugh. Lag.....
    s1lm62 wrote:
    I want to convert my grassy backyard into a vegetable garden. How should I start preparing for this?

    No preparation necessary. Just go to the grocery store and buy the producre you'd like to plant. Once home, just plant each carrot, stalk of celery, cucumber, etc. right into the ground. Since it's going into your grass, you may need something sharp - like a pick axe. Each carrot, stalk of celery etc. will quadruple itself in small plants. That's it - your garden is on its way. You can even do it in the snow... but you'll have to wait until spring to see the results.

    On an average day, how many pigeons do you think you could reasonable carry?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    9,600 pigeons. It's basic math. An average work day is 8 hours long. I don't think you say you carry a pigeon for anything less than about 10 seconds, plus the time it takes to lay one load down and pick up the next, so let's call it 15 seconds per carry. Over 8 hours, that's 4 carries per minute, 240 carries per hour, or 1,920 carries over an average work day. With a bird per hand, that's 3,840 pigeons carried over an average day. Unless you count birds perched upon your shoulders and head as "carried" also, which increases the number to 9,600 pigeons on an average day for a reasonable person. Overachievers working 12-hr days or willing to hold their arms straight out to provide additional perching space can greatly exceed this number.

    This coming Sunday is the Super Bowl, the last game of the NFL season. What am I going to do with my Sunday afternoons between now and the fall, when the next NFL season resumes?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,415 Member
    There are ten's of things you could do. What immediately comes to mind is that there are many other exciting sports broadcasts that you could watch, as opposed to play. For instance, televised Golf is an exciting and gripping sport that you can enjoy from the comfort of your couch. But why settle for watching some sport when you could practice one? The Olympics is always adding new "sports", so why not practice a game that might some day soon become an Olympic sport? I'm thinking of Tiddlywinks. It's not something that a lot of people play, so if you became expert at it, you'd have very little competition. That means it's quite likely the Gold Metal would be yours when it becomes an Olympic event.

    Is it best to reheat pizza in the microwave, the oven, a frying pan, or some other way?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    I think you could convert to watching AFL - australian rules football.
    You can probably get it on some streaming service in US
    Runs from aprox Mid march till end of September - that's the men's season - shorter women's season is playing now so you could start with that
    Will nicely take you through to your fall

    If I give about 100 people a Covid jab today (true story) what damage will any leaking microchips do to me?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,294 Member
    Is it best to reheat pizza in the microwave, the oven, a frying pan, or some other way?
    I suggest you try reheating your pizza using a negative ion hairdryer. That is the superior way. But you cannot find these hairdryers in any hotel; you'll have to provide your own.
    If I give about 100 people a Covid jab today (true story) what damage will any leaking microchips do to me?
    I think you sustained about the same damage as standing in an open full-sized microwave. Please find a new job.

    What does it mean if one is constantly dreaming they're locked out of the house?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Freud would have something to say about how this symbolism means you are secretly attracted to your great aunt twice removed, but he was something of a one-track ninny whom nobody takes seriously. Your dream will mean two very different things depending on WHERE you are when you dream. If you are at home dreaming about being locked out of the house, it likely means you are suffering from short term amnesia where you forgot about actually entering your house and mistakenly believe subconsciously that you are not at home.. If, however, you are in a random hotel room when you dream about being locked out of the house, it means you actually are not at home.

    It seems the changing advice about eggs in the 80's (eat them...don't eat them...eat them...) has been replaced by changing advice about wearing masks (cloth are fine...only surgical quality will do...don't bother, all masks suck...). What do you think will be the source of the next round of constantly changing advice?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,294 Member
    I think the next round of constantly changing advice will be whether or not to wear shoes. It started with cavemen and women. Neither hunters nor gatherers needed shoes. The Industrial Revolution brought about the need for shoes. Those factory floors were greasy and no one wanted to step on metal shavings. This was followed by the '60s and the flower power, free-spirited hippies. 'Free love, no shoes' was their mantra. The 80s brought about office workers and high fashion. Not only were people wearing shoes, they were wearing shoes by designers like Manolo Blahnik and Cole Haan. Then came 2020 and the Covid shutdown. People started working from home. Not only were they not wearing shoes, they rarely got out of their pajamas. Pretty soon it will be time to go back to wearing shoes.

    What's your favorite/favourite smell?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    You mean other than the smell of B-S which is ripe throughout this thread? >:) Let us embrace the lovely potpourri of burning brain cells as individuals attempt, often unsuccessfully, to comprehend the full breadth and scope of my answers. Tis truly a gymnasium for mental linguistics that fully enhances the plethora of vocabulary available to my barely literate admirers...

    Cabbage. Boiled cabbage. Nothing to read in that struck-through paragraph. Move along.

    Why are we so alert and not ready to sleep at bed time, yet so groggy and not wanting to awaken to our cellular alarm service we paid $30/month for?